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We assessed the diagnostic utility of the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) in a sample of adolescent inpatients. In Part 1 (n = 79), convergent and discriminant validity were demonstrated for SCL-90-R scales measuring depression and paranoid ideation. Canonical correlation showed that SCL-90-R scales tapped two dimensions of adolescent psychopathology, a primary dimension of dysphoria and a secondary dimension of anger and mistrust. In Part 2 (n = 50), adolescents diagnosed as having major depression showed significant elevations on scales measuring depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive features. Although several scales had high diagnostic specificity for major depression and conduct disorder, sensitivity was low.  相似文献   

The factorial validity, temporal stability and discriminatory power of the Symptom Checklist (SCL-90) were investigated in a heterogeneous sample of short-stay psychiatric inpatients (n=437). Results from a confirmatory factorial approach suggested a reduced dimensionality for the SCL-90 rather than supporting the 10 or 9 a priori symptom dimensions. From exploratory factor analyses 4 clinically interpretable and moderately intercorrelated dimensions emerged: depression, hostile-suspiciousness, somatization and phobic anxiety. Internal consistency and temporal stability coefficients of these 4 subscales and of the global scale were satisfactory. SCL-90 discriminated poorly between different clinical groups. However, the scale quite successfully discriminated patients from healthy subjects from the general population. It is concluded that SCL-90 might be a valuable instrument for the detection of potential psychiatric cases in the general population.  相似文献   

Examined the convergent and discriminant validity of the SCL-90 in a group of 113 psychiatric inpatients and determined the degree of reactivity to several common response sets. The nine SCL-90 dimensions were found to correlate with analogous measures from other tests, and thus showed convergent validity, but were also found to correlate with nonanalogous measures, an indication of low discriminant validity. In addition, the dimensions correlated with the three MMPI validity scales, suggesting their reactivity to response bias. These findings were interpreted as indicating that the SCL-90 has limited use with psychiatric inpatients at present, although it may be useful as a brief screening device for disposition and referral.  相似文献   

Assessing clinically significant change: application to the SCL-90-R   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A Symptom Checklist (SCL-90-R) is a potentially useful measure of psychological distress; it is frequently used in psychotherapy research and clinical practice. The purpose of this study was to illustrate the use of the SCL-90-R for determining statistically reliable change and clinical significance outlined by Jacobson and Truax in 1991. This paper describes the concepts of statistical and clinical significance of change. A proposal for obtaining and characterizing samples is made. Then a clinician's perspective is taken. Reliable change estimates and cut-off scores are chosen based on outcome data. Selected data from a single psychotherapeutic process and outcome study then were used to test the estimates of change and cut-off scores.  相似文献   

We assessed the ciiagnosric utility of the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-9O-R) in a sample of adolescent inpatients. In Part 1 (n = 73), convergent and discriminant validity were demonstrated for SCL-90-R scales measuring depression and paranoid ideation, Canonical correlation showed that SCL-90-R scales tapped two dimensions of adolescent psychopathology, a primary dimension of dysphoria and a secondary dimension of anger and mistrust. In Part 2 (n = 50), adolescents diagnosed as having major depression showed significant elevations on scales measuring depression, anxiety, an obsessive-compulsive features. Although several scales had high diagnostic specificity for major depression and conduct dsorder, sensitivity was low.  相似文献   

The prevalence of DSM-III conduct and adjustment disorders in two adolescent psychiatric facilities, both located near large U.S. cities, was investigated. Overall, 31.6% of the adolescent inpatients were conduct disordered while 12.5% were adjustment disordered. The conduct disorders were primarily "aggressive" subtypes suggesting that this characteristic may influence hospitalization and diagnostic decisions. Such data on prevalence assists future treatment planning, allowing anticipation of case loads.  相似文献   

V Klinge  L R Piggott 《Adolescence》1986,21(82):323-331
The relationship between adolescent psychiatric inpatients' and their parents' drug use was studied using a questionnaire format. The major finding was that there was no systematic relationship. It is hypothesized that due to recent family realignments, adolescents are turning away from their parents and toward peers for their role models in drug use.  相似文献   

Our objective was to examine whether the SCL-90-R, a widely used self-report measure of distress and psychopathology, could screen for personality disorders in general and for severe personality disturbance (SPD) in particular, at the time when patients seek treatment for a state (mood or anxiety) disorder. The SCL-90-R was administered to 112 consecutive outpatients with various mood and anxiety disorders. The personality severity index (PSI) score, defined as the mean value of the scores on the SCL-90-R subscales of interpersonal sensitivity, hostility, and paranoid ideation, was compared with the current symptom index (CSI) score, defined as the mean value of the scores on the remaining six SCL-90-R subscales. A positive screen was considered if PSI > CSI. SPD was defined as the presence of any DSM-III-R Cluster A and/or Cluster B personality disorder. The accuracy of the screen was verified by means of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R Personality Disorders. The sensitivity of the PSI > CSI criterion to screen for SPD was 89.4%, while its sensitivity to screen for any DSM-III-R personality disorder was 72.9%. The SCL-90-R subscales that contributed the most to the screening discriminability of this SCL-90-R-derived screening measure were hostility, paranoid ideation, somatization, and obsessive-compulsive behavior. The SCL-90-R may be used to screen for SPD in routine work with outpatients with mood and anxiety disorders, but the results of the screening need to be verified because of the possibility of false negatives and false positives, although that possibility is apparently low. These findings may have important prognostic and treatment implications.  相似文献   

Eleven short versions of the Symptom Checklist (SCL-90-R) assessing general psychopathology, containing 5 to 53 items, were compared on the basis of data from a sample of one hundred mothers of 0-to-6-year-old children referred for treatment at a Child Psychiatric Family Day Hospital in Münster, Germany. The SCL short versions were compared with regard to internal consistency, sensitivity and specificity, ability to distinguish between subjects by a new test index (PDTS), and association with indicators of validity (SCL-90-R Global Severity Index, BDI scores). All short versions showed almost equally high internal consistency, sensitivity and specificity, and high correlations with validity indices. The PDTS test index describes a ‘good’ ability of the original SCL-90-R to differentiate between subjects, a ‘moderate’ performance for the BSI, the HSCL-25 and the SCL-27, and a ‘poor’ performance of the very short forms—according to the standards of interpreting PDTS scores. The SCL-10S is recommended for screening purposes because this scale represented the best compromise between economy and accuracy. However, for other research and clinical purposes, the use of one of the longer short versions (BSI, HSCL-25, or SCL-27) is recommended because of their superior discriminative ability.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on a study of 100 consecutive young adult psychiatric admissions to Horsham Hospital, to determine the incidence of minimal brain dysfunction in this population, to define the subcategories of common psychiatric presentation, and to compare these data with those from the companion study conducted by our research group of fifty consecutive adolescent psychiatric admissions, reported by Horowitz, 1981.  相似文献   

Anger can play an important role in depression and suicide risk among adolescents. The present study evaluated internalized and externalized anger in 92 adolescent psychiatric inpatients. Results indicated that adolescents who internalized their anger were more likely to be depressed and to experience feelings of hopelessness. In addition, adolescents who internalized their anger made more serious suicide attempts than did those who externalized their anger. In contrast, adolescents who externalized their anger were more likely to have alcohol-related problems. Thus, different modes of anger expression appear to be related to different manifestations of psychopathology. It was concluded that assessment of mode of anger expression in adolescents may enhance our understanding of suicide and its risk factors.  相似文献   

Correlations among Kinetic Family Drawings and MMPI indicators of depressive, anxiety, behavioral, and thought disorders and diagnostic category were estimated for a group of 52 adolescent psychiatric inpatients. No statistically significant values were found between test indicators and corresponding MMPI scales or diagnoses, although MMPI D and Sc scales were significantly related to diagnosis. Results do not support the concurrent or construct validity of the drawings.  相似文献   

One hundred twenty-two adolescent psychiatric inpatients with depressive disorders and 80 healthy peers were administered the INSPIRIT, a measure of core spiritual experiences. Healthy adolescents reported a greater frequency of spiritual experiences and a more positive impact of such experiences on their belief in God than did their inpatient peers. Adolescent inpatients reported higher frequencies of experiencing angels, demons, God or guiding spirits; feeling unity with the earth and other living things; and with near death or life after death as compared to healthy peers. Overall, females reported higher frequency of spiritual experiences and higher impact of the experience on their belief in God than did males. It was concluded that the INSPIRIT is a feasible spiritual assessment tool for adolescent populations and may be used by chaplains as a means for guiding clinical conversations with adolescents.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine depression, hopelessness, and self-esteem as related to suicidal behavior in three groups of depressed adolescent psychiatric inpatients. Depressed adolescents who had never attempted suicide were compared to depressed adolescents who had attempted suicide once and to depressed adolescents who had attempted suicide on several different occasions. Results showed that suicidal adolescents experienced significantly greater depression and hopelessness than did the nonsuicidal adolescents. However, all three groups of depressed adolescents reported similar low levels of self-esteem. Measures of depression and hopelessness were useful in classifying the adolescents based on their suicidal behavior. Results suggest that the treatment of suicidal adolescents could benefit from strategies that focus on reducing feelings of depression and hopelessness.  相似文献   

Cognitive and learned helplessness models of depression view maladaptive cognitive and attributional patterns as core features of depressive disorders. This study examined cognitive and attributional patterns in depressed children, nondepressed children, and a subgroup of remitting depressives who had histories of depression but were not reporting depressive symptoms when evaluated during the first 2 weeks of hospitalization. When compared with nondepressed controls, depressed children reported significantly more hopelessness, more negative self-perceptions, and negative self-perceptions across a wider variety of domains, and they displayed more dysfunctional attributional styles. While 55% of depressed children displayed pervasive maladaptive cognitive patterns, the other 45% of depressed children scored more similarly to nondepressed children, suggesting that childhood depressive disorders may be heterogeneous with respect to cognitive patterns. Contrary to the notion of traitlike depressive cognitive and attributional patterns that persist after the remission of depressive episodes, children with remitting depressions scored similarly to nondepressed children.Partial support for this project was provided by a grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation as part of their Network on Risk and Protective Factors in the Major Mental Disorders. I wish to thank Donald Guthrie for providing statistical consultation, Gwen Gordon for her computer assistance, and Niels Mueller and Jean Keller for their help with data collection.  相似文献   

This investigation was conducted to validate the Beck Depression Inventory--II (BDI-II; A. T. Beck, R. A. Steer, & G. K. Brown, 1996) in samples of adolescent psychiatric inpatients. The sample in each substudy was primarily Caucasian. In Study 1, expert raters (N=7) and adolescent psychiatric inpatients (N=13) evaluated the BDI-II items to assess content validity. In Study 2, confirmatory factor analyses of several first-order solutions failed to provide adequate fit estimates to data for 205 boys, 203 girls, and the combined sample. Exploratory factor analyses identified new item-factor solutions. Reliability estimates were good (range =.72 to.91) for the BDI-II total and scale scores. In Study 3 (N=161 boys and 158 girls from Study 2), preliminary evidence for estimates of concurrent, convergent, and discriminant validity were established for the BDI-II.  相似文献   

Tested the validity of the Devereux Scales of Mental Disorders (DSMD; Naglieri, LeBuffe, & Pfeiffer, 1994) in a sample of 108 adolescent psychiatric inpatients. DSMD scales were compared to parent-report, interview-based, self-report and diagnostic measures. DSMD measures of conduct problems and delinquency were significantly associated with the predicted parent-report, interview-based, and diagnostic measures of conduct disorder and substance abuse and not with any measures of anxiety or depression. DSMD measures of anxiety and depression were related to other parent-report ratings of internalizing symptoms but had more limited convergent and discriminant validity. The DSMD was compared to the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL; Achenbach, 1991) for diagnostic classification accuracy. The two measures were comparable in classifying oppositional or conduct disorder. The CBCL was superior for classification of major depression. The DSMD was superior for classification of substance abuse.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine the construct validity and psychometric properties of the Multi-Attitude Suicide Tendency Scale in adolescent psychiatric inpatients. This new scale has four subscales: attraction to life, repulsion by life, attraction to death, and repulsion by death. Confirmatory factor analysis of the scale items provided support for the fit of the 28-item, four-factor model. Results of logistic regression analyses revealed that high scores on the repulsion by life and the attraction to death subscales were useful in assessing the risk for suicide attempts. Results of the hierarchical regression analysis showed that high repulsion by life and low attraction to life subscale scores contributed to the prediction of scores on the suicide probability scale. We also examined gender differences on the four subscales and the psychological correlates of each subscale.  相似文献   

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