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In Experiments 1 and 2, subjects were exposed to letter strings that followed a pattern—the second letter was always the same. This exposure was disguised as a test of immediate memory. Following this training, subjects could discriminate new letter strings following the pattern from letter strings not following the pattern more often than would be expected by chance, which is the traditional evidence for concept learning. Discrimination was also better than would be predicted from subjects' explicit report of the pattern, demonstrating the co-occurrence of concept learning and implicit learning. In Experiment 3, rules were learned explicitly. Discrimination was worse than would be predicted from subjects' explicit report, validating the implicit learning paradigm. In Experiment 4, deviations from a prototypical pattern were presented during training. In the test of discrimination, prototypes were as familiar as old deviations and more familiar than new deviations, even when considering only implicit knowledge. Experiment 5 found implicit knowledge of a familiar concept. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the distinguishing features of a concept can be learned implicitly, and that one type of implicit learning is concept learning.  相似文献   

Abstract. Is it effective or even possible to teach an introductory course in religious studies that not only provides first‐year university students with the fundamental vocabulary, concepts, and critical tools of religious inquiry but also invites and stimulates the transformation of the religious imagination? In what kind of teaching and learning method could the process of personal transformation occur and how might one assess it? These are the questions that led to an experiment in teaching religion the objective of which was to prepare beginning students for the academic approach to religion and, at the same time, transmit the experience of learning as an embodied process that engages personal narrative within a community context. This essay is based on a three‐year project that has made considerable progress in meeting these goals and answering these questions. (Supplementary materials for this essay are available on the Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion web site http://www.wabashcenter.wabash.edu/journal/baldwin.html .)  相似文献   

本研究对类别学习中分类学习与推理学习进行了对比.实验中要求被试从成对呈现的项目中选择一个更典型的A,并且要求被试将典型的A和典型的B画出来.测试中所呈现项目诊断性程度或典型性程度不同.研究结果表明,分类学习者主要受诊断性信息的影响,而推理学习者主要受典型性信息的影响.即,分类学习者关注类别间信息,而推理学习者关注类别内信息.  相似文献   

学习策略教学对学习动机的影响研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
张亚玲  郭德俊 《心理科学》2001,24(3):352-353
在当今教育领域越来越重视如何教学生学会学习的问题之际,学习动机对学生学习的影响日益受到普遍关注。许多研究者从不同角度对它们进行了研究。如家庭资源对学习不良儿童的学习动机影响是非常重要的(俞国良等,1998);外部奖赏在一定条件下会削弱内在动机(吴增强,1995);教学中不同的目标结构会导致学生形成不同的学习动机(郭德俊等,1994)。而对学习策略是否影响学习动机?及如何影响学习动机的研究尚不多见。本研究运用教学实验、问卷等方法,探讨了学习策略对学习动机的影响,这对提高教与学的质量具有非常重要的理论及实践意义。  相似文献   

The extent of adult improvement in not only complex but also simple perceptual tasks is remarkable. Although this phenomenon has been noted and studied since the middle of the 19th century, recent advances in the study of brain physiology and anatomy afford new insights. Improvement specificity suggests that changes involve early sensory cortical areas, previously thought to lose their plasticity following the first years. The critical role of selective attention, even in learning the simplest tasks, as well as the precedence of learning easy cases, suggests the involvement of high-level cortical areas. Learning easy cases is more general than learning difficult cases. This pattern suggests the involvement of both high- and low-level areas in an orderly manner, with easy learning beginning at high-level areas and harder cases being resolved by access to low-level areas. The mapping of behavioral findings to underlying brain sites provides a unified framework for this interdisciplinary field.  相似文献   

Time-Place Learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

序列学习中的内隐学习效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
付秋芳  刘永芳 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1107-1111
该研究采用较为复杂的包含图形出现的位置规则和顺序规则的实验材料,通过对比被试直接测验和间接测验、内隐学习和外显学习成绩的异同,考察了序列学习中的内隐学习效应,并探讨了规则特点对内隐学习效应的影响。结果表明,在图形位置的序列学习中存在内隐学习效应,内隐学习效应的大小受规则特点的影响。  相似文献   

This report describes a treatment program for learning disabled soldiers who have completed their basic training and are experiencing academic difficulties as they begin their Advanced Individual Training. Rationale for the evaluation/treatment techniques used as well as suggested class room modifications are described.  相似文献   

《Reading Psychology》2013,34(1):95-117

Direct Learning     
The theory of direct perception holds that perception is specific to properties of ambient energy arrays. This article explores a similar approach to perceptual and perceptual-motor learning: Change due to learning is portrayed as specific to properties of ambient energy arrays. This type of learning is labeled direct learning. It is argued that a theory of direct learning explains a wide range of phenomena in ecologically relevant and informationally rich situations as well as in simpler experimental situations. Previous experimental results are reanalyzed and reinterpreted from the perspective of direct learning. To achieve this, the notion of information space is introduced. In information spaces, points represent ambient energy variables, paths represent change due to learning, and vector fields represent information that guides learning. These concepts also allow the theory of direct learning to be connected to and to take advantage of the theory of ordinary differential equations.  相似文献   

Mindful Learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mindfulness, achieved without meditation, is discussed with particular reference to learning. Being mindful is the simple act of drawing noveldistinctions. It leads us to greater sensitivity to context and perspective, and ultimately to greater control over our lives. When we engage in mindfullearning, we avoid forming mind-sets that unnecessarily limit us. Many of our beliefs about learning are mind-sets that have been mindlessly accepted to be true. Consideration is given to some of the consequences that result from a mindful reconsideration of these myths of learning.  相似文献   

表演式学习──表演理论对“最近发展区”的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国当代心理学家、剧作家、表演理论的创始人弗雷德·纽曼(FredNewman)及其同事致力于在实践中发展维果茨基的理论,从表演的维度探讨了zpd的概念,并以此为核心提出了表演式学习的概念,以区别于在当今社会大行其道的工具性学习,即以获取知识和技能为目的的学习。表演理论通过对工具性学习的消极影响的批判及对表演式学习的倡导,在人的教育和发展方面提出了独到见解。  相似文献   


The following article is about three things: my impressions of Virginia Satir's work, my personal experience of her, and the profound connection between the work of Virginia Satir and Dr. Eugene T. Gendlin's Focusing work.

My attraction to both of these great teachers is not surprising. They both share a type of wisdom which in metaphysics is often described as “intelligence lovingly applied.”

In this article I hope to convey what I see as an organic and compatible overlap between Satir and Gendlin which will hopefully be useful to the readers of this publication.  相似文献   

生态学习观:一种审视学习的新视角   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
郑葳  王大为 《心理科学》2006,29(4):913-915
学习理论作为教育心理学的重要组成部分,百余年来发展繁盛。然而,无论是行为主义、信息加工、建构主义、还是目前流行的社会文化观,每一种学习理论所能描述和解释的不过是学习现象的某些方面或某一层次,都未能反映出人类学习的完整图景。本文尝试提出生态学习的思想,试图展现学习的整体、适应和多元的面孔。  相似文献   

Montagna  Franco  Simi  Giulia 《Studia Logica》1999,62(2):243-268
We investigate many paradigms of identifications for classes of languages (namely: consistent learning, EX learning, learning with finitely many errors, behaviorally correct learning, and behaviorally correct learning with finitely many errors) in a measure-theoretic context, and we relate such paradigms to their analogues in learning on informants. Roughly speaking, the results say that most paradigms in measure-theoretic learning wrt some classes of distributions (called canonical) are equivalent to the corresponding paradigms for identification on informants.  相似文献   

内隐学习和外显学习关系评述   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
文章从内隐学习与外显学习的区别、联系以及相互作用三方面,对这两个概念集合间的关系进行了辨析。最初,内隐学习这一概念的提出,是源于其与外显学习在现象学、实验操作、神经生理学以及学习机制等方面的诸多不同。近年来,虽然内隐学习的独立地位已被充分确立,但是,也有越来越多的证据表明,内隐学习和外显学习之间的独立性是相对的,它们之间存在紧密的联系和相互作用,任何一个学习任务都是内隐和外显学习的结合物。最后,作者结合自己的实验研究进一步提出了,内隐学习和外显学习之间相互权衡的动态关系。  相似文献   

小学生代数运算规则的样例学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林洪新  张奇 《心理学报》2007,39(2):257-266
采用完整或不完整样例,对180名六年级小学生用样例学习两种代数运算规则进行了实验研究。结果显示:多数被试难以学会“平方差”运算规则,只有少数被试学会了“完全平方和”运算规则;反馈对不完整样例的学习效果有促进作用;用不完整样例学习难度不同的规则,其效果不同;在无反馈条件下,完整样例的学习效果都好于不完整样例;在有反馈的情况下,只有删除一步运算步骤样例的学习效果比完整样例的学习效果好  相似文献   

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