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采用不同文化背景卡通面孔为刺激材料,探究中国幼儿对中国风、日本风与欧美风女性卡通面孔再认的差异及其眼动机制。结果显示:(1)卡通面孔再认正确率差异显著,日本风面孔具有记忆优势;女童对三种面孔再认正确率均显著高于男童;(2)卡通面孔特质中的夸张性对卡通面孔再认正确率的预测显著;(3)文化背景与性别因素显著影响平均注视时间、注视点个数、眼跳次数和幅度及瞳孔大小等总体眼动指标;(4)兴趣区数据显示:对日本风面孔的总注视时间和注视点个数最高;卡通面孔再认主要依赖于眼部、其次为鼻子;文化背景与兴趣区存在交互作用,在注视时间、注视点个数与首注视点指标上,提示幼儿更关注日本风的眼睛区域与欧美风的鼻子区域。综上,幼儿对不同文化背景卡通面孔的记忆和眼动加工存在差异,日本风卡通面孔的记忆优势可能基于其夸张性高的面孔特质,尤其在眼睛部位;行为学与眼动指标均提示女童对卡通面孔的再认具有优势。  相似文献   

不同呈现方式的网页广告的眼动研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
程利  杨治良  王新法 《心理科学》2007,30(3):584-587,591
选择25名视力正常的大学生,用眼动仪记录他们浏览不同呈现方式、不同位置的网页广告的眼动过程。结果发现:1.对于不同呈现方式的网页广告,从记忆成绩看:彩色组显著优于黑白组,两者与动画组没有显著差异;从眼动指标看:动画组和彩色组的注视次数和注视时的明显高于黑白组。2.网页广告的位置对被试的记忆成绩与眼动模式有一定的影响,表现为上部与中部注视次数增加,注视时间长。记忆成绩也表现为差异显著,中部与上部的记忆效果好。  相似文献   

不同诉求方式的手机网页广告效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以50名视力正常的大学生为被试,采用眼动追踪技术,研究他们在浏览不同诉求方式、不同位置广告时对手机广告的记忆程度、喜好程度。结果发现:(1)对于不同诉求方式的网页广告,理性诉求组的注视次数及注视时间明显高于感性诉求组。(2)网页广告的位置对被试的记忆成绩与眼动模式有影响,表现为下部的注视次数增加,注视时间长。记忆成绩中下部比上部记忆效果稍好。  相似文献   

采用ASL—4200R型眼动仪,对28名小学五年级学生阅读图文课文的眼动过程进行考察,结果表明:(1)不同呈现方式课文的阅读成绩具有非常显著差异,图文课文化于文字课文;(2)不同呈现方式课文的注视次数、注视频率、眼跳距离和回视次数存在显著差异,图文课文显著少于或低于文字课文,而注视点持续时间则相反;(3)不同难度课文的眼动指标,文字课文只有注视次数一项眼动指标具有显著差异,而图文课文有注视频率和回视次数二项眼动指标具有显著差异。  相似文献   

瞳孔大小是眼动研究中一个重要的参数指标, 在一定程度上能够反映人的心理活动并影响他人的心理与行为。一方面, 瞳孔变化受到自上而下的知觉与注意、情绪与动机、心理努力、社会认知与发展等因素的影响, 另一方面, 大瞳孔能引起他人更多的积极评价和积极行为。瞳孔的神经机制(蓝斑-去甲肾上腺素系统)和自适应增益理论解释了瞳孔与心理之间存在紧密联系的原因。瞳孔测量(pupillometry)作为一种有效的眼动追踪方法有助于理解瞳孔与心理的关系, 研究者在测量瞳孔时需要关注无关变量(如亮度、注视位置), 原始数据处理(如基线校正、眨眼处理)及瞳孔指标选取(如瞳孔直径、震颤频率)等问题, 未来研究应继续探讨瞳孔与其他心理之间的关系, 并探索更有效地处理和使用瞳孔指标的方法。  相似文献   

大学生工作记忆容量对图形推理影响的眼动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用眼动技术,选取瑞文图形推理测验作为实验材料,探讨工作记忆对于图形推理过程的影响。实验为2(工作记忆容量:高、低)×2(性别:男、女)×3(题目难度:高、中、低)的混合实验设计。以扫视时间、眼跳幅度、注视次数、扫视次数、瞳孔直径为因变量指标。实验结果表明:第一,不同性别大学生进行图形推理过程的眼动模式有一定差异,但这种差异并非由工作记忆差异所导致,而是图形推理策略不同所引起;第二,工作记忆容量高低影响图形推理过程,由于工作记忆影响注意资源分配,从而工作记忆容量高低不同会导致采用不同的策略进行图形推理,不仅影响工作记忆推理过程,也导致推理成绩的差异。这些结果能为学生选择适合自己的学习策略、因材施教以及考试测评提供依据。  相似文献   

以黑白线条人物画为实验材料,采用Eyelinkll型眼动仪,对14名大学生观看攻击者、被攻击者以及中性人物图片的眼动指标进行分析.研究结果发现:(1)被试观看攻击者和被攻击者的平均瞳孔大小显著大于观看中性人物时的平均瞳孔大小;(2)被试注视攻击者的时间显著高于注视中性人物和被攻击者的时间;(3)被试对攻击者的凝视次数,显著高于对中性人物和被攻击者的凝视次数.本研究的结果表明,个体对攻击性材料具有自动化的偏好.  相似文献   

位置和内容对网页广告效果影响的眼动评估   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
白学军  宫准  杨海波  田瑾 《应用心理学》2008,14(3):208-212,219
使用TobiiT120型眼动仪,以16名大学生为被试,记录他们阅读嵌有网页广告新闻网页时的眼动注视过程,以探讨广告呈现位置、新闻内容与网页广告的相关性是否影响人们对网页广告的注视。实验采用3(广告位置:上方、中间、下方)×2(相关性:相关、不相关)两因素被试内设计。结果发现:(1)新闻内容和网页广告的相关性不影响人们对网页广告的加工;(2)对位于新闻上方和新闻中间的网页广告,被试的注视次数较多,且注视时间较长;(3)对位于新闻中间的网页广告,其再认效果优于位于新闻上方和新闻下方的广告。表明只有网页广告呈现位置这一因素影响被试对网页广告的注视。  相似文献   

以标准的黑白面孔图片作为实验材料,让41名大学生观看不同倾斜角度(左倾、竖直和右倾)的面孔图片,并对之进行面孔吸引力的评价,同时用眼动仪记录被试的眼动数据。结果显示:(1)被试观看左倾和右倾面孔的平均瞳孔大小显著小于观看竖直面孔的平均瞳孔大小,观看左倾面孔的平均瞳孔大小显著大于右倾面孔;(2)被试对左倾和右倾面孔的平均注视时间显著短于对竖直面孔的平均注视时间,同时对左倾面孔的注视时间显著长于右倾面孔;(3)被试对左倾和右倾面孔的平均注视次数显著少于对竖直面孔的平均注视次数。实验结果表明,面孔的倾斜角度很可能是影响面孔吸引力的一个重要因素,在面孔吸引力的审美偏好中存在"角度效应",即竖直面孔的吸引力高于倾斜面孔的吸引力,左倾面孔的吸引力高于右倾面孔的吸引力。  相似文献   

邱丽景  王穗苹  陈烜之 《心理学报》2012,44(10):1279-1288
采用眼动技术,本研究探讨了阅读理解中代词的加工机制.读者阅读包含代词的文本,代词的性别与先行词的性别刻板印象一致或违背,同时其和先行词间的距离或远或近,记录被试阅读文本的眼动轨迹.结果发现,与一致条件相比,违背条件的加工时间更长.当代词和先行词间距离较近时,一致性效应在关键代词区的反映早期加工的眼动指标上即出现,而当二者间距离较远时,一致性效应在更后的位置(代词后那一区域)出现,并且只出现在反映晚期加工的眼动指标上.此外,与远距离一致条件相比,近距离一致条件下代词后那一区域的阅读时间更长.上述结果表明,性别刻板印象以及距离在代词加工皆发挥重要作用,而且性别刻板印象产生的影响在时程上因距离的不同而不同.这一结果在一定程度上为语言理解的交互作用理论提供了证据.  相似文献   

Viewers looked at print advertisements as their eye movements were recorded. Half of them were asked to rate how much they liked each ad (for convenience, we will generally use the term ‘ad’ from this point on), while the other half were asked to rate the effectiveness of each ad. Previous research indicated that viewers who were asked to consider purchasing products in the ads looked at the text earlier and more often than the picture part of the ad. In contrast, viewers in the present experiment looked at the picture part of the ad earlier and longer than the text. The results indicate quite clearly that the goal of the viewer very much influences where (and for how long) viewers look at different parts of ads, but also indicate that the nature of the ad per se matters. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

K Rayner 《Acta psychologica》1975,39(4):271-282
This paper deals with the extent to which the perceptual span in reading differs as a function of grammatical categories. Subjects read short passages of text and their eye movements were monitored as they did. Irregularities were entered into the text in the subject, verb, or object location of active sentences. Eye movement data were analyzed to determine how far from these various locations the readers were aware of the irregularities. Although there were no differences due to the different parts of speech employed, there was evidence that the perceptual span varied at different locations in text. It was found that readers seldom fixated between sentences and when they did, they were obtaining little information from parafoveal vision.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the application of computer-based programs to the evaluation of eye movements during reading of short texts. These programs operate in background, that is, after an experimental session is completed and the raw data are collected on magnetic tape. The first program reduces the raw data into a sequence of fixation locations and durations, eye movements, and eye blinks. A second program utilizes calibration coordinates and line-of-text information to transform the reduced data into a standard grid format. Fixation order, locations, and durations for each line of text read are output with respect to the line of text. The final program summarizes fixation locations, frequencies, and durations with respect to analyses of the texts into levels within a hierarchy of propositions in the text base (Kintsch, 1974).  相似文献   

Summary Two experiments are reported which test the hypothesis that during reading subjects maintain in working memory a record of the spatial location of items and that this code is used to guide reinspections. In the first experiment the premisses of short syllogisms were read, one word at a time, under three presentation conditions: (a) in correct temporal order and in appropriate sequential spatial locations; (b) in correct temporal order but in random spatial locations; (c) in correct temporal order and in a single central location. A measure was taken of the time to respond to possible conclusions of the syllogisms. Solution times were longer in conditions (b) and (c) relative to (a). In the second experiment eye movements were recorded as subjects judged the soundness of auditorily presented conclusions following visual presentation of the premisses of syllogisms. Non-random eye movements took place during the solution phase directed to locations previously occupied by text in the display.  相似文献   

In almost all studies of bimanual movements with same and different amplitudes, the difference between amplitudes has been confounded with a difference between endpoint locations. The present authors varied those parameters orthogonally. In addition, they presented target locations on the surface on which the movements were produced (direct cues) and on a monitor (indirect cues). Participants' (N = 12) reaction times were longer when both amplitudes and endpoint locations differed than when they were the same. Intermanual amplitude correlations were reduced whenever 1 of the movement parameters differed for the 2 hands; only when cues were presented on the monitor was the amplitude correlation further reduced when both movement parameters were different. The results indicate that structural constraints on bimanual movements take effect on both amplitudes and endpoint locations. The relative importance of those 2 parameters is largely independent of the type of cue.  相似文献   

The design of effective communications depends upon an adequate model of the communication process. The traditional model is that speech conveys semantic information and bodily movement conveys information about emotion and interpersonal attitudes. But McNeill (2000) argues that this model is fundamentally wrong and that some bodily movements, namely spontaneous hand movements generated during talk (iconic gestures), are integral to semantic communication. But can we increase the effectiveness of communication using this new theory? Focusing on advertising we found that advertisements in which the message was split between speech and iconic gesture (possible on TV) were significantly more effective than advertisements in which meaning resided purely in speech or language (radio/ newspaper). We also found that the significant differences in communicative effectiveness were maintained across five consecutive trials. We compared the communicative power of professionally made TV advertisements in which a spoken message was accompanied either by iconic gestures or by pictorial images, and found the iconic gestures to be more effective. We hypothesized that iconic gestures are so effective because they illustrate and isolate just the core semantic properties of a product. This research suggests that TV advertisements can be made more effective by incorporating iconic gestures with exactly the right temporal and semantic properties.  相似文献   

Structural constraints affect the coordination of bimanual movements in ways that have been taken to suggest that the specification of different movement amplitudes is subject to strong intermanual interference effects. Most experiments taken to support this notion, however, confounded variations of movement amplitudes with symmetry in starting locations and variations in target location. The present experiment was designed to further investigate the relative influence of the parameters starting location, movement amplitude, and target location on bimanual movement coordination. Participants performed simultaneous reaching movements with the left and right hand from same and different starting locations to same and different target locations. On each trial, two movements could match on none, one, or all of the parameters. We assessed the influence of each parameter by comparing conditions in which only a single parameter matched between the two hands with conditions in which all parameters differed. The reaction-time data revealed some challenging results for previous studies: (1) same starting locations significantly delayed movement initiation; (2) specifying movement amplitudes had virtually no effect on movement initiation, whereas (3) selecting same target locations significantly benefited the bimanual responses. These findings cannot be taken to support the notion that amplitude specification affects the initiation of bimanual movements. Rather, they support the notion that the initial starting locations of the two hands and the selection of target locations decide about the ease with which we perform bimanual reaching movements.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that the same ad can have different effects depending upon the media context in which the ad appears. This experiment investigated how the semantic relation between the content of advertisements and editorial texts, and the ad location on newspaper pages affect attention and memory for advertisements. We recorded participants' eye movements while they read newspaper articles to rate how interesting the texts were. Recognition for ads, logos, and editorial headlines was measured on the following day. Results revealed a discrepancy between attention and memory results, suggesting that incongruency increased attention to ads, whereas congruency improved recognition of ads. In addition, ads presented on the right attracted more attention and were recognized better than ads on the left. The results have implications for pretesting of advertisements, because attention and memory for ads were associated with higher preference for brands, and purchase intention was enhanced for the brands that were recognized. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

摘 要 研究以眼动仪为工具,采用移动窗口范式考察不同字号文本对读者阅读知觉广度和眼动模式的影响。实验结果发现,被试阅读大、小字号文本时的阅读知觉广度都是四个字。字号大小不影响读者的阅读知觉广度,但是影响读者的眼动模式。具体表现为:被试阅读小号字文本的平均注视时间、总注视时间比大号字文本长,平均眼跳距离更短,相对眼跳距离(单位为字的个数)更长,注视次数更多。  相似文献   

While bimanual interference effects can be observed when symbolic cues indicate the parameter values of simultaneous reaching movements, these effects disappear under conditions in which the target locations of two movements are cued directly. The present study investigates the generalizability of these target-location cuing benefits to conditions in which symbolic cues are used to indicate target locations (i.e., the end points of bimanual movements). Participants were asked to move to two of four possible target locations, being located either at the same and different distances (Experiment 1), or in the same and different directions (Experiment 2). Circles and crosses served as symbolic target-location cues and were arranged in a symmetric or non-symmetric fashion over the four target locations. Each trial was preceded by a variable precuing interval. Results revealed faster initiation times for equivalent as compared to non-equivalent target locations (same vs. different cues). Moreover, the time course of prepartion suggests that this effect is in fact due to target-equivalence and not to cue-similarity. Bimanual interference relative to movement parameter values was not observed. These findings suggest that cuing target locations can dominate potential intermanual interference effects during the concurrent programming of different movement parameter values.  相似文献   

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