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The lexeme personality and its derivatives have played an important role in the development of Slavophile teachings. Slavophilism is a comprehensive utopian project and includes philosophical, theological, social and political ideas and concepts. It intends to provide a justification for certain religious and social ideals as well as for a vision of the historical direction in which Russia should continue to develop. The article discusses the essence of this justification, its background and development through the analysis of the lexeme as used by the Slavophiles.  相似文献   


Two experiments were performed with trilingual subjects, for whom Arabic was the first language and Hebrew and English were then acquired. The first experiment employed a tnhgual Stroop colour naming test to measure the different interference effects among the three languages. In the second experiment, a trilingual picture—word naming paradigm was used to compare picture naming and translations in the three languages. The results of the two experiments indicate a coordinate relationship between Hebrew and English, and a compound relationship between eacb of these two languages and Arabic. The pattern of these relationships gives support to the suggestion that the relationship between the representations of the different languages should be seen from a developmental perspective.  相似文献   

Personality constructs were proposed to describe intraindividual variability in interpersonal behavior. Flux refers to variability about an individual's mean score on an interpersonal dimension and was examined for the 4 poles of the interpersonal circumplex. Pulse and spin refer to variability about an individual's mean extremity and mean angular coordinate on the interpersonal circumplex. These constructs were measured using event-contingent recording. Latent state-trait analyses indicated high stability of flux in submissive, agreeable, and quarrelsome behaviors and some stability in the flux of dominance. Further analyses indicated moderate to high stability in pulse and spin. Neuroticism predicted greater pulse, spin, and submissive behavior flux. Extraversion predicted greater flux in agreeable behavior. In contrast, Agreeableness predicted reduced spin and quarrelsome behavior flux. Social environmental variables predicted greater flux in dominant behavior. Flux, pulse, and spin provide reliable and distinctive additions to the vocabulary for describing individual differences.  相似文献   

A taxonomy of situations was constructed that categorizes situations by means of ratings of one's ability to deal with those situations. A principal components analysis of self‐ and other‐ratings yielded four components of situations: I, situations of pleasure; II, situations of individual adversity; III, situations of interpersonal conflict; and IV, situations of social demand. Ratings of being able to deal with a situation were related to ratings on a personality questionnaire. This resulted in a very clear set of situations for each of the Big Five factors of personality. The Big Five differed in kind and in number of situations for which they were able to distinguish the well handling from the less well handling persons. Especially, it turned out that the so‐called temperament‐factors, Extraversion, Emotional Stability, and also Autonomy, give rise to more situational differentiation than the so‐called character‐factors, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. Comparing the present situation structure to that obtained in an earlier study, we found that using the same set of situations does not guarantee obtaining the same set of situation components. Different methods of classification yield differences in the resulting classifications. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Since the 1920s, the road to the acknowledgement of personality psychology as a field of scientific psychology that has individuality as its object began with the founding of the discipline by Gordon W. Allport. Historians of psychology have made serious attempts to reconstruct the cultural, political, institutional, and chronological beginnings of this field in America in the 20th century. In this literature, however, an important European tradition of psychological studies of personality that developed in France in the 2nd half of the 19th century has been overlooked. The aim of this article is to cast some light on this unexplored tradition of psychological personality studies and to discuss its influence on the development of the scientific study of personality in the United States.  相似文献   

Recent developments in Rorschach psychology, including nomothetic approaches focused on scores, ratios, and indices and idiographic approaches focused on content emerging from psychoanalytic theory, offer the Rorschach clinician a rich and potent interpretive methodology. This article examines the structural diagnosis of personality organization with a focus on psychotic personality structure. Rorschach approaches to the differential diagnosis of psychotic personality organization are presented. The Rorschach is viewed as indispensible in the differential diagnosis of personality organization, especially in the so-called "borderline" cases.  相似文献   

The controversy surrounding two particular problems has stymied the development of a consensus view concerning the structure of personality. First, there has been disagreement concerning the ‘independence’ of introversion-extraversion and measures of neuroticism. The other problem concerns the ‘duality’ of introversion-extraversion and whether it is even useful to retain this concept when it may only represent a ‘shotgun wedding’ of ‘sociability’ and ‘impulsivity’. Recent findings are discussed which relate to the neurophysiological underpinnings of personality. It is suggested that these findings, and the associated model, lie outside the circulus vitiosus of factor analysis and therefore that they provide a basis for resolving the independence and duality issues. It is argued that the tendency for introversion-extraversion to correlate with neuroticism only reflects a degree of coincidence and not equivalence. The psychological coincidence is conceived as resulting from the anatomical linkage of different neurophysiological subsystems which provide the substrata for the two personality dimensions. It is also argued that the ‘sociability’ and ‘impulsivity’ duality relates to distinct ‘sensitivity’ and ‘synergistic’ aspects of thalamocortical arousability. These distinct arousability dimensions nevertheless both contribute to the effectiveness of descending inhibitory projections that act on the brain-stem reticular formation and hence determine introversion-extraversion differences. In this scheme of things the three psychological dimensions are different but again there are anatomical linkage correlations reflecting coincidence rather than equivalence.  相似文献   

儒家的人格结构及心理学扩展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人生儒学的核心是"成人"。"成人"的构成的因素和结构如何?这是理解儒家学理、中国人精神面貌的重要方面。文章从儒家典籍入手,归纳出其人格结构因素为"仁"、"礼"、"知"三因素。"仁"、"礼"、"知"体现出"德"属性,互动决定了儒家人格结构的"仁道"终极目标和"知命"社会功能——"命"可行时,外在事功,实现"外王";"命"不可行时,内在超越,完善心灵。"仁"、"礼"、"知"的充分发展并"知命",即为圣人、君子;不完全发展,即为民;缺乏则为小人。文章进而尝试从儒家的人格结构拓展出现代心理学意义的人格结构理论。  相似文献   

We examined the joint structure of symptoms/syndromes of psychopathology (MMPI-2 Restructured-Clinical Scales; MMPI-2-RC; Tellegen et al., 2003) and maladaptive personality traits (Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality; SNAP-2; Clark, Simms, Wu, & Casillas, 2014) via a series of top-down factor analyses—Goldberg (2006) “bass-ackwards approach”—in a sample of 419 mental-health outpatients and 567 military veterans. A three-factor solution consisting of Negative Affectivity (including Oddity), Low Positive Affectivity, and Disinhibition-versus-Constraint best represented the joint symptom-trait structure, consistent with the third level of Markon et al. (2005) joint hierarchical structure of normal and maladaptive personality traits. Our results point to robustness of the structure of adaptive and maladaptive personality traits and symptoms of psychopathology at the three-factor level.  相似文献   

Current models of spoken word recognition take into account factors such as word frequency, word onset cohort size, and phonological neighborhood density. Using the word onset gating technique we tested word recognition when bandpass filtering was used to allow subjects to hear the full prosodic pattern of a word (number of syllables and syllabic stress), deprived of segmental information beyond that contained in the onset gate. Subjects also heard either word onsets plus duration information or only word onsets. Results suggest that word prosody is represented in the mental lexicon and is effectively used by listeners in spoken word recognition.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to explore the hypothesis that Broca's and Wernicke's aphasics have deficits arising from the processes involved in activating the lexicon from phonological form. The first study explored whether phonologically similar lexical entries differing only in their initial consonants show "rhyme priming." Results revealed that Broca's aphasics failed to show facilitation when the target was identical to the prime (i.e. identity priming) and they showed significant inhibition when targets were preceded by rhyming words. Wernicke's aphasics showed a pattern of results similar to that of normal subjects, i.e., identity priming and rhyme priming as well as significantly slower reaction-times in the rhyming condition compared to the identity condition. The second study investigated form-based repetition priming in aphasic patients at a number of intervals including when no other stimuli intervened between repeated stimuli (0 lag) or when 4, 8, or 12 stimuli intervened. Results showed that, unlike old normal subjects who showed repetition priming for both words and nonwords, both Broca's and Wernicke's aphasics showed repetition priming for word targets only. Moreover, in contrast to old normal subjects who showed a greater magnitude of priming at 0 lag for word targets, neither Broca's aphasics or Wernicke's aphasics showed priming at 0 lag. Implications of these findings are considered with respect to the hypotheses that Broca's and Wernicke's aphasics have deficits in the nature of the activation patterns within the lexicon itself and in auditory (working) memory.  相似文献   

Personality psychology has recognized a fundamental 5-factor structure that has integrated and organized theory and research. Nevertheless, personality-like differences beyond that structure have been identified. In heretofore unrelated research, dispositional empathy has been an essential construct in understanding human development, behavior, and interpersonal relationships. Addressing a gap in the literature, we map multidimensional dispositional empathy into 2 versions of the 5-factor space. Empathic concern is closely related to agreeableness, and personal distress is closely related to neuroticism. Perspective taking has complex, interstitial relationships with the 5 factors. In contrast, fantasy is not well explained by the 5 factors. We discuss the implications of these findings for understanding dispositional empathy and for understanding the 5-factor structure, its correlates in emotional processes and experiences, and its limits.  相似文献   

present a theory of ego development as composed of several substructures related so that achievement of a given stage in one substructure is necessary but not sufficient for achieving the corresponding stage of another. The postulation of an exact relation belies what is known of the texture of human behavior and is premature in the absence of precise measurement of the several substructures and precise matching of stages. An alternative, the empirical method of simultaneously constructing a measure of ego development and portraits of the several stages, which Snarey et al. criticize for lack of strict logical coherence, is in the best tradition of contemporary science. The stage portraits are “prototypes” or “fuzzy sets.” Any mental structure can be divided into substructures, but the most general, superordinate structure is likely to prove most useful.  相似文献   

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