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IntroductionSeveral studies have investigated the mediating role of overall justice (OJ) in the relationships between specific dimensions of justice and employee attitudes. However, prior research has neglected to examine OJ during the process of organizational change, as suggested in fairness heuristic theory (FHT).ObjectiveThis study aims to replicate the results of previous studies and expand them by examining, in two contexts of organizational change implementation, the mediating role of OJ in the relationships between procedural, interpersonal, and informational justice (PJ, ITJ, and IFJ, respectively) and employee attitudes (job satisfaction, turnover intentions, and organizational commitment).MethodologyWe surveyed 537 employees experiencing a company reorganization (Study 1) and 188 employees experiencing a merger (Study 2).ResultsEach dimension of justice is related to OJ, which in turn is associated to employee attitudes. Furthermore, bootstrap results indicated that OJ mediates the effects of PJ, ITJ, and IFJ on job satisfaction and turnover intentions (in both studies), and on affective, normative, and continuance commitment (in Study 2).ConclusionOur findings show the importance of fairness during organizational change. Treating employees fairly in times of change is crucial for managers.  相似文献   

In this study, we replicated and extended the research of Hollinger and Clark (1983) on the prevalence and correlates of employee counterproductivity. Two separate employee groups completed an expanded version ofReid Survey III. Roughly one-third of subjects admitted to employee theft. Separate scales measuring perceived attitudes of management, of supervisors, of coworkers, and of employees themselves regarding theft all intercorrelated positively, supporting the concept of a pervasive organizational theft climate. Further, these climate measures were related to subjects' self-reported on-the-job theft. Parallel results were obtained for employee substance abuse. Implications for controlling employee counterproductivity are discussed.  相似文献   

The psychological impacts of global climate change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An appreciation of the psychological impacts of global climate change entails recognizing the complexity and multiple meanings associated with climate change; situating impacts within other social, technological, and ecological transitions; and recognizing mediators and moderators of impacts. This article describes three classes of psychological impacts: direct (e.g., acute or traumatic effects of extreme weather events and a changed environment); indirect (e.g., threats to emotional well-being based on observation of impacts and concern or uncertainty about future risks); and psychosocial (e.g., chronic social and community effects of heat, drought, migrations, and climate-related conflicts, and postdisaster adjustment). Responses include providing psychological interventions in the wake of acute impacts and reducing the vulnerabilities contributing to their severity; promoting emotional resiliency and empowerment in the context of indirect impacts; and acting at systems and policy levels to address broad psychosocial impacts. The challenge of climate change calls for increased ecological literacy, a widened ethical responsibility, investigations into a range of psychological and social adaptations, and an allocation of resources and training to improve psychologists' competency in addressing climate change-related impacts.  相似文献   

Consistent with a growing number of models about affect and behaviour and with a recognition that perception alone provides no impetus for action, it was predicted that associations between company climate and productivity would be mediated by average level of job satisfaction. In a study of 42 manufacturing companies, subsequent productivity was significantly correlated in controlled analyses with eight aspects of organizational climate (e.g. skill development and concern for employee welfare) and also with average job satisfaction. The mediation hypothesis was supported in hierarchical multiple regressions for separate aspects of climate. In addition, an overall analysis showed that company productivity was more strongly correlated with those aspects of climate that had stronger satisfaction loadings. A second prediction, that managers' perceptions of climate would be more closely linked to company productivity than would those of non‐managers, was not supported. However, managers' assessments of most aspects of their company's climate were significantly more positive than those of non‐managers.  相似文献   

This study investigated the reciprocal relationship between perceptions of psychological contract fulfilment and employee performance (sales made and sales targets), and whether this was moderated by the quality and length of the social exchange relationship captured, respectively, through perceived organizational support (POS) and organizational tenure. We used a sample of 146 sales advisors and a four‐point longitudinal design and found support for reciprocal links where performance predicted subsequent psychological contract fulfilment and vice versa. The strength of the relationship between performance and psychological contract fulfilment increased over time. The quality of the social exchange relationship (i.e., POS) moderated reciprocal links between sales made and sales targets met and perceptions of psychological contract fulfilment at earlier, but not later, time points. One way to interpret the findings is the changing nature of the unfolding relationship between support, psychological contract fulfilment, and performance, where a supportive relationship buffers failing to deliver at earlier time points, but at later time points employee performance and psychological contract fulfilment associate more strongly as both parties prioritize delivery.  相似文献   

骆元静  杜旌 《心理科学进展》2016,24(12):1819-1828
非正式信息是变革前信息沟通的重要组成部分, 对变革决策和执行有潜在的影响。围绕组织变革前非正式信息开展以下研究:(1)探究组织变革前非正式信息的内涵和结构; (2)基于心理因应和认知重构机制, 探索员工获取非正式信息之后, 其变革认知和情感的动态调整过程; (3)研究潜在的组织变革决策→非正式信息反馈→再决策过程, 即变革领导者通过获得员工变革认知和情感的反馈, 进行渐进决策优化的过程。研究结果能丰富变革沟通理论和指导我国变革实践。  相似文献   

The purpose of this 1-year follow-up study among 580 police officers is to investigate whether identity-related resources are positively related to adaptive behaviour during times of organizational change. Combining the social identity perspective with resources theories, we hypothesized that leader–member exchange (LMX) and personal resources (meaning-making and organization-based self-esteem) are positively related over time. In addition, we hypothesized that resources captured before change implementation, show a positive relationship with adaptivity captured during change. Structural equation modelling analyses showed that LMX and personal resources were positively related. Further, all T1 resources were positively related to T2 adaptivity. The study emphasizes the importance of managing identity-related resources during turbulent times, in order to foster behavioural adaptation to change.  相似文献   

The present study examines the relationships between aspects of the concept attendance pressure and sickness absenteeism. The study was carried out in a large public company in Norway during a major reorganization. It was hypothesized that employees with sickness absenteeism during this period would experience a high degree of attendance pressure in the form of reactions from managers, fellow workers, and job insecurity. Two surveys were carried out with the same sample (N=401). Attendance pressure in the form of censure pressure explained significant parts of the variance in sickness absenteeism. Employees with sickness absenteeism during the reorganization were a vulnerable group with low job satisfaction, significant health problems and low personal work ethics. Implications for preventive work on organizational level are discussed.Financed by the Research Council of Norway.  相似文献   

The moderating effects of nine organizational climate factors were examined on the relationships between four goal-setting attributes and three measures of employee satisfaction. Subjects were 245 scientists and engineers participating in an MBO program. Researchers did not find sufficient evidence to warrant a general statement concerning the moderating effects of organizational climate in this context. Explanations, however, are offered for the specific moderating effects which were discovered.  相似文献   

杜旌  崔雨萌 《心理学报》2019,51(2):248-258
组织变革前总会有小道消息等非正式信息传播, 这些信息是员工提前了解变革的重要来源。研究探索变革前非正式信息对员工变革前抵制意愿的影响, 以及员工变革抵制意愿随时间推移的变化。基于255位样本数据的结构方程模型及多层次线性增长模型分析表明:(1)变革前非正式信息的消极性及不完整性, 显著负向影响员工变革认知, 进而使员工变革抵制意愿上升; (2)随着时间推移, 员工变革抵制意愿显著衰减, 即从变革前到变革发生时抵制意愿显著降低。研究揭示了变革前非正式信息对员工有“热身准备”的作用, 能够帮助员工提前适应, 从而更好地应对变革。研究结果有助于变革的顺利实施。  相似文献   

In accordance with the Self‐determination Theory (SDT), six dimensions of parenting (autonomy support vs. psychological control, structure vs. chaos, warmth vs. rejection) could be defined in their relation to adolescents’ adjustment. However, the mechanisms of these relations need to be further deepened. In accordance with SDT, the aims of this study were: (1) to examine the relationships between the six dimensions of parenting and the three psychological basic needs; (2) to examine the mediation role of basic psychological needs in the relation between parental practices, and positive and negative outcomes in a sample of Italian adolescents. In a sample of 342 adolescents, results suggest that supportive parenting practice (autonomy support, structure, and warmth) promotes need fulfillment and adjustment, while thwarting parenting practice (psychological control, chaos, and rejection) reduces need fulfillment and adjustment. Furthermore, the three psychological basic needs (autonomy, competence and relatedness) mediate the relations between parenting and adolescents’ adjustment. These findings highlight the role of parenting in adolescents’ adjustment and in line with SDT provide evidence of the dynamic between parenting, psychological needs and adjustment.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the extent to which social support and coping account for the association between greater optimism and better adjustment to stressful life events. College students of both genders completed measures of perceived stress, depression, friendship network size, and perceived social support at the beginning and end of their 1st semester of college. Coping was assessed at the end of the 1st semester. Greater optimism, assessed at the beginning of the 1st semester of college, was prospectively associated with smaller increases in stress and depression and greater increases in perceived social support (but not in friendship network size) over the course of the 1st semester of college. Mediational analyses were consistent with a model in which increases in social support and greater use of positive reinterpretation and growth contributed to the superior adjustment that optimists experienced.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of organizational values on employee attachment. Factor analytic results across two studies indicated that organizational values cluster into interdependent and independent factors. In Study 2, organizational values data were collected from supervisors, and identity and attachment data were collected from subordinates. As predicted, relationships involving interdependent and dependent values were contingent on employee identity. Specifically, interdependent organizational values predicted turnover cognition and organizational commitment for employees who reported strong collective identities. Independent organizational values, on the other hand, predicted the commitment of employees with strong individual identities. Implications of these results and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Two studies tested a model in which passion for work predicts psychological adjustment to retirement through the satisfaction of basic psychological needs. With a sample of 103 French-Canadian retirees from a variety of occupations, the first study used a retrospective cross-sectional design. The second study followed 73 French-Canadian teachers over a 6-year period and examined the relationship between passion for work, assessed when participants were still working, and psychological adjustment to retirement, measured when participants were retired. All participants completed questionnaires on demographics, passion for work, basic psychological needs and psychological adjustment to retirement. Results from structural equation modeling confirmed the hypothesized model, such that both studies confirmed the mediating role of basic psychological need satisfaction in the passion–psychological adjustment to retirement relationship. Need satisfaction significantly mediated the relationship between harmonious passion for work and psychological adjustment to retirement in Studies 1 and 2. The mediation was also confirmed between obsessive passion and psychological adjustment to retirement in Study 1, but not in Study 2. These findings suggest that passion for work matters in psychological adjustment to retirement. Being passionate about work can thus lead to positive or negative outcomes in retirement, depending on whether the passion is harmonious or obsessive, respectively.  相似文献   

Several studies in the oncology literature have used disease stage as a measure of life threat. According to the transactional model of stress (Lazarus and Folkman, ), however, the individual's perception of a threatening situation is more strongly related to distress than the objective event itself. Thus, the present study examined whether cancer patients’ perceived life threat (PLT) is more strongly associated with psychological adjustment than a more objective index of disease prognosis (i.e., cancer stage). In addition, based on cognitive processing theories, this study examined whether intrusive thoughts and avoidance, cognitive characteristics of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), mediate the relationship between PLT and distress. Patients diagnosed with various types of cancer (N = 97) completed questionnaires assessing PLT, cancer-related intrusive thoughts and avoidance, distress, and quality of life. Consistent with theoretical predictions, regression analyses showed that PLT, but not disease stage, was significantly related to psychological distress and quality of life. In addition, intrusive thoughts and avoidance mediated the relationship between PLT and distress. Taken together, these findings suggest that cancer patients’ PLT is more strongly related to distress than is cancer stage and that this association is partly due to cognitive symptoms that are part of PTSD symptomatology. Thus, patients who appraise their illness as life threatening may benefit from cognitive interventions aimed at reducing distress associated with intrusive thoughts.  相似文献   

Parallel with increasing concerns about climate change and the emergence of sharing platforms, collaboration in consumption has become prominent, especially among Generation Z consumers. Drawing upon the self-determination and construal-level theories, the present study proposes a pioneering moderated-mediation model that delineates Generation Z consumers' collaborative consumption tendency. Data were collected among 455 respondents in an emerging economy (i.e., Turkey) via a non-probabilistic purposive sampling technique. Furthermore, a covariance-based structural equation modeling was utilized to test the proposed causal relationships between environmental literacy, collaborative consumption tendency, the psychological distance of climate change, and collectivism. The study findings highlighted that environmental literacy affects collaborative consumption tendency, while the strength of the relationship is augmented for respondents who were self-reportedly collectivists. Furthermore, the findings revealed that the psychological distance of climate change mediates the relationship between environmental literacy and collaborative consumption tendency, while the magnitude of the mediation effect is amplified in collectivist participants. Based on the empirical findings, the present study extends self-determination and construal-level theory while offering strategic directions and insights for sharing platform industry.  相似文献   

A model is presented showing hypothesized common and parallel antecedents of employee organizational development activity (ODA) versus professional development activity (PDA). A common antecedent is expected to affect both ODA and PDA, while a parallel antecedent is expected to affect its corresponding work referent. This model was tested using a sample of 197 medical technologists over a four year time period. Prior ODA and PDA were controlled for before testing hypotheses. Results showed that the common antecedent of learning motivation was a robust indicator of both ODA and PDA. Looking at parallel antecedents, job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment had a positive impact on ODA, while occupational satisfaction and affective occupational commitment had a positive impact on PDA. ODA had a negative impact on subsequent intent to leave organization, but PDA did not have a similar impact on intent to leave profession. Study limitations, issues around operationalizing ODA and PDA, and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This study describes the development and application of a new organizational climate instrument, the Survey of Organizational Characteristics (SOC). The participants in the development phase were 94 master's of business administration students, and the participants in the validation phase were 77 medical professionals: 24 medical faculty, 17 postdoctoral students, and 36 medical technicians. The final instrument consisted of 8 relatively independent scales with alpha coefficients based on the combined sample ranging from .77 to .98, and with 6 coefficients that were higher than .90. Validity hypotheses based on a priori knowledge about the 3 medical groups were for the most part well substantiated, although the small sample of postdoctoral students was a limitation. In relation to the findings, an attempt was made to clarify and perhaps narrow several of the conceptual and methodological gaps that persist between organizational climate and organizational culture.  相似文献   

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