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It is argued that adherence of the results of experiments in the recognition failure paradigm to the function observed by Tulving and Wiseman (1975) reflects the operation of two distinct processes in recognition similar to those described by Mandler (1979, 1980). Familiarity decisions based on the target word alone can occur when target and list cue have not been integrated and result in some measure of dependence between recall and recognition. Contextual retrieval can operate in recognition when integration has occurred, and is independent of success in recall. It is further contended that deviations from the Tulving-Wiseman function arise because special instructions given to subjects produce more or less cue-target integration than is normal, and differentially affect the relative proportion of items recognized via contextual retrieval and via familiarity decisions. The first part of the paper argues that the contextual retrieval involved in recognition failure experiments takes the form of an attempted backward recall of the list cue from the target, consistent with the suggestions of Rabinowitz, Mandler, and Barsalou (1977) and claims that the results of a paper by Fisher (1979) strongly support this view.  相似文献   

In this research, we applied the operating characteristic of the receiver (ROC) to evaluate item-recognition memory by means of open class words (CA) and closed class words (CC). The purpose was to evaluate memory processes and models, according to the type of stimuli used: words in Spanish, classified according to grammar characteristics. To register the data, a rating scale was applied to obtain the appropriate response levels. Statistically significant differences between the processing of both types of words were obtained. We evaluated models of threshold, continuous, and unequal variance. As a result, we could contribute to the resolution of the present controversy about the models adapted to evaluate the memory of item recognition. Lastly, the differentiation and integration of the models from an empirical point of view is discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments studied the effect of a reaction time response (RT) on visual form recognition threshold when the temporal interval separating the RT stimulus and the recognition stimulus was short. In Experiment 1 an initial RT response to an auditory signal did not impair the subsequent forced-choice visual form recognition threshold. Interstimulus intervals (ISI) of 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 msec were used; S was always aware of the ISI under test. In Experiment 2 a visual stimulus was used to elicit the R T response; this shift to an intramodal stimulus did not alter the recognition threshold. These data were interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that two stimulus events can be processed simultaneously even when the temporal interval between them is short.  相似文献   

In this study, we interviewed 10 polygamous families, all residing in a Bedouin Arab town in the south of Israel and consisting of 1 husband, 2 wives, and children. Five members were interviewed in each family: first wife, second wife, the oldest child of the first wife, the oldest child of the second wife, and the husband. Five families were considered well-functioning families and five as poorly functioning. Findings suggest that polygamy in both well-functioning and poorly functioning families is painful, particularly for wives. Yet, there are many ways and techniques that enable members of the family to function well. Among them are acceptance of polygamy as God's wish or destiny, equal allocation of resources among both families by the husband, separation between the two households, avoidance of "minor" conflicts and disagreements, maintaining an attitude of respect toward the other wife, and allowing open communication among all siblings, and among children and the other mother. We discuss the need to develop, implement, and evaluate family intervention programs for polygamous families among different communities in the world.  相似文献   

Tulving and Wiseman (1975) reported that there was a systematic relationship between the proportion of words recognized and the proportion of recallable words recognized. This relationship indicates a moderate positive covariation between recognition and recall across subject items, when each subject is given both types of test, recognition followed by recall. In this paper it is shown that the theoretical enterprise of trying to account for this relationship is fruitless unless the data are corrected for sequential testing effects. Evidence on the existence of these effects is reviewed, and then it is shown how they introduce a measure of dependency between recognition and recall. When the data are corrected, the theories proposed by Begg (1979) and Flexser and Tulving (1978) are shown to be poorly supported. The utility of the general enterprise of determining the relationship between recognition and recall by these means is also questioned.  相似文献   

Four psychiatric out-patients with social dificulties were treated by social skills training and related treatments in a series of controlled within-subject designs. In all cases treatment produced predicted changes in social skills but these changes were not always sufficient to produce more general clinical change, which sometimes seemed to be more closely related to extra-therapeutic environmental changes. Several different treatment strategies were necessary in addition to social skills training including relaxation training, videotaped feedback and directive advice, and this emphasized important differences between patients which affected the choice of therapy. Three out of four cases improved; one reacted adversely to treatment and dropped out. Reasons for this failure are discussed. The study as a whole indicates the need to look more closely at individual patients, both in planning individual treatment and carrying out evaluative research.  相似文献   

Dual-task processing was explored in younger and older adults in 2 experiments that used a tone discrimination and a letter discrimination task. To encourage parallel processing if that was possible, the authors presented the stimuli for the 2 tasks simultaneously, and participants were instructed to withhold their responses until both were ready. The authors found no evidence for parallel processing and no evidence that the management of central processing of dual tasks is qualitatively different in older adults than it is in younger adults. When one response was verbal and the other manual, the 2 responses closely coincided. When both responses were manual, the authors did find that the first response was not delayed enough to coincide with the 2nd and that this underestimation was greater in older adults.  相似文献   

Does optimism lead to success? Friends of optimism argue that positive beliefs about ourselves and our future contribute to our fitness and mental health, and are correlated with good functioning, productivity, resilience, and pro-social behaviour. Sceptics, instead, claim that when we are optimistic we fail to react constructively to negative feedback, and put ourselves at risk because we underestimate threats. Thus, it is controversial whether optimistic beliefs are conducive to success, intended as the fulfilment of our goals in a given domain. According to the traditional view, optimistic beliefs lead to success when they do not involve any distortion of reality, and according to the trade-off view, they lead to success when they involve a distortion of reality, but a small one. Based on the literature about positive illusions in the perception of romantic partners and in the assessment of future health prospects, I suggest that optimistic beliefs lead to goal attainment when they support agency by contributing to the sense that we are competent and efficacious agents and that our goals are both desirable and attainable.  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to test discrete-threshold models of letter and word recognition against models that assume that decision criteria are applied to measures of continuous strength. Although our goal is to adjudicate this matter with respect to broad classes of models, some of the specific predictions for discrete-threshold are generated from Grainger and Jacobs' (1994) Dual-Readout Model (DROM) and some of the predictions for continuous strength are generated from a revised version of the Activation-Verification Model (Paap, Newsome, McDonald, & Schvaneveldt, 1982). Experiment 1 uses a two-alternative forced-choice task that is followed by an assessment of confidence and then a whole report if a word is recognized. Factors are manipulated to assess the presence or magnitude of a neighbourhood-frequency effect, a lexical-bias effect, a word-superiority effect, and a pseudoword advantage. Several discrepancies between DROM's predictions and the obtained data are noted. Both types of models were also used to predict the distribution of responses across the levels of confidence for each individual participant. The predictions based on continuous strength were superior. Experiment 2 used a same-different task and confidence ratings to enable the generation of receiver operating characteristics (ROCs). The shapes of the ROCs are more consistent with the continuous strength assumption than with a discrete threshold.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the phenomenon of recognition failure from the perspective of a theory in which recognition and recall are assumed to involve independent retrieval processes. However, even given independent retrieval, measures of recognition and recall success will covary if any traces are lost from storage, simply because such traces are unavailable for any memory test. In support of the theory, rote learning produced higher covariation between recognition and recall (i.e., fewer recognition failures) than did meaningful elaboration during study. Further, recognition and recall were approximately independent of each other with meaningful elaboration and imagery encoding, regardless of whether the latter involved interactive or separate images. The results of three experiments are discussed in terms of the present “vandal” theory and other theories of recognition failure.  相似文献   

A highly systematic relation between the conditional probability of recognition given recall and the overall recognition hit rate has been demonstrated in a wide variety of experiments. A function describing this relationship was developed by Tulving & Wiseman (1975). Exceptions to this function have, in retrospect, been interpreted in terms of (a) a low integration between cue and target items, or (b) a high cue overlap between the two tests involved: recognition and recall. The experiment reported was designed to evaluate the joint and the separate contributions from integration and cue overlap for obtaining conformity with and exception from the Tulving-Wiseman function. In line with the predictions made, the results showed that these two factors in combination can account for data that fit the function and for exceptions above the function. In relative terms, the contribution from integration was somewhat more pronounced than that from cue overlap.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we studied memory for action events with respect to exceptions from the Tulving-Wiseman function demonstrated in experiments on recognition failure of recallable words. In Experiment 1, we examined exceptions of poor integration in a regular recognition failure condition (i.e., recognition of targets without contextual cues, followed by recall of targets in the presence of contextual cues). In Experiment 2, we examined exceptions of cue overlap in which subjects also had access to the information of contextual cues at recognition test. In Experiment 3, we attempted to equate the levels of recognition across the action and verbal encoding. In addition, the cue overlap and no-cue overlap conditions were studied in a within-subjects design. Results from the three experiments indicated that encoding enactment (episodic integration) and conceptual integration (semantic integration) are related to each other. As a consequence of this relationship, there is a larger independence between recognition and recall of well-integrated items with encoding enactment. On the other hand, for the poorly integrated items without encoding enactment, there is a larger dependence between recognition and recall. Even in the cue overlap condition, where there is a case of large dependence between recognition and recall, the same pattern of data was observed. The results are discussed in terms of an episodic integration view of encoding enactment.  相似文献   

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