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实证主义问题是影响我国心理学全局发展的重大理论问题。文章从现代西方心理学的实证主义内涵、积极作用和消极影响等3个方面,对我国心理学界20余年有关实证主义的课题研究进行了系统地梳理和概括,并对该研究领域的未来发展谈了作者的几点认识和看法。  相似文献   

Around the 1960s, political psychology was developed as a field of knowledge that attempted to interrelate scientific psychology and political phenomena. However, social and academic conditions are very different today. More and more, political psychology is becoming a protagonist, as much in the internal context of psychology as in the external context of its relations with the social world. Thus, political psychology can now be seen as a resource relating psychological knowledge to social practice, and relating psychological processes to social action. Political psychology is the interface that puts psychology and society in contact. The development of political psychology in Spain provides an example of this alternative view of the field.  相似文献   

世纪之交中的中国发展心理学研究的计量学分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
对收录在中国期刊网上的704篇发展心理学的论文题录(1997年-2003年)进行了计量学分析,发现:发展心理学研究集中在社会认知与交往、智能与思维、个性与人格发展三大领域,品德心理、心理健康及特殊儿童心理研究有一定进展,而动作与活动、生理发展、感知觉和老年化四个领域相对不足;研究对象以幼儿、小学儿童和青少年为主,对人生两极的研究还很薄弱;研究形式以合作研究为主,但合作的形式和范围有待拓展;研究机构以高等师范院校为主,研究力量地区分布不平衡。  相似文献   

This paper argues that one can empirically test, via positivist methods, the post-modern attack on positivist epistemologies: Postmodern perspectives hold Knowledge and Truth to be intersubjective, consensus-driven social constructions. But traditional scientific approaches to knowledge, exemplified here by the cognitive social psychology of persuasion, seem oblivious to this and continue to detach the study of attitudes, beliefs, and emotions from that of knowledge, facts, and reason. Abandoning these artificial distinctions in both epistemology and method would enable this social psychology, reconstituted as a Sociology of Persuasion, to contribute greatly to illuminating the processes of Truth and Knowledge construction in social interaction. Moreover, this would facilitate academic engagement in civic discourse.  相似文献   

卢家楣 《心理科学》2012,35(3):522-529
为纪念中国心理学会诞辰90周年,应中国心理学会教育心理学分会邀请,特撰文反映卢家楣及其团队在情感教学心理学方面的研究概况。内容分以情感教学应用为导向的基础性研究和以情感教学理念为导向的应用性研究两部分。前者包括教学中的情感现象、教学中的情感作用、教学中的情绪调控、教学中的学习苦乐属性、教学中的情知基本矛盾等方面的相应研究;后者包括情感教学理念、情感教学现状、情感教学原则、情感教学策略、情感教学模式、情感教学目标和评价以及为基础教育服务等方面的相应研究。  相似文献   

当代心理学不仅在研究对象上存在着分歧, 而且在理论和方法论取向上也是四分五裂, 以至于很难用一种逻辑标准将各种理论体系进行归类。西方心理学大多数采用的是时间逻辑分类标准, 将理论体系的发展变化通过时间线索呈现, 这样的理论分类虽然能帮助我们理顺理论流派的发展脉络, 但我们往往因无法比较而抓不住各理论流派的主要特征。近年西方理论心理学界提出以因果关系逻辑为标准的理论分类体系, 将心理学理论分为机体中心论、环境中心论、社会中心论和关系中心论, 这种标准容易混淆某些相近的理论, 出现理论的多向归属和无归属现象。文章提出以内容特征为指向的分类体系, 包括意识中心倾向、行为中心倾向、机制中心倾向和意义中心倾向。这种分类标准能部分弥补因果关系分类体系和时间逻辑分类的不足。而进一步开发出能够适应理论快速发展变化的理论分类体系将成为未来理论心理学的研究领域之一。  相似文献   

本文梳理了作者及其团队近30年来在情感教学心理学领域的开拓和发展中的一些思考和探索概况,主要涉及四方面的内容:一是结合研究者自己的教学经历和教学领域中对情感的忽视以及心理领域中对情感研究的薄弱之现状,谈对情感教学心理学研究的起因;二是探索情感的分类、功能和发生机制,为情感教学心理研究打下必要的基础;三是从基础性和应用性两个方面,推进情感教学心理的一系列研究;四是从社会-心理的宏观层面和生理-心理的微观层面,拓展情感教学心理研究。  相似文献   

姜永志 《心理科学》2013,36(2):496-500
摘要 辩证心理学和交互行为心理学是近年对心理学理论建设和方法论改革影响较大的心理学取向,它们可以共同归纳到心理学的情境交互作用理论体系之下。情境交互作用理论体系打破了传统心理学只关注意识、行为和心理机制的单一维度,认为心理学应该关注机体与情境交互作用中的意义。文章对辩证心理学和交互行为心理学的主要观点和主要假设进行了详细阐释。最后对情境作用理论体系对当代心理学的影响和启示进行了说明,可以为未来心理学的发展指明方向。  相似文献   

The present article comments on Liu's target article while exploring the points of convergence and divergence of his Height Psychology with trends in non‐Asian psychology, and points to an area of further expansion demanded by the challenges of the 21st century, namely, climate change and intergroup conflict.  相似文献   

中国心理学的过去、现在与未来   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
燕国材 《心理学探新》2006,26(3):7-9,34
该文对中国心理学的过去作了回顾,就其现在的状况进行了分析,还展望了它的未来发展。在这三个方面,都各自做出了某些有益的概括。  相似文献   

It is remarkable to me that my book became a part of the SBL Dissertation Series. For this I thank Walter Wink who brought the work to the attention of, Wayne Rollins. And I am thankful to Wayne Rollins for bringing the book to the attention of the right people at the SBL, most particularly Rex D. Matthews and Mark Allan Powell. I am grateful to Mark Allan Powell for promoting the process of publication so we would have a book in hand at the Psychology and Biblical Studies book review session, now over two years ago. I am very appreciative of Lewis Rambo, editor of this journal, and J. Harold Ellens, special editor of this issue, for making possible the continued discussion of these ideas.  相似文献   

Miki Takasuna’s paper on “Proliferation of Western Methodological Thought in Psychology in Japan: Ways of Objectification” offers many significant clues for reconsidering the history and unity of psychology. Its treatment of the reception of psychology in Japan hints at the relevance of the models of the subject for psychology—including the allegedly “official” psychology. The aim of this paper is to suggest such reconsideration, on the basis of a distinction between psychology-importing and psychology-exporting countries, and provide a reflection on the cultural problems of assimilation by the latter of a discipline advanced by the former. This perspective leads us to acknowledge the existence of a variety of psychological programs corresponding to the transformation and modernization of different social realities. Also, an indication is offered of several possible levels of analysis of such programs, which are seen to be related with the emergence of psychology as the science of modernity.
Enrique Lafuente (Corresponding author)Email:

心理学史教学与人才培养模式的改革   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
心理学史教学应成为大学心理学专业本科生的必修课,对于开启学生的心智和提高心理学理论素养具有其他课程所不可替代的重要作用。心理学史教学要探询古代心理学思想家的心灵智慧,把他们的思想活化,与我们进行心灵的对话。要通过与学生的思想交流,使师生之间就某些学术问题展开讨论,做到相互启迪,教学相长。心理学史教学的改革要加强学生哲学功底的培养,加强中西方思想的融合贯通,加强历史与现实的联系,有目的地培养心理学专业的理论人才。  相似文献   

What turns neighbors into genocidalists? Why do some stand by, while others risk their lives to help? A narrative analysis of interviews with rescuers, bystanders, and Nazi supporters during World War II focuses attention on self‐image, worldview, and cognitive categorization as critical influences. Rescuers, bystanders, and Nazis demonstrated dramatically different self concepts, yet identity constrained choice for all groups. A critical aspect of identity is relational: the sense of self in relation to others. Worldview, canonical expectations, and idealized cognitive models are critical determinants, with the ethical importance of values emanating not from particular values but from the integration of these values into the speaker's sense of self. Finally, cognitive categorization carries strong ethical overtones. The dehumanization that spurs perpetrators and the sense of moral salience that drives rescuers work through the cognitive classification of “the other.”  相似文献   

多元文化论与跨文化心理学的发展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
多元文化论强调文化因素对心理学研究的重要性。它主张文化的多元性和平等性,反对跨文化心理学研究中的“文化帝国主义”倾向。在多元文化论的影响下,跨文化心理学开始摆脱“欧美中心主义”偏见,出现了普遍性研究策略和特殊性研究策略相结合、跨文化心理学与文化心理学、本土心理学相结合的趋向。  相似文献   

心理学能够从对实证资料积累的追求中解放出来,转而注重学科自身的理论反思与理论建构,是心理科学逐渐走向成熟的一种表现。随着西方理论心理学的崛起,中国心理学理论研究也逐渐得到重视,出现很多有价值的理论成果,但在心理学元理论和实体理论的建设上,仍旧过度依赖欧美心理学,原创性的元理论和实体理论几乎没有。在研究的规模、研究领域、研究水准、研究方法乃至研究从业者数量上的差距也使中国理论心理学发展显得步履维艰。然而,西方理论心理学的崛起却可以给中国理论心理学发展带来重要启示,在对中国理论心理学建构过程中,要积极对国外理论心理学的理论思维和理论研究方法进行筛淘,加强原创性的理论建设,处理好理论与实践、引进与创新、反思和建构的关系。  相似文献   

In order to answer the three crucial questions (why, what and how) about the development of indigenous psychology, three levels of breakthrough need to be made, namely, philosophical reflection, theoretical construction and empirical research. The controversial issues that have occurred in the earlier development of indigenous psychology are analyzed in terms of the switch in Western philosophy of science from positivism to post-positivism. Based on this analysis, it is argued that indigenous psychologists should construct formal theories illustrating the functioning of the human mind that may be applicable to various cultures, and then use these theories to study the particular mentalities of people in a given culture with the scientific methods of empirical research.  相似文献   

This paper examines the presence of spontaneous imitation within the social interactions of young people with developmental delay and their adult carers. There have been only a handful of observational studies examining imitation in this population, despite the relevance of such work to contemporary theoretical debates about imitation and the potential that imitation holds as an intervention for promoting communicative skills. The play of eight young people and 13 adult carers over 10 sessions at an after‐school club was videotaped and analysed for the presence and impact of spontaneous imitative bouts. Results showed that, in the majority of cases, it was adults who initiated imitative bouts and that the young people generally did not reciprocate such acts. However, even such brief instances of adult imitation were sufficient to increase the children's subsequent smiles and speech vocalizations, as well as the adults' own use of smiling, eye contact, and speech vocalizations. These findings confirm that these young people are sensitive to imitation. The implications for designing interventions that promote communicative exchanges in young people with developmental delay are discussed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1918年至1937年是中国现代心理学科早期发展时期,该文论述了留学生在中国现代心理学科产生和早期发展中的作用,认为,留学生群体特征启动中国现代心理学科发展,“教育救国”观推动中国现代心理学科发展,躬身实践带动了中国现代心理学科的发展。留学生在中国现代心理学科的产生与早期发展中起到观念更新者、理论传播者、实践耕耘者的作用。  相似文献   

The suspicion that language can become an obstacle to human knowledge is not new in the Western intellectual tradition. Following the empiricist legacy, many authors have suggested the perils and pitfalls of common sense language for science. Applied to psychology, this leads to the issue of the reliability of psychological language for scientific psychology. William James, in his Principles of Psychology, was one of the first psychologists to address this problem explicitly. The goal of this paper is to situate his position and contrast it with contemporary debates over the status of folk psychology. The results indicate that James conceived of common sense psychology in a very complex manner, and pointed to a kind of illusion that remains ignored in the current literature, with negative consequences for psychology. I conclude by suggesting the relevance of James for contemporary debates in theoretical and philosophical psychology.  相似文献   

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