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Results from three studies indicated that emotional responses to memories can be changed by altering the working self. In particular, these results showed that emotional reactions to memories: (1) were especially positive when memories were perceived to be central to the working self (Experiment 1); (2) were muted when the working self was changed by adopting a third-person perspective during recall (Experiment 1); (3) of an event in the life of each participant's mother weakened when an individual was induced to experience a self that felt less close to their mother (Experiment 2) and (4) of a childhood event provoked especially positive emotional reactions after exposure to a mortality salience manipulation that increased perceived self-worth (Experiment 3). The extent to which mother was included in the self (Experiment 2) and self-worth (Experiment 3) plausibly mediated the effects of the manipulations on participants' emotional reactions to recalled events.  相似文献   

H J McCloskey 《Mind》1975,84(335):403-425

When people observe competitions, they are often drawn to figures that are seen as disadvantaged or unlikely to prevail. The present research tested the scope and limits of people's support for underdogs. The first two studies demonstrated, in the context of Olympic matches (Study 1) and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (Study 2), that observers' support for a competitor increased when framing it as an underdog. The final two studies explored mechanisms underlying support for underdogs. Study 3 showed that participants attributed more effort to a team when they believed it to be an underdog, and perceptions of effort mediated liking. In Study 4, participants reading a hypothetical sporting event supported a team with a low probability of success and labeled it an underdog unless it had greater resources than an opponent, suggesting that low expectations by themselves do not engender support if positive outcomes are not seen as deserved.  相似文献   

The effects of secondary tasks on verbal and spatial working memory were examined in multiple child, young adult, and older adult samples. Although memory span increased with age in the child samples and decreased with age in the adult samples, there was little evidence of systematic change in the magnitude of interference effects. Surprisingly, individuals who had larger memory spans when there was no secondary task showed greater interference effects than their age-mates. These findings are inconsistent with the hypothesis that age and individual differences in working memory are due to differences in the ability to inhibit irrelevant information, at least as this hypothesis is currently formulated. Moreover, our results suggest that different mechanisms underlie developmental and individual differences in susceptibility to interference across the life span. A model is proposed in which memory span and processing speed both increase with development but are relatively independent abilities within age groups.  相似文献   

The relationship between life stress and working memory capacity (WM) was examined in three studies. Participants with more life event stress performed more poorly on Turner and Engle's ( 1989 ) operation‐word span WM task, and this impairment was more pronounced on longer operations. Life event stress also predicted intrusion errors. Finally, self‐reports of intrusive and avoidant thinking predicted functional WM capacity as did the recency of negative life events. The results are interpreted using a limited capacity model of WM in which cognitive representations of stressful life events compete with task demands for attentional resources. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Missouri case of Nancy Cruzan brings into sharp focus the medical ethics issue of the right to privacy. It also raises the need for definition of life ranging from cellular to personal. What is it about forced feeding that transforms it into an extraordinary means of nonfunctional treatment? There is the question of balancing benefit and cost (whether personal or financial). Currently we are confronted by the problem of balancing human rights violations against efforts to be “helpful” by the use of heroic medical measures, all of this against the background of ever-changing medical technology.  相似文献   

The present study addresses three questions regarding age differences in working memory: (1) whether performance on complex span tasks decreases as a function of age at a faster rate than performance on simple span tasks; (2) whether spatial working memory decreases at a faster rate than verbal working memory; and (3) whether the structure of working memory abilities is different for different age groups. Adults, ages 20-89 (n = 388), performed three simple and three complex verbal span tasks and three simple and three complex spatial memory tasks. Performance on the spatial tasks decreased at faster rates as a function of age than performance on the verbal tasks, but within each domain, performance on complex and simple span tasks decreased at the same rates. Confirmatory factor analyses revealed that domain-differentiated models yielded better fits than models involving domain-general constructs, providing further evidence of the need to distinguish verbal and spatial working memory abilities. Regardless of which domain-differentiated model was examined, and despite the faster rates of decrease in the spatial domain, age group comparisons revealed that the factor structure of working memory abilities was highly similar in younger and older adults and showed no evidence of age-related dedifferentiation.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the orientation of a health appeal differentially influences health beliefs and early-detection practices among young individuals who are potentially at risk. Undergraduates with and without a hypertensive parent were given printed material about hypertension and the importance of early detection framed in either a wellness or illness-threat format. The major dependent measure was attendance at a blood pressure screening during the week following the experimental session. Results showed that parental history (PH) participants were more than twice as likely to attend the screening when given a wellness message in comparison to threat. In the threat condition, PH participants also reported that hypertension was less preventable in comparison to participants without a hypertensive parent. Reported likelihood of developing hypertension was inversely related to subsequent screening attendance among PH participants only. Factors accounting for the efficacy of wellness-oriented appeals among individuals who report a family history are discussed.  相似文献   

Working memory is devoted to the temporary storage and on-line manipulation of information. Recently, an integrative system termed the episodic buffer has been proposed to integrate and hold information being entered or retrieved from episodic memory. Although the brain system supporting such an integrative buffer is still in debate, the medial temporal lobe appears to be a promising candidate for the maintenance of bound information. In the current work, binding was assessed by comparing two conditions in which participants had to retain three letters and three spatial locations presented either bound or separate. At the behavioral level, lower performance was found for bound information than for separate information. When contrasting the two conditions, activation in the right parahippocampal gyrus was greater for the encoding and maintenance of bound information. No activation was observed in the medial temporal lobe during the retrieval of bound information. Together, our results suggest that the parahippocampal gyrus may underlie the integrative and maintenance functions of the episodic buffer.  相似文献   

Kathleen Barker 《Sex roles》1993,28(1-2):47-71
Women in occupations traditionally dominated by males are seeking part-time work schedules and they are sometimes regarded as being on the mommy track. A survey was conducted of 315 predominantly white women working part- or full-time in male-dominated professions (law, executives), female-dominated professions (nursing, elementary education), and nonprofessional jobs (clerical, retail sales). Part-time working women reported exclusion from organizational, interpersonal, and skill enhancement opportunities and part-time professionals reported a greater risk of layoff than full-time colleagues. However, they also reported greater happiness at home and work, greater satisfaction with their jobs and children, and comparable marriage satisfaction and personal satisfaction with work compared with full-time working women. Women working part-time did not report lower role conflict and role overload than full-time working women. Consideration is given to the benefits, limits, and consequences of part-time work for women, including questions concerning the ability to get back on track.Thanks are due to Alden Wessman, Florence Denmark, Gary Holden, and two anonymous reviewers for comments on early drafts.  相似文献   

Ethical pluralists hold that moral values and systems are irreducibly diverse and incommensurable according to a common scale. One criticism of the view is that accepting such incommensurability renders them unable to criticize values, practices, institutions, and so forth that are genuinely bad. This paper considers two ways that pluralists have appealed to human nature to answer this criticism. One way appeals to nature to ground a positive conception of human flourishing, whereas the other appeals to nature as a source of constraints. I argue that both views fail to meet the criticism in a satisfactory way and then advance a view that improves upon the existing options. Specifically, I argue that human nature is the standard by which it is possible to assess humaneness, which is a kind of beauty that represents the elevation or refinement of human nature. Accordingly, pluralists can deploy judgments of humaneness to criticize practices, institutions, and so forth that are not worth tolerating without violating the spirit of pluralism.  相似文献   

The threat of Pythagoreanism hovers over the appeal to quantification, despite Yanchar's and Westerman's calls for a liberal, interpretive view of numbers. I discuss their articles by agreeing that the distinction between qualitative and quantitative methods is of limited utility, by noting various versions of interpretation in their articles, and by pressing the need to address questions of measurement. Without a coherent measurement strategy, the use of numbers remains at best ambiguous and at worst arbitrary. Although disagreeing with a number of issues in their respective positions, I welcome this opportunity to consider the broader question of measurement and its place in psychology.  相似文献   

In this article I argue that as scientific research provides an ever-more-complete physiological explanation of the near-death experience (NDE), popular interest in NDEs will wane, because the transcendental interpretation, which holds that the NDE provides proof of an immaterial soul, an afterlife, and assorted paranormal phenomena, has always been the magnet that has attracted widespread attention to the subject. Since the transcendental interpretation resonates with our culture's deepest wishes, dreams, and fears, the television and newspapers have tended to focus on that model almost exclusively. This unbalanced presentation of near-death research has reinforced the traditional image of science as a cold, heartless enterprise. I speculate that, in terms of its popular appeal, future near-death research may well have more impact on the field of psychotherapy than that of religion or the paranormal.He has taught at Stanford University and at Villa Maria College.  相似文献   

In 2002 Diane Pretty went to the European Court of Human Rights to gain a ruling about assisted suicide. In the course of this she argued that the right to life implied a right to die. This paper will consider, from an ethical rather than a legal point of view, how the right to life might imply (or not) a right to die, and whether this includes either a right that others shall help us die, or a right against non-interference if others are willing to help us. It does this by comparing the right to life to conceptions of property rights. This is not because I think human life is property, but because some of our ways of talking and thinking about our control over our own lives seem to be similar to our thoughts about our control over our own property. The right to life has traditionally been taken as a negative right, that is a right that others not deprive us of life. Pretty's argument, however, seems to be moving towards a positive right, not just to remain alive, but to be enabled in doing what we want to with our lives, and thus disposing of them if we so choose. The comparison with property rights suggests that the right to die only applies if our lives are ours absolutely, and may itself be modified by the suggestion that suicide harms all of us by devaluing human life in general.  相似文献   

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