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The present study aimed to determine whether there was a systematic relationship between Rogers'(1957) core conditions of empathy, acceptance and genuineness, and counsellors' use of specific behaviours or skills which have been isolated for training. Video recordings of 12 counsellors' performance in 'naturalistic' counselling interactions were analysed. Counsellor, client and judges' ratings of the core conditions were obtained. Skill assessment included molar ratings of eight skill areas and molecular measures of 29 behaviours. The results indicated that there were few significant relationships. It is concluded that there is a discrepancy between specification of the skills or behaviours which are thought to communicate the core conditions and those which have been empirically demonstrated to do so. Implications for counsellor training and proposals for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper begins with an examination of the values implicit in the four dominant counselling theories found in England and Wales — client-centred, psychoanalytic, behaviourist, and eclectic. It then presents the findings of a study which attempted to measure the extent of support given to each of these theories. A 16-item questionnaire was answered by 107 school counsellors; in addition, 42 counsellors were interviewed. The data showed that British counsellors strongly supported the Rogerian and eclectic positions, and rejected both the psychoanalytic and behaviourist views.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explores counsellors’ experiences and perceptions of how counselling supervision impacts upon their clients. Data collection combined open‐ended questionnaires (n = 13) and semi‐structured interviews (n = 6). The findings indicate that supervision impacts client work both helpfully and unhelpfully. Areas that emerged as having the most direct impact on client work were the counselling relationship dynamics and self‐awareness, professional development, emotional support, clients not discussed in supervision and the quality of the supervisory relationship. Congruence and confidence were the most direct link between supervision and client work.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explores counsellors' experiences and perceptions of how counselling supervision impacts their clients. The literature review highlights little research in this area. Data collection combined open-ended questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Analysis was phenomenological incorporating participant validation. The findings indicate that supervision impacts client work both helpfully and unhelpfully. Areas that emerged as having the most direct impact on client work were: exploration of client-counsellor dynamics and raising counsellor self awareness, professional development, emotional support and the quality of the supervisory relationship. Benefits and dangers for clients not taken to supervision were highlighted. Congruence and confidence were the most direct link between supervision and client work.  相似文献   

Integrative counselling is a valuable tool. However, it only considers the client within a social and natural framework. Islamic counselling on the other hand, utilizes the major tenets of integrative counselling, but adds to them an added dimension. This is the relationship between the client and his/her creator. In this paper I aim to draw out areas of commonality between integrative and Islamic counselling and highlight the main difference between these two therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

Aims: Drawing on their engagement in a specific collective biography research project, the co-authors aim to demonstrate how the weaving together of creative story-telling and the theory underlining collective biography practices resulted in an understanding of rhizomatic research methodologies from within the process. This paper aims to demonstrate one way in which research methodologies training can become more firmly embedded within counsellor training courses. Method: A collective of counselling students and a session tutor colleague used collective biography practices to research their memories of traversing the liminal space between ‘counsellor’ and ‘counselling researcher’. Alongside the resulting collective stories, a collaborative review of the research process examined our chosen ways of working within the project. Outcomes: Engaging in collective biography practices resulted in an experiential shift from ‘learning to do counselling research’ to ‘becoming counselling researchers’. Weaving together research processes and researcher reflexivity generated personal and professional learning. Ways in which these research methodologies complement core components of counselling training, within and beyond the teaching of research, were identified. Conclusions: Collective biography practices offer a way of introducing non-arboreal creative research methodologies into counsellor training. Careful consideration of potential challenges surrounding the introduction of these practices is required.  相似文献   

A survey of four Muslim Asian women of varying ages was carried out, for whom the author had previously acted as a counsellor. The survey was designed to explore the extent to which client and counsellor racial similarity affected the therapeutic alliance, as the counsellor/author was of a similar race to all four clients. It was the author's belief that racial similarity in itself would not procure positive counselling outcomes, and hence this study attempted to explore the clients' perceptions of qualities extrinsic to race, including interpersonal skills, styles and approach to counselling of the counsellor, in order to duduce whether in fact these factors were more singnificant to the outcomes than race. The majority of clients did not feel racial similarity was an essential quality, although one client expressed cultural awareness as being a preferable quality. This has suggested that it is not essential for client and counsellor to be racially similar in order to achieve successul counselling outcomes.  相似文献   

An evaluation of a Fire Brigade counselling service examined the viewpoints of all three stakeholders (clients, counsellors and organization), using a multi-method approach using interviews, questionnaires and staff records. All parties expressed satisfaction with the provision, but noted the need for better communication and marketing. The counselling service was demonstrated to be needed and effective in both human and fiscal terms.  相似文献   

In this article, the author examines the relationship between mentoring and counselling in the context of a mentoring relationship. Drawing on Clutterbuck and Megginson's (1999) Mentoring Executives & Directors, Butterworth-Heinemann, seven roles in mentoring, he explores how career functions of mentoring are incommensurable with psycho-social functions--following Kram's (1983) original terms--with a specific focus on counselling. This analysis raises some problems with the notion of counselling as part of the repertoire of the mentor, with the aim of the article not being to resolve these tensions but, instead, to put them forward as issues worthy of attention, debate and empirical investigation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between visions of reality held by counsellors and their professed theoretical orientations. It is suggested that there exist a number of states of congruence between the tow variables and that there are potential problems when the two are not in harmony. The implications for the training and continued professional development of counsellors are explored. Finally, Some provesional findings are offered from the authors' own research.  相似文献   

The role of congruence in establishing and maintaining a therapeutic alliance has been emphasized by theorists within the humanistic/person‐centred tradition. However, there appears to be a lack of research that explores the processes occurring during moments of congruence or incongruence. The main objective of the present study was to gather qualitative data about congruence based on both participants’ narrative accounts of their subjective reactions during the most helpful and the most hindering event of an initial counselling session. Client and counsellor recollections of their experiences during these two events were stimulated through the replay of a video‐tape after the session. The event identification came from the client through a Brief Structured Recall interview. During the hindering event, both participants were incongruent. There was a mismatch between what they were feeling and what they were expressing verbally and/or non‐verbally. At the same time the client was feeling criticised and offended by counsellor's confrontation. By contrast, during the helpful event both participants were congruent. The counsellor was experiencing empathic understanding toward his client and the client was feeling accepted and understood. The implication of these findings are discussed in terms of how congruence might affect the construction of significant events during the therapeutic hour.  相似文献   

This article is based on the writer's experiences with intelligent young men aged from 16 to 19 who rejected the values of home and school and disassociated themselves from contemporary society. It is argued that behaviour which appears to be self-destructive to the outsider, serves important funcdons for these individuals. Their alienated behaviour masked an intuitive attempt to avoid the most damaging form of alienation - alienation from oneself Some account is provided of the processes which occur when this is the case and the strategies used in creating satisfying identities.  相似文献   

Medical ethics often is treated as applied ethics, that is, the application of moral philosophy to ethical issues in medicine. In an earlier paper, we examined instances of moral philosophy's influence on medical ethics. We found the applied ethics model inadequate and sketched an alternative model. On this model, practitioners seeking to change morality "appropriate" concepts and theory fragments from moral philosophy to valorize and justify their innovations. Goldilocks-like, five commentators tasted our offerings. Some found them too cold, since they had already abandoned applied ethics; others too hot, since they still find the applied ethics model to their taste. We reply that the appropriation model offers an empirically testable account of the historical relationship between moral philosophy and medical ethics that explains why practitioners appropriate concepts and fragments from moral philosophy. In contrast, the now fashionable common morality theory neither explains moral change nor why practitioners turn to moral philosophy.  相似文献   

In this study the psychological effects of being homeless are examined with a view to developing an effective counselling intervention.The study was conducted with 12 homeless men at St Martin in the Fields Social Care Unit, a long-established, multi-service drop-in centre in central London.Using a grounded theory analysis, a reinforcing dynamic model of psychological invisibility composed of social detachment, lack of psychological and physical safety, personal helplessness and insensitive services was identified. In response the development of a humanistic-based, ‘pretherapeutic’ alliance, formed via sensitive outreach was recommended. The pre-therapeutic alliance serves as the basis for the creation of a safe psychological space for the individual self to be discovered.  相似文献   

The impact of waiting-list times on subsequent attendance for appointments has received extensive attention within the area of health, but hitherto has received relatively little interest from counselling services. Given the current pressure on all welfare agencies for accountability and efficient use of resources, counselling organisations need to consider resource usage and barriers to efficiency. A study was therefore made of one aspect of this issue: the impact of short v. long time-delays between initial referral and first appointment for relationship counselling. It was found that clients offered appointments within two weeks of referral were significandy more likely to attend for first appointment than were clients whose appointment came between 4 and 12 weeks post-referral. The implications of these results for organisational policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Counselling has long been considered to be an ancillary service in American education, its general purpose being to assure that the student is free enough from personal concerns and emotional problems to concentrate upon the objective of education, which is the development of the intellect (or cognitive abilities). Humanistic education questions this goal, and proposes that the objective of education should be the development of the student as a whole person, or the development of self-actualising persons. Counsellors, ideally, have always held this as their goal. When education adopts it also, then counselling will not be an ancillary activity, but will be central to the educative process.  相似文献   

Research concerned with human beings is always an interference of some kind, thus posing ethical dilemmas that need justification of procedures and methodologies. It is especially true in social work when facing mostly sensitive populations and sensitive issues. In the process of conducting a research on the emotional life histories of Israeli men who batter their partners, some serious ethical questions were evoked such as (a) Did the participants really give their consent? (b) What are the limits of the researcher-participants relationship and who decides them? (c) For whom is the study beneficial? and (d) To what degree did the methodology fit with the participants? In this article, I discuss the Socratic idea of truth revealed through dialogue and the idea of reciprocity that was developed in Buber's (1949) ethics of dialogue and Habermas' (1990) communicative ethics. The 3 essential conclusions drawn from the ethical questions raised and the discussion of the thinkers that are mentioned previously are (a) dialogical methodology is ethically justified; (b) dynamic interactions give a more holistic perspective of the human nature, thus enriching the field; and (c) through dialogical methodology both researcher and participant profit from growth of knowledge, which is a key for empowerment and change.  相似文献   

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