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在科学史中,思想实验从科学的源头开始,一直在发挥着重要的作用。我们只要想想伽利略的自由落体运动、麦克斯韦妖、牛顿的水桶、爱因斯坦的电梯、爱因斯坦火车、薛定谔的猫等等这些著名的思想实验,就能知道思想实验在科学的历史进程中占据着无可替代的显著地位。但在科学史的绝大部分时  相似文献   

由于齐国和鲁国的治国策略不同,反映到他们的教育思想上也存在着差异。齐国开展教育的目的很明确,那就是富民强国,称霸诸侯,而鲁国则是为了维护和推行西周宗法社会的礼制。本文借助现有齐、鲁文化典籍就齐、鲁教育思想的相同点与差异处进行了初步探析。  相似文献   

仓淼 《管子学刊》2011,(2):72-74
孔子和庄子,是春秋战国时期两位具有代表性的思想家,他们对音乐本质问题的认识上。都对音乐的感性特征有着深刻的理解,不管是孔子的“子与人歌”,还是庄子的“听之于心”的聆听所达到的无声境界,都表现出他们对音乐的客观存在性和音乐所具有的声音特性的默认;但是在孔子的音乐思想中,则更注重音乐的社会功能作用,以音乐的艺术形式来达到对人品德的教化;而庄子提出的“心斋”、“坐忘”,则是强调了人对音乐的“悟”,表现了他追求“至乐无乐”的精神境界。  相似文献   

马克思物质变换思想与生态伦理重构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在人类中心主义和非人类中心主义对人与自然关系所做的道德谋划失败以后,马克思关于劳动首先是人与自然之间的物质变换的思想,既为重新确认生态伦理学存在的合法性提供了正当理由,也为生态伦理以善恶为核心向道德权利以义务为核心的转向奠定了基础.从马克思的物质变换思想出发,生态伦理何以为善的根据不再是人的利益,也不再是自然本身的权利和内在价值,而是人与自然之间的物质变换,正是这种物质变换决定了人类拥有向自然界提取自己所需物质资料以养育自身的道德权利,也规定了人类必须承担反馈自身的能量以养育自然环境的道德义务.  相似文献   

考查了与"镵"有关的文字与史料,认为镵系尖锐的金属器具,医者用以刺脉,农者用以刺土.由于经脉与地球在形态上的相似性,刺脉与刺土亦存在理念上的内在关联,镵针系早期针具的代表,其形制与农具"镵"相类,解析镵针的由来可在一定程度上揭示早期经脉思想.  相似文献   

《文子》与《淮南子》都是反映秦汉黄老之学的著作。《文子》的道论偏重于考察“道” 的实体,《淮南子》则偏重于探索“道”的历程;《文子》的无为论着眼于对老子“无为”的改造,《淮南子》的“无为”则突出了人的主体性内容;《文子》在融合百家之学方面,坚持以道为主,兼取各家;而《淮南子》则表现了儒道整合的倾向。《文子》与《淮南子》的思想异同,既展示了秦汉黄老之学的演化,又从思想发展的逻辑证明了《文子》的成书年代先于《淮南子》。  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料法、综合分析法对国外古今名人7人及中国古今名人3人的体育思想做出比较研究。通过分析名人体育思想同智育、德育、美育以及人类全面发展的相关联系,为论体育作为学校教育的重要组成部分及其作用提供一定的理论依据参考。  相似文献   

张厚粲是中国最著名的心理学家、教育家。从1948年从辅仁大学毕业时算起,她为中国心理学的发展奋斗了七十多年。改革开放后,她与前辈心理学家一起,引领了中国心理学的发展方向。她长期担任国际心理学联合会执委、副主席,是中国心理学与国际心理学交往交流的使者,为中国心理学走向世界做出了杰出贡献。本文是对张厚粲的实验认知心理学思想及其贡献的总结与回顾。  相似文献   

先秦齐、鲁两国作为周王室分封在东方的重要诸侯国,虽然同处东方,但所处地域的地理环境还是存在差异,而且各自所奉行的治国策略也不相同。文化作为人类在特定的自然环境与社会环境中为了生存与发展而有意识地进行的物质创造与精神创建,决定了齐、鲁文化之间必会存在着相同点和不同点,本文借助现有文献对齐、鲁文化的渊源、政治、经济、习俗、文化特征等方面进行了初步的异同比较阐述。  相似文献   

老子与罗杰斯心理学思想之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李娟 《社会心理科学》2004,19(6):10-12,18
罗杰斯的人本主义心理治疗技术是当前应用极广也很有成效的治疗手段的一种,而老子的思想历来是中国传统的“释、道、儒”三大思想流派中的一种,在我国民众中的影响非常。有人说罗杰斯的思想是“介于东方与西方思想之间的中介物”,他的心理学思想及“来访者中心”的治疗方法都深受中国道家思想特别是老子思想的影响。所以,本文希冀通过仔细地研究、体会老子的心理学思想与罗杰斯的治疗理论,更详尽的展现两种思想中的异同,为解决心理学本土化问题略尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   

计时指判断时距的长短, 计数指辨别刺激呈现数目的多少。研究者发现计时和计数具有相似性, 表现在类似的基本原理, 对时间和数目的记忆都受到时间延迟的影响, 跨通道效应类似, 而且药物对它们的影响一致。模式控制模型认为计时和计数共享同一机制, 量值理论的观点是时间和数目等不同维度具有部分重叠的同一表征形式。计时和计数都激活了前额、顶叶、小脑等区域, 但两者在行为结果和激活的脑区上也有部分差异。计时和计数具有同一表征还是两者独立加工, 只在对比反应阶段存在共同机制仍需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

More younger people attempt and more older people commit suicide, but the bulk of research and treatment activities, presumably by younger professionals, is devoted to the younger suicidal population. In this paper, both younger and older suicidal patients were compared for age differences, age similarities, and the relationships between generations. Examples are presented of the precipitants and family determinants that were most frequently associated with suicidal behavior, with a discussion of their theoretical and clinical implications. The precipitants were based upon developmental tasks and crises which differ with age, while the family determinants were similar at all ages. Families also played a major role in the origin, outcome, and healing of a suicidal state. To a great extent, the steps leading to a self-destructive episode occurred outside of awareness. The examples illustrated both the typical and the unusual experiences that take place during the treatment of suicidal individuals, often involving the therapist in emotional, dramatic, and moving situations.  相似文献   

孔子心目中的"圣人"要求德、位兼备,而在孟子那里则更加注重于对德的要求。孟子所论"圣人"与孔子有所不同,可以说是孟子因应了从"犹秉周礼"至"杀人盈城"这一现实的形势、因应了"距杨墨"这一思想层面的形势以及为更加便于教化等因素影响而造成的。于孔子、孟子之间,从郭店楚简《五行》篇"德之行"五与"行"四等论述看,其中就已有了突出"圣"之德性的趋势。  相似文献   

Mourners often rely on faith following loss, but not all find spirituality comforting. Some grievers engage in negative religious coping (NRC), signaled by behaviors and thoughts such as anger toward God or their faith community, feeling spiritually abandoned, or questioning God's power. Our longitudinal study of 46 African American homicide survivors explored the relation of both positive religious coping (PRC) and NRC to complicated grief (CG) and investigated whether religious coping more strongly predicted psychological distress or vice versa. Results indicated that NRC was associated with CG, whereas PRC was substantially unrelated to bereavement outcome. Significantly, CG prospectively predicted high levels of spiritual struggle 6 months later, both in terms of CG and NRC composite scores and at the individual-item level. Clinical implications regarding spiritually sensitive interventions are noted.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The rapid rise in suicide among young Blacks in America the past decade is of increasing concern to mental health practitioners and suicidologists. While there are some similarities among suicide attempts by Blacks and Whites, the pattern is that Black suicide attempters are distinctly more youthful. This exploratory study tests the hypothesis that the precipitating events for young Blacks who consider, plan, and attempt suicide is more likely to be “the loss or threatened loss of a love partner in the context of a negative value-orientation and intragroup pressures” than among Anglo suicide attempters. Specific strategies are recommended that use a family perspective for assisting Blacks who consider, plan and attempt suicide.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(4):79-92
Women therapists are similar and dissimilar to our clients in a variety of ways. Previously, we have focused on and celebrated our similarities. Both similarities and differences can be disruptive to the psychotherapy process, however, when not recognized. This paper attempts to delineate and to describe in a preliminary way some of the dimensions, both obvious and subtle, along which we may be similar and different from our clients. The greatest difficulty appears to arise from similarities and differences in values. Using examples, the paper disusses problems which can occur with similarity and with difference.  相似文献   

We compared final written letters and spoken phonemes and syllable length in the names of male (N = 250) and female (N = 197) Golden Retrievers to determine if the same gender-stereotyping trends occurring in humans also appeared in dog names. Names were taken from a website of the most popular Golden Retriever names in English speaking countries. Both male and female dogs had names ending in letters and phonemes characteristic of their respective human male and female counterparts. Female dogs had more syllables in their names than male dogs and a higher percentage of male dogs had one syllable names. We conclude that the similarities between human and dog naming practices reflect a pervasive gendered naming phonology.  相似文献   

Bodlović  Petar 《Argumentation》2021,35(2):287-320
Argumentation - The study of presumptions has intensified in argumentation theory over the last years. Although scholars put forward different accounts, they mostly agree that presumptions can be...  相似文献   

弗雷格和达米特从说者视角出发,认为语言是思想的容器和交流的工具,因而思想是静态的。戴维森则从听者视角主张:思想作为一种倾向性的语言,乃是解释者赋予说者的命题态度内容,因而思想是动态的。据此我们进一步论证:思想是解释者在交流过程中与说者所共同建构的东西,而不是说者在说话之前的现成之物;思想不是解释者的意见,也不单是说者的意图,而是话语自身的意义;思想是说者与解释者在话语交流的互动过程中一个逐步完成的过程。说者的话语与解释者赋予说者的思想之间是一种相互依赖、相互调整、相互促进的反思平衡关系。  相似文献   

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