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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
J ung , C. G. The visions seminars.
M c G uire , W illiam and H ull , R. F. C. (Eds.). C. G. Jung speaking: Interviews and encounters.
C arotenuto , A ldo . (Ed.). The annual of Italian analytical psychologists.
G uggenbühl -C raig , A dolf . Marriage—dead or alive.
W innicott , D. W. The Piggle (Ed. I. Ramzy).
B lum , H arold P., M.D. (Ed.). Female psychology: contemporary psychoanalytic views.
R obert , M arthe . From Oedipus to Moses
B iller , H enry B. Father, child and sex rôle.
E liade , M ircea . No souvenirs, Journal 1957–1969.  相似文献   

C. G. Jung Letters. (Volume 1.) Selected and edited by G. Adler in collaboration with A. Jaffe. Translated by R. F. C. Hull
M ax S chur : Freud: living and dying
C. A. M eier : Die Bedeutung des Träumes (The significance of the dream)
H ans D ieckmann : Träume als Sprache der Seele (Dreams as language of the soul)
F. P erls , R. F. H efferline , P. G oodman . Gestalt therapy
M ario M oreno : La Dimensione Simbolica
The psychoanalytic study of the child. Vol. 27. Ed. A nna F reud , H. H artman , and E. K ris
Annual survey of psychoanalysis (A comprehensive survey of current psychoanalytic thought and practice). Vol. 10, 1959. Ed. F rosch J. and R oss N.
M aurice M erleau -P onty . Vorlesungen I. Phenomenologisch-psychologische Forschungen, Vol. 9. Translated from the French by Alexandre Métraux
H enry V. D icks . Licensed mass murder; a socio-psychological study of some S. S. killers
Analytical psychology: a modern science. (Ed. M. F ordham , R. G ordon , J. H ubback , K. L ambert , M. W illiams .)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
L iliane F hey -R ohn : Von Freud zu Jung (From Freud to Jung)
W illiam W illeford : The fool and his scepter
M oreno , M. Psicodinamica della Contestazione (Psychodynamics of the Student revolt)
A nna F reud , H einz H artmann et al.: The psychoanalytic study of the child , Vol. XXIV
E rnst L. F reud (Ed.): The letters of Sigmund Freud and Arnold Zweig , translated by Professor and Mrs W. D. Robson-Scott
P aul R oazen : Brother animal: the story of Freud and Tausk
D. L. B urnham , A. I. G ladstone , R. W. G ibson : Schizophrenia and the need-fear dilemma
W illiam B itter : Der Verlust der Seele (Loss of Soul)
J. D. S utherland and H. S. G ill : Language and psychodynamic appraisal  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1986,39(2):421-494
Book reviewed in this article:
N ational R esearch C ouncil . Office Workstations in the Home.
F rank , R obert H. Choosing the Right Pond: Human Behavior and the Quest for Status.
Readings in Professional Personnel Assessment.
J acoby , J acob and O lson , J erry C. (Eds). Perceived Quality: How Consumers View Stores and Merchandise.
R ajan , A min . Training and Recruitment Effects of Technical Change.
B aird , L loyd . Managing Performance.
N urick , A aron J. Participation in Organizational Change: The TV A Experiment.
K nights , D avid , W illmott , H ugh , and C ollinson , D avid (Eds).
B ittel , L ester R. and R amsey , J ackson E. (Eds.). Handbook for Professional Managers.
T racey , W illiam R. (Ed.). Human Resources Management and Development Handbook.
T aylor , B ernard and L ippitt , G ordon (Eds.). Management Development and Training Handbook (2nd ed).
P feiffer , J. W illiam (Ed.). A Handbook of Structured Experiences: Vol. X.
F olkard , S imon and M onk , T imothy H (Eds). Hours of Work: Temporal Factors in Work Scheduling.
M c C ormick , E rnest J. and I lgen , D aniel . Industrial and Organizational Psychology (8th ed.).
L ansbury , R ussell D. and D avis , E dward M (Eds.). Technology, Work and Industrial Relations.
G ilmour , P eter and L ansbury , R ussell D. Marginal Manager: The Changing Role of Supervisors in Australia.
W alsh , W. B ruce and B etz , N ancy E. Tests and Assessment.
H unt , J ames G. and B lair , J ohn D. (Eds.). Leadership on the Future Battlefield.
C omer , J ames M. and D ubinsky , A lan J. Managing the Successful Sales Force.
K haleque , A. (Ed.). Job Satisfaction and Work in Industry: Three Case Studies in Bangladesh.
B roadwell , M artin M. (Ed.) Supervisory Handbook: A Management Guide to Principles and Applications.
F arley , J ennie (Ed.). Women Workers in Fifteen Countries: Essays in Honor of Alice Hanson Cook.  相似文献   

S tein , M urray , (ed.) Jungian Analysis.
J affé , A. (Ed.) Word and Image.
H ogenson , G. B. Jung's Struggle with Freud
S chafer , R oy . The Analytic Attitude.
G ear , M., H ill , M., L iendo , E. Working Through Narcissism: Treating its Sadomasochistic Structure.
R ollins , W. G. Jung and the Bible.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
S andler , J. (Ed.). Projection, Identification, Projective Identification .
M eier , C. A. The Meaning and Significance of Dreams. Volume II of The Psychology of C. G. Jung.
M enzies L yth , I. Containing Anxiety in Institutions: Selected Essays.
T homä , H. and K ächele , H. Psychoanalytic Practice. Vol. I, Principles.
W innicott , D. W. Babies and their Mothers.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
J ung , C. G. The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1932
P apadopoulos , R enos K. (ed.). Carl Gustav Jung: Critical Assessments
S poto , A ngelo . Jung's Typology in Perspective
S tein M urray (ed.). The Interactive Field In Analysis: Volume One
S tevens , A nthony . The Two-Million-Year Old Self
B ollas , C hristopher & S undelson , D avid . The New Informants, The Betrayal of Confidentiality in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
S hepherd , R., J ohns , J. & R obinson H. R. (eds). D. W. Winnicott Thinking About Children
C lay , J ohn . R. D. Laing: A Divided Self
C oltart , N ina . The Baby and the Bathwater  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1955,8(2):275-289
Book Reviewed in This Article:
S heldon , W illiam H. Atlas of Men: A Guide for Somatotyping the Adult Male at all Ages.
B rown , J. A. C. The Social Psychology of Industry.
R oethlisberger , F. J., L ombard , G eorge F., and R ankin , H arriet O. Training for Human Relations.
O tis , J ay L. and L eukart , R ichard H. Job Evaluation
A dams , W alter (Ed.) The Structure of American Industry: Some Case Studies.
R iley , M atilda W hite , R iley , J ohn W., J r ., and T oby , J ackson . Sociological Studies in Scale Analysis.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1986,39(1):149-263
Book reviewed in this article: London , Manuel . Developing Managers. Sorcher , Melvin . Predicting Executive Success: What it Takes to Make it into Senior Management. Friedman , Paul G. AND Yarbrough , Elaine A. Training Strategies from Start to Finish. Neff , Walter S. Work and Human Behavior (3rd Ed.). Czepiel , John A., Solomon , Michael R., AND Surprenant , Carol F. The Service Encounter: Managing Employee/Customer Interactions in Service Businesses. Schein , Edgar H. Organization Culture and Leadership: A Dynamic View. Farmer , Richard N. AND Hogue , W. Dickerson . Corporate Social Responsibility (2nd Ed.). Berk , Ronald A. (Ed.). A Guide to Criterion-Referenced Test Construction. Wlodkowski , Raymond J. Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn. Cummings , L. L. AND Frost , Peter J. (Eds.). Publishing in the Organizational Sciences. Bell , Chip R. AND Nadler , Leonard (Eds.). Clients and Consultants: Meeting and Exceeding Expectations (2nd Ed.). Connor , Richard A., Jr . AND Davidson , Jeffrey P. Marketing Your Consulting and Professional Services. Lawler , Edward E., Ill, Mohrman , Allan M, Jr ., Mohrman , Susan A., Ledford , Gerald E., Jr ., Cummings , Thomas G. AND Associates . Doing Research That is Useful for Theory and Practice. Elliston , Frederick , Keenan , John , Lockhart , Paula , AND Van Schaick , Jane . Whistleblowing: Managing Professional Dissent in the Workplace. Pennings , Johannes M. AND Associates . Organizational Strategy and Change: New Views on Formulating and Implementing Strategic Decisions. Brakel , Aat (Ed.). People and Organizations Interacting. Vaughn , Bobby C, Hoy , Frank , AND Buchanan , W. Wray . Employee Development Programs: An Organizational Approach. Rosenblat , Paul C, De Mik , Leni , Anderson , Roxanne , Marie , AND Johnson , Patricia . The Family in Business. Weihrich , Heinz . Management Excellence: Productivity Through MBO. Hanlon , Martin D., Nadler , David A. and Gladstein , Deborah . Attempting Work Reform: The Case of “Parkside” Hospital. Davis , Keith and Newstrom , John W. Human Behavior at Work: Organizational Behavior (7th Ed.). Davis , Keith and Newstrom , John W. Organizational Behavior: Readings and Exercises (7th Ed.). Megginson , Leon C. Personnel Management: A Human Resources Approach (5th Ed.). Davidson , Marilyn J. AND Cooper , Cary L. (Eds.) Working Women: An International Survey. Hartmann , Heidi I. (Ed.) Comparable Worth: New Directions for Research. Dennis Doverspike Assistant Professor of Psychology University of Akron Akron, Ohio Rosenbach , William E. and Taylor , Robert L. (Eds.). Contemporary Issues in Leadership. Blake , Robert R. and Mouton , Jane S. The Managerial Grid HI: The Key to Leadership Excellence (3rd Ed.). Federico , Pat -Anthony with the assistance of Kim E. Brun and Douglas B. Mc Calla . Management Information Systems and Organizational Behavior (2nd Ed.). Ronen , Simcha , Alternative Work Schedules: Selecting, Implementing and Evaluating. George , Claude S. Supervision in Action: The Art of Managing Others (4th Ed.). Beehr , Terry A. AND Bhagat , Rabi S. (Eds.). Human Stress and Cognition in Organizations: An Integrated Perspective. Globerson , Schlomo . Performance Criteria and Incentive Systems (Advances in Industrial Engineering, 1). Kravetz , Dennis J. Getting Noticed: A Manager's Success Kit.  相似文献   

Chiron: a new review of Jungian analysis
J acoby , M ario . The Analytic Encounter: Transference and Human Relationship.
W estman , H einz . The Structure of Biblical Myths. The Ontogenesis of the Psyche.
P apadopoulos , R. S aayman , G. (eds.). Jung in Modern Perspective.
J ensen , F erne (Ed.). C. G. Jung, Emma Jung and Toni Wolff. A Collection of Remembrances.
L awrence , M arilyn . The Anorexic Experience.
S pignesi , A ngelyn . Starving Women. A Psychology of Anorexia Nervosa.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
F ordham M ichael , The self and autism.
M oreno , M ario . Vend argomenti per un seminario di psicoterapia.
K raemer , W illiam ( ed. ); G ordon , R osemary ; W illiams , M ary ; L ambert , K enneth , The forbidden love.
M ahler , M argaret S.; P ine , F. and B ergman , The psychological birth of the infant.
H olbrook , D avid , Gustav Mahler and the courage to be
R oazen , P aul , Freud and his followers
L ayard , J ohn . A Celtic quest
V on D er H eydt , V era , Prospects for the soul
S hapiro , K enneth J oel , and I rving , E. A lexander , The experience of introversion
V an der P ost , L. Jung and the story of our time
K ahn , J. H., Job's illness. Loss, grief and integration.
F romm , E., S uzuki , D. T. and de M artino , R. Zen Buddhism and psychoanalysis  相似文献   

K ast , V erena . The Nature of Loving: Patterns of Human Relationship
S andler , J oseph . From Safety to Superego: Selected Papers of Joseph Sandier
S pillius , E lizabeth B ott (ed.). Melanie Klein Today. Developments in Theory and Practice
R odman , R obert F. (Ed.) The Spontaneous Gesture: Selected Letters of D. W. Winnicott
S tern , D aniel N. The Interpersonal World of the Infant. A View from Psychoanalysis and Developmental Psychology
R oith , E stelle . The Riddle of Freud. Jewish Influences on his Theory of Female Sexuality
B rown , N. O., L evertov , D., L ifton , R. J., H illman , J., et al
H inshelwood , R. D. What Happens in Groups: Psychoanalysis, the Individual and the Community  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1957,10(2):247-273
Books reviewed in this article:
W hyte , W illiam H., JR. The Organization Man
S hartle , C arroll L. Executive Performance and Leadership
S togdill , R alph M., S hartle , C arroll L., S cott , E llis L., C oons , A lvin E., AND J aynes , W illiam E. A Predictive Study of Administrative Work Patterns
F leishman , E dwin A., H arris , E dwin F., AND B urtt , H arold E. Leadership and Supervision in Industry: An Evaluation of a Supervisory Training Program
F rancis , R oy G., AND S tone , R obert C. Service and Procedure in Bureaucracy: A Case Study
B endix , R einhard . Work and Authority in Industry (Ideologies of Management in the Course of Industrialization)
B ursk , E dward C. (Ed.) Human Relations for Management .
McCL oskey , J oseph F., AND C oppinger , J ohn M. (Eds.) Operations Research for Management, Volume II (Case Histories, Methods, and Information Handling)
H ickman , C. A ddison , AND K uhn , M anford H. Individuals, Groups, and Economic Behavior
D etroit F ree P ress . Motivation Research Looks at Detroit Newspaper Readers
G ilman , G lenn . Human Relations in the Industrial Southeast (A Study of the Textile Industry)
G uilford , J. P. Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education
F arnsworth , P. R., AND McN emar , Q. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 8, 1967  相似文献   

H enderson , J oseph , L. Shadow and Self: Selected Papers in Analytical Psychology .
J ung , C. G. Analytical Psychology: Notes of the Seminar given in 1925 .
H opcke , R obert H. Jung, Jungians, and Homosexuality .
J acoby , M ario . Individuation & Narcissism: The Psychology of Self in Jung & Kohut .
E dinger , E dward , F. The Living Psyche: A Jungian Analysis in Pictures .
B isagni , F rancisco (Ed.) Analysis: An International Review of Clinical Psychotherapy  相似文献   

B rome , V incent . Jung: man and myth
H ill , G., D etloff , V., K irsch , T., M c G uire , W. and S tewart , L. (Eds.). The Shaman from Elko
M attoon , M ary A nn . Applied dream analysis: a Jungian approach
S andner , D onald . Navaho symbols of healing
M alan , D. H. Individual psychotherapy and the science of psychodynamics
B rown , D. and P edder , J. Introduction to psychotherapy: an outline of psychodynamic principles and practice  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1960,13(1):99-124
Book reviews in this article:
H erzberg , F rederick , M ausner , B ernard , and S nyderman , B arbara B loch . The Motivation to Work .
B ass , B ernard M., and B erg , I rwin A. (Eds.) Objective APProaches to Personality Asessment .
A nderson , H arold H. (Ed.) Creativity and Its Cultivation .
S altonstall , R obert . Human Relations in Administration: Text and Cases .
J acobson , H oward B oone , and R oucek , J oseph S. (Eds.) Automation and Society .
T horndike , R obert L., and H agen , E lizabeth . Ten Thousand Careers .
D imock , M arshall E. Administrative Vitality: The Conflict with Bureaucracy .
B ittel , L ester R. What Every Supervisor Should Know .
W eber , C. A., and K arnes , J ohn W., J r . Industrial Leadership: The American Way to Teamwork .
D avis , K eith , and S cott , W illiam G. Readings in Human Relations .
S togdill , R alph M. Individual Behavior and Group Achievement .
B each , L eslie R., and C lark , E lon L. Psychology in Business .
R oberts , D avid R. Executive Compensation .
Briefly Mentioned N iles , H enry E., N iles , M ary C ushing , and S tephens , J ames C. The Office Supervisor: His Relations to Persons and to Work .
Book and Materials Received  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1990,43(1):135-226

Book Reviews     
L uke , H elen M. Kaleidoscope: The Way of Woman and Other Essays.
P rétat , J ane R. Coming to Age: The Croning Years and Late-Life Transformation.
R yce -M enuhin , J oel . (ed.). Jung and the Monotheisms: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
W hitmont , E dward C. The Alchemy of Healing: Psyche and Soma.
H orowitz , M ardi J., K ernberg , O tto F. and W einshel , E dward M. (eds). Psychic Structure and Psychic Change: Essays in Honor of Robert S. Wallerstein, M.D.
G oldman , D. In Search of the Real: The Origins and Originality of D. W. Winnicott.
L angs , R obert . Empowered Psychotherapy: Teaching Self-Processing: A New Approach to the Human Psyche and Its Reintegration.
R oazen , P aul . Meeting Freud's Family.  相似文献   

E dinger , E dward P. Encounter with the Self: a Jungian Commentary on William Blake's
C ovitz , J oel , Emotional Child Abuse: The Family Curse.
T uby , M olly . (Ed). In the Wake of Jung
M artin , L uther H., G oss , J ames (Eds). Essays on Jung and the Study of Religion
C oward , H. with B ocelli , J. , J ordens , J. , and H enderson , J. Jung and Eastern Thought.  相似文献   

F riedrich S eifert and R otraut S eifert -H elwig : Bilder und Urbilder , Erscheinungsformen des Archetypus
M. E sther H arding : The 'I' and the 'Not-I' : a study in the development of consciousness
W arner M uensterberger and S idney A xelrad (editors): The psychoanalytic study of society, III
S tanley A. L eavy (translation and introduction): The Freud journal of Lou Andreas Salome
R obert W aelder : Psychoanalytic avenues to art
Tripurā-Rahasya (JÑĀNAKHANDA)
E rwin R. G oodenough : The psychology of religious experiences
M ircea E liade (translated by J. M. Cohen): The two and the one
G ershom G. S cholem (translated by Ralph Manheim): On the Kabbalah and its symbolism
K. B annister and L. P incus : Shared phantasy in marital problems: therapy in a four-person relationship
I. B oszormenyi -N agy and J ames L. F ramo (eds.): Intensive family therapy
K. D abrowski : Positive disintegration , edited by J. Aronson  相似文献   

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