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This paper examines grandparents in various multicultural settings. A review of selected studies from Australia, Canada and the United States attempts to look at types and roles of grandparenthood including ethnic variations. The discussion includes a short review of grandparents raising grandchildren, divorce and grandparenting and volunteer grandparent programs. The results of a Canadian study related to Jewish-Ashkenazic and Sephardic grandmothers, who came to join their families in Canada as seniors is reported. Suggestions for further research and family life education are made since we have few studies completed in the 1990's on the topic of grandparenthood.  相似文献   


To assess supervisees' perceptions of supervision in AAMFT accredited programs, 72 supervisees from 14 degree programs responded to a questionnaire asking them to describe the supervision they were receiving and what they preferred. The majority reported perceiving their supervision as a mixed didactic-experiential style. Subjects were also asked to describe their perceived actual and preferred supervision on six dimensions. The findings showed that from supervisees' point of view, the quality of supervision in accredited programs is good, that some supervisees do not receive once per week supervision, and that the majority did not receive the style of supervision they preferred.  相似文献   

The debate between psychologists hostile and friendly to religion regarding whether religion promotes or deters depression is reviewed from a historical perspective. Two modes of religion can be seen as forming a continuum with one pole as a life-celebrating, self-affirming religion that deters depression and the other pole as a life-constricting, self-derogating religion that promotes depression. Counselors are advised to help lead religious clients out of depression by procedures aimed at moving them from unhealthy toward healthy religious modes  相似文献   

This paper discusses several aspects of multicultural supervision, reviews current research literature on cross cultural supervision, which would explain why it is important to be competent in multicultural supervision. The paper also describes the roles of the supervisor and supervision techniques that facilitate multicultural supervision. A Case example is provided for a better conceptualization of the techniques involved in multicultural supervision. The paper also addresses areas that need more research and literature within the field of cross-cultural supervision.  相似文献   

Supervisors representing different levels of experience viewed videotape vignettes of counselors demonstrating the first three developmental levels of Stoltenberg's (1981) Counselor Complexity Model. Supervisors assessed each counselor on his or her developmental level and on the supervision environment he or she would provide for the trainee. Results indicated that supervisor experience did not influence the assessment of developmental level or the ability to make accurate environmental matches. Nevertheless, supervisors had the most difficulty accurately assessing counselors representing Level 2 in Stoltenberg's model and tended to make relative judgments about counselor developmental level. Implications for training and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Intergenerational transmission of trauma (ITT) has increasingly been a topic of interest among researchers. What still appears lacking is the thorough understanding of ITT in various marginalized cultural groups. This special issue is the second part of a 2-part series that systematically reviews the literature, synthesizes the literature, and conducts original research in ITT in marginalized groups. Due to known devastating and far-reaching effects of ITT, the authors of the 4 articles in this special issue attempt to shed light on ITT mechanisms and salient sociocultural factors that might lead to or exacerbate ITT in 4 marginalized communities. The authors also offer suggestions on culturally responsive ways of healing from ITT in these cultural groups.  相似文献   

This article presents a definitive and explicit interpretation of multicultural education and proposes several viable approaches for emphasis in professional education programs for teachers and counselors.  相似文献   

Sixteen members of the Section for the Advancement of Women conference work group identified themes and issues relevant to a feminist multicultural perspective on supervision. Issues raised included feminist silence and White privilege, the importance of self‐examination, the courage to be anxious, personal commitment to uncertainty, and isolation versus support. Specific risks for supervisors and supervisees participating in feminist multicultural supervision are identified. Dieciséis miembros de una Sección para el Adelantamiento de Mujeres conferencia de grupo del trabajo identificaron los temas y ausuntos pertinente de una perspectiva feminista multicultural en la supervisión. Los asuntos elevados incluyeron el silencio feminista y el privilegio Blanco, la importancia del autoexamen, el valor para estar ansioso, compromiso personal para la incertidumbre, y el aislamiento en oposicion de apoyo. Los riesgos específicos para supervisores y supervisa tomando parte en la supervisión feminista multicultural se identifica.  相似文献   

Reports of supervisors' and supervisees' critical incidents in multicultural supervision were used to (a) explore events in supervision that influenced supervisees' multicultural competence, (b) explore how supervision was experienced differently by supervisors and supervisees, and (c) identify recommendations for improving multicultural supervision. Implications for training and research are discussed. Los reportes de incidentes críticos en la supervisión multicultural fueron utilizados para (a) explorar los acontecimientos en la supervisión que influyeron la competencia multicultural de los supervisados (b) explorar cómo la supervisión fue experimentada diferentemente por los supervisores y los supervisados e (c) identificar recomendaciones para mejorar la supervisión multicultural. Se discuten las implicaciones para la instrucción e investigación en esta area.  相似文献   

Doss  Brian D.  Hopkins  J. Roy 《Sex roles》1998,38(9-10):719-741
The Multicultural Masculinity Ideology Scale(MMIS) measures an individual's adaptation andinternalization of a culture's norms about how menshould act. This study extends previous research onmasculinity ideology by generating a scale representingmultiple cultural perspectives using 190 Chilean, 283Anglo-American, and 296 African-American undergraduates.The psychometric properties of the MMIS were established using principal components analysis, convergentvalidity tests, and internal-consistency and test-retestreliability. Two components consistent across culturesemerged: Hypermasculine Posturing and Achievement. In addition, there were culturally-specificcomponents: Toughness, Pose, and Responsibility amongChileans; Sensitivity among Anglo-Americans; and SexualResponsibility among African-Americans. Results indicate that the MMIS can be useful forexamining a variety of research questions relating toculture and masculinity.  相似文献   

Stories have long been used in various cultures and settings to help make meaning and enhance awareness. The authors describe how reflection on and discussion of myths and fairy tales in supervision may help transcend cultural boundaries and increase multicultural understanding. Las historias se han utilizado durante mucho tiempo en diversas culturas y escenarios para facilitar la comprensión de significado y aumentar el nivel de conciencia. Los autores describen cómo la reflexión y la discusión de mitos y cuentos en la supervisión pueden ayudar a trascender barreras culturales y elevar el entendimiento multicultural.  相似文献   

Psychotherapy supervision has now celebrated its first centennial, is poised to move boldly forward into its second century of contribution to psychotherapy education, and seems perfectly positioned to further advance our knowledge about and practice of how to effectively facilitate, influence, and mentor our supervisees. Professional interest in and recognition of psychotherapy supervision appears to be at an all time high, and its value as a potentially alchemical educational event seems increasingly incontrovertible. But if supervision is to maintain and even enhance its substance and significance in 21st century psychotherapy education, what are the matters to which we as supervision practitioners, researchers, and theorists must vigilantly attend and vigorously address? In this special supervision issue of the Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, we would like to examine some of those matters. The topics that are addressed include: competencies, evidence-based practice, and supervising psychoanalytic/psychodynamic, cognitive/behavioral, humanistic/existential, and integrative/eclectic psychotherapies. The binding theme of “pressing needs and impressing possibilities” will be evident throughout this journal issue. In this introductory paper, I briefly define psychotherapy supervision, consider its beginnings, provide a rationale for this special issue, and identify the specific questions that give focus and frame to each of the succeeding contributions.  相似文献   

This paper offers a framework for understanding intersectionality and its role within marriage and family therapy multicultural supervision. An explanation of intersectionality, social identity relationships, multicultural supervision foundations and the influence of power through supervision will be discussed. Further, this paper will describe foundational concepts in the multicultural supervisory dyad and challenges integrating intersectionality within marriage and family therapy supervision. Implications for clinical supervision and research directions are discussed through cross cultural models, a randomized control design and conversation analysis.  相似文献   

As we proceed through our professional lives, it is essential that we challengeourselves in order to continue to develop our genetic counseling skills. Conferences, workshops,post-graduate courses, journal clubs, and involvement in professional organizations havebecome the traditional methods of continuing education for post-graduate geneticcounselors. While these forums address the need to stay updated on scientific orinformation-based topics, there is little available to counselors to promote growth incounseling skills. A group of Boston-based genetic counselors describe how their leader-ledsupervision group has established a setting to meet the needs of its members both forsupport and continued counseling training. We outline here the evolution of this group andhow it has become a valued part of our professional lives. We feel that the model of leader-ledpeer supervision holds great value in helping genetic counselors continue to enhancetheir interpersonal skills in a supportive, safe, and challenging environment. It is our hopethat others will elect to form similar groups in their own communities, thereby creating newopportunities for growth within the genetic counseling profession.  相似文献   

In this study we explore how the “match” between supervisor and supervisee on contextual variables affects both conflict and the working alliance, which affects supervisee satisfaction. Participants included 132 supervisees in academic programs nationwide. The extent of match between supervisor and supervisee characteristics was not found to impact conflict, the working alliance, or supervisees’ satisfaction with supervision. Working alliance was highly predictive of supervisee satisfaction. Despite the findings that match was not related to working alliance or satisfaction, we believe that supervisors should still have open discussions with supervisees about their similarities and differences.  相似文献   

Multicultural competency has been identified as essential to effective and ethical practice, particularly in the area of trainee supervision. Yet little is known about how multicultural issues are addressed in the supervision process. Counseling and psychology trainees who indicated a high degree of interest in multicultural issues were interviewed about their supervisory experiences to assess their perceptions of culturally competent supervision. Constant comparative methodology was used to analyze the data. Limitations and implications for research are discussed.  相似文献   

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