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雅克·科里(Jacques Cory)是近年来经济伦理学领域的著名学者,其主要著作有《活动家商业伦理》(Activist Business Ethics)和《经济伦理学———小股东的伦理革命》(Business Ethics-the EthicalRevolution ofM inority Shareholders)等。科里的经济伦理观自成体系,见解独到,特别是其“活动家商业伦理”的思想为日益发展的经济伦理学提供了一个新的研究视角。与以往研究以“企业”活动为中心的经济伦理不同,科里从商业中活动家的伦理表现入手,阐述了伦理与民主在商业中的演变与进化,并详细阐述了基督教、犹太教、佛教与儒家等不同宗教…  相似文献   

伦理与政治的内在关涉──孔子思想的再诠释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于孔子思想的主旨,历来多有争议。本文认为,只有在伦理与政治的关联性角度为其思想定位,才可以期望对其思想进行清晰解读。为此,本文强调从三个层面分析孔子思想。其一是对具有深厚历史感的孔子运思进行同情理解,指出其是在伦理与政治的相关线索上去求解上古政治史秘密的;其二,通过历史中伦理与政治的关联,孔子以仁礼结构理智地确立伦理与政治的内在关系,为后儒“伦理政治化,政治伦理化”奠定基调;其三,以时代状况为伦理政治理论确定任务指向,一者对如何治理混乱时局发表意见,二者对如何追求理想政治加以表达,从而确立了伦理政治理论面向实际政治生活时的双重解释任务。  相似文献   

罗亚玲 《现代哲学》2023,(6):108-116
韦伯、约纳斯和阿佩尔等责任伦理学家不管是将责任伦理视为对康德道德哲学的补充,还是将之视为对康德道德哲学的改造,都预设了后者是缺少责任伦理之维的意念伦理。本文质疑这一预设,试图基于对康德至善思想的考察,表明康德道德哲学思想中包含了责任伦理的思想。本文将先指出责任伦理学主张在承认道德原则的基础上在原则应用环节纳入对行动后果的考量,是一种整合义务论伦理学和后果论伦理学的尝试,并呈现了以阿佩尔为代表的典型责任伦理基本论证思路。在此基础上,本文在康德实践哲学的框架内对其至善思想展开考察,通过对至善所包含的德福一致思想、上帝理念的分析以及对其论证思路的重构,表明至善思想体现了责任伦理的主张,并且康德的论证思路与阿佩尔对责任伦理的论证思路基本一致。  相似文献   

和谐伦理是在和谐哲学思维方法论的指导下关于社会交往和关系的协调理论及其规则体系.它是社会主义建设阶段的人际伦理准则,是为协调非对抗性的社会伦理关系,寻求伦理关系双方的共处和协作的伦理.和谐伦理具有与革命道德所不同的原则与要求.中国传统文化中的肯定"和而不同"的差异性、提倡"海纳百川"的包容性、强调"抑高举低"的互补性可以成为和谐伦理吸取的重要内容.中国社会从革命转向建设,就需要我们从革命道德转向和谐伦理.  相似文献   

在精神哲学意义上,现代中国伦理道德发展遭遇三大问题:道德僭越伦理,理性僭越精神,道德理性僭越伦理精神;相应存在三大病症:无伦理,没精神,道德理性泛滥;必须进行三大回归:伦理回归,精神回归,伦理精神回归。三大回归必须探讨三个前沿性课题:在人的精神发展和精神世界中,到底伦理优先还是道德优先?伦理道德到底期待理性还是期待精神?中国伦理道德的精神哲学形态到底是"道德理性"形态还是"伦理精神"形态?伦理是人类的家园和"安宅",精神是回归家园的达道。伦理与精神既是中国基因和中国传统,也是中国话语,"走向伦理精神"是现代中国伦理道德发展的精神哲学之路,它期待两个哲学觉悟或哲学革命:由"应当如何生活"的道德问题意识向"我们如何在一起"的伦理问题意识的革命;由只是作为社会存在反映的"意识论"向主体建构的"精神论"的革命;简言之,"伦理"革命,"精神"革命。现代中国伦理道德的精神哲学形态是"伦理精神形态"。"伦理精神形态"是植根中国传统、针对现代问题、追求伦理理想和伦理信念的中国话语与中国形态,是伦理道德发展的现代中国精神哲学形态。  相似文献   

专业作为特殊职业,其属性中体现出鲜明的伦理特征,"专业伦理"作为体现这种伦理特征的概念包括了专业的哲理思想、价值体系、伦理原则和行为规范四方面内容,属于应用伦理学的研究领域,主要任务在于界定专业人员的伦理责任并通过专业伦理委员会监督其执行.  相似文献   

中国近代伦理观念经历了一个变革过程。从1840年鸦片战争以后到1919年五四新文化运动以前,代表新兴民族资产阶级的进步思潮同代表封建顽固势力的旧思潮进行了较量,而进步思潮的主流属于前期的改良主义思想和后期的革命民主主义思想。中国资产阶级伦理思想形成、产生和发展,以国内民族资本主义经济的逐步发展为基础,以近代西方伦理学说的输入为条件,以改造中国传统思想、促成中西文化思想的溶合为途径。中国近代进步思想家,在接触和吸取西方文化思想过程中,曾力图建立起具有中国特色的伦理思想体系。这种伦理思想,在激励爱国主义道德情操,批判封建纲常伦理,为资本主义自由发展提供道德依据等方面起了历史进步作用。国际国内的特殊历史环境,决定了中国民族资产阶级的伦理思想,在很大程度上是近代西方有关理论思想的移植,它对封建伦理并没有作出系统地批判性总结,更未能在中国社会意识形态领域占过统治地位。  相似文献   

论中国佛学的精神及其现实意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国佛学的精神是在佛教中国化过程中形成的,是外来佛教与儒道为主要代表的中国传统思想文化碰撞、冲突、交流、融合的产物,中国传统的儒道思想文化在中国佛学精神形成过程中发挥了重要作用。中国佛学的圆融精神、伦理精神、人文精神是中国佛学精神的主要方面。圆融精神是佛教调和其内部思想学说及其与中国传统思想文化关系的产物,对不同思想学说的调和、包容和融合态度以及圆融性的理论是其基本内涵;伦理精神融合吸收了与中国传统宗法社会相适应的儒家世俗伦理,具有宗教伦理与世俗伦理相结合的特征;人文精神融合吸收了中国传统文化关注现实社会人生的精神特质,从而使出世的宗教融入了更多的关注现实人心、人生、人间的思想内容。中国佛学的精神对于今天不同文化之间的交流融合、当代社会的道德伦理建设、佛教适应社会主义社会以更好地发挥自身的积极作用等均具有现实意义。  相似文献   

现代医院人文关怀缺失的思考   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11  
科学技术的革命给医学事业带来了空前的发展机遇,也向广大医务工作者在精神、伦理、思想等方面提出了挑战.阐述了现代医院人文关怀缺失的主要表现,分析了医院人文关怀缺失产生的原因,并提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

随着近代中国社会的变化及西方人文主义和自由主义思想的影响,中国知识分子提出"伦理觉悟""道德革命"的主张,传统道德成为知识分子必须要打破的桎梏,性道德变革作为道德革命的一部分,成为知识分子探讨的重要内容。近代知识分子在对传统性道德进行猛烈批判的基础上,开始建构现代性道德。这主要体现在四个方面:倡导性自然观,肯定性的正当合理;批判传统性道德的禁欲和愚昧,主张性解放,宣传性科学;反对包办婚姻,提倡恋爱和婚姻自由;抨击封建贞操观,强调女性作为人的性权利。近代基于人文精神和科学精神而建构的性道德为现代性道德奠定了基础,为当代性道德教育提供了可供借鉴的思想资源,推动了中国传统伦理的现代转型。  相似文献   

Abstract:  In this paper, I argue that John Locke's account of knowledge coupled with his commitments to moral ideas being voluntary constructions of our own minds and to divine voluntarism (moral rules are given by God according to his will) leads to a seriously flawed view of moral knowledge. After explicating Locke's view of moral knowledge, highlighting the specific problems that seem to arise from it, and suggesting some possible Lockean responses, I conclude that the best Locke can do is give us a trivial account of moral knowledge which cannot avoid problems with subjectivity and relativism.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to explicate the theological and epistemological elements of John Locke's moral philosophy as presented in the ‘Essay Concerning Human Understanding’ and ‘The Reasonableness of Christianity’. Many detractors hold that Locke's moral philosophy is internally inconsistent due to his seeming commitment to both the intellectualist position that divinely instituted morality admits of pure rational demonstration and the competing voluntarist claim that we must rely for our moral knowledge upon divine revelation. In this paper I argue that Locke is guilty of no such contradiction. In doing so, I attempt to accommodate Locke's position in the ‘Essay’ that moral principles are demonstrable a priori with his views on the sanctity of Christian revelation. I then consider Locke's conception of moral ideas as a species of mixed modes, or arbitrarily constructed complex ideas, and attempt to navigate the mechanism whereby human understanding can recognize these ideas as conforming to, or straying from, divinely appointed natural law. I conclude that despite Locke's failure to actually provide a full-fledged moral theory, he lays a rationally coherent groundwork for the fulfilment of such a project that accommodates a-priori rational reflection and divine revelation as complementary paths to moral understanding.  相似文献   

At the present time, psychologists who describe the stages of human growth concur on the importance of cognitive elements, although they also recognize the affective and social components of development. Kohlberg's thinking was influenced by the work of Dewey and Piaget, and has been confirmed by his longitudinal study of 50 Chicago boys and by numerous other researches throughout the world. In his conception, discussions of moral problems (dilemmas) are the basis for moral growth. Through them the less mature become aware of the perspectives of those who have reached a higher level of moral judgment. These ideas and practices have been applied with young people in The Cluster School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where the ideas of justice for all and fairness have become the real themes of the school. The authors' challenge to counselors as consultants and facilitators is one of becoming deliberately involved in the value and moral growth of students. Allen E. Ivey reacts to this article by urging a value-centered advocacy model for counselors.  相似文献   

This article examines the basic philosophical ideas of Socrates and how these ideas form a basic part of the philosophical foundation of psychotherapy. His influence is analyzed by observing how Kierkegaard and Nietzsche view his contribution. The controversial thesis of I.F. Stone's recent book,The Trial of Socrates, is used to re-examine the man and his philosophy.He teaches moral philosophy at Notre Dame College in Baltimore, Maryland.  相似文献   

This article explores Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation thesis and examines the arguments against his work, particularly from certain moral philosophers in the late 1970s and 1980s who seriously engaged with his ideas. This article argues that due to the straightforward, minimalist nature of Singer’s preference utilitarianism, his arguments have remained highly defensible and persuasive. By advancing sentience, above characteristics like intelligence or rationality, as a sufficient criterion for possessing interests, Singer provides a justifiable principle for morally considering animal interests equal to those of humans. Numerous moral philosophers have challenged Singer, but they have struggled to seriously counter his core principle and to resolve the argument of ‘marginal cases’—that is, why do infants and intellectually disabled humans have moral status and animals do not. Ultimately, Singer broadly challenged prevailing anthropocentric views of animals and, in some instances, persuaded some of his most intransigent opponents.  相似文献   

After MacIntyre     
In his influential book After Virtue, Alasdair MacIntyre identifies Kierkegaard's view of ethics with that of Kant. Both Kant and Kierkegaard, according to MacIntyre, accept the modern paradigm of moral activity for which freedom of the will is the ultimate basis. Ronald M. Green, in Kierkegaard and Kant: The Hidden Debt, accepts and deepens this alignment between the two thinkers. Green argues that Kierkegaard deliberately obscured his debt to Kant by a systematic “misattribution” of his ideas to other thinkers, and to classical philosophy in particular. This essay argues that MacIntyre and Green are mistaken in identifying Kierkegaard with the Kantian tradition of moral autonomy and that they overlook his debt to the classical conception of virtue. In casting Kierkegaard in the role of the quintessential exponent of a modern conception of freedom, they have perhaps overlooked one of the greatest critics of moral autonomy who has ever lived.  相似文献   

In Gibb’s theory of moral development Piagetian ideas concerning egocentrism play an important role. Based on these ideas Gibbs offers a detailed analysis of transitions in moral development. However, Gibbs still fails to utilize the full potential offered by Piaget’s equilibration theory, because he does not generalize the idea of overcoming egocentrism, as an important mechanism, to all stage transitions. Gibbs seeks a non-relativistic theoretical/ethical justification for his claims about moral development in a difficult to substantiate notion of an underlying reality. Moreover, such objectivist claims are difficult to reconcile with his endorsement of Piaget’s constructivism.Following Piaget’s equilibration theory development can be seen as the march to an ever widening perspective, possible through reflecting abstraction, and implying overcoming egocentric biases that recur at all levels of development. Assuming the widest level in the case of moral development is the moral point of view, an impartial procedure that should guarantee that everybody involved can freely agree as the result of considering arguments reflecting all viewpoints, fits in with a tradition in ethics from Kant, to Rawls, to Habermas which takes the moral point of view as the ultimate moral principle. These so called ‘Procedural Ethics’ theories are not relativistic, but not objectivist either, because they ultimately depend on the characteristics of the procedure.  相似文献   

Gerald Harrison identifies two Euthyphro-related concerns for divine command theories and makes the case that to the extent that these concerns make trouble for divine command theories they also make trouble for non-naturalistic moral realism and naturalistic moral realism (call this the parity thesis). He also offers responses to the two concerns on behalf of divine command theorists. I show here that the parity thesis does not hold for the most commonly discussed version of divine command theory. I further argue that his responses to the two concerns fail. Finally, I draw on some of Harrison’s ideas to identify an advantage that non-naturalistic moral realism has over divine command theories and naturalistic moral realism.  相似文献   

The source and nature of the ethnography of the important eighteenth century thinker Johann Gottfried Herder can in large part be understood through his relationship to his own society and especially through his part in the German cultural nationalist movement of the day. Herder's long involvement with the literature of travel led him to an understanding of many ideas now associated with cultural anthropology; he often recounts ethnographic information in a plain and impartial way. He also gives frequent moral judgements of native cultures. These judgements, often favorable and occasionally negative, may be traced to his announced political sympathies.  相似文献   

人的行为活动趋于善的特性,是人类活动的价值特性。人通过教化、通过自己的价值活动,能够对自己的本性作出决定,能够化性起伪,决定自己是什么人或成为什么样的人,从而建构一个道德价值意义的世界,使自己获得作为诠释的诠释视域。同时,在一个多元性价值观念的世界,对于事物产生误解或理解分歧的可能性直接要求诠释学的在场。诠释学的理解要求一种回到前理解的共享性前见中去,在这个意义上,人具有作为伦理诠释和诠释理解的双重身份。伦理学与诠释学的内在贯通,从根本上看,在于它们都分有着实践理性的特性。这种实践理性体现在,普遍的东西的具体化。换言之,是普遍性知识与具体实践情境的结合。  相似文献   

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