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103 college students took the Geriatric Depression Scale and Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale along with five measures of life satisfaction. The correlation between scores on the first scales was .66. Both depression scales had moderate negative correlations (-.34 to -.71) with each measure of life satisfaction. However, on every measure of life satisfaction, the correlation with scores on the Geriatric Depression Scale was higher than with those on the CES-Depression Scale.  相似文献   

134 high school students from a small high school in north central Kansas completed the MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale, Fenigstein, et al.'s Self-consciousness Scale, and Zaks' Aggression Scale. Analyses of variance showed significant differences between boys and girls but not among grades. On the aggression and alcohol measures boys scored higher than girls, but lower on public self-consciousness. Youth of divorced parents scored significantly higher than those of nondivorced parents on aggression, private self-consciousness, and general self-consciousness. Aggression scores were significantly and positively correlated with those on the alcohol and private self-consciousness scales. When students' alcoholism scores indicate problems with alcohol, their scores on aggression indicate greater aggression and their private self-consciousness scores indicate sensitivity toward events in their environment, then having concerns about inner self can inhibit the action required for change. MacAndrew scores correlated significantly and negatively with scores on social anxiety about self-consciousness. When MacAndrew scores indicated problems with alcohol, the students' scores on social anxiety about self-consciousness suggested confidence in social settings, being at ease interacting with people. The present study involved students from a single rural district so increased understanding will require more extensive research if strategies for prevention and intervention are to be developed and utilized.  相似文献   

研究采用基于PASS理论建构的D-N认知评估系统(CAS)作为主要评估工具, 以临床推介的18名AD/HD儿童和18名在性别、年龄及智力水平与临床样本相匹配的正常儿童为被试, 对其PASS认知过程特征开展比较研究, 探查临床组儿童潜在的认知过程异常, 研究结果表明:(1)临床AD/HD儿童在CAS总量表分上显著低于正常对照组儿童;(2)临床AD/HD儿童与正常对照组儿童在计划和注意过程分数上存在显著差异, 且临床AD/HD儿童的计划和注意分量表分数可很好地预测其在DSM-IV上的注意涣散评估分数;(3)临床AD/HD组儿童与正常对照组儿童在同时性加工和继时性加工水平上则没有显著差异。  相似文献   

The Marital Disillusionment Scale, together with measures of divorce proneness, marital disaffection, work addiction, sensation seeking, intimacy, and marital satisfaction (using the subscales Marital Disharmony and Disaffection), was administered to 116 married people (42 men, 74 women) in a university town in the western USA. Scores on the Marital Disillusionment Scale had significant positive correlations with scores on the Marital Instability Scale (r = .54), the Marital Disaffection Scale (r = .72), and the two subscales Disharmony (r = .53) and Disaffection (r = .75) of the eMarital Satisfaction Inventory. Scores for the Marital Disillusionment Scale were negatively correlated with those for the Personal Assessment of Intimacy in Relationships Inventory (r = -.65) but were not significantly associated with scores for the Work Addiction Risk Test and the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale. The results support the convergent and discriminant validity of the Marital Disillusionment Scale.  相似文献   

Construct and concurrent validity of the Korean Career Indecision Inventory were examined. Data were collected from 238 South Korean college students. A confirmatory factor analysis supported the original five-factor model. As hypothesized, scores were significantly correlated with various variables such as scores on the Korean versions of the Career Decision Scale (r =.49), the Vocational Identity Scale in My Vocational Situation (r=-.63), the Career Decision-making Self-efficacy Scale (r=-.47), and Negative Affectivity (r=.37). These results support construct validity inventory. Students who indicated they were undecided about their careers had significantly higher scores than those who indicated they had decided on a career, supporting concurrent validity. Implications and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

The Depression-Happiness Scale and the Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness were administered to 52 Northern Irish university students. Higher scores on the Depression-Happiness Scale were significantly associated with higher scores on the Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale and the subscale scores of Positive Affect and Positive Experiences and with lower scores on Negative Affect and Negative Experiences. These data provide further support for the convergent validity of the Depression-Happiness Scale.  相似文献   

We reexamined the Japanese version of the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale, a self-report sc ale for measuring alexithymic characteristics, by comparing the scores on three factors and the total scores with variables of the Rorschach in a sample of 40 (originally 48) Japanese college students. Based on prior studies, our aims were to further validate the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale by comparing its scores with those on a projective technique. We also investigated whether sociocultural factors, such as repression of hostility. are associated with scores on the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (especially Factor 3). None of the seven Rorschach Alexithymia Variables were significantly related to the factors and total scores of the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale. However, scores for Factor 1 (difficulty identifying feelings) of the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale correlated positively with scores on Sum C' (reserved responses to emotional stimuli) and Adj es (stimulus demand), suggesting that individuals who score high for Factor 1 experience gloomy, depressive feelings but in constricted ways. Scores for Factor 3 (externally oriented thinking) correlated positively with the D scores (stress tolerance) and negatively with m (situational stress) responses, suggesting that Factor 3 may reflect a psychological defense that enhances stress tolerance. There was a nonsignificant negative correlation between Factor 1 and Factor 3 scores, but, unlike our hypothesis. Factor 3 was neither related to AG (aggression) nor S (space responses reflecting oppositional tendency), indices of aggression or hostility in the Rorschach Comprehensive System. It may be that the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale and the Rorschach measure quite different aspects of personality, but further research is necessary.  相似文献   

A scale was constructed to identify random responses on the Multiple Affect Adjective Check List-Revised. Items chosen were the 14 least frequently checked items and 14 most frequently checked items, plus the seven most frequently checked negative items and the seven least frequently checked positive items (total=42). The Random Response Scale successfully differentiated random protocols from those produced by 420 college students, and scores on the scale were significantly higher for the college students than for the random sample. In addition, correlations between scores on the Random Response Scale and the Communality Scale (Adjective Check List) and the NEO-FFI Conscientiousness Scale suggest its usefulness as a measure of "conscientiousness" or "dependableness."  相似文献   

The intergenerational association of alexithymic characteristics of mothers and their children were examined in a sample of 232 pairs of college students and their mothers. Scores on the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Parental Bonding Inventory, and the Family Environmental Scale of college students were significantly correlated with their mothers' memories of when they were also 20 years old. College students' scores were significantly correlated with their mothers' scores on each questionnaire. The student-mother pairs were further divided into two family types, nuclear and extended families. Correlations were higher for scores of the nuclear family than for those of the extended family. Such results suggest there may be intergenerational transmission of alexithymia and related factors from mothers to children.  相似文献   

This study assessed the validity and clinical utility of a new test, the Couple's Communicative Evaluation Scale. With 24 couples from a variety of resources, e.g., churches, newspaper, and colleges, a discriminant analysis using the Dyadic Adjustment Scale, indicated that satisfied couples could be discriminated from issatisfied couples with 91-96% accuracy. Significant differences on the scale were found for means between 7 distressed and 16 nondistressed couples using the satisfaction/dissatisfaction cutoff score of 200 on the Dyadic Adjustment Scale and significant differences on the individual scales were found for means between 16 distressed and 31 nondistressed individuals using the satisfaction/dissatisfaction cutoff score of 100 on the Dyadic Adjustment Scale. Demographic variables, e.g., age, marriage length, were statistically significant. Scale scores were highly correlated with those on the Dyadic Adjustment Scale, indicating good validity. Using all 400 items, an alpha of .99 indicated good internal consistency for the verbal, nonverbal, and listening communication scores.  相似文献   

106 high school students from a small rural high school completed the Children of Alcoholics Scale, Zaks and Walters' Aggression Scale, Beck Depression Scale, and a modified version of the Beck Scale of Suicide Ideation. Analyses of variance showed boys were not experiencing suicide ideation any more than girls; suicide ideation was similar across the four grades, but on aggression alcohol-dependent boys scored significantly higher than girls, and in Grade 9 boys' scores were significantly higher than those in Grade 10. The sophomores' scores on alcohol dependency were significantly lower than the freshmen's scores. Boys and children from divorced homes had higher scores on aggression than girls and children from nondivorced homes. Children from homes in which alcohol was used had higher depression scores than children from nonalcoholic homes. Freshman girls and sophomore boys had higher depression scores than senior boys and girls. A Pearson r of 0.28 between scores on alcohol dependency and suicide ideation was significant, but research is needed to understand better the associations of thoughts of suicide and drug-alcohol dependency among these high school students so strategies for prevention and intervention can be focused.  相似文献   

This field-based study examined the action of reinvesting in controlled processing on 14 university soccer players to assess skill breakdown under pressure. Based on scores on the Reinvestment Scale of Masters, Polman, and Hammond, two experimental groups of participants were inferred to be dispositionally High or Low in Reinvestment. They performed a wall-volley soccer task, which involved kicking a ball repeatedly against a wall target zone for 90 sec. as defined by McMorris, Gibbs, Palmer, Payne, and Torpey in a High and Low Stress environment. Prior to each condition performers were required to complete the Anxiety Rating Scale. A series of two-way (reinvestment x stress) analyses of variance with repeated measures on stress were conducted on the Anxiety and soccer scores. Players scoring High on the Reinvestment Scale reported significantly greater Intensity for Somatic Anxiety and lower Self-confidence than players who scored Low in the High Stress condition. Anxiety Direction scores indicated players scoring High on the Reinvestment Scale reported their increase in Somatic Anxiety and reduction in Self-confidence in the High Stress condition to be significantly more debilitating of performance than players who scored Low on the Reinvestment Scale. Soccer scores indicated players scoring High on the Reinvestment Scale were more prone to reinvesting in controlled processing and essentially experiencing greater decreases in performance under pressure than those Low in Reinvestment. Therefore, these findings support the predictive power of the Reinvestment Scale.  相似文献   

The present study illustrates the impact of threat and authoritarianism on individuals and their respective belief systems within a Christian framework. Participants completed Altemeyer's Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) Scale, the Religious Fundamentalism Scale, the Questions and Doubts about Religion Scale, and the Behavioral and Faith Scale. Participants also read a threat- or non-threat-inducing article concerning the crisis of the Catholic Church. Results showed that individuals with high RWA scores demonstrated a greater support for religious fundamentalist ideals, reported less doubts regarding their religious beliefs, and identified more strongly with their religion than did those with low RWA scores. Furthermore, participants who were exposed to threat, regardless of individual level of authoritarianism, scored higher on a measure of religious fundamentalist ideals and identified more strongly with their respective religions than those who were not exposed to a threat. Most importantly, individuals high in authoritarianism who were exposed to threat demonstrated greater support for religious fundamentalist ideals, reported fewer doubts, and more strongly identified with their religion than those individuals with high levels of authoritarianism who were in the non-threatening article condition.  相似文献   

Depression and decision-making among intravenous drug users   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two short scales, the TCU Depression Scale and the TCU Decision-making Scale, were psychometrically evaluated in a sample of 145 intravenous drug users. Coefficient alpha reliabilities were .78 for the 6-item TCU Depression Scale and .77 for the 9-item TCU Decision-making Scale. Concurrent validity of the former scale was assessed by correlating scores with those on the Beck Depression Inventory, r = .75. Based on the Beck Depression Inventory Clinical cutoff scores, 83% of the sample showed some depression, with 23% severely depressed, 39% moderately depressed, and 21% mildly depressed. Individuals scoring higher on depression on both tests tended to score lower on decision-making. Significant demographic associations of age, gender, education, and race-ethnicity were found for the depression and decision-making scales. More depression was noted for women, those younger, white, and having less education. Older and more educated intravenous drug users tended to score higher on decision-making. Validity for the depression and decision-making scales was assessed by examining correlations with behaviors. Significant positive correlations were found between depression scores and intravenous use of cocaine only, heroin and cocaine combined, and heroin only. Also, intravenous use of cocaine only and of cocaine and heroin combined were negatively related to decision-making. AIDS sex-risky behavior was positively correlated with depression and negatively correlated with decision-making.  相似文献   

The relationship between the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability (WJTCA) and Wechsler Intelligence Scale For Children-Revised (WISC-R) was investigated in a referral sample of 52 elementary aged students. The WJTCA and WISC-R provided comparable ability estimates as reflected by a .74 correlation between the respective Full Scale scores and no significant (.05 level) mean difference (WJTCA Broad Cognitive Ability mean = 97.1, WISC-R Full Scale mean = 96.8). The comparability of the WJTCA/WISC-R global ability estimates is contrary to lower WJTCA scores found in recent studies with learning disabled students, with the current findings supporting the criticism of those studies as advanced by the author of the WJTCA.  相似文献   

The aims were to estimate the psychometric properties of the Spanish form of the Death Depression Scale and to compare these with those of other versions of the scale. The Death Depression Scale was administered to a sample of 218 Spanish student nurses, together with Templer's Death Anxiety Scale and measures of general depression and anxiety. The Cronbach coefficient a was 83, and a 4-wk. test-retest correlation was .87. The correlations with scores on other tests were similar to those obtained in former studies. After applying a principal components factor analysis with varimax rotation, four factors with eigenvalues greater than one were identified. These factors were labeled Death Sadness, Death Finality, Meaninglessness of Life, and Feeling of Loss. Generally speaking, the results favour consideration of the Death Depression Scale as a valid and reliable means of assessment among Spanish-speaking individuals.  相似文献   

为探究中学生内在生活目标、基本心理需求与主观幸福感的关系,采用内在生活目标量表、基本心理需求量表和主观幸福感量表对885名中学生进行问卷调查.结果表明:(1)男生的基本心理需求得分显著高于女生,独生子女的基本心理需求得分、主观幸福感得分显著高于非独生子女;(2)中学生内在生活目标、基本心理需求及主观幸福感两两均呈显著正...  相似文献   

Measures of paranormal belief and emotional intelligence were given a group of 72 college students using Tobacyk's Revised Paranormal Belief Scale and Schutte, Malouff, Hall, Haggerty, Cooper, Golden, and Dornheim's Emotional Intelligence Scale. Order effects indicated that participants who took the Paranormal Belief Scale first had lower emotional intelligence scores than those who took the Emotional Intelligence Scale first. The study demonstrates the importance of taking order effects into account when conducting research on paranormal belief.  相似文献   

Male and female college students completed the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI) and the Jenkins Activity Survey, a part of which is the Type A Scale. Correlational results showed that as Type A scores increased, BSRI scores decreased (more masculine sex role orientation). Analysis of variance showed that males and females with masculine sex role orientations (SROs) had significantly higher Type A scores than those with androgynous SROs, who in turn had significantly higher Type A scores than those with feminine SROs.  相似文献   

In a sample of 81 subjects, significant negative correlations were obtained between scores on Zuckerman's Sensation Seeking Scale and estimates of numerosity. A cognitive view of sensation seeking was suggested, according to which high scores are a function of an underestimation of the amount of stimulation experienced and low scores a function of overestimation. This approach was discussed in relation to motivational theories and those involving strength of the nervous system.  相似文献   

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