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Eighty-six kibbutz-reared infants were observed in the Strange Situation with their mothers, fathers, and metaplot on three separate occasions between 11 and 14 months of age. Prior to each Strange Situation, sociability with male and female strangers was assessed. A-group and B-group infants were significantly more sociable than B4- and C-group infants. Relations with stranger sociability were strongest for Strange Situation classifications of infant-parent attachement. It was also necessary to abbreviate many of the Strange Situation sessions: usually the infants whose sessions were abbreviated obtained very low sociability scores and were classified in the B4- and C-groups. Findings confirmed previous relations between Strange Situation classifications and stranger sociability, but cast doubt on the appropriateness of considering the B4 subgroup as part of the “secure” B group. They also suggest that variations in stranger sociability (or its extreme negative pole, stranger distress) may in some cases determine variations in Strange Situation classifications, rather than the reverse.  相似文献   

Infidelities--sexual, emotional, or both--afflict many long-term romantic relationships. When a person discovers a partner's betrayal, a major decision faced is to forgive the partner and remain together or to terminate the relationship. Because men and women have confronted different adaptive problems over evolutionary history associated with different forms of infidelity, we hypothesised the existence of sex differences in which aspects of infidelity would affect the likelihood of forgiveness or breakup. We tested this hypothesis using forced-choice dilemmas in which participants (N = 256) indicated how difficult it would be to forgive the partner and how likely they would be to break up with the partner, depending on the nature of the infidelity. Results support the hypothesis that men, relative to women: (a) find it more difficult to forgive a sexual infidelity than an emotional infidelity; and (b) are more likely to terminate a current relationship following a partner's sexual infidelity than an emotional infidelity. The Discussion provides directions for future work on the determinants of breakup and the psychology of forgiveness.  相似文献   

This study investigates changes in a child's perception of the relationship with male and female parents during the course of the critical ages of 5, 6, 7, and 8. Correspondingly, since the paper concerns itself with nonpathological normal children, it also provides normative data on the Bene-Anthony Family Relations Test. Findings indicate variable gender and age differences in the feelings experienced by children aged 5, 6, 7, and 8 towards male and female parents. There are differences between male and female children in their attitudes toward mother and father, and there are significant changes within the age ranks. Sweeping norms which do not take age and gender into account are inappropriate on the basis of our findings.  相似文献   

Maladaptive cognitive responses to stressful life events represent well-replicated risk factors for depression. Research indicates that stressful life events that are dependent on the individual to occur or are interpersonal may generate more maladaptive cognitive responses than those that are independent and/or non-interpersonal. The current study examined the roles of sex and life event domains in eliciting depressogenic cognitive responses. Participants were 212 (71% female) undergraduate students who completed seven weekly questionnaires on participant-identified most negative and most positive life events over the previous 7 days. Additionally, participants reported levels of brooding and cognitive style in response to the most negative event and levels of positive rumination and dampening in response to the most positive event. Data were analyzed using mixed ANOVAs. Results indicated that females engaged in greater brooding regardless of event dependency. In addition, dependent and interpersonal life events generated greater brooding while dependent and non-interpersonal negative events generated greater negative cognitive style. An interaction between sex and domain was observed for dampening positive life events, such that males did not differ between interpersonal and non-interpersonal life events while females were more likely to dampen following interpersonal life events than non-interpersonal events.  相似文献   

This study tested whether or not cross-cultural differences in attachment classification distributions result from systematic differences in coding practices. First, we investigated whether or not the interactive scales have been scored consistently in several different cross-cultural samples. Second, the Richters, Waters, and Vaughn (1988) functions were applied to address the question of whether or not attachment classifications were consistently based upon the same pattern of interactive behaviors. Third, cross-cultural coding differences were described from a multivariate perspective. Data sets from seven investigators in six countries were available for analysis. Analyses on this “multinational data set” revealed that except for distance interaction, the interactive scales in the two reunion episodes were scored in accordance with the original coding rules. Furthermore, a good to reasonable agreement appeared to exist between the original classifications and those computed by the functions, except for infants older than 20 months of age. The multivariate principal component analysis showed that classification groups across cultures were more alike than cultures across classification groups. Our data showed, therefore, that attachment classifications have been consistently coded across cultures.  相似文献   

Animal Cognition - This research focuses on sex differences in the behavioral patterns of dogs when they are exposed to human chemosignals (sweat) produced in happy and fear contexts. No age, breed...  相似文献   

This study presents experimental results indicating that there are sex differences in the susceptibility to a geometric optical illusion. Participants (57 male and 39 female undergraduate students) performed 3 trials on a test involving the Poggendorff illusion. Analysis indicated that the magnitude of the illusion diminished significantly with each trial and that the percent perceived error was significantly larger for women than for men. This finding is consistent with the numerous studies which have indicated better visuospatial abilities for men than for women.  相似文献   

When children first meet a stranger, there is great variation in how much they will approach and engage with the stranger. While individual differences in this type of behavior—called social wariness—are well-documented in temperament research, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the social groups (such as race) of the stranger and how these characteristics might influence children's social wariness. In contrast, research on children's social bias and interracial friendships rarely examines individual differences in temperament and how temperament might influence cross-group interactions. The current study bridges the gap across these different fields of research by examining whether the racial group of an unfamiliar peer or adult moderates the association between temperament and the social wariness that children display. Utilizing a longitudinal dataset that collected multiple measurements of children's temperament and behaviors (including parent-reported shyness and social wariness toward unfamiliar adults and peers) across early childhood, we found that 2- to 7-year-old children with high parent-reported shyness showed greater social wariness toward a different-race stranger compared to a same-race stranger, whereas children with low parent-reported shyness did not. These results point to the importance of considering racial group membership in temperament research and the potential role that temperament might play in children's cross-race interactions.

Research Highlights

  • Previous research on temperament has not considered how the race of strangers could influence children's social wariness.
  • We find evidence that 2- to 7-year-old children with high parent-reported shyness show greater social wariness toward a different-race stranger compared to a same-race stranger.
  • These results point to the importance of considering racial group membership in temperament research.
  • Our findings also suggest temperament may play a role in children's cross-race interactions.

Recent discussions of attachment research methodology have questioned the appropriateness of measuring individual differences in Strange Situation behavior in terms of the avoidant, secure, and resistant categories. Continuous, factor-analytically derived latent variables have been proposed as an alternative. The validity of the traditional categorical measurement system was investigated through a cluster analysis of 216 11- to 13-month-old American, Swedish, and Israeli infants' social interactive behaviors in the reunion episodes of the Strange Situation. These analyses indicated that differences within the secure group based on variation in proximity-seeking and contact-maintaining behavior are more prominent than differences between the secure infants and the insecure infants. Moreover, similarity among infants was based on the infants' cultures as well as their membership in the avoidant, secure, and resistant groups. The alternative of continuous, latent-variable measurements was studied using confirmatory factor analyses on the same data. These analyses demonstrated that there are at least two dimensions in the infants' reunion behavior, but the structure of these dimensions varied across cultures. The results of both analyses suggest that there are substantial cultural differences in the patterning of individual differences in Strange Situation behavior.  相似文献   

Sex differences in reactions to evaluative feedback   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two studies tested the influence of various types of verbal evaluative feedback men's and women's self-evaluations of their performance in achievenment situations. We tested a theory that women perceive evaluative feedback, particularly negative feedback, to be more informative about their abilities than do men. Because of this, women's self-assessments of their abilities are more straightforwardly influenced by evaluative feedback than are men's. In contrast, men take a more self-promotional approach to evaluative situations, and therefore are more selective in their responses to feedback. Results from our questionnaire study showed that women's self-evaluations were influenced by both positive and negative evaluative statements. Men allowed positive feedback to influence them more than negative feedback, and were less influenced overall by negative feedback than women. Furthermore, women reported that evaluative feedback, particularly negative feedback, contained more information relevant to their abilities than men. Our laboratory study showed that women's actual self-evaluations were impacted differently by positive and negative feedback, whereas men's were not. In addition, we found some evidence to indicate that women were more negatively influenced by feedback that was positively toned, yet irrelevant with respect to their performance, than men. This finding underscores the fact that the focus, and not just the valence, of evaluative feedback plays an important role in men's and women's responses to it.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether males and females differentially respond to the receipt of aid as a function of their similarity to the donor and their own chronic level of self-esteem. Female and male adults received either help from a fictitious partner or no aid. All subjects were given information that they had been paired with a partner who had an inferior, similar, or superior level of task-relevant experience. Females paired with a partner of equal experience reported greater decrements in situational self-esteem than did males. Furthermore, females who received help reported a higher level of satisfaction with the help, and in all but one of the similarity conditions, females expressed a greater need for help than did males. When self-esteem was considered, high self-esteem females paired with persons with similar experience exhibited greater decrements in mood than did other high self-esteem females; males did not differ across conditions. Implications of the obtained sex differences were discussed in relation to sex differences in help-seeking behavior and sex role stereotypes.The authors would like to express their gratitude to Rob Beller, Mary Greenspun, Cheryl Hepfel, and Andrea Nagel, who assisted in data collection, and to Sanford Braver, who assisted with analyses. Thanks are also extended to Paul Karoly, Clark Presson, and Manuel Barrera for their advice throughout the completion of this study. The study was completed as partial fulfillment for the requirements of a master's degree by the first author at Arizona State University.  相似文献   

The study investigated possible sex differences in the types of problems that are correlated with Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) scores, using a sample of college students. Problems related to assertiveness and feeling ill at ease were positively correlated with BDI scores for males, but not for females. In contrast, conflicts with parents, feelings of being boxed in and of boredom, lack of money, and chronic physical complaints were positively related to BDI scores for females, but not for males.  相似文献   

Sex differences in compliance and persuasiveness were examined while varying the sex-role relevance of the stimulus. Undergraduate students were asked to respond to opinion statements previously discussed by a fictitious group. Subjects read the group's unanimous opinion accompanying each statement and were told they would participate in a discussion with this group. Some subjects responded to statements about female sex-role relevant activities and others to statements about male sex-role relevant activities. Sex of influence source was manipulated by showing subjects all male or all female names of group members. Compliance was measured by the extent to which a subject's response approximated the group's opinion. The results show that males were more compliant than females when the stimulus statements concerned female sex-role-related activities and that females were more easily influenced when they responded to statements about male sex-role-related activities. Further, subjects were somewhat more easily persuaded by women on female sex-role-related activities and more influenced by men's opinions on issues relevant for males.In most of the social influence literature, alterations in a subject's behavior in an experimental situation has been termed conformity. However, conformity may involve either private acceptance or overt alterations in behavior without cognitive change (i.e., compliance). Throughout this article the term compliance refers to shifts in behavior toward an immediate and transitory social influence (Sherif & Sherif, 1969, p. 191).  相似文献   

Animal Cognition - The alarm substance in fish is a pheromone released by injured individuals after a predator attack. When detected by other fish, it triggers fear/defensive responses, such as...  相似文献   

Abstract. The social behavior of young children was assessed in a strange situation which was to become increasingly more stressful. The strange-situation procedure reported by Ainsworth & Wittig (1969) was repeated as closely as possible. Children between 1 and 11/2 years were accompanied by their mothers or by a female stranger in various combinations, or were alone, according to a prearranged sequence. The data were subjected to a commonality analysis (Masters & Wellman, 1974). Common changes in the frequencies of 20 behavior items were noted across the different episodes. The physicaldistance relationship between the child and its companion, the exploratory behavior of the child, and individual differences among the children were analyzed in light of Bowlby's attachment theory. The results gave some support to the findings reported by Ainsworth and her group, but also pointed to functional differences between the behavior items examined. The results on crying were compared with those of Ainsworth & Wittig (1969), showing a fair degree of agreement. Finally, the subjects were divided into groups according to an operationalization of the criteria given by Ainsworth et al. (1971). Often children, only three could unequivocally be placed in one of eight groups. This suggests that it may be difficult to use the group characterization proposed by Ainsworth et al.  相似文献   

Sex differences in cognitive skills, grouped into three areas — motor, spatial, and linguistic — are assessed in the context of current notions of cerebral lateralization (Buffery and Gray, 1972). There are few convincing sex differences, either overall, or in interactions with (putative) functional localization. There are several qualifying criteria (nature of further interactions with age, birth order, culture, sex of experimenter, sex role pressure) which would have to be met, but these are as yet inadequately documented. Serious caution is urged on the proliferating number of researchers in this area.  相似文献   

Lenore Radloff 《Sex roles》1975,1(3):249-265
The role of housewife has been hypothesized as the source of excess mental illness among married women as compared with married men. The present study found both housewives and working wives significantly more depressed than working husbands. Although working wives report that they do more housework than husbands, this factor was not significantly related to depression for either wives or husbands. It is suggested that the risk factors for depression, including marriage for women, may be better understood in the context of clinical theories of depression, especially the learned helplessness model.  相似文献   

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