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The emphasis on multicultural counseling during the past 20 years has influenced the increase in scholarly publications on this topic. The authors report the findings of a content analysis of 102 multicultural‐centered articles. Journal of Counseling & Development issues spanning 1990–2001 were evaluated. Findings are reported for methodology, populations discussed, applied settings, and authors' roles and institutional affiliations. Findings indicate that there has been an increase of multicultural‐focused publications since 1990 and that publications are more exploratory and developmental rather than pathology‐oriented.  相似文献   

This study examined the content of the Journal of Counseling & Development. Collected data were used to identify various changes and trends over time. A content analysis was conducted for a 9-year period (Volumes 67–74). Articles were cross-classified into 11 categories of topics with 7 subcategories and then grouped by the 3 editorship periods during this time. Topics were then evaluated and ranked for each editorship to identify possible trends. An overall ranking of topics is provided, as well as rankings of contributing authors, institutional affiliations, and states represented by contributing authors. Results are compared with an earlier content analysis (Pelsma & Cesari, 1989) of Volumes 48 to 66.  相似文献   

A content analysis of the research published in the Journal of Counseling & Development (JCD) was conducted for Volumes 74 (1996) through 84 (2006). Frequency distributions were used to identify the most published authors and their institutional affiliations, as well as some basic characteristics (type of sample, gender, and ethnicity) of the study samples. Results are compared with 2 previous content analyses (D. M. Pelsma & J. P. Cesari, 1989; M. E. Williams & W. C. Buboltz, 1999).  相似文献   

The authors present a content analysis of syllabi from introductory multicultural counseling training (MCT) courses. Results suggest that these courses focus on knowledge of other cultural groups, emphasize the cultural identity exploration of the student at a lower level of training, and almost completely ignore the development of skills. The study revealed that MCT frequently includes groups beyond racial and ethnic minority groups. A broad range of instructional strategies are used, with a handful being used on a frequent basis. Los autores presentan un análisis del contenido de planes de estudios empleados en cursos introductorios de formación en consejería multicultural (MCT, por sus siglas en inglés). Los resultados sugieren que estos cursos se centran en el conocimiento de otros grupos culturales, enfatizan la exploración de la identidad cultural del alumno en los niveles iniciales de su formación e ignoran casi por completo el desarrollo de habilidades. El estudio reveló que la MCT incluye con frecuencia grupos aparte de las minorías raciales y étnicas. Se utiliza una amplia gama de estrategias didácticas, un puñado de las cuales se emplea frecuentemente.  相似文献   

A content analysis of the Journal of Counseling and Development was conducted for a 19-year period (Vols. 48–66). Articles were cross-classified under content headings and then grouped by the four editorship periods during this time (e.g., Goldman, 1969–1975; Sue, 1975–1978; Barclay, 1978–1984; Goodyear, 1984–1988). Results were compared to earlier studies to illustrate changes and trends in both the counseling professions and the Journal.  相似文献   

The results of a content analysis of volumes 18–22 of JMCD are presented and related to findings of 5 and 10 years earlier. Trends are identified along with issues for future development of the journal.  相似文献   

Training multiculturally competent counselors has become a timely topic, but what underlying philosophical assumptions shape this issue? The multicultural movement has indeed contributed to our greater and much needed understanding and appreciation of the real differences among racial, ethnic, and cultural groups. The current focus on the influence of the cultural background of the individual, however, need not be at the expense of the equally important influences of individual differences and human universal tenets. The new decade for multi-culturalism calls for balance. This article attempts to redefine multicultural counseling using an Afrocentric, holistic, optimal theory that views individuals as unique manifestations of spirit, thus sharing a common core. From this perspective, all counseling is multicultural. Multicultural counseling competencies are then reconceptualized as fundamental counseling skills achieved through self-knowledge and a shift in worldview. As the counselor brings into conscious awareness the various aspects of himself or herself, he or she becomes aware of the universal interconnectedness and interdependence of all life. With this new holistic worldview, the differences among people take on a new meaning. This article explores the consequences of an alternate worldview on the way we conceptualize multiculturalism. The implications of this redefinition of multicultural counseling for training, practice, and research are explored. El entrenamiento de consejeros multiculturalmente competentes ha llegado a ser un tema oportuno¿ pero cuáles son las asunciones filosóficas que dan forma a este asunto? El movimiento multicultural sí ha contribuido a nuestro entendimiento y a la apreciación de las diferencias verdaderas entre grupos raciales, étnicos, y culturales. Sin embargo, el enfoque general de la influencia de la historia cultural del individuo no tiene que ser a costa de las influencias igualmente importantes de diferencias indiviudales y credos humanos universales. La nueva decada de multiculturalismo exige un balance. Este articulo intenta redefinir la consejería multicultural utilizando un teoria afrocéntrica, holística, y óptima que ve a los individuos como manifestaciones únicas del espíritu, compartiendo una esencia común. Desde está perspectiva, toda la consejería es multicultural. Se reconceptualizan las competencias de consejería multicultural como talentos fundamentales de consejería adquiridos por un auto-conocimiento y un cambio de visión universal. Mientras el consejero lleva varios aspectos de sí mismo al consciente, él o ella se da cuenta de la interconexión e interdependencia universal de todos los seres. Con esta nueva visión universal holística, las diferencias entre la gente llega a tener un significado nuevo. Este articulo explora las consecuencias de una visión universal alternativa de como conceptualizamos el multiculturalismo. Se investigan las implicaciones de esta redifinición de consejería multicultural en entrenamiento, práctica, e investigación.  相似文献   

This study reviewed the content of articles and characteristics of samples in all quantitative articles published in the Journal of Counseling & Development between 1991 and 2000. The content analysis revealed that the areas that received the most attention were academic/career, multicultural issues, symptoms/disorders, and counseling process. Gender was reported in 88%, race/ethnicity in 60%, socioeconomic status in 11%, and sexual orientation in 1% of the articles. Implications for future research are addressed.  相似文献   

The author examined the underlying factors of the Association of Multicultural Counseling and Development's (AMCD) Multicultural Competencies. One hundred fifty‐one professional counselors who are members of the American Counseling Association responded to a survey that included items reflecting AMCD's multicultural competencies and Explanatory Statements. An exploratory factor analysis revealed 5 multicultural competencies factors: Awareness, Knowledge, Definitions of Terms, Racial Identity Development, and Skills.  相似文献   

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