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This paper explores relationships between basic personality profiles of voters and their political party preferences. The Italian political system has moved recently from previously extreme, ideologically distinctive parties to form complex coalitions varying around more centrist orientations. Significant evidence was found for the utility of the Five-Factor Model of Personality in distinguishing between voters' expressed preferences, even given this greater subtlety in proposed values and agendas. More than 2,000 Italian voters who self-identified as having voted for new center-left or center-right political coalitions differed systematically in predicted directions on several personality dimensions measured by the Big Five Questionnaire. In the context of the model, center-right voters displayed more Energy and slightly more Conscientiousness than center-left voters, whose dominant personality characteristics were Agreeableness (Friendliness) and Openness; Emotional Stability was unrelated to either group. This relationship between individual differences in personality and political preferences was not influenced by the demographic variables of voters' gender, age, or education. Thus, personality dimensions proved to be stronger predictors of political preference than any of these standard predictor variables. Implications are discussed regarding links among personality, persuasion, power, and politics.  相似文献   

Empirical comparison of terminated executives' personality profiles with employed controls revealed no pathological indicators in those terminated.  相似文献   

This research describes the personality characteristics of a sample of Canadian public accountants using the 16 Personality Factors Questionnaire. Comparisons are made with the general population, between male and female accountants, and between firms of different sizes. Since success in a public accounting firm is indicated by becoming a partner, the personalities of successful public accountants are determined by comparing partners and staff at other levels. Findings indicate that accountants, as a group, have personality profiles that are significantly different from the general population. Significant differences were found between male and female accountants, and between accountants in large and small firms. Personality appears to be a significant factor in promotion as partners have personality profiles that are significantly different from those of accountants at other levels.  相似文献   

There has been surprisingly little research on possible differences between homosexual and heterosexual personalities, although the few studies that have been conducted suggest some interesting differences. We devised two hypothesis that may account for these differences. First, differences appear to reflect generalized social nonconformity and alienation due to the social stigmatization of the homosexual. Second, these differences seem to express a more specific tendency to deviation from socially normative sex roles. The two hypotheses imply a number of predictions concerning specific personality traits, which were tested by comparing the 16PF (Cattell, Eber, & Tatsuoka, 1970) personality profiles of a group of male (N = 34) and female (N = 31) homosexuals with those obtained from the two large student samples (male, N = 899 and female, N = 912) whose scores are commonly used as norms for the South African version of the 16PF. The findings suggested reasonably good support for the two hypotheses, particularly considering the limitations of the study with respect to the adequacy of the comparison groups used and the relative heterogeneity of the 16PF scale content.  相似文献   

Five‐year longitudinal data on a cohort of early to middle adolescents (N = 923) and a cohort of middle to late adolescents (N = 390) were used to examine the correlates of hypermaturity (i.e. 12‐year‐olds with a personality profile resembling the profile of an average 20‐year‐old) and immaturity (i.e. 20‐year‐olds with a personality profile resembling the profile of an average 12‐year‐old) of personality. Analyses revealed that girls with high levels of hypermaturity exhibited high levels of internalizing problem behaviour and conflict with parents, while hypermaturity in boys was only associated with internalizing problems. Immature girls had low levels of anxiety and high levels of minor delinquency, whereas immature boys reported low levels of anxiety and high levels of physical maturity. These findings suggest that off‐time personality development is an interesting concept deserving further exploration. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To identify a few homogeneous subgroups with distinct personality profiles, the Interpersonal Style Inventory (ISI) was administered to two samples, each composed of 100 university undergraduates. Ward's hierarchical algorithm and the buildup nonhierarchical cluster analytic program was applied to measures of profile similarity among members of each sample. Of the six clusters that were isolated in the first sample, five were matched at significant levels across the two methods. In the second sample, six clusters were matched across clustering procedures at significant levels. Comparisons across samples disclosed five good matches between clusters generated by the Ward hierarchical algorithm, but only one for the nonhierarchical analytic procedures, These results indicate that most IS1 personality profiles can be classified into five or six categories for purposes of interpretation or prediction.  相似文献   

Situation-Behavior Profiles as a Locus of Consistency in Personality   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Traditional approaches have long considered situations as "noise" or "error" that obscures the consistency of personality and its invariance. Therefore, it has been customary to average the individual's behavior on any given dimension (e.g., conscientiousness) across different situations. Contradicting this assumption and practice, recent studies have demonstrated that by incorporating the situation into the search for consistency, a new locus of stability is found. Namely, people are characterized not only by stable individual differences in their overall levels of behavior, but also by distinctive and stable patterns of situation-behavior relations (e.g., she does X when A but Y when B ). These if . . . then . . . profiles constitute behavioral "signatures" that provide potential windows into the individual's underlying dynamics. Processing models that can account for such signatures provide a new route for studying personality types in terms of their shared dynamics and characteristic defining profiles.  相似文献   

Although both running and meditating have been considered as healthful and enlightening, no data have yet been published comparing the personality profiles of the two groups. A sample of 48 runners and 43 meditators, all males between the ages of 40 and 60, were given the Cattell 16 PF Test Profile and the results were compared. The meditators were significantly more assertive and enthusiastic than the runners. They also appear as Significantly less conscientious and controlled than the runners, as well as more experimenting and suspicious.  相似文献   

Using 5 divergent thinking indices of the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, this study examined the creative profiles of 236 adult professionals and relationships between their creative characteristics and personality types. All these adults were in their middle or late stage of professional development in business, public service, journalism, or a similar profession. Distinctive profiles of creative and personality characteristics were found as a function of the domain. For example, the adults in business, journalism, and law had strength in fluency and a weakness in resistance to premature closure; those in medicine, and research and education showed strength in originality and a weakness in abstractness of titles. Those in business were mostly either an ESTJ or ISTJ type had lower levels of creativity than other professionals. Across the domains, the adults preferring intuition in perceiving information had higher creative potential than those preferring sensing. Domains were significant predictors of most of the tested creativity, even over and above the personality types. Overall, this study supported that creative potential, personality types, and domains are intertwined although further explorations are needed to identify causality among them.  相似文献   

The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI; L. C. Morey, 1991) is a promising tool for the assessment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), but few studies have examined the PAI profiles of individuals with the diagnosis. In this study, the PAI was administered to 176 combat veterans with PTSD. Results showed significant elevations on scales measuring depression, somatic complaints, anxiety, anxiety-related disorders, schizophrenia, and negative impression management. The Traumatic Stress subscale was the highest point in the mean score profile and was moderately correlated with several established measures of PTSD. Veterans with and without comorbid major depression differed on PAI scales assessing depression, anxiety, and warmth. Analysis of two-point codetypes for the PAI and the MMPI-2 revealed substantial heterogeneity in symptom endorsement on both instruments, suggesting that there may be no clear PTSD profile on either instrument. Results provide a reference point for future work with the PAI in PTSD samples.  相似文献   

Research on and with the Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration (P-F) Study and its precursors, 1934-1974, is presented. Investigations with the original versions of the P-F in English and the parallel, standardized versions in Europe. Asia and the Americas are covered. More than 500 articles and books are organized by topic in a Citation Index giving authors and dates. The available references for a given topic can then be readily located. The major topics include basic (construct) research, reliability, validity and pragmatic applications. These applications pertain to developmental and individual differences, clinical disorders, antisocial behavior, personnel selection, counseling and therapy, educational and school psychology, cultural and differences, and experimental psychodynamics.  相似文献   

We used Latent Profile and Latent Profile Transition Analysis to empirically develop and compare competing models of personality profiles (three‐ and four‐profile models). We do so using data from the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study, a large longitudinal national probability sample of New Zealanders. Both three‐ and four‐profile solutions demonstrated good fit and longitudinal stability. Trait configurations and predictive outcomes of the four‐profile model were the most interpretable in terms of the theoretical literature, as this solution mirrored the theoretical foundation of self‐regulatory ego‐constructs. This supported the interpretation of a four‐profile model as providing a useful distinction over and above the three‐profile model. We conclude that, compared to the three‐profile model, the four‐profile solution provides a better foundation to serve as a complementary approach to variable‐centre research. Copyright © 2016 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

Conflict in predictions resulting from Eysenck's (1957) and Gray's (1970) theoretical formulations on personality and conditioning were tested at the behavioral level. Given conditions which do not produce over-arousal, it would be predicted from Eysenck's position that Introverts would condition better than Extraverts. From Gray's formulation it would follow that Introverts condition better if negative reinforcement is used and Extraverts condition better if positive reinforcement is used. The two opposing predictions were tested in pursuit rotor learning by either positively or negatively reinforcing the hit/miss dimension of performance by 166 males aged 14 to 15 yr. The results gave support to Gray's position but if over-arousal is assumed Eysenck's position is tenable.  相似文献   

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