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宋其争  黄希庭 《心理科学》2004,27(3):743-745
未来思考是前瞻性思考,旨在解决人生发展任务。人类的未来思考有多种类型。从是否具有现实性上来看,可以把未来思考分为两种主要形式:期望和幻想。幻想抑制动机和行为,但是,如果对幻想和不利现实因素进行心理对照,幻想就可以转变成执行性意图,这是因为心理对照过程能够产生美好未来和当前现实的同时通达。我们还探讨了习惯于不同自我监控思维模式的人对待时间、失败的人格差异,并提出了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

创伤后成长:5·12地震创伤的新视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张倩  郑涌 《心理科学进展》2009,17(3):623-630
创伤后成长是人们与主要的生活危机斗争后所体验到的一种积极的心理改变。对此概念的认识存在着结果与策略、建设功能与幻想功能、认知成分与行为成分的争论。对它的解释模型包括经历困难的力量、心理准备和存在的再评价。而它与心理健康的关系仍存在争议。建议此领域的研究应从概念澄清入手,开展过程研究和纵向研究,建立行为指标,关注其临床应用,进行本土化研究,并为5·12震后心理重建工作提供新的思路  相似文献   

积极心理资本自提出以来,便备受关注,它超越了人力资本和社会资本,是一种能够被有效开发和管理,并能够对个体的绩效产生重要影响的核心积极心理要素。在以往研究中,研究者提出了积极心理资本的四维结构说、三维结构说和多维结构说,并据此开发了相应的测量工具。在后果变量方面,主要探讨的是积极心理资本与工作态度、工作行为、工作绩效、幸福感等方面的关系。积极心理资本自身也是一个重要的中介与调节变量,而PCI干预模型可有效提高个体的心理资本水平。今后研究的重点包括研究对象与内容的拓宽、研究方法的改进与完善以及本土化和跨文化研究的加强等。  相似文献   

青少年心理一致感水平及其与应付方式的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘俊升  周颖  包蕾萍  桑标 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1107-1110
本研究以265名高中生为被试,探讨青少年心理一致感发展的特点以及与应付方式的关系。研究结果表明,(1)被试在心理一致感发展水平上存在显著的年级差异;(2)三个年级被试的应付方式存在显著的差异;(3)被试心理一致感水平与问题解决、求助两种应付方式存在显著的正相关;(4)被试心理一致感水平与自责、幻想、退避、合理化四种应付方式存在显著的负相关。高心理一致感个体在压力调节上倾向于采用成熟而积极的应付方式。本研究从压力应对的过程角度分析心理一致感与应付方式之间的关系。  相似文献   

宗教幻想是一种心理真实,社会冲突是一种社会事实。宗教幻想形成了以神圣教义为核心的社会行为规则体系,而这种观念体系常常影响甚至在某种条件下支配着人的社会行为。宗教幻想和社会冲突分属于精神范畴和物质范畴,不仅可以相互转化,甚至可以因这种互动形成新的社会事实及社会和谐。  相似文献   

积极心理学的过度发展致使积极、消极心理研究再失衡,表现为"积极暴政"。同时,亦有"积极的悖论"、"消极思维的积极心理"等少部分研究对其进行批评、反叛。这就形成了两种互为冲突的研究进路:"积极心理-积极效应"研究进路,"积极-消极悖反"研究进路。二者冲突的建设性为实现积极心理学的视域拓展与转换提供了基础条件。其视域拓展与转换集中体现为研究大类的重新划分,即由积极心理-积极效应、消极心理-积极效应、积极心理-消极效应等三类拓展为积极-积极、积极-消极、消极-积极、消极-消极、积极×消极-积极×消极等五类。同时,视域拓展与转换并非一蹴而就,还需要引入辩证思维、情境变量等。可以认为,积极心理学的未来发展是趋于平衡的、情境的、辩证的、文化的,它力图理解人的心理复杂性、生命完整性等。  相似文献   

乐观偏差指个体倾向于认为自己更可能经历积极事件而他人更可能遭遇消极事件的现象。对乐观偏差的测量主要有直接比较和间接比较两种方式。事件特征和个体因素是乐观偏差的主要影响因素。产生乐观偏差的心理机制主要有自我中心主义和聚焦主义。乐观偏差对个体既有积极作用也有消极影响。未来研究主要包括:开发科学可行的测量工具;加强对个体水平乐观偏差的研究;把乐观偏差和悲观偏差结合起来进行研究;对乐观偏差进行认知神经心理机制的探讨。  相似文献   

幻想(Fantasy)是指向未来, 与个人愿望相联系的想象, 且不一定以客观规律为依据。现实(Reality)是存在于日常生活中, 或者与我们生活法则相一致的事物或现象。准确地区分幻想和现实有利于在保护儿童想象力的同时, 确保他们的人身安全。国内外研究发现, 儿童区分幻想和现实的能力随着年龄的增长而提高; 受外部(实验材料的情感色彩、人物和主题类型)和内部(个体情绪感知强度、经验)因素的影响; 语言、元认知、心理理论和认知神经等可能是儿童区分幻想和现实的作用机制。未来研究需探索各种作用机制在儿童年龄与区分幻想和现实能力之间可能的调节效应, 以及儿童混淆幻想和现实的认知神经。在此基础上, 进一步明确既保护儿童想象力又确保其人身安全的有效措施。  相似文献   

李琼  黄希庭  尹可丽 《心理科学进展》2012,20(10):1663-1671
危及生命的慢性疾病指病程长、治愈难、治疗周期长、严重情况下会危及生命且严重影响患者及其家属正常生活的疾病.研究发现,乐观、抗争勇气、心理一致感、受益发现和创伤后成长等积极心理因素在危及生命的慢性疾病应对过程中能产生积极效果,并证实积极心理通过生物加工、行为加工、社会加工三条路径促进患者对疾病的应对.对疾病态度或感知进行干预以及直接诱发积极心理等干预方法能对疾病康复产生良好的效果.对该领域研究的质疑主要包括研究方法的科学性以及积极心理和疾病应对间因果关系的明确程度两个方面.针对质疑,未来研究应以实验法为主导并结合其它方法,进一步探讨积极心理与疾病应对和康复之间的因果关系.  相似文献   

正我们应当重视对宗教心理引导功能的研究,准确把握它的特征,充分发挥宗教积极的心理引导作用,使其成为对于社会有益的、积极的精神动力。一"宗教是一种建立在某种信仰基础上的文化体系,而信仰的最大特性在于其相对稳定而深刻的心理属性。"(李利安《宗教心理与社会和谐》)宗教有特殊的心理引导功能,这是宗教对社会产生影响的一种重要途  相似文献   

Psychologists such as Shelly E. Taylor have championed the idea that certain false beliefs, referred to as positive illusions, fulfill a significant role in contributing to human well-being. The goal of this article is to critically review the empirical evidence for this claim. The main concern, then, is whether the empirical evidence is conclusive in regard to the value of positive illusions for agents. The conclusion to be developed is that the latest psychological research is inconclusive in regard to the value positive illusions. This is due not only to evidence that draws into question the value of positive illusions for agents, but also due to methodological and conceptual problems with the positive illusion literature. Consequently, it could be the case that false beliefs contribute to agent well-being in specific situations, but it is difficult to claim that certain false beliefs are required for agent well-being.  相似文献   

The present research examined the existence of positive illusions about a partner's physical attractiveness and its relations to relationship quality. Positive illusions were assumed to exist when individuals rated their partner as more attractive than their partner rated him or herself. In two Dutch community samples of 117 and 203 married or cohabiting heterosexual couples, both partners rated their own and their partner's facial and bodily attractiveness. In Study 2, both partners completed three measures of relationship quality. Both studies found evidence for the existence of positive illusions about a partner's physical attractiveness. Moreover, Study 2 found clear positive illusion actor effects for relationship quality. This association differed by age of couples.  相似文献   

This study examined the relations among negative cognitive errors regarding hypothetical negative divorce events, positive illusions about those same events, actual divorce events, and psychological adjustment in 38 8- to 12-year-old children whose parents had divorced within the previous 2 years. Children's scores on a scale of negative cognitive errors (catastmphizing, overgeneralizing, and personalizing) correlated significantly with self-reported symptoms of anxiety and self-esteem, and with maternal reports of behavior problems. Children's scores on a scale measuring positive illusions (high self-regard, illusion of personal control, and optimism for the future) correlated significantly with less self-reported aggression. Both appraisal types accounted for variance in some measures of symptomatology beyond that explained by actual events. There was no significant association between children's negative cognitive errors and positive illusions. The implications of these results for theories of negative cognitive errors and of positive illusions, as well as for future research, are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown empathy to be an important aspect of a high quality intimate relationship. Likewise, positive illusions about a partner's characteristics have been shown to contribute to relationship quality. The present study connects these issues by examining the degree to which individuals hold positive illusions about a partner's level of empathy, and the extent to which these positive illusions are related to relationship quality and adjustment in a sample of 55 couples. Results showed that positive illusions concerning a partner's level of empathy were only held by women. In addition, people's evaluation of relationship quality and adjustment was consistently related to both their own and their partner's positive empathy illusions. Finally, an interaction effect was found between participant sex and the partner effect of positive empathy illusions: the illusions held by the partner (only for men) were related to relationship quality. Results and implications for theory and relationship counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the paradox between the difficulties of parenting and the high levels of parenting satisfaction in terms of positive illusions. Results were consistent with a positive illusions model, as biological parents with a child between the ages of 2 and 5 reported unrealistically positive views of their children. They rated their own children as possessing more positive and less negative attributes than the average child. The more positively parents rated themselves, the more positively they rated their children. Parents' self-esteem scores, unrealistically positive ratings of the child, and positive illusions of parenting were related to 3 aspects of the parenting experience. This study extends the literature on positive illusions to encompass parents' positive illusions about their young children.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown individuals to hold positive biases about their relationships. The present study examined positive illusions about a partner’s specific personality characteristics in relation to relationship quality and personality. Both partners of 120 heterosexual couples participated in the present study, making it possible to examine both partner and actor effects. Results showed that although, in general, individuals did not hold positive illusions about a partner’s specific personality characteristics, positive illusions were positively related to relationship quality. In addition, interesting relations emerged between positive illusions about a partner’s personality and both individuals’ personality and marital duration.  相似文献   

We examined whether similarity, complementarity, accuracy, and positive illusions exist within the sex lives of same‐sex romantic couples. Partners had similar and complementary sexual desires and they perceived each other's desires with considerable accuracy; these effects were greater than in randomly matched pseudocouples. As evidence of positive sexual illusions, people overperceived sexual similarity and complementarity, and they overperceived the accuracy with which their partner knew their desires. Using actor–partner interdependence models (D. A. Kenny, D. A. Kashy, & W. L. Cook, 2006), similarity, complementarity, and positive illusions predicted sexual satisfaction, but a partner's actual accuracy did not. In parallel with earlier findings from heterosexual couples, this work indicates that positive sexual illusions are motivated cognitive processes that benefit sexual satisfaction, as theories of relationship maintenance suggest.  相似文献   

Psychologists have long debated the benefits and costs of self-deceptive enhancement or positive illusions. Accurate perception of reality is central to the definitions of mental health proposed by many personality and clinical psychologists, but Taylor and Brown have suggested that having positive illusions is associated with increased happiness and satisfaction with life. One explanation for the conflicting assertions is that mental health, broadly defined, includes both subjective well-being and personal growth, distinguishable factors which are differentially related to positive illusions. For this study, 81 college students completed measures of positive illusions (Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding Self-deceptive Positivity and How I See Myself Questionnaire), subjective well-being (Satisfaction With Life Scale and Existential Anxiety Scale), and moral reasoning (Defining Issues Test) as an index of personal growth. As predicted, positive illusion composite scores were positively correlated with scores on the subjective well-being composite (r=.40) but negatively correlated with Defining Issues Test scores (r=-.25). The quadratic relationship between these measures of positive illusion and subjective well-being composites was not significant, indicating no support for an "optimal margin of illusion."  相似文献   

According to the positive illusions model ( Murray, Holmes, & Griffin, 1996a ), people in romantic relationships are more satisfied when they view their partners more favorably than the partners see themselves. By contrast, shared reality theory ( Hardin & Conley, 2001 ) emphasizes the benefits of perceiving a partner as the partner sees himself or herself. We analyzed archived data from the American Couples Study ( Blumstein & Schwartz, 1983 ) to test the applicability of the positive illusions model to gay and lesbian relationships. Structural equation models demonstrated that the positive illusions model effectively explains relationships among lesbian, gay, heterosexual cohabitating, and married couples.  相似文献   

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