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This article offers a close reading of the six reports from the 4th Assembly of the WCC in Uppsala 1968. The assembly was keenly in tune with the worldwide upheavals of the year. It indeed sought to discern the signs of the time and produced a number of creative suggestions, for example by emphasizing the aspect of inclusiveness in catholicity, by stressing the multilateral dimension of mission, and not least by highlighting the churches' inherent responsibility to be agents of justice and peace in a fractured world. Uppsala 1968 proved to name in a prophetic way crucial issues that remain on the agenda for worldwide Christianity: class, economy, isolationism, racism, the arms race. But today the churches are also confronted with new and renewed issues such as post‐colonialism, migration, ecology, gender, and a theological grounding of the church‐s existence in the world. The article concludes by proposing table fellowship as a possibility for such theological grounding.  相似文献   

Where there is a history of teamwork and cooperation, where multiple centers of resources exist, and where integrative sentiments prevail over territoriality, then the efforts of innovation are more likely to succeed … Innovation may be the only hope for the time ahead. (Kanter, 1984, p. 55)  相似文献   

With proliferating neoliberal modes of science governance, publishing has become more important. Recent studies point to researchers’ feeling of exhaustion and anxiety as responses to academic performance regimes. Yet how affects underpin publishing in scientific cultures and communities, and what this implies for STS scholarship has remained underexplored. Drawing on insights from ethnographic fieldwork and the cultural studies of affect, this article traces the role of emotions, including hope, contempt, and excitement for understanding the new academic productivist regime at a Czech research institution. While junior researchers’ orientations are fostered through rendering publications objects of hope, a moral-political economy intersects with geopolitical history and values of research organization to shape the publication practices of many senior scientists. An affective labor of combat and equanimity is necessary for managing these orientations that are corporeally energized by a dynamic of thrill. This four-pronged approach makes palpable how emotions render scientists’ bodies hopeful, combative and excited while intersecting with ideals of meritocratic research organization and assessment. Frustration and failure are never entirely absent but serve as an immanent driving force for a publishing culture that thrives on adrenaline, combativeness, and hope. This makes it difficult to leverage failures towards criticism of the academic productivist regime—both for the scientists differently affected within the institution and STS researchers. Different engagements with this regime require a more capacious accounting for the pleasure and thrill generated by the uncertainty of publication outcome as well as by unacknowledged practices of care.  相似文献   

The authors synthesized counseling leadership literature to identify themes of counseling leadership. Using an inductive approach to content analysis, the authors analyzed 11 empirical articles, 9 conceptual articles, and 13 leadership profiles. Results yielded 24 emergent leadership themes that were sorted into 3 groups. Findings pave the way for more comprehensive research on counseling leadership and allow for increased intentionality in teaching, training, and practicing counseling leadership.  相似文献   


Although what transpires in group therapy is not gossip per se–except perhaps when absent or former members are discussed–listening to group interaction through an understanding of the dynamics of gossip can contribute to a greater appreciation of group dynamics and group leadership as well as enlarge therapeutic space. After examining the interpersonal dynamics of gossip, this paper discusses six ways in which an understanding of these dynamics can inform group leadership and shed light on group psychotherapy. Central features of gossip that appear in group interactions are explored: These include projection, displacement, self-esteem regulation, clarification of motivation, unself-consciousness, social comparison and bonding, avoidance of psychic pain, and making the ego-syntonic dystonic. The lively use of imagination in the mature phase of group therapy is conceived of as the time when the darker side of human nature–imagined gossip harnessed for therapeutic purposes–can be welcomed in and processed in a kind, playful, and compassionate manner.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In a study of 40 patients who had taken an overdose, and with the relatives of 18 of these subjects, a pattern of family factors that appeared relevant to the choice of drugs was found. These family factors included: (a) a specific expectation that the person would use drugs; (b) an identification with another suicidal family member; (c) a high level of oral preoccupation and oral fixation; (d) trauma in the life history associated with food or orality; and (e) a direct participation of other family members in the suicidal act. The direct study of family interactions in evaluating suicidal potential is recommended for its unique diagnostic and therapeutic implications.  相似文献   


This article covers some of the issues and procedures used in conducting meta‐analysis, a comprehensive and quantitative method for reviewing research. The paper includes a review of completed meta‐analysis in reading. It concludes with suggestions for future reading research reviews.  相似文献   

Morality is a critical factor in leadership that its absence could turn an otherwise powerful leadership model (i.e. transformational leadership) into a disastrous outcome. The importance of morality for leaders is self-evident in light of the far-reaching effects of leaders' actions or inaction on other people. Such proposition necessitates the discourse in the objectivity of universal moral principles as the legitimate basis of a sound understanding of moral leadership. Examining transformational leadership from a moral-laden perspective, this paper argues that morality is a necessary component of leadership and that deontological moral reasoning provides a sufficient ground for morally attractive leadership theories.  相似文献   

In this paper we integrate recent theory and research on the self-concept with leadership theory. We conceptualize the self as being defined at three levels: the individual, interpersonal, and group levels. The effects of the self on information processing and behavior are mediated by the working self-concept, which is composed of self-views, possible selves, and goals (standards). Leaders are seen as producing short-run changes by influencing the working self-concept and more enduring changes through the development of chronic schema. Subordinates are also seen as influencing leaders' self-schema, both individually and collectively. Both practical and theoretical implications of this perspective are discussed.  相似文献   

魏秋江 《心理科学》2012,35(4):937-942
管理理论的研究已迈进创新/创造管理阶段,其典型代表为创造型领导力的理论研究。文章在探讨了创造与领导力关系的基础上,分析了创造型领导的影响效能,阐述了领导者创造思维的前因、领导者与员工创造思维过程研究。最后从创造型领导的技能与策略的发展、认知神经科学范式的采纳、多维整合等角度,评述未来研究趋势。  相似文献   

This paper reviews current debates and findings surrounding leadership in times of uncertainty as framed by the social identity theory of leadership. The past decade has witnessed reinvigorated social psychological research on leadership by focusing on the identity function of leadership, as well as group‐based and prototype‐based influences. This line of research overwhelmingly confirms that group prototypical leaders are preferred over less prototypical leaders. Integrating uncertainty‐identity theory, recent evidence illustrates self‐conceptual uncertainty can strengthen or weaken/negate the prototypical leader advantage. This novel line of research also demonstrates how and when uncertainty can alter perceptions of and preferences for different, and sometimes ‘nasty’ leaders—contradicting contemporary organizational behavior and leadership theories, which argue that people (almost always) prefer transformational, charismatic, or authentic leaders.  相似文献   

王辉  张翠莲 《心理科学进展》2012,20(10):1519-1530
国外有关领导行为的研究已经不胜枚举,而针对中国企业环境下的领导行为研究则相对较少.近年来,中国情境下的领导行为研究开始逐渐涌现,本文从中国高层管理者的领导行为、领导授权赋能行为以及领导-部属交换理论三个方面对中国企业环境下的领导行为研究进行了述评,总结了相关研究在中国情境下的维度表现、前因后果变量,以及中介或调节作用,并指出了中国情境下相关本土化研究的理论与实践贡献.这些研究,从理论贡献上来说,一方面体现出中国情境下领导行为区别于西方情境的独特性,另一方面验证和扩充了西方相关领导行为的研究发现,进一步丰富了领导行为理论;从实践意义上而言,为中国企业领导者提供了一个反思的镜子进而调整自己的领导行为,为中国企业领导者提供企业决策及管理的参考依据,为人力资源管理人员提供实际操作的手段及工具,而且启发下属注意与领导者建立好关系的方式方法和适宜程度.  相似文献   

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