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W H Ittelson  L Mowafy  D Magid 《Perception》1991,20(5):567-584
In what ways and under what conditions does an object appear to differ from its enantiomorph (its mirror reflection)? This 'mirror question' or its popular counterpart, "Why does a mirror reverse left and right but not up and down?" is frequently encountered, but an acceptable answer is not to be found in the literature. The question is approached as an experimental problem in visual psychophysics. A mirror optically reverses the axis perpendicular to its surface. What are the perceptual consequences of this stimulus transformation? This question is examined in four experiments by using stimuli of varying complexity and familiarity. Apparent reversals are demonstrated along right-left, front-back, top-bottom, and oblique axes, depending on the perceived asymmetries of the stimulus object. Perceived asymmetry is shown to depend both on structural asymmetries and on canonical axes and orientations defined by social convention. It is concluded that an object appears to differ from its enantiomorph by an apparent reversal along the axis of least perceived asymmetry. Implications for perceptual frames of reference and for the perception of symmetry are discussed.  相似文献   

Eye movements were recorded while participants (N = 56) rotated mirrored and nonmirrored abstract, three-dimensional object pairs into different orientations to assess whether there were oculomotoric differences in fixation switches between mirrored and nonmirrored objects and how an object's plane and depth angle affected visual processing. Compared to other studies, especially depth rotation tasks were responsible for a difference in the sum of fixation switches. This difference seemed to be caused by an increase in incongruent fixation switches, while congruent ones remained stable. Theoretical and practical implications of findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Julesz (1975) proposed a theory of texture discrimination, based on an order statistics principle, which states that no two textures can be perceptually discriminated if they have identical second-order statistics. The experiments reported here demonstrate that this principle is not adequate to predict visual texture discriminability. Both letter and dot micropatterns were used to create texture pairs that either differed or were identical with respect to secondorder statistics. The subject’s task was to decide which quadrant of an array contained a disparate texture. In Experiments 1, 2, and 3, when controlling for spatial overlap, texture pairs having identical second-order statistics were discriminated more quickly than similar texture pairs having different second-order statistics, in contradiction to the principle. Although a significant effect in the direction predicted by the order statistics principle was found in Experiment 4 for texture pairs created from the dot micropatterns, other factors, such as spatial overlap, border differences, and goodness of pattern, must also be considered in predicting texture discriminability.  相似文献   

Visual marking of old objects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Watson and Humphreys (1997) presented evidence that selection of new elements can be prioritized by on-line top-down attentional inhibition of old stimuli already in the visual field (visual marking). The experiments on which this evidence was based always presented old elements in green and new elements in blue. Because of this, instead of prioritizing new objects by inhibiting old objects, selection could have been based on color. The present experiment, which does not contain this confound, showed that visual marking is a strong and robust process that enables subjects to visually mark at least 15 old elements even when these elements have the same color as the new elements. The results indicate that preview of the elements is critical—not the fact that those elements contained a common feature.  相似文献   

Knowledge of previous encounters with conspecifics is thought to be beneficial as it allows fast and appropriate behavioral responses toward those animals. This level of categorization goes beyond perceptual similarity and requires the individual to refer to a more abstract common referent, namely familiarity. It has been shown that pigeons are able to form functional classes of conspecifics that are based on familiarity. To date, we do not know whether this ability is restricted to the social context (including heterospecifics) or if it can also be used to classify inanimate objects. Furthermore, the factors influencing the formation of this functional class are still unknown. Here, we show that pigeons (Columba livia) are able to use a categorical rule of familiarity to classify previously unseen photographs of objects from their living environment. Pigeons that lacked real-life experience with the objects were not able to do so. This suggests that perceptual features alone were not sufficient for class recognition. To investigate the impact of additional functional properties of the objects, familiar objects were further divided into two subcategories, namely those that were considered functionally relevant to the birds and those that were not. Although the majority of pigeons learned to categorize photographs of objects based on familiarity alone, our results also suggest an unlearned preference for “relevant” familiar objects. The results presented here suggest that pigeons are able to learn to extract the discriminative feature of abstract familiarity from pictures by referring to previous real-life experience but that additional functions of objects lead to a preference of these objects.  相似文献   

Discrimination of vowel duration was explored with regard to discrimination threshold, error bias, and effects of modality and consonant context. A total of 122 normal-hearing participants were presented with disyllabic-like items such as /lal-lal/ or /mam-mam/ in which the lengths of the vowels were systematically varied and were asked to judge whether the first or second vowel was longer. Presentation was either visual, auditory, or audiovisual. Vowel duration differences varied in 24 steps: 12 with a longer first /a/ and 12 with a longer last /a/ (range: ±33–400 ms). Results: 50% JNDs were smaller than the lowest tested step size (33 ms); 75% JNDs were in the 33–66 ms range for all conditions but V /lal/, with a 75% JND at 66–100 ms. Errors were greatest for visual presentation and for /lal-lal/ tokens. There was an error bias towards reporting the first vowel as longer, and this was strongest for /mam-mam/ and when both vowels were short, possibly reflecting a sublinguistic processing strategy.  相似文献   

te Pas SF  Koenderink JJ 《Perception》2004,33(12):1483-1497
Human observers seem to be able to use different features that classify materials with a large degree of accuracy. In this paper, we look at human perception of statistical properties of the spectral distribution in a scene. We investigated whether human observers can discriminate just as accurately between coloured textures that have a spectral distribution due either to shading only or to both shading and specular reflectance as between uniform colours. Thresholds for the discrimination of coloured textures are about 15 times as high as thresholds for the discrimination of uniform colours, provided there is a sharp transition between the two colours. However, the coloured texture thresholds are only 1.5 times higher when we introduce a gradual transition between the two colours. There are also distinct qualitative differences in discrimination thresholds for different base colours. These differences cannot be predicted from discrimination thresholds for uniform colours. Human observers are surprisingly good at discriminating between a material edge and a shadow edge in complex scenes. Statistical differences in the orientation of the colour distributions in colour space might be used to accomplish this. In a second experiment we investigated how well observers can discriminate between two linear distributions in colour space that have the same base colour but different orientations. When we vary the line-length in R, G, B space, thresholds cannot be predicted completely by the conservation of the average distance between the two distributions. This means that observers use not only the maximum colour difference in the stimulus to do the task, but other cues are also involved.  相似文献   

Infants' ability to represent objects has received significant attention from the developmental research community. With the advent of eye-tracking technology, detailed analysis of infants' looking patterns during object occlusion have revealed much about the nature of infants' representations. The current study continues this research by analyzing infants' looking patterns in a novel manner and by comparing infants' looking at a simple display in which a single three-dimensional (3D) object moves along a continuous trajectory to a more complex display in which two 3D objects undergo trajectories that are interrupted behind an occluder. Six-month-old infants saw an occlusion sequence in which a ball moved along a linear path, disappeared behind a rectangular screen, and then a ball (ball-ball event) or a box (ball-box event) emerged at the other edge. An eye-tracking system recorded infants' eye-movements during the event sequence. Results from examination of infants' attention to the occluder indicate that during the occlusion interval infants looked longer to the side of the occluder behind which the moving occluded object was located, shifting gaze from one side of the occluder to the other as the object(s) moved behind the screen. Furthermore, when events included two objects, infants attended to the spatiotemporal coordinates of the objects longer than when a single object was involved. These results provide clear evidence that infants' visual tracking is different in response to a one-object display than to a two-object display. Furthermore, this finding suggests that infants may require more focused attention to the hidden position of objects in more complex multiple-object displays and provides additional evidence that infants represent the spatial location of moving occluded objects.  相似文献   

Hermens F  Gielen S 《Perception》2003,32(2):235-248
In this study we investigated the perception and production of line orientations in a vertical plane. Previous studies have shown that systematic errors are made when participants have to match oblique orientations visually and haptically. Differences in the setup for visual and haptic matching did not allow for a quantitative comparison of the errors. To investigate whether matching errors are the same for different modalities, we asked participants to match a visually presented orientation visually, haptically with visual feedback, and haptically without visual feedback. The matching errors were the same in all three matching conditions. Horizontal and vertical orientations were matched correctly, but systematic errors were made for the oblique orientations. The errors depended on the viewing position from which the stimuli were seen, and on the distance of the stimulus from the observer.  相似文献   

Summary Choice reaction time (RT) depends on the relationship between responses, and these dependencies are usually interpreted in terms of the advance-specification assumption. According to this assumption characteristics that are the same for the choice responses can be specified in advance of the response signal, thus allowing faster RTs. Since the advance-specification assumption is called into question by some of the available data, an alternative interpretation is suggested and formalized in terms of an accumulator model. According to the programming-interactions assumption, stimulus processing is tightly linked to response programming, so that both the possible responses are programmed as long as there is uncertainty with regard to stimulus identity. This gives rise to interactions between simultaneous processes of motor programming. Predictions of this assumption for the joint effects of signal similarity and the relationship between responses are tested and confirmed.This research was supported by grant no. He 1187/3–1 from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Davies  James E. 《Synthese》2019,196(10):4113-4136
Synthese - This essay uses a mental files theory of singular thought—a theory saying that singular thought about and reference to a particular object requires possession of a mental store of...  相似文献   

Wemeasured thresholds for the monocular discrimination of rigidly and nonrigidly moving objects defined by motion parallax. The retinal projections of rigidly moving objects are subject to certain constraints. By applying smooth 2-D transformations to the projections of rigidly moving objects, we created stimuli in which these constraints were affected. Thresholds for (generic) nonrigid transformations that in theory can be detected from rigid ones by processing pairs of views depended not only on the extent to which the rigidity constraints were affected, but also on the structure and the movement of the simulated object. Nonrigid transformations under which every three successive views had a rigid interpretation were not discriminable from rigid transformations, except in cases where the distortions were very large. Under the rigidity assumption, this would mean that a large class of nonrigidly moving objects is erroneously perceived as rigidly moving.  相似文献   

Ross J 《Perception》2003,32(7):867-870
Observers in this study judged which of two fields contained the greater number of spots. Spots had difference-of-Gaussian luminance profiles and could differ in contrast polarity or were of uniform luminance and could differ in size. Weber fractions for all observers except one varied little except when spots varied in size. It is suggested that the results of this and previous studies might be explained by the existence of neurons tuned for number.  相似文献   

Reaction times to tachistoscopic exposure and a card-sorting task are the two methods by which visual discrimination of shape is studied. The results of experiments using both methods tally, i.e. the order of difficulty of the following shapes was: (1) (easiest) circle vs. triangle; (2) circle vs. square; (3) square vs. triangle; (4) (most difficult) triangle vs. diamond. These results are compared with those obtained by Sutherland, using octopus, and it is concluded that it should be possible to establish to what extent the system of visual analysis in humans differs from that postulated for both octopus and rat.  相似文献   

The purpose of the experiments reported was to examine how novel, three-dimensional shapes are represented in long-term memory and how this might be differentially affected by monocular and binocular viewing. Three experiments were conducted. The first experiment established that slide projections of the novel objects could be recognized readily if seen in the same orientation as seen during learning. The second and third experiments examined generalization to novel depth rotations of the objects. The second experiment used slide projections of the objects. The results indicated that the representation of the objects seen during training was quite viewpoint-specific as recognition of objects in novel orientations was relatively poor. In the third experiment subjects were shown the real objects under monocular or binocular viewing. Overall, the results are consistent with a growing body of recent research showing that, at least under certain conditions, the visual system stores viewpoint-specific representations of objects.  相似文献   

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