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本文通过介绍由唐·伊德所开创的后现象学的成长历程、后现象学的主要问题域以及后现象学在当前的最新拓展,试图对后现象学有一个总体把握,为推进国内学界对于后现象学的关注和深入研究起到抛砖引玉的作用。后现象学的形成与唐.伊德及其组建的技术科学研究小组紧密联系在一起。后现象学最初登场是出于对分析哲学的反叛,因为分析哲学将一切现象都语言化;同时也与胡塞尔的先验主义现象学拉开距离,因为胡塞尔过于强调空洞的先验自我。后现象学在某种程度上是实用主义和现象学相结合的产物,并将它运用于科学研究领域,经验转向是其思想的核心。唐.伊德的后现象学在当前有许多追随者,他们将后现象学扩展进医学、经济学、天文学等领域。在这样的意义上可以说,后现象学运动正方兴未艾。  相似文献   

徐英瑾 《世界哲学》2012,(5):131-140,161
一般认为,"新实用主义"乃经典实用主义的一个后现代主义的变种,它无法在知识论的角度接受心灵表征的客观实在性。本文则认为,反实在论并非是我们发展实用主义的心灵哲学时必然陷入的理论窠臼。如果我们采纳美国哲学家丹尼特主张的"异类现象学"方法,我们就有可能将科学方法和工具主义立场相调和,或在对他人的心灵状态做出本体论承诺时,不必向反实在论投降。  相似文献   

虽然胡塞尔明确主张我们可以原本地经验到观念,但他毕生认为观念的被充实的给予性只有奠基在感性中才可能.而对观念的单纯符号性意指如何区别于观念的被充实的给予性,以及与此相关的作为整体的充实关系问题,胡塞尔在不同文本中的论述却截然不同.胡塞尔充实概念的基本问题将会从胡塞尔所考虑的几个最重要的充实要素来加以说明:感性、空间性、...  相似文献   

本文拟通过对哲学意义上的现象学和宗教现象学核心概念的整理,考查二者之间的联系与区别,并试图从哲学现象学的角度反观宗教现象学,重新思考宗教现象学的可能性及宗教研究的方法问题。  相似文献   

E. Husserl’s reflections in Logical Investigations on “intentional feelings” and “non-intentional feelings” are significant in both his later ethical explorations and M. Scheler’s thought on ethics. Through the incorporation of the views of Husserl and Scheler, we find that the phenomenology of the intentional feeling-acts is not only the foundation of the non-formal ethics of values in Scheler’s phenomenology, but also at least the constitutive foundation of the ethics of Husserl’s first orientation. Translated by Yu Xin and Zhang Wei from Huazhong keji daxue xuebao 华中科技大学学报 (Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology), 2007, (6): 14–20  相似文献   

关于“你”和“他人”的探讨,在当今社会中,不仅在欧洲,而且在亚洲,都能够以各种不同的、明确的和隐蔽的形式被感受到。你是谁?人——例如,在联系到“人权”或“生命伦理学”时所谈到的人——是什么?  相似文献   

孙宁 《现代哲学》2013,(3):73-78
作为西方思想的一个独特样本,美国经典实用主义找到了一个重新解读视角主义(perspectivalism)这一思维方式的独特可能性。威廉·詹姆士(William James)与乔治·赫伯特·米德(George Herbert Mead)是美国经典实用主义的两个代表人物。本文通过探讨这两位哲学家对视角主义的思考,展现出视角主义在实用主义语境中的连续性和张力,并希望这种探讨能够带来更多理论之外的洞见。  相似文献   

现象学和认知科学有很多差异:其一,两者有各自不同的著述、研究人员、专业机构、词汇、方法等等。其二,有完全不同的初始假设:现象学认为认知的本质在于认知的主观经验,因此致力于描述主观经验的固定结构;而认知科学认为认知的本质在于其神经基础,它致力于寻找认知的因果机制。认知  相似文献   

尚杰 《学海》2007,(3):25-32
与“抽象的”研究伦理学“概念”的做法不同,舍勒在胡塞尔现象学基础上,直接描述具有道德价值的“具体心情”。舍勒试图把哲学从“天上”拉回到“地上”,他以描述的方式,分析具有现象学性质的“心情”,在胡塞尔应该说“纯粹意识”的地方,舍勒说“纯粹心情”或“纯粹价值”,让这些心情本身具有道德价值含义。羞耻感是返回自身的心情,是冲向自己的意向的转变,天然具有现象学的意义。在这个意义上,现象学又是一门升华心情的学问,就悔悟而言,不再是消极的而是积极的心情,改变从前的心理习惯,让精神生活重新开始。因此,悔悟是战胜自己的积极途径。  相似文献   

对西方现代现象学的研究,业已成为国内乃至海外华人哲学研究中的一门显学。这一现象的出现,一方面是由于现象学作为现代西方众多人本主义哲学的奠基性学说,在现代西方哲学中具有举足轻重的地位,另一方面则是由于现象学推出了一种别具一格的方法,即对事物的直接把握而非间接把握的所谓直觉式的思维方法,这种方法与强调单刀直入和易简功夫的中国传统思维方  相似文献   

I discuss the claim what makes self-knowledge epistemologically distinctive is the fact that it is baseless or groundless. I draw a distinction between evidential and explanatory baselessness and argue that self-knowledge is only baseless in the first of these senses. Since evidential baselessness is a relatively widespread phenomenon the evidential baselessness of self-knowledge does not make it epistemologically distinctive and does not call for any special explanation. I do not deny that self-knowledge is epistemologically distinctive. My claim is only that talk of its evidential baselessness is insufficient to account for its epistemological distinctiveness.
Quassim CassamEmail:

伦理道德不是外在于人的说教,而就是我们自身的存在,是关于人的生命实践的学说.马克思拒斥古典伦理学的抽象人性观和超验的道德立场,实现了对近代伦理学的革命变革.这一变革体现在把对道德、伦理的思考引向人的存在本身,从现实人的生存处境和社会现实来思考和寻求人的解放之路,马克思这一以历史唯物主义为基础的伦理变革为当代伦理学的发展提供重要的理论视角.  相似文献   

决策的脑认知神经机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近期神经经济学为探索决策脑部机制提供了新的视角.文章以决策的评估选项的效用、执行选择行动和体验决策结果三阶段模型及决策中的学习过程为线索,整合了来自神经心理学、脑损伤和功能成像研究等方面的研究结果,并展望了未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

“Vast” is a word often applied to environmental terrain that is perceived to have large spatial extent. This judgment is made even at viewing distances where traditional metric depth cues are not useful. This paper explores the perceptual basis of vast experience, including reliability and visual precursors. Experiment 1 demonstrated strong agreement in ratings of the spatial extent of two-dimensional (2D) scene images by participants in two countries under very different viewing conditions. Image categories labeled “vast” often exemplified scene attributes of ruggedness and openness (Oliva & Torralba, 2001). Experiment 2 quantitatively assessed whether these properties predict vastness. High vastness ratings were associated with highly open, or moderately open but rugged, scenes. Experiment 3 provided evidence, consistent with theory, that metric distance perception does not directly mediate the observed vastness ratings. The question remains as to how people perceive vast space when information about environmental scale is unavailable from metric depth cues or associated scene properties. We consider possible answers, including contribution from strong cues to relative depth.  相似文献   

The Neural Basis of Implicit Attitudes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— Evidence that human preferences, beliefs, and behavior are influenced by sources that are outside the reach of conscious awareness, control, intention, and self-reflection is incontrovertible. Recent advances in neuroscience have enabled researchers to investigate the neural basis of these implicit attitudes, particularly attitudes involving social groups. From this research, a model with three identified neural components related to the automatic activation and regulation of implicit attitudes is beginning to emerge. The amygdala is implicated in the automatic evaluation of socially relevant stimuli, while the anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices are involved in the detection and regulation, respectively, of implicit attitudes. Further support for this model comes from the inclusion of these regions in current models concerning the cognitive regulation of emotion and the detection of conflict. The identification of a putative neural substrate for implicit attitudes has had a direct impact on psychological research into their nature and operational characteristics. We discuss how this emerging neural model has influenced current research on implicit attitudes and describe the importance of such models for directing future research.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Recent research examining the interpersonal basis of self-stereotyping is considered from the perspective of Cognitive–Affective Personality System (CAPS) theory. The reviewed work shows that individuals tend to see themselves in a stereotypic manner when interacting with someone who engenders affiliative motivation and is thought to hold stereotypic views of their group. Evidence suggesting that this context-dependent self-stereotyping is extended temporally through future psychologically similar interactions and the invocation of significant others thought to endorse stereotypes is also discussed. These findings and the theoretical framework that stimulated them strongly resonate with the notion of if … then contingencies of the self articulated in CAPS theory. The implications of each viewpoint for the other are discussed.  相似文献   

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