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Decreasing prejudice by increasing discrimination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We conducted an experiment to assess the effects of mindfulness (active distinction making) training on the perception of and reaction to handicapped children. In a 2 X 2 factorial design, sixth graders received either a high- or low-mindfulness treatment and viewed slides that were either all of "normal" people or consisted primarily of "handicapped" individuals. The high-mindfulness treatment, especially when bolstered by explicit reference to the handicapped, revealed that teaching children to be more differentiated (i.e., more mindful) resulted in the view that handicaps are function specific and not people specific. Children in this group were less likely to inappropriately discriminate for or against the handicapped target. Most important, however, was the finding that subjects in this group were less likely to avoid a handicapped other.  相似文献   

The authors describe a cognitive-behavioral model for coping with stress that counselors can use as the basis for family assessment and personalized intervention. The model, assessment procedures, and appropriate counseling strategies are discussed. Translation of the model into clinical practice is examined with families of handicapped young children. A brief case study is provided to illustrate the model's usefulness for counselors.  相似文献   

Three students with moderate handicaps were taught to initiate and expand on conversational topics. The teaching procedure used stimuli generated from actual conversations with nonhandicapped peers. Generalization was assessed by audiotaping conversations between the handicapped students and their peers in natural school contexts without adult supervision. Results indicated that training generalized to natural contexts. These results were socially validated by undergraduate special education students, who rated tapes of two of the students' conversations during training phases as more socially competent than during baseline. Results are discussed in terms of the evaluation of complex social behavior as multioperant behaviors.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new approach to training infant specialists. A joint Master's degree program, based in graduate schools of public health and education, emphasizes cross-disciplinary coursework in maternal and child health and special education. The program emphasizes the importance of forging crucial linkages among the different disciplines and agencies that care for handicapped and at-risk infants. The program emphasizes improved skills in assessing, planning, and intervening on behalf of infants at risk for developmental delays or with severe or multiple handicaps; the ability to work with families; and the ability to develop and appraise community resources.  相似文献   

Handicapped youth and adults still encounter serious problems assimilating successfully into today's rapidly changing society. After tracing the major events that have increased the momentum of career education for persons with handicaps, Brolin and Gysbers advocate a life-centered curriculum approach, which focuses on 22 skills essential for successful community living and working. They recommend that counselors assume specific responsibilities in this approach and outline competencies necessary to carry out guidance and counseling activities for persons with handicaps at four phases of career education. The article includes examples of successfully operating career education programs and concludes with a challenge to the profession.  相似文献   

Social networks provide a larger context than that of the nuclear family in which the child develops. In order to examine the networks of young children, mothers of 75 handicapped children, aged 3 to 6 years, and a matched sample of normal children were surveyed in terms of people in the child's network and frequency of daily contact. The effects of age of subject and handicapping condition on social network composition and contact were of interest. Handicapping condition played a much greater role in the network composition than did chronological age. Handicapped children had larger networks, although they did not have daily contact with network members compared to normal children. Handicapped children thus were not isolated, but appeared to have a large network composed of relatives and adults and, to a lesser extent, peers. Normal children showed a developmental shift, in terms of an increase in the proportion of peers to adults, from 3 to 6 years, whereas handicapped children did not show this change. It is suggested that the handicapped child's developmental delay and caregiving demands may necessitate greater and more prolonged adult contact, which, consequently, constrains the nature of the social network in terms of adult and peer composition. Insufficient peer contact may restrict the handicapped child's opportunity to learn important social skills.  相似文献   

We examined the effectiveness of Barton and Ascione's (1979) package for training sharing in a classroom setting with six behaviorally handicapped preschool children, four of whom were also developmentally delayed. Individual responses in sharing and not sharing were examined. Training consisted of initial instructions, modeling, and behavioral rehearsal, followed by teacher prompts and praise regarding sharing directly in a classroom free play period. Introduction of training in a multiple-baseline design across three pairs of children resulted in substantial increases in sharing for five of the six children. Results for negative interactions were less clear but suggested that concomitant decreases occurred for the same five children. The response analysis indicated that (a) individual components of sharing (offers, requests, and acceptances) all increased with training; (b) most children were more likely to initiate sharing through requests than through offers; (c) the proportion of sharing initiatives accepted by peers increased with training despite a much greater absolute number of initiatives; and (d) of the three negative behaviors (opposing play, taking without asking, and aggression) examined as incompatible with sharing, the most prevalent response was opposing other children's play. Individual differences in initial social repertoires and responsiveness to training were examined with respect to their implications for research and practice. Overall, the findings provide an encouraging indication of an intervention program for children with behavioral, social, and developmental handicaps.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to explore possible explanations for handicapped individuals' characteristically poor performance on memory scanning tasks. Independent variables included group (mentally handicapped vs. non-handicapped), type of search (display vs. memory), type of stimuli (digits vs. pictures of unfamiliar boys' faces), and load (2, 3, or 4 items to be searched). Results indicated that handicapped and non-handicapped groups did not differ when searching displays but did when searching memory, which suggested that the handicapped group's most significant impairment was specific to some aspect of memory search. Handicapped youngsters were also hindered by increasing loads more than control youngsters were. This result as well as impairment in memory search may have been due to handicapped youngsters' relatively short visual spans. The groups did not differ in their response to the two types of stimuli, faces and digits. Facial search was a considerably more demanding task than digit search for handicapped and normal children.  相似文献   

The need for utilizing unstructured play media in counseling with elementary school children is discussed. The suggestion is made that through play activities the child learns ways of operating in social situations, tests various roles, and expresses his frustrations and concerns. Limiting the child to verbal expression in counseling is seen as being as inappropriate as limiting an adult to the use of puppets. The elementary school counselor's use of play in counseling is designed to facilitate the expression and communication of the normal child rather than to provide data for analytical purposes. Responses to verbal and nonverbal clues, therefore, include reflection and summarization more often than interpretation. Advantages of unstructured over structured materials are discussed; illustrations show the need children feel for amorphous materials in communicating feelings.  相似文献   

The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94–142) mandates a number of counseling and allied services for the handicapped and their parents. In many cases counselors will need to acquire additional information and training to meet the needs of this special population. This article outlines many competencies that need to be considered in developing pre-service and in-service programs for counselors serving the handicapped. Hosie discusses several professional development areas relating to these competencies, and provides resources and training materials.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to study anxiety and defence strategies in mothers of children with different disabilities. Mothers of children with childhood psychosis, motor handicaps, or Down's syndrome were tested with a projective, percept-genetic technique, viz. the Mother-Child Picture Test (MCPT). Levels of anxiety were measured with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD). In mothers of psychotic children, the absence of anxiety was significantly associated with misinterpretations and/or failure to recognize the MCPT motif (a close relation between mother and child). This association was not found in the mothers of motor-handicapped children or children with Down's syndrome. The results suggest that, for mothers of psychotic children, the activation of defensive strategies is important to avoid feelings of anxiety evoked by the mother-child situation. For mothers of children with other chronic disabilities, for example, motor handicaps or Down's syndrome, low levels of anxiety may be experienced without the mobilization of strong defensive mechanisms. Different interpretations of the correlation between defence strategies and anxiety in the mothers of psychotic children are discussed.  相似文献   

The medical management of epilepsy in the multi-handicapped patient requires careful evaluation, classification, and pharmacologic treatment. It is estimated that 20-40% of patients with mental retardation and cerebral palsy have epilepsy. This review reports the clinical trial data and personal experience related to the use of newer AEDs in the chronic management of epilepsy syndromes in children and adults, as well as information available on the treatment of seizures in individuals with mental retardation and associated handicaps. Furthermore, clusters of seizures, prolonged seizures and status epilepticus are more commonly seen in the multiply handicapped and mentally retarded population and require special attention. The new antiepileptic drugs felbamate, gabapentin, lamotrigine, levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine, tiagabine, topiramate, vigabatrin and zonisamide show specific advantage in some multiply handicapped patients, be it for seizure control or medication tolerance. Furthermore, new modalities of treatment for prolonged seizures allow better efficacy both outside of hospital and within hospital facilities. The treatment of epilepsy in multi-handicapped and retarded adults and children has significantly advanced in the past few years, and much of this improvement can be attributed to improved knowledge and monitoring of new antiepileptic drugs. Conventional anticonvulsants remain first line therapy for most clinicians, but newer AEDs must broaden the therapeutic option and do allow improved therapy for some multiply handicapped patients.  相似文献   

A need is identified for a theoretical model to help make sense of conflicting reports on appropriate intervention in the lives of parents of handicapped children. Crisis theory offers a useful way forward, particularly when incorporated into the concept of psycho-social transitions. This concept is used to construct a model in which various negative parental emotions are viewed as entirely natural, but which may reflect diferent kinds of transition and therefore require different forms of intervention. It is postulated that appropriate forms of help to meet specific transitional needs will be most likely to lead to positive crisis resolution and adjustment to the reality of the child's handicapping condition. Preliminary findings of a study are reported, which employs the model as a means of evaluating the satisfied and unmet needs of three groups of mothers of handicapped children of similar ages. Although living in the same geographical area, each group had received a different kind of service for themselves and their children. The psycho-social transitions model proved useful in discriminating between theresolved and unresolved problems of each group and in identifying potentially helpful ways forward.  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted to demonstrate the application of a computerized assessment procedure for determining the preferences of persons with severe handicaps. A computer program was designed to interpret subjects' microswitch activations to produce three distinct types of events (visual, auditory, and tactile). A combination of a multiple baseline design across subjects with a multiple treatment design involving three separate conditions was used. The data obtained from the computerized assessment procedure revealed idiosyncratic preference patterns for the three subjects. Results of the investigation demonstrated that the preferences of severely handicapped individuals can be systematically assessed and analyzed.  相似文献   

Providing the essential care for children and aged relatives has immediate and long‐term financial consequences for women, particularly financial insecurity in retirement. Women's caregiving careers are examined in relationship to the impact on retirement. The need for career and retirement education and counseling aimed at women who assume caregiving roles is addressed.  相似文献   

The present study was primarily concerned with the communication skill development of physically handicapped children. Since these children often are denied contact with peers because of their disabilities, it was suggested that they may be unable to develop the perspective-taking ability necessary for adapting communication to a specific listener. It was also suggested that the increased contact provided by moving the handicapped into regular public school classrooms may help alleviate this problem. First-, third-, and sixth-grade children, handicapped and nonhandicapped, with and without the others in their classes, were tested on their listener-adaptation abilities in general and their adaptation to handicapped children, using pictures as stimuli for messages. The results support the hypothesis that handicapped children are deficient in listener adaptation. Classroom association with “normals” seems to improve this, but does not raise them to the level of their nonhandicapped peers. Nonhandicapped children are unable to adapt to handicapped children, and contact with the handicapped does not seem to improve this situation. Being in an integrated class seems to have some positive effects on handicapped children and few effects on the nonhandicapped.  相似文献   

The Marxist view of man as the "ensemble of social relations" is a prerequisite for understanding the personality of the mentally handicapped. The dialectic relationship between biological and social events permits the conclusion that restrictedly developed versions of the personality must be accepted as natural. The particular obligation of society is to ensure the all-round integration, encouragement and care of such handicapped persons. The task of the medical fraternity is to establish a comprehensive system to prevent such handicaps.  相似文献   

Two studies are reported on the assessment and training of parent-child interactional skills in developmentally handicapped mothers. Study 1 compared the interactions of eight developmentally handicapped versus eight nonhandicapped mothers during play with their young (6–25 months) children. Results showed that the former group generally interacted much less with their children and that they were less likely to praise appropriate child behavior and imitate child vocalizations. Study 2 attempted to remediate these deficits, using a training package consisting of discussion, modeling, feedback, social reinforcement, and self-recording. Results showed, first, that the training did increase the targeted skills to well within the range found for the nonhandicapped mothers. Second, training effects generalized from the group instructional setting to the mothers' own homes. Third, newly acquired skills were generally maintained at or above levels found for the nonhandicapped mothers over a 5- to 10-month follow-up period. Finally, all seven children showed increases in vocalizations concomitant with parent training. The results suggest that developmentally handicapped mothers can be taught to provide more effective and stimulating interactions to their young children.  相似文献   

Sixteen minimally handicapped children and 18 nonhandicapped children were observed playing as separate classes and as a combined group on their preschool playground. Play behaviors directed toward self, toys, teachers, and peers were recorded using a time sampling procedure. Repeated measures analyses revealed that: (1) handicapped children engaged in less peer-directed and more teacher-directed behaviors than the similar chronological age but developmentally more advanced normal children; (2) a comparison between a subsample of normal and handicapped children who were approximately equivalent on developmental age suggested that the normal children only vocalized more often; (3) when integrated with the normal children, handicapped children engaged in more peer-directed and less teacher-directed behaviors than when playing in the non-integrated situation; (4) during the combined group play situation, normal children directed more behaviors to their own classmates while handicapped children directed approximately equal amounts of behavior to their own classmates and to their normal peers. These results suggest that the normal children were not negatively affected and the handicapped children were positively affected by the integrated play situation.  相似文献   

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