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历代学者多用"获麟绝笔""获麟乃书"指向"西狩获麟"及《春秋》文本的结束,指出孔子书写《春秋》与"麟"的关系。《春秋穀梁传》未曾出现关于"绝笔""始书"等有关书写的词汇,但范宁以降的《穀梁》家多以"文成麟至"诠释《穀梁》"西狩获麟"义,然而这种诠释并不能从《穀梁》传文体系中获得依据。就传文而言,其要点在于诠释"麟"而不是"获麟",其目的在于论证"麟"之于"中国"的意义,用"不使麟不恒有于中国"诠释"麟"之于"中国"的象征与永恒。传文虽然没有提及孔子及其书写,但从《穀梁》的诠释中,仍可以看出孔子撰写《春秋》之所以在"西狩获麟"搁笔,饱含孔子对中国文化与未来的期许与守望。  相似文献   

许雪涛 《现代哲学》2011,(5):122-128
彰明《春秋》义旨是《公羊传》之鹄的,其中虽有详略不等的叙事,也都与义旨有关。基于随文作注和叙事本身的特点,何休在注解《公羊传》叙事的故言、故事、故义三个层面中,使用了若干方法,如提醒叙事结构、还原人物心理、补充传文、论证传文、结合经文书法见义、引经典印证传义等等,不仅使事件呈现得更为丰富和细腻,亦将事件所寓之义更清晰地展现给读者。  相似文献   

《春秋》以隐公为记载之始,"《春秋》何以始乎隐"是《春秋》学所展现的第一个问题,《春秋》三传对此各有不同的理解。《穀梁传》以"无事"与"谨始"为中心,赋予隐公以"正隐以治隐"的意义。《穀梁》隐公叙事以此为核心,通过对仲子与子氏身份的不同诠释,建构了隐公至正的地位,进而以"至正"贬隐公之"不自正",从而成立了《春秋》"何以始乎隐"的《穀梁》解读。  相似文献   

孔子作《春秋》,三传为之诠解,传以经言大义,后人理解"微言大义",或以孔子口传密授,仅公羊得之;或藉"义例"褒贬言之。清人刘逢禄认为,阐释圣人微言大义,必须兼有师法传承与义例褒贬,方能彰明圣人著述思想。清代发扬今文经学,尤推何休,义例之学同时得到重视。论文认为除了经学内在的汉学溯源,清代对"例"的研究,有一部分影响来自清代对"律例"的不断修纂,深化了经学家对"经例"的重视与诠释,同时将汉代藉经义以决狱的做法重新发扬,刘逢禄即具代表性人物。  相似文献   

《春秋》本为鲁国旧史,笔者学于鲁国旧都,研习鲁史,曾对后世公羊学者“《春秋》王鲁”之说有所留意.司马迁称《春秋》一书“辞微指博”,说“《春秋》文成数万,其指数千”,《春秋》乃“礼义之大宗”(《史记·太史公自序》).不过,后世公羊学者总结《春秋》义例时却立有不少非例之例,而其论述某些义例亦或有不周.本文拟就何休《春秋公羊解诂》中每每提及的“《春秋》王鲁”之说试加议论,庶几可以有益于对公羊学派理论的认识.  相似文献   

《盐铁论》中的关于《春秋》经、传的征引,具有强烈的时代感。在以《春秋》决事的背景下,辩论双方多引用《春秋》经、传,以证其言论的合法性、合理性。全书关于《春秋》三传的引用数量是不成比例的,其中《公羊传》占绝大多数,《穀梁传》略有,《左氏传》未见。而全书关于《春秋》经传的征引,呈现出有意误读、借用和经、传、记体例不清的特征。辩论双方在对《公羊传》的征引、诠释上,各有出发点和落脚点。贤良、文学一方坚守的是学统意义传承的"公羊学",而御史大夫一方坚持的是政统意义改造的"公羊学"。《盐铁论》关于《春秋》经、传的征引、诠释特征,反映了汉昭、宣时期关于《春秋》经、传的接受状况,彰显了儒生群体的经世致用之心及其现实妥协性,同时也揭示了汉元、成以后托古改制、依经立义的学术发展的新倾向。  相似文献   

刘逢禄的《公羊》学有三个层次,这三个层次可以分别用他自己的一句话来概括,这就是:《春秋》者五经之管钥、无《公羊》则无《春秋》、无三科九旨则无《公羊》,说到底不过是落实到三科九旨这一所谓经学微言大义上,而其体现则是董仲舒、何休为代表的《公羊》学。由此可证,三科九旨实为刘逢禄经学思想的根本所在。  相似文献   

郭晓东 《现代哲学》2023,(6):144-151
“张三世”学说是两汉《公羊》学最为核心的义旨之一。两汉《公羊》师说大多失传,董仲舒之说相对零散,唯有何休留下系统性的《公羊》“张三世”说,但何休《公羊解诂》从未提及董仲舒,使得何休的“张三世”是否可以溯源到董仲舒那里遂成为一个问题,学者对此众说纷纭,莫衷一是。通过以何休之说为参照系来考察董仲舒的论说,可以发现何休关于“张三世”说的两层内涵在董仲舒那里都可窥见一斑,由此足见董、何之论《春秋》“三世”并无实质性的不同。不过,董仲舒的“三世”思想虽然不殊于何休,却没有何休那么成体系性的论述,其理论形态相对而言也没那么成熟。  相似文献   

刘禹彤 《现代哲学》2023,(6):152-160
杜预以“体元居正”总结《春秋》“元年春王正月”之义,终结了两汉关于《春秋》之元的争论。然而,“体元”之义直至宋初无确解。程颐以“体仁”解“体元”,胡安国承之。明末王夫之等人质疑宋儒“体仁”说,但有破而无立。事实上,杜预“体元”说基于“开元”与“体元”的张力而立义,以配合左氏学的《春秋》中兴说。“体元”作为杜预对“元”的增字解经,重心在“体”不在“元”,“体”实则“继体守文”之“体”,核心是与《公羊》新王受命改元的“元年”释义抗衡。孔颖达据元气论和《易传》解释“体元”之义,造成对杜预的误解,但无意中延续了董何与杜预之外,刘歆对《春秋》之元的第三条解释路径,也启发了宋儒的“体仁”说。  相似文献   

陈岘 《现代哲学》2020,(2):148-154
《春秋公羊传》通过“通三统”例,以“存三正”的方式处理王朝更迭后新王与旧王间的关系,用“存二王后”的形式保留前朝社稷、服色,籍此展现“尊先王”之意。清末学者苏舆通过分疏两位汉代《公羊》学先师董仲舒、何休对“以《春秋》当新王”一旨的不同诠释,以及“亲周”与“新周”的异文,成功地构建了董仲舒与何休对“三统”诠释的两处矛盾,并以《春秋》“只改正朔而不易王统”为基点,凭借将商、周、汉通为三统的理论构建,批驳了何休以降的今文学家所认同的《春秋》“黜周王鲁”说,否定了康有为本诸“通三统”例而构建的“改制”之论。但苏舆对董仲舒“统三正”说的诠释完全建立在对何休“通三统”论的批驳上,带有强烈的学术及政治主观性,亦未必董氏学之本意。  相似文献   

Passport to Duke     
Editor’s Introduction The following text was prepared by Pierre Bourdieu for delivery at a conference on his work held at Duke University, April 21–23, 1995. Entitled “Pierre Bourdieu: Fieldwork in Culture,” the conference was sponsored by the Duke Graduate Program in Literature and included such well-known literary scholars as Barbara Herrnstein Smith, Jonathan Culler, and Fredric Jameson. Bourdieu, of course, was the invited guest of honor, but was uncertain as to whether he should make the effort of attending, particularly since he was recovering from a short period of poor health. As I too had been invited (and seemed more familiar with the American scene), Bourdieu discussed the question with me in Paris. He was rather concerned about wrongheaded, trendy applications of his theories by American literary scholars, who often misunderstand his work because they simply do not know the intellectual landscape to which it relates. Reading such conference paper titles as “Cross-Dressing for Success: The Scramble for Symbolic Power in Tabitha Sweeney’s Female Quixotism,” Bourdieu confessed his fear of being taken as simply the French intellectual flavor of the month, one whose theory is used simply as grist for the American academy’s industrious mills of literary interpretation. He ultimately decided to send the following text to be read at the conference in his absence. It treats, with polite frankness, his worries about being misinterpreted through importation into the American theoretical field with its peculiar conception of French philosophy; Bourdieu’s paper situates these particular worries within a more general account of “allodoxic”distortions caused by the international travel of theory; but it also tries to prevent further misunderstanding by offering a brief contextualization of his theory and a brief summary of his method of analysis through fields. The translation of Bourdieu’s text was prepared by Loïc Wacquant, and is presented here with only minor adjustments.  相似文献   

孔子梦见周公确有其事。宋儒认为此梦的原因是孔子早年志在推行周公之道 ,但对此梦的发生机制不甚清楚。孔子仍然受到梦魂观念的影响 ,实际认为此梦意味着周公之灵对他特别青睐和有所启示 ,并在内心里把它作为天命在身的重要根据。孔子梦见周公的历史意义 ,主要在于中国文化的传承 ,并在后世演变成文化传承的一个精神符号。  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Duke Religion Index (PDUREL) in a community setting. PDUREL was translated and adapted for administration to 383 individuals from a population-based study of low-income community-dwelling adults. The PDUREL intrinsic subscale and total scores demonstrated high internal consistency (alphas ranging from 0.733 for the total scale score to 0.758 for the intrinsic subscale). Correlations among the DUREL subscales were also examined for evidence of discriminant validity. Correlations were ranging from 0.36 to 0.46, indicating significant overlap between the scales without marked redundancy. PDUREL is a reliable and valid scale. The availability of a comprehensive, but brief measure of religiousness can help to study the role of religiousness in health by researchers from countries that speak the Portuguese language.  相似文献   


Assisted living facilities (ALFs) offer a level of care between independent living and nursing homes. Recently researchers have begun to explore quality-of-life issues concerning residents of ALFs. Considerable research suggests that religion is positively associated with both emotional and physical health. This study examines how residents use religious practices to cope with the challenges of life in ALFs. Qualitative analysis of in-person interview data from 55 residents of ALFs revealed a variety of religious practices, such as prayer, church attendance, and Bible reading. Most residents deemed religion important and reported that religious practices provided a framework for coping with problems. Coping ranged from the mundane (e.g., attending a gospel concert to offset the otherwise dull routine of the home) to the transcendent (e.g., enlisting the support of an omnipotent ally in the face of adversity). Six ways residents utilized religion as a coping mechanism emerged. Residents used religion to maintain continuity with their previous lives; to obtain relief from physical or emotional pain; to provide a framework for socialization; to develop courage; to maintain a purpose for their lives; and to prepare for death. Suggestions for enhancing the quality and variety of religious activities within ALFs are offered.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Duke Religion Index (DRI) in two separate samples (n 1=628, n 2=243) of college students enrolled in randomly selected courses. An exploratory factor analysis of the DRI in the first sample supported a one-factor structure. A subsequent confirmatory factor analysis in the second sample confirmed this model. The internal consistency was excellent in both samples. A significant, positive correlation was found between the DRI and a measure of religious beliefs, supporting the convergent validity of the DRI. These findings provide further support for the reliability and construct validity of the DRI.  相似文献   

<周易>爻辞为周公所作,这是历史上的一种颇有影响的说法.本文较为详尽地追溯了这一说法的由来和发展,认为它发端于王充、马融,论定于孔颖达,强化于朱熹,一直到今天,在学术界仍有广泛的影响.但究其实,终不过一假说而已.若无新的文献出土,它很难被实证,当然,也不易被证伪.  相似文献   

Religiosity is associated with behaviors that reduce the risk of HIV/STI infection among general-population and heterosexual-specific samples. Whether this association is similar to homosexual persons is unknown. Measures of religiosity have not been evaluated psychometrically among men who have sex with men (MSM), a population who, because of stigma, experience religiosity differently than heterosexual persons. We assessed the duke religion index and the spiritual well-being in two samples of MSM. Neither instrument produced adequate model fit. To study the association between religiosity and HIV/STI risk behaviors among MSM, scales are needed that measure the religious and spiritual experiences of MSM.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was translation and validation of the Duke University Religion Index in Iranian Muslims. The study was performed in two stages. In the first stage, 1,762 college students from Qazvin city with an average age of 21.2 years participated in the study. In the second phase, 796 college students with an average age of 23.7 were recruited from Tehran. A demographic questionnaire, Santa Clara Strength Faith questionnaire (SCSORF), and Duke Religion Index (DUREL) were administered. Cultural adaptation of these measures was performed by a forward–backward translation technique. Test–retest reliability and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were used for assessing reliability. Convergent validity was measured by Spearman correlation between DUREL and SCSORF. Explanatory and confirmatory factor analyses (EFA and CFA) evaluated the factor structure. Results showed that the scale is reliable. Cronbach’s alpha ranged from 0.866 to 0.921 and ICC ranged from 0.937 to 0.991. Correlations between DUREL and SCSORF were also strong (ranging from 0.62 to 0.79). Results obtained from CFA and EFA confirmed one-dimension for the DUREL. Thus, the DUREL appears to be a proper measure for assessing religiosity among Iranian Muslims. Further testing of the scale among minorities and those with special health-related conditions is suggested.  相似文献   

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