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马丁·布伯从哲学人类学的立场去理解宗教,揭示了人的“对话的存在”。 对布伯来讲,人类宗教的历史就是人与上帝对话的历史,人与上帝的对话关系就是一种“我—你”关系。正是在对话中,我们就达到了“之间”的领域,哲学人类学就是关于“之间”的人类学。人的对话的存在充分地体现在“原始距离”和“关系性”之中。人建立其“关系性”的能力也就是一种“神性”,因此,哲学人类学必然蕴涵着一种“神学”。他认为,宗教信仰的基础乃是人与上帝、与永恒的“你”之间存在的那个对话关系。有关宗教信仰的所有陈述的基础是那些具有信赖性质的对话关系,而不是对教义内容的信仰。布伯反对任何对宗教所做的抽象研究,因此他鄙视基督教神学。布伯还以犹太教为例,分析了宗教的精神实质。他认为,犹太教是一种精神过程,它包含着对三个观念的追求,即“统一的观念”,“行动的观念”和“未来的观念”。  相似文献   

如果说列维纳斯哲学勾勒的是一出"主体性如何成其自身"的戏剧,那么,在这出戏剧中可以发现,欲望的多重样态与主体性的多重维度之间具有一种本质相关的平行关系。其中,"需要"相关于致力于自我保存与提高的自我中心式的权能主体,建立起的是自我与相对他者之间的占有与享受式的关联;"形而上学的欲望"相关于围绕他者进行离心式旋转的伦理主体,建立起的是自我与绝对他者之间的呼唤-回应式的伦理关联;"爱欲性的欲望"相关于与他者交互感通、亲密关联着的爱欲主体,建立起的是自我与爱欲对象之间的具身化的爱欲关联。对于主体性如何成其自身而言,这三种欲望样态皆有其独特地位,指涉着原初地引发与塑形着主体性的那些本质性的发生机制与关联结构。在这个意义上,列维纳斯的哲学可以被整体性地理解为一门欲望发生学。  相似文献   

考察马克思对康德哲学的批判是理解马克思哲学革命的一条重要途径,这不仅是因为康德哲学的"哥白尼式革命"在西方哲学史上第一次系统认识并批判了形而上学的独断,而且由此导向的对社会历史的判断成为关于现代性矛盾问题最初的、具有哲学高度的把握和批判。从二者的关系看,马克思哲学继承了康德哲学直面现实问题的批判精神,并将康德哲学中的自由问题进一步深入到了历史现实的层面。沿着康德哲学试图解决而未解决的问题,马克思推进了认识论问题的真正解决和形而上学的根本转向,进而揭示了认识论与形而上学问题之间的本质关联,克服了康德哲学的不彻底性。马克思真正在实践层面实现了将哲学改造为"改变世界"的思想武器,并且在实践的基础上把康德哲学所关注的"抽象的人的自由"改造成为对"一切人的自由发展"的追求。  相似文献   

康德将人在国家中的的权利与义务建立在所有人的理性同意基础上。因此,他的法哲学与政治哲学不依赖于意志论,不依赖于社会成员的伦理诉求,也不依赖于个体的理性自律。借助于人的理性,我们发现人们对于国家权力的服从是一种自然的义务。理性因而是自由公民之间达成的共识。在此意义上,康德的法哲学与政治哲学不是卢梭学说的简单延续,而是其光大与拓展。康德学说中不但有卢梭因素,同时蕴含着对于霍布斯与洛克学说主题的回应。  相似文献   

我很不情愿把你所提的问题①中所包含的危机符号戏剧化。相反,请让我在本世纪初的一个哲学本和我们当下的忧思之间展开一种比较。《纯粹现象学和现象学哲学观念》之第一卷,是胡塞尔在第一次世界大战前一年出版的,也是他生前所发表这部巨的惟一一卷。这部巨从一问世就让他的追随不胜困惑。  相似文献   

卢卡奇的晚期哲学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论老年卢卡奇的哲学,不应该把我们的分析只是局限于二次大战以后,因为他的晚期哲学同他20世纪30年代的理论著作之问的连续性极其重要,如果我们不考虑到包含在他战前或战时著作中的哲学观点,那么甚至他的最后两部著作,即《审美特征》和《社会存在的本体论》,我们都无法理解。  相似文献   

人类基因组序列的测定和研究具有重大的科学价值和经济价值,同时,也带来一系列社会问题。基因组计划和基因革命对伦理造成了致命的冲击。人类基因商品化对公正原则提出了挑战;基因设计引发生命唯物化,引起了人类的尊严危机;优生运动有可能违背自主原则和平等原则。人类基因组计划应坚持那些体现了人类及其社会本性、价值和尊严的伦理原则即不伤害人、尊重人、有益于人、公正对待人,以及人与人之间互相团结等。  相似文献   

福柯与古代哲学的相遇使他意识并体验到哲学实践是怎样使人成其所是的。福柯研究及教学的真实效果并不是仅仅开创并发展一种理论,积累并传授哲学史知识;相反,正如他晚期一系列讲座中所阐明的,哲学活动是一种操练、一种体验。福柯在他生命最后阶段的工作及著作关涉他自身,是他在成为一名哲学家的过程中所进行的艰苦的哲学修行。这种操练的目的是要改变他自己,通过思考的行为来让自己变得有所不同,并且给那些可能会接触到他的著作及投身到哲学思考中的人提供改变自我之经验。  相似文献   

世纪末“中国哲学”研究的挑战   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
世纪末中国哲学研究面临相当多的挑战,本文只就其中的一个问题来加以讨论。这个问题是一个老问题,即中国哲学撰述的内容、范围,以及中国哲学史与其他研究中国思想的进路之间的同异问题。一“中国哲学”是一个20世纪才产生、流行的概念,“中国哲学”作为一个学科也是在20世纪发展起来的。经过差不多一个世纪的发展,中国哲学的研究已经取得了巨大的成绩。然而,在20世纪行将结束的时候,中国哲学研究本身在某些方面和某种程度上面临着世界范围内的冲击,中国哲学研究面对这些挑战发生了重新定位和自我辩护的需要。让我们从头说起。胡适在…  相似文献   

序言马赫是一位在物理学、生理学、心理学等各方面都颇有造诣的科学家。作为物理学家,他在音响学和光学领域的研究是具有开创性的,“马赫数”象征着他的功绩。但是他不是一个仅仅以实验研究和数理分析为满足的人,他还展开了科学哲学和科学史相融合的科学论。马赫认为自己只不过是一个微不足道的自然科学家,而不是哲学家。他说:“不存在马赫哲学,至多不过存在自然科学方法论和认识心理学。这两者和所有科学理论一样,它们是哲学的、不完全的尝试。对于在这之外渗进外在的附加物而编造出来的哲学,我概不负责”(马赫《认识和谬误》序文原注2)。在《力学史》的序言中他则说:“在我的著作里,大家可以  相似文献   

The analytic method builds on honesty, specifically in the moment-to-moment events of the micro-process. Ferenczi was a researcher who experimented with the limits (including the limits of honesty) of the method to its extremes. Honesty is a moral virtue, and from that perspective all events and phenomena of the moment have an ethical aspect. Self-analysis—a prerequisite and an important component of the analytic stance—puts on trial the analyst’s capacity and willingness to be honest. This paper examines these ethical aspects in the micro-process and the unavoidable dilemmas connected with it. The important settings where self-analysis is used are: being in analysis, conducting analysis and in supervision. The limits of honesty in these settings are also discussed. Recently, case discussion groups have been playing an increasingly important role in analytic conferences and also in training. The risks and limits of honesty in case discussion groups deserve to be studied.  相似文献   

The interactivist-constructivist (IC) approach offers an attractive framework for the development of intelligent robots. However, we still lack genuinely intelligent robots, capable of representing the world, in the IC sense. Here we argue that the reason for this situation is the lack of learning mechanisms that would allow the components of the robotic controller to learn constructively while they direct the robot's action in accordance to its value system. We also suggest that spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) may be such a learning mechanism that operates in the brain.  相似文献   

Malory Nye 《文化与宗教》2013,14(2):109-123
Although the term multiculturalism is often understood on the public level as an ideology or as a social programme (to be ‘for’ or ‘against’), I argue in this paper that the term should also be understood to refer to the complex range of issues associated with cultural and religious diversity in society, and the social management of the challenges and opportunities such diversity offers. Understood in this sense, multiculturalism is not an optional extra, it is not something that a society can choose to have or avoid. For any country without closed borders then multiculturalism is a fact of today—it is present within the society. What is important are the social and political responses to the cultural and religious diversity that results from transnational flows and settlement of people. This introduction to the collection of papers highlights the need to understand multiculturalism as a process which is always contextual, and the role that state management of difference in the successful development of diversity plays.  相似文献   

Why use cotherapy? No justification can be found in the outcome literature, but the literature is not sufficiently sophisticated to address the issue adequately. Cotherapy might be chosen when the therapy is difficult, when role modelling is called for, or when a relationship is needed to soak up projections. It may be chosen primarily for the benefit of the therapists, though as a teaching format it has drawbacks. The relationships developed between cotherapists may be challenging and benefit from supervision. They may be understood by analogy to other relationships, e.g. marriage, and the therapeutic alliance between therapist and patient. The technical pros and cons of cotherapy call for systematic study. In general, though, a case can be made for the use of cotherapy, and for other procedures such as live supervision, as ways of influencing the therapeutic culture for the better.  相似文献   

According to liberal egalitarian morality, all human beings are one another's moral equals. Nonhuman animals, by contrast, are not considered to be our moral equals. This essay considers two challenges to the liberal egalitarian view. One is the ``separation problem,' which is the challenge to identify a morally significant intrinsic difference between all human beings and all nonhuman animals. The other is the “equality problem,” which is to explain how all human beings can be morally equal when there are some human beings whose psychological capacities (and, in some cases, their psychological potentials as well) are no higher than those of certain nonhuman animals. The focus throughout is on the ethics of killing but the arguments are of broader relevance. The essay reaches a skeptical conclusion about our ability to meet these challenges.  相似文献   

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