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It has been repeatedly shown that the left hemisphere (right visual field) is superior to the right hemisphere (LVF) in reading English, a bias possibly due to any or all of three confounded factors: (1) the symbolic nature of the coding system; (2) the analytic requirements of the decoding process; and (3) the phonological associations of the elements. Recent work on reading Japanese ideograms (Kanji) disentangles (1) from (2) and (3), but leaves the latter two confounded. We further disentangle (2) and (3) by examining visual field preference for reading musical chords, representatives of an analytic, nonphonological symbol system. The strong RVF advantage is interpreted as indicating that the left hemisphere is dominant for reading an analytic symbol system that is not phonologically based. We conclude that the left-hemisphere advantage traditionally found for reading phonological symbols is due to their analytic nature in addition to any effect due to their linguistic association.  相似文献   

Comprehension of language and visuo-spatial abilities were studied in 12 surgical patients with left cerebral lesions and right-hemisphere speech representation verified by sodium amobarbital tests. When left-hemisphere symptoms preceded the acquisition of speech, impaired understanding of syntactically complex sentences was associated with an early, but not late, onset of convulsive seizures. Other behavioral measures did not show a similar effect of age at seizure onset. Sparing or loss of comprehension could not be related to any aspects of the neurological histories in cases with right-hemisphere speech acquired before the onset of left-hemisphere symptoms. Factors which may have influenced the development of right-hemisphere language comprehension are discussed.  相似文献   

An observationally based assessment of social problem-solving skill was contrasted with more traditional testing methods. A preschool child with low social success was chosen for a demonstration profile analysis. The relative frequencies of the social goals, strategies, and targets shown by this child during free play were plotted in relation to that of his same-sex peer group. Parallel profiles of his relative success with specific goals, strategies, and targets were also constructed and compared to relevant group means and standard deviations. Specific social problem-solving strengths and weaknesses were identified from these profiles, using both intra- and interindividual analyses. The benefits and limitations of this approach for measurement and treatment of social problem-solving deficits were discussed.  相似文献   

Emotionally intoned sentences (happy, sad, angry, and neutral voices) were dichotically paired with monotone sentences. A left ear advantage was found for recognizing emotional intonation, while a simultaneous right ear advantage was found for recognizing the verbal content of the sentences. The results indicate a right hemispheric superiority in recognizing emotional stimuli. These findings are most reasonably attributed to differential lateralization of emotional functions, rather than to subject strategy effects. No evidence was found to support a hypothesis that each hemisphere is involved in processing different types of emotion.  相似文献   

Rats were trained and tested on a hierarchical radial maze, which consisted of eight primary alleys radiating from a central platform and three secondary alleys which branched off the end of each primary alley. In four experiments, rats in groups 1, 2, and 3 were tested on maze configurations consisting of one, two, or three secondary alleys, respectively, at the end of each primary alley. In Experiment 1, each group was trained to collect food pellets in the secondary alleys. By the end of training, rats in each group collected all pellets efficiently, with little repetition of entrances into either primary or secondary alleys. In Experiments 2 and 3, tests were carried out which required retention of entrances into secondary alleys, as well as primary alleys. Two trials were run in succession, with selected secondary alleys blocked on trial 1 but open and baited with food on trial 2. Animals in groups 2 and 3 showed very accurate retention of blocked secondary alleys, regardless of variation in pattern and number of alleys blocked. A fourth experiment controlled for the possible use of food cues in Experiments 2 and 3 by rebaiting all secondary alleys between trials 1 and 2. Subjects continued to choose previously blocked alleys on trial 2, thus demonstrating that choice of blocked alleys was based on memory and not on a tendency to approach visual or olfactory food cues. Several findings of these experiments suggest that memories for primary and secondary alley choices are encoded and stored within separate memory systems. Possible coding mechanisms for these systems are discussed with reference to a process of cognitive mapping.  相似文献   

Golden hamsters received free shock (Experiment 1) or they were partially (Experiments 2 and 3) or continuously (Experiments 4 and 5) punished with mild electric shock for face washing, open rearing, or scrabbling. Punishment immediately and enduringly reduced the time engaged in scrabbling and the number and length of its bouts. Face washing was also clearly associated with shock, since effects specific to the contingency between face washing and shock were retained when shock was discontinued, but under some conditions punishment increased the number of bouts of face washing. Open rearing was the most refractory of the three activities to suppression and showed least evidence of retaining the effects of punishment. This pattern of results differs from that found previously when food reinforcement was given for the same activities. It is discussed in terms of constraints on performance of learned associations by a variety of response-specific and reinforcer-specific motivational factors.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported in which rats were presented with lists of spatial events or responses in distinct visual contexts, and retention subsequently was measured for the events occuring at each serial position. In Experiments 1 and 2, lists contained different numbers of forced choices on successively presented T-mazes, and memory for each serial position was tested on each trial. In Experiment 3, lists were made up of different numbers of forced entries into randomly ordered arms on the eight-arm radial maze, and memory for one serial position was probed on each trial. All three experiments yielded serial position curves which demonstrated recency effects but no primacy effects. Comparisons of retention for different list lengths within each experiment indicated that retention of shorter lists was equivalent to retention of the final items of longer lists and superior to retention of the initial items on longer lists. This pattern of results indicated that there was no evidence of proactive inhibition in the serial position curves. Analysis of input and output interference effects and the results of control tests suggested that both retroactive inhibition and time-based forgetting processes were responsible for recency effects.  相似文献   

A point by point examination of Trabasso and Foellinger's paper shows their criticisms of my 1970 work to be based on errors of fact (regarding the data I reported) and errors of method (regarding proper procedures for model evaluation). Factual errors are refuted by summarizing crucial data reported in 1970 but ignored by my critics. Errors of method are refuted by contrasting my CSVIBE model and data with Trabasso and Foellinger's model and data in the light of the scientific epistemology of model evaluation. The issues of “general” versus “local” models, their “empirical scope,” “number of empirical parameters,” and “simplifying assumptions” are examined. Five ways of evaluating models are distinguished, and in all five my 1970 model is shown to be superior to that of Trabasso and Foellinger. The 1970 data (in light of the controls built into the CSVI task) and new unreported data exhibiting developmental step functions confirm the model of a developmental growth of M (mental energy, working memory), which occurs concurrently with and independently from the growth of executive/control structures. Executive growth alone cannot explain the obtained results.  相似文献   

Four Broca's aphasics, four Wernicke's aphasics, and four matched controls were investigated on three verbal and one visual short-term memory tasks. Experiment 1 considered memory span and subspan recognition memory for verbal items and Experiment 2 assessed serial position effects in supraspan verbal recognition memory. The Broca's aphasics demonstrated verbal memory deficits, which could not be attributed to linguistic disturbances, while the verbal memory deficiencies seen with the Wernicke's aphasics could be regarded as secondary to linguistic defects. In Experiment 3, where visual recognition memory was investigated, only the Broca's aphasics showed deficient performance. The wider context of deficient mnemonic performance in aphasia is discussed.  相似文献   

Right-handed subjects were asked to decide whether or not faces presented briefly in the RVF or in the LVF were familiar (familiar faces were those of famous people). This task avoids the need for extensive semantic processing or temporary storage involved in conventional naming or identification tasks, and thus eliminates the contribution of such factors to any observed asymmetry. The resulting finding of faster reaction times to LVF faces, with no overall visual hemifield difference in error rates, is taken to indicate a right-hemisphere superiority either in the processes used to construct facial representations or in the accessing of face recognition units, or both.  相似文献   

When written language is acquired in only one hemisphere because of hemidecortication in infancy, the left hemisphere is superior to the right at using morphophonemic rules to read and spell unfamiliar words, and at exploiting the structure of sentence units to achieve rapid reading of meaning in prose. The ability to learn names for logographs, however, is better in the right hemisphere than in the left. The greater mastery of written language in the left hemisphere is a result, not of an enhanced facility for making cross-modal associations between sounds and signs, but of a superior access to the morphophonemic rule system and the higher-order textual constraints of English.  相似文献   

Two recent articles by M. Burisch (1984, American Psychologist, 37, 214–227; 1984, Journal of Research in Personality, 18, 81–98) have presented data bearing on the traditional methods by which personality is assessed. Based on a review of selected empirical studies and analyses of new data, Burisch has concluded that (a) single-item global self-ratings generally yield greater coefficients of criterion validity than questionnaire measures of the same traits, and (b) most existing personality questionnaires can be shortened considerably without any consequent loss in validity. These conclusions stand in direct contrast to previous appeals by Epstein and others for the use of extensive aggregate measures of personality derived according to the axioms of psychometric theory. In response to Burisch, we describe measurement artifacts and strategies of test item selection that account for some of his conclusions and we reiterate the need for the application of conventional construct-based questionnaires in the assessment of personality.  相似文献   

Rats were trained on an eight-arm, elevated radial maze in a large cylindrical chamber where extramaze stimuli could be manipulated. The first experiment indicated that rats could use extramaze stimuli to locate the arms if such stimuli were available, whereas they performed less effectively and tended to employ response chaining if these stimuli were not available. The second experiment demonstrated that maze performance was disrupted by transposition of the stimuli but was relatively unaffected by rotation of the same stimuli. The third experiment suggested that the disruptive effect of stimulus transposition might be due to a “resetting” process elicited by the alteration in the configuration of the stimuli after stimulus transposition. These results suggest that when extramaze stimuli are available, rats tend to use such stimuli in a configurational manner to locate the arms rather than as a list of items processed independently of their spatial relationships to each other.  相似文献   

Eighty-one university students were given a battery of reaction time tests, measuring the speed with which they performed various elementary cognitive processes, and a group test of intelligence which yielded timed and untimed scores. Multiple regression analyses indicated that speed of information-processing was an equally good predictor of timed and untimed intelligence test performance, and that various combinations of speed-of-processing variables accounted for as much as 48% of the variance in intelligence test scores. Different speed-of-processing variables varied relatively systematically in the extent to which they correlated with the individual subtests and scales of the intelligence test.  相似文献   

At the turn of the century, the initiators of laboratory study of animal learning advocated two very different approaches to the subject matter. Willard Small favored the investigation of learning in ecological settings appropriate to individual species. E. L. Thorndike treated the process of association formation in animals as a general one, best studied in situations distant from those to which subject species were adapted. The latter view dominated laboratory study of animal learning for 80 years. The consequent absence of ecological content from laboratory investigations of animal learning, together with recent expansion in knowledge of the behavior of free-living animals, has created opportunities for ecologically sound investigations of animal learning of the type first advocated by Small. Studies of taste-aversion learning, although introducing evolutionary issues into the study of animal learning, do not exemplify such an approach. Integration of field and laboratory studies of behavioral plasticity in animals requires a change in the methods used to select phenomena for analysis. Such integration does not often lead to identification of the behavioral processes underlying the development of particular behaviors observed in nature. Rather, its results are an increase in the variety of learning processes investigated in laboratory settings and enhanced understanding of the behavioral capacities of subject species.  相似文献   

In a procedure devised by J. A. Walker and D. S. Olton (Learning and Motivation, 1979, 10, 73–84), rats were placed on two arms of a four-arm radial maze and then were placed in the center of the maze to test how accurately they could choose the alleys on which they had not been placed. In three experiments, the conditions under which animals viewed the environment from the arms were varied. In Experiment 1, both the extent of spatial view and the exposure time were varied factorially in a within-subjects design; animals viewed the environment down a tunnel or had a 180° or 360° view, and subjects were allowed to view the environment for either 2 or 20 sec. In Experiment 2, a between-subjects design was used, in which different groups of subjects were tested repeatedly under either the tunnel, 180°, or 360° conditions. Both experiments showed that animals could avoid the arms previously visited at no better than a chance level of accuracy in the tunnel viewing condition but could perform with progressively better accuracy at the 180 and 360° viewing conditions. Animals also were more accurate in Experiment 1 after viewing for 20 sec than after viewing for 2 sec. Experiment 3 involved a procedure in which restricted viewing conditions were used both during arm placements and testing. Animals tested under tunnel viewing eventually achieved above-chance performance with this procedure, but did not exceed chance as rapidly as groups tested with 45 and 90° views of the environment. These results suggest that animals can learn about their position in a spatial environment through observation and that an animal's ability to locate its position is directly related to the extent of the surrounding environment it can see and the length of time it is allowed to look. The implications of these findings for list and map hypotheses of spatial memory representation are discussed.  相似文献   

The left and right hemispheres perform different encoding and decoding operations on a syntactically complex sentence in order to identify its meaning. Hemispheric asymmetry for syntax involves not only variations in capacity, but also differences in the strategy used to effect similar language performance.  相似文献   

An empirical test of the interaction model of anxiety was provided by assessing the state anxiety and trait anxiety of 20 female and 7 male dental patients undergoing periodontal surgery. Measures of A-State (PARQ IV), A-Trait (S-R GTA), and perceptions (PSRF) were administered in both a high-stress condition (30 min prior to surgery) and a low-stress condition (4 to 6 days after surgery). It was hypothesized that undergoing periodontal surgery would be perceived as a combination ambiguous/physical danger situation. Accordingly it was predicted that high-ambiguous A-Trait subjects would experience greater decreases in A-State than low-ambiguous A-Trait subjects in proceeding from the high-stress to the low-stress condition. Similarly it was predicted that high-physical danger A-Trait subjects would show greater decreases in A-State than low-physical danger A-Trait subjects. Significant A-Trait × stress condition interactions were not expected to occur for noncongruent A-Trait facets (social evaluation and innocuous). Results indicated that, while the high-stress condition was perceived as an ambiguous/physical danger situation, the A-Trait × stress condition interactions were not significant for ambiguous, physical danger, or innocuous A-Trait facets. Contrary to prediction, a significant interaction was observed between social evaluation A-Trait and stress condition. This finding was explained in terms of the complex relationship between situation perception and situation reaction.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was carried out to evaluate the notion that rats given a sequence of massed daily trials on the radial maze reset working memory at the end of each trial by deleting its contents. Although curves presented by D. S. Olton [Scientific American, 1977, 236, 82–98; In S. H. Hulse, H. Fowler, & W. K. Honig (Eds.), Cognitive processes in animal behavior, Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 1978] show that rats return to errorless performance at the beginning of each trial after the first, the fact that accuracy falls less rapidly over choices on Trial 1 than on subsequent trials suggests a proactive inhibition (PI) effect. In Experiment 1, Olton's findings were replicated, and a PI effect was observed on Days 1–2 of testing. On Days 3–5, overall accuracy improved significantly and was associated with the development of a strong tendency for rats to enter adjacent alleys, which became particularly marked on the final trials of a day's testing. In order to prevent rats from achieving accurate performance by using an adjacent alleys pattern, a procedure was used in Experiment 2 which involved initial forced random choices followed by a retention test consisting of free choices. Repeated daily trials with this procedure yielded a significant PI effect, which was more marked at a 60-sec delay than at a 0-sec delay. Experiments 3 and 4 showed this PI effect to be robust and resistant to manipulations designed to produce release from PI. Both the PI effect and a strong tendency found in Experiment 1 for animals to avoid on the initial choices of Trial n those alleys most recently entered on Trial n?1 argue that rats do not reset working memory between trials.  相似文献   

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