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宗教不仅是一种社会意识形态,也是一种传统文化模式,更是一种社会物质力量。鉴于此,笔者提出宗教渗透经历了文化意义上的广义宗教渗透、政治意义上的一般宗教渗透、资本主义针对社会主义的狭义宗教渗透(现代宗教渗透)三种历史形态。对其概念进行深入辨析,消除人为赋予该词的模糊性、神秘性、敏感性,是将其作为一个真正的学术问题而实事求是的开展研究的重要理论前提。  相似文献   

本文就新疆高校内宗教渗透的现状和一般特点及其影响作了概述,分析了渗透和影响的原因,认为抵御宗教的渗透与影响是改革开放条件下新疆高校的一项长期任务,提出应对措施。  相似文献   

本文在对我国建国初期宗教渗透的基本形式和反宗教渗透的基本内容作出介绍的基础上,力图对我国建国初期反宗教渗透工作的主要经验和主要教训作出说明。这项工作的主要经验在于:牢固树立国家主权意识和国家安全意识;走群众路线;在具体的革命实践中和在与三自爱国运动的互动中开展和推进抵制宗教渗透的工作。其主要教训在于:这项工作有时开展得"过于急促和粗糙",打击面过宽,留下了一些历史遗留问题。无论是其经验还是其教训对于我们今天抵制宗教渗透的工作都具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

民间信仰遏制外来宗教渗透的个案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以闽西客家村庄涧村为个案,探究其民间信仰在维系农民生活理想、满足他们(特别是其中的弱势者)的心理需求等方面所发挥的功能,进而指出民间的传统信仰不仅在弘扬中华文化传统及缓解社会问题方面具有战略意义,而且对于遏制海外势力的宗教渗透和邪教的传播具有明显的作用。  相似文献   

为了贯彻落实我国教育法规定的"教育与宗教相分离"的原则,有必要将其细化为学校教育中应当遵循的规范性要求。宗教教义宣传不得进入校园,应是其中一项基本要求。为了应对当前一些高校出现的文化宣教现象,明确提出宗教教义宣传不得进校园具有重要性和紧迫性。结合具体案例,从理论与实际的结合上探讨与此相关的教育与宗教的关系以及教育、宗教与文化的关系中的若干问题。  相似文献   

宗教历来是西方资本主义国家意识形态输出的重要工具。在东西方两种意识形态的长期对峙中,西方资本主义国家长期利用宗教对其他国家进行意识形态领域的渗透。当前,境外宗教渗透通过影响国民信仰取向、敌对势力人为干预和解构主流价值取向等方式在我国政治安全、文化安全和网络安全等领域产生了较大影响,挑战社会主义意识形态的主导地位,弱化社会主义意识形态的领导权,破坏社会主义意识形态的发展环境,制约社会主义意识形态的建设成效。  相似文献   

本文从《牛津大字典》对宗教的解释,引申到基督宗教的自我解释,作为本文的导言。接着由文化的涵义,回顾中华古老文化发展的简要历史,摘取中华文化中有关对天主的认识,说明中华文化接受基督福音是有基础的。  相似文献   

随着不同社会之间的文化交流和传播,宗教也以各种形式和途径向外扩展。这种扩展既包括了正常的宗教交流,也包括了宗教的渗透。对宗教渗透进行科学研究离不开科学的研究方法。从宗教学、社会学、政治学等具体学科视野对宗教渗透现象进行复合分析,消除人为赋予该词的模糊性、神秘性、敏感性,是将其作为一个学术问题而实事求是的开展研究的重要前提,对于实际工作部门制定合理有效的反渗透对策也有所裨益。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between religious orientation and components of religious attitudes. Religious orientation was measured using Batson, Schoenrade, and Ventis' (1993) Religious Life Inventory. Affective, cognitive, and conative components of attitudes toward religious beliefs and practices were measured using an instrument constructed for the study. Participants were undergraduate students from four educational institutions in the United States. Systematic relationships were found among the dimensions of religious orientation and the components of religious attitudes. Means and Quest orientations had very similar profiles, characterized by high Cognition scores and relatively low Affect and Conation scores. By contrast, modestly low Cognition scores and significantly high Affect and Conation scores characterized the profile of the Ends orientation. Results are discussed in terms of the concept of mature religiosity.  相似文献   

阳春布德泽,万物生光辉。在全国疫情防控形势持续向好、复工复产不断推进的时刻,3月30日、4月3日中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平两次在不同场合再次强调,要牢固树立绿水青山就是金山银山的理念,保护生态就是发展生产力。3月30日,习近平总书记在浙江省湖州市安吉县天荒坪镇余村考察调研。  相似文献   

Steve Fuller 《Synthese》1987,73(1):145-183
This paper lays the groundwork for normative-yet-naturalistic social epistemology. I start by presenting two scenarios for the history of epistemology since Kant, one in which social epistemology is the natural outcome and the other in which it represents a not entirely satisfactory break with classical theories of knowledge. Next I argue that the current trend toward naturalizing epistemology threatens to destroy the distinctiveness of the sociological approach by presuming that it complements standard psychological and historical approaches. I then try to reassert, in Comtean fashion, the epistemologist's credentials in regulating knowledge production. Finally, I consider how social epistemology may have something exciting and relevant to say about contemporary debates in the theory of knowledge.A version of this paper appears as chapter one of Fuller (1988). My warmest thanks goes to Fred Schmitt, who saved me from many unclarities and howlers, as well as provided many probing remarks and criticisms with which I have barely begun to grapple.  相似文献   

This paper reports a new experimental manipulation that increased false memories 1 month after the manipulation. Mirroring the standard three‐stage misinformation paradigm (original event, misinformation, and test), subjects in the experimental group were first given a colour‐slide presentation of two stories (events), then given an accurate account (instead of misinformation) of the events in narrations, and finally tested for their memory of the original events. One month later, they underwent the standard misinformation paradigm with two new events. The comparison group was given the standard misinformation tasks at both time points. Results showed that the experimental group produced more false memories in the subsequent misinformation paradigm than did the comparison group. We focus on trust and credibility as possible mechanisms underlying this effect. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments investigating aggressive behavior have operationalized and assessed aggression in a variety of ways; however, these measures are often problematic because they do not create a situation in which participants perceive potential for real harm to come to the target, there is a risk of actual harm to the target, or they are too familiar to participants. To overcome these limitations, we developed a new method for measuring aggression, specifically, the amount of hot sauce administered to a target known to dislike spicy foods. We summarize a series of experiments assessing theory‐based hypotheses regarding aggression in which this measure is employed. We then briefly consider the strengths and limitations of this new measure. Aggr. Behav. 25:331–348, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent developments have brought about rapid changes in Russian society which in turn have reshaped the religious landscape in that country. Looking at traditional religion as well as new forms of religiosity the author argues that Russia is experiencing a continuing religious renewal rather than a revival. He examines the diversity of religious groups in relation to pluralism and social inequality.  相似文献   


The absence of scientifically credible information about the nature and extent of children exposed to abuse of their mothers is an impediment to effective intervention and prevention efforts. This article proposes a research agenda based upon guiding principles of a public health surveillance model. Three major principles are presented and applied to this social problem. Additionally, a concrete example of the application of these principles is drawn from an ongoing university/community partnership in Philadelphia.  相似文献   

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