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The cerebral lateralization pattern for speech production in normal hearing and congenitally deaf children was studied using the dual-task paradigm. Performance under the verbal task conditions showed predicted left hemispheric dominance for speech production in the normal hearing children. No developmental trends in asymmetry were found, suggesting that speech lateralization is present in normal 3-year-old children. These data support the developmental invariance hypothesis of cerebral organization. Deaf children showed more symmetrical patterns of cerebral control for speech production. No developmental trends in functional brain organization were observed among prepubescent deaf children.  相似文献   

The present study provides evidence that individuals who have different patterns of cerebral lateralization and who develop along different maturational time courses can attain comparable levels of language proficiency. Right-handed individuals with left-handed family members (left-handed familials, LHFs) showed a shorter sensitive period for language acquisition than did right-handed individuals with only right-handed family members (right-handed familials, RHFs). The shorter sensitive period for LHFs may be due to a focus on non-linguistic, word-based conceptual information during language acquisition. RHFs may focus on grammatical relations during language acquisition, which matures later than lexical knowledge. This suggests that there may be different patterns of cerebral lateralization for language in all normal populations as a function of familial handedness.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1 neither hearing nor prelingually deaf signing adolescents showed marked lateralization for lexical decision but, unlike the hearing, the deaf were not impaired by the introduction of pseudohomophones. In Experiment 2 semantic categorization produced a left hemisphere advantage in the hearing for words but not pictures whereas in the deaf words and signs but not pictures showed a right hemisphere advantage. In Experiment 3 the lexical decision and semantic categorization findings were confirmed and both groups showed a right hemisphere advantage for a face/nonface decision task. The possible effect of initial language acquisition on the development of hemispheric lateralization for language is discussed.  相似文献   

A group of congenitally deaf adults and a group of hearing adults, both fluent in sign language, were tested to determine cerebral lateralization. In the most revealing task, subjects were given a series of trials in which they were fist presented with a videotaped sign and then with a word exposed tachistoscopically to the right visual field or left visual field, and were required to judge whether the word corresponded to the sign or not. The results suggested that the comparison processes involved in the decision were performed more efficiently by the left hemisphere for hearing subjects and by the right hemisphere for deaf subjects. However, the deaf subjects performed as well as the hearing subjects in the left hemisphere, suggesting that the deaf are not impeded by their auditory-speech handicap from developing the left hemisphere for at least some types of linguistic processing.  相似文献   

11 deaf students in a large midwestern school for the deaf were divided into gifted and nongifted groups by ratings of teachers and school administrators. There were six subjects in the gifted group (3 boys and 3 girls) and five subjects in the comparison group (3 boys and 2 girls). There was no statistically significant difference between mean raw scores of the two groups on Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices. Also, teachers' rankings of the subjects identified as gifted did not correlate significantly with their Raven scores. Identification of gifted deaf students is too complex to be based only on teachers' ratings.  相似文献   

We examined children's ability to anticipate the appearance of transformed multicomponents using visual stimuli with variations of a mental rotation task. We hypothesized that (a) performance would depend on the presence, location, and spatial relationship of specific stimulus features, and that (b) younger children would use a single component to make their predictions, whereas older children would be more likely to use multiple components. In Study 1, 40 first-, and fifth-grade subjects were presented with 32 rotation problems consisting of varied stimulus characteristics; subjects selected the correct option from a field where foils were indicative of the strategy used. Analyses of variance and log linear analyses revealed the hypothesized stimulus effect differentially associated with the children's ages. In Study 2, sixty 5-, 7-, and 9-year olds confronted 64 mental rotation problems with multicomponent stimuli and a construction task. Results and implications confirmed those of Study 1.  相似文献   

The cerebral lateralization patterns for speech production in 57 normal hearing and deaf adolescents were studied using the dual-task paradigm. Normal hearing subjects showed left hemispheric dominance for speech production, whereas both the congenitally deaf and those with early acquired deafness showed atypical cerebral representation for speech production. Deaf subjects whose hearing loss occurred after 2 years of age displayed a pattern of mixed cerebral dominance related to complexity of speech production or task difficulty. These results are interpreted as evidence for a relationship between linguistic/cognitive stage of development and the ontogenesis of cerebral lateralization. A parallel lateralization hypothesis of left cerebral dominance for speech production is offered.  相似文献   

It is known that deaf individuals usually outperform normal hearing subjects in speechreading; however, the underlying reasons remain unclear. In the present study, speechreading performance was assessed in normal hearing participants (NH), deaf participants who had been exposed to the Cued Speech (CS) system early and intensively, and deaf participants exposed to oral language without Cued Speech (NCS). Results show a gradation in performance with highest performance in CS, then in NCS, and finally NH participants. Moreover, error analysis suggests that speechreading processing is more accurate in the CS group than in the other groups. Given that early and intensive CS has been shown to promote development of accurate phonological processing, we propose that the higher speechreading results in Cued Speech users are linked to a better capacity in phonological decoding of visual articulators.  相似文献   

A word-learning task was used to investigate variation among developmental dyslexics classified as phonological and surface dyslexics. Dyslexic children and chronological age (CA)- and reading level (RL)-matched normal readers were taught to pronounce novel nonsense words such as veep. Words were assigned either a regular (e.g., "veep") or an irregular (e.g., "vip") pronunciation. Phonological dyslexics learned both regular and exception words more slowly than the normal readers and, unlike the other groups, did not show a regular-word advantage. Surface dyslexics also learned regular and exception words more slowly than the CA group, consistent with a specific problem in mastering arbitrary item-specific pronunciations, but their performance resembled that of the RL group. The results parallel earlier findings from Manis, Seidenberg, Doi, McBride-Chang, & Petersen [Cognition 58 (1996) 157-195] indicating that surface dyslexics and phonological dyslexics have a different profile of reading deficits, with surface dyslexics resembling younger normal readers and phonological dyslexics showing a specific phonological deficit. Models of reading and reading disability need to account for the heterogeneity in reading processes among dyslexic children.  相似文献   

To what extent do infants represent the absolute pitches of complex auditory stimuli? Two experiments with 8-month-old infants examined the use of absolute and relative pitch cues in a tone-sequence statistical learning task. The results suggest that, given unsegmented stimuli that do not conform to the rules of musical composition, infants are more likely to track patterns of absolute pitches than of relative pitches. A 3rd experiment tested adults with or without musical training on the same statistical learning tasks used in the infant experiments. Unlike the infants, adult listeners relied primarily on relative pitch cues. These results suggest a shift from an initial focus on absolute pitch to the eventual dominance of relative pitch, which, it is argued, is more useful for both music and speech processing.  相似文献   

Complex movement (CM) refers to the representation of a goal-oriented action and is classified as either transitive (use of tools) or intransitive (communication gestures). Both types of CM have three specific components: temporal, spatial, and content, which are subdivided into specific error types (SET). Since there is debate regarding the contribution of each brain hemisphere for the types of CM, our objective was to describe the brain lateralization of components and SET of transitive and intransitive CM. We studied 14 patients with a left hemisphere stroke (LH), 12 patients with a right hemisphere stroke (RH), and 16 control subjects. The Florida Apraxia Screening Test-Revised (FAST-R, Rothi et al., 1988) was used for the assessment of CM. Both clinical groups showed a worse performance than the control group on the total FAST-R and transitive movement scores (< 0.001). Failures in Spatial and Temporal components were found in both clinical groups, but only LH patients showed significantly more Content errors (< 0.01) than the control group. Also, only the LH group showed a higher number of errors for intransitive movements score (p = 0.017), due to lower scores in the content component, compared to the control group (= 0.04). Transitive and intransitive CMs differ in their neurocognitive representation; transitive CM shows a bilateral distribution of its components when compared to intransitive CM, which shows a preferential left hemisphere representation. This could result from higher neurocognitive demands for movements that require use of tools, compared with more automatic communication gestures.  相似文献   

Delayed auditory feedback (DAF) impairs performance in speech, music, and tapping, with maximal impairment in speech occurring at a delay of about 200 msec. This critical interval has played a central role in many explanations of the DAF effect, including both closed-loop feedback explanations and alternative proposals. We investigated the nature of the critical interval in rhythmic tapping--in particular, whether the critical interval has a constant value or is dependent on performance rate. Three experiments in which a synchronization-continuation paradigm was used consistently showed that the critical interval shifted with different tapping rates, with maximal impairment occurring when the delay approximately equaled the tapping rate. We address the implications of these results for theories of DAF.  相似文献   

Visual feature discrimination tasks in pigeons reveal a right eye/left hemisphere dominance at the population level. Anatomical studies and lesion data show this visual lateralization to be related to asymmetries of the tectofugal system, which ascends from the tectum over the n. rotundus to the forebrain. Anatomically, this system is characterized by numerous morphological and connectional asymmetries which result in a bilateral visual representation in the dominant left hemisphere and a mostly contralateral representation in the subdominant right hemisphere. Ontogenetically, visual lateralization starts with an asymmetrical embryonic position within the egg, which leads to asymmetries of light stimulation. Differences in exposure to light stimulation between the eyes result in activity differences between the ascending tectofugal pathways of the left and the right hemisphere, which are transcribed during a critical time span into morphological asymmetries. The asymmetries established after this transient period finally start to determine the lateralized processes of the visual system for the entire life span of the individual. We now can show that these anatomical lateralizations are accompanied by asymmetries of interocular transfer, which enable a faster shift of learned color cues from the dominant right to the left eye than vice versa. In summary, our data provide evidence that cerebral asymmetries are based both on "static" anatomical and on "dynamic" process-dependent principles.  相似文献   

Smoking during pregnancy is a persistent public health problem that has been linked to later adverse outcomes. The neonatal period--the first month of life--carries substantial developmental change in regulatory skills and is the period when tobacco metabolites are cleared physiologically. Studies to date mostly have used cross-sectional designs that limit characterizing potential impacts of prenatal tobacco exposure on the development of key self-regulatory processes and cannot disentangle short-term withdrawal effects from residual exposure-related impacts. In this study, pregnant participants (N = 304) were recruited prospectively during pregnancy, and smoking was measured at multiple time points, with both self-report and biochemical measures. Neonatal attention, irritable reactivity, and stress dysregulation were examined longitudinally at three time points during the first month of life, and physical growth indices were measured at birth. Tobacco-exposed infants showed significantly poorer attention skills after birth, and the magnitude of the difference between exposed and nonexposed groups attenuated across the neonatal period. In contrast, exposure-related differences in irritable reactivity largely were not evident across the 1st month of life, differing marginally at 4 weeks of age only. Third-trimester smoking was associated with pervasive, deleterious, dose–response impacts on physical growth measured at birth, whereas nearly all smoking indicators throughout pregnancy predicted level and growth rates of early attention. The observed neonatal pattern is consistent with the neurobiology of tobacco on the developing nervous system and fits with developmental vulnerabilities observed later in life.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted by educators and social psychologists that non-cognitive factors influence learning. Students who have a fixed view of intelligence believe that abilities are permanent. They view set-backs and the need for effort as evidence of lack of ability. Students with a growth mindset believe that intelligence and abilities are malleable. Intelligence grows with challenge. The objective of this study was to consider if teaching growth mindset to a group of college students in remedial math classes would increase the likelihood of passing the course and remaining in school. Results found a near statistically significant correlation between growth mindset and passing the course but no evidence to support growth mindset and retention. An intervention to teach growth mindset led to statistically small positive results as measured by Pearson’s product-moment correlation and independent sample t tests. Results suggest that combining a variety of interventions with weak academic students is required.  相似文献   

Thirty-seven profoundly deaf children between 8- and 9-years-old with cochlear implants and a comparison group of normal-hearing children were studied to measure speaking rates, digit spans, and speech timing during digit span recall. The deaf children displayed longer sentence durations and pauses during recall and shorter digit spans compared to the normal-hearing children. Articulation rates, measured from sentence durations, were strongly correlated with immediate memory span in both normal-hearing and deaf children, indicating that both slower subvocal rehearsal and scanning processes may be factors that contribute to the deaf children's shorter digit spans. These findings demonstrate that subvocal verbal rehearsal speed and memory scanning processes are not only dependent on chronological age as suggested in earlier research by. Instead, in this clinical population the absence of early auditory experience and phonological processing activities before implantation appears to produce measurable effects on the working memory processes that rely on verbal rehearsal and serial scanning of phonological information in short-term memory.  相似文献   

For many years psychoanalytic and psychodynamic therapies have been considered to lack a credible evidence-base and have consistently failed to appear in lists of ‘empirically supported treatments’. This study systematically reviews the research evaluating the efficacy and effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapy for children and young people. The researchers identified 34 separate studies that met criteria for inclusion, including nine randomised controlled trials. While many of the studies reported are limited by sample size and lack of control groups, the review indicates that there is increasing evidence to suggest the effectiveness of psychoanalytic psychotherapy for children and adolescents. The article aims to provide as complete a picture as possible of the existing evidence base, thereby enabling more refined questions to be asked regarding the nature of the current evidence and gaps requiring further exploration.  相似文献   

Rhodes M  Brickman D  Gelman SA 《Cognition》2008,108(2):543-556
Evaluating whether a limited sample of evidence provides a good basis for induction is a critical cognitive task. We hypothesized that whereas adults evaluate the inductive strength of samples containing multiple pieces of evidence by attending to the relations among the exemplars (e.g., sample diversity), six-year-olds would attend to the degree to which each individual exemplar in a sample independently appears informative (e.g., premise typicality). To test these hypotheses, participants were asked to select between diverse and non-diverse samples to help them learn about basic-level animal categories. Across various between-subject conditions (N=133), we varied the typicality present in the diverse and non-diverse samples. We found that adults reliably selected to examine diverse over non-diverse samples, regardless of exemplar typicality, six-year-olds preferred to examine samples containing typical exemplars, regardless of sample diversity, and nine-year-olds were somewhat in the midst of this developmental transition.  相似文献   

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