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Thirteen of seventeen patients in followup interviews five to ten years after the termination of analysis reported the development or refinement of a self-analytic capacity. According to the accounts of these patients, there did not appear to be a direct relation between the attainment of a self-analytic function and the extent of resolution of the transference neurosis or the maintenance of therapeutic gains after treatment.  相似文献   

As part of a long-term followup study of the outcome of psychoanalysis, we examined the relation between the extent of resolution of the transference at termination and the characteristics of the patient-analyst match. For twelve of the seventeen patients interviewed five to ten years after termination of psychoanalysis, the researchers found that the patient-analyst match played a role in the outcome of the analysis. Illustrations of the influence of the match in cases where the transference was resolved and those where it was not are presented.  相似文献   

Thoughts while driving on a quiet street … We were camping out in British Columbia in the most gorgeous campgrounds I'd ever seen. It was raining. We were the only campers around, as it was out of season. Driving up the coast from California to British Columbia, camping a little and staying in motels with our two children, had taken longer than we'd planned. Now, we were finally close to Victoria, and we chose to camp out instead of going to a motel. British Columbia gets a lot of rain. I realized that the lush beauty and greenery of the campgrounds were due to the rain, but it didn't occur to me that we would actually be rained upon. We were soaked by the downpour, ail of our packed clothes and bedding were very damp, and I quickly began to feel miserable.  相似文献   

After describing the manner in which the integration of psychoanalysis and developmental psychology became a central problem for ego psychology, the author examines the conditions that make it possible for new research and theory in developmental psychology to contribute to a revolution in contemporary psychoanalytic theory. They include: (1) the emergence of a state of "crisis" in American psychoanalysis centering on questions of the nature of early development and how it can be known; (2) the explosive growth of developmental research on early childhood dealing with issues at the heart of that crisis; and (3) the presence of a new generation of psychoanalysts and psychoanalytically oriented researchers capable of bringing that research to bear on those issues.  相似文献   

Cognitive change 5 years after coronary artery bypass surgery.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A longitudinal study of cognitive function after coronary artery bypass surgery examined 107 participants using 11 tests, preoperatively and at 6 days, 8 weeks, and 5 years after surgery. The overall neuropsychological (NP) change score declined at 6 days, showed some recovery at 8 weeks, and declined again at 5 years. The number of microemboli recorded during surgery, postoperative short-term cognitive change, and degree of recovery at 8 weeks were identified as predictors of change in NP score to 5 years. This suggests that even over a 5-year period, operative damage is detectable. Patients' vulnerability to short-term deterioration and resilience or ability to recover over a few weeks from operative cerebral insult are important processes of unknown mechanisms.  相似文献   

Ego psychology is presented as an integrated psychoanalytic developmental theory, including a theory of object relations. The process of termination is employed as one of the many possible illustrations of the usefulness of this theory. Termination is regarded as a process that pervades the treatment from the outset, rather than as the final phase of treatment only, because the treatment process, whether psychoanalysis or psychotherapy, includes continuous promotion of ever-increasing autonomy. Ideally, by the time termination proper takes place, maximum autonomy has been attained. To the definition of autonomy as intersystemic, involving relative independence of the ego from the drives (and from the super-ego), an object-relations dimension is added which extends that definition to include an intrasystemic consideration--namely, relative independence of the self-representation from the object representations. Especially in the treatment of the borderline conditions is the intrasystemic factor cogent because borderline states are characterized by varying degrees of incompletely differentiated self- and object representations. The objective, in the psychoanalysis of neurosis, where self- and object constancy already exist to a large degree, is ego autonomy in the intersystemic sense. In the psychotherapy of the borderline conditions, the objective is greater differentiation of the self-representation from the object representations.  相似文献   

Psychoanalysis in America functioned first largely as an avant-garde phenomenon. Later psychoanalysis became a specialty within a bureaucratic society. Both roles help explain the importance and the limitations of freud's impact on American culture.  相似文献   

J M Lewis 《Family process》1988,27(3):273-283
At 1 year postpartum, 22 of 38 couples demonstrated the same level of marital competence as they had prenatally, 14 couples demonstrated deterioration in their marital relationship, and 2 couples were improved. At each of four levels of marital competence, there was a trend for the couples to demonstrate the same relationship response to parenthood. Highly competent relationships remained at high levels of competence. Competent but pained relationships were most vulnerable to regressive change in structure. Dominant-submissive, complementary relationships tended to remain stable at that level. Dominant-submissive, conflicted or severely conflicted relationships were most unpredictable and stability, regression, and improvement were seen. These findings are explored for possible correlations and are discussed from the perspective of several current models of family development.  相似文献   

The subjects (60 boys) were drawn from the sample of a longitudinal study of social development to represent extremely aggressive, anxious, constructive, and submissive patterns of behaviour at the age of 8. A year later they were tested with an aggression machine (PAM). This allows variation of the intensity of both aggressive attack and defence in different stimulus conditions. The intensity of defensive aggression towards different attackers as well as the response style variables, latency, duration, and number of responses were correlated with observed and self-reported data at the ages of 8, 9, 14 and 19. The results showed that the intensity of aggression toward a same-sex peer had the highest validity. Opposite sex and authority figures as attackers called up other associations and motives, such as conflicts with the mother and anxiety. From the response style variables the highest validity was obtained for reaction time. This correlated with constructive behaviour.  相似文献   

The social status of occupations has remained stable over a 49-yr period beginning with Count's study that found occupations in a well-defined, prestige order. This prestige hierarchy has obtained throughout several replicated studies, some of which controlled the variables of race, educational level and sex. The prestige level of occupations have withstood the test of time including World War II and even sociological and educational changes.  相似文献   


The case of Fräulein Rosalia H. is discussed quite briefly by Freud in one of his contributions to Studies on hysteria. This case of ‘retention hysteria’ was included in another much longer case study, and it is designed to illustrate how a ‘mnemic symbol’, which operates to condense a group of memories, may be formed during the course of an analysis. A new symptom thus appears which may throw more light on the circumstances which gave rise to the presenting symptom. Despite the richness of this case, Freud does not refer to it again in his writing and there has been very little discussion of it in psychoanalytic commentaries. This paper explores how the case serves as a transition point from pre-psychoanalytic conceptions of symptomatology and clinical practice, and how it can be read as a prelude to psychoanalysis proper.  相似文献   

This paper briefly discusses some of the serious problems in current psychoanalytic metapsychology and the need for a new general theoretical frame of reference. It highlights the lack of explanatory power and the primitive nature of current metapsychology. The paper suggests the usefulness of an information processing and systems model which is consistent with neurophysiology.  相似文献   

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