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Research into anxiety disorders of children and adolescents have been neglected for a long time. Current work on the prevalence and on the course of anxiety disorders of children and adolescents impressively substantiates that (1) anxiety disturbances are the most frequent mental disorders of children and adolescents and, (2) represent important factors of risk for the development of anxiety disorders, depression and substance dependence/abuse in adulthood. The recent developments in behavior therapy on anxiety disorders with children and adolescents are presented first and the results of a meta-analysis of behavior therapy studies are summarized. The results of the meta-analysis show that anxiety disorders can be treated successfully in children and adolescents with behavior therapy. The follow up data show that therapy successes remain stable over a timespan of several years. In comparison of individual and group therapy as well as child and family-based therapy, there are no important differences with regard to therapy success.  相似文献   

Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions worldwide and frequently cause significant functional impairment. Generalized anxiety disorder is the most commonly occurring impairing anxiety disorder in primary care. The degree of disability attributable to generalized anxiety disorder is comparable to that of major depression and is similar to that of chronic physical illnesses, such as peptic ulceration, arthritis, asthma and diabetes mellitus. Comorbid illnesses, such as mood disorders are commonly seen in clinical practice and have a significant impact on the clinical presentation and the treatment approach. Both psychotherapeutic and pharmacological techniques are recognized as being effective management strategies. The present article focuses on two case-reports of patients with anxiety disorders in an inpatient setting. By describing comorbid conditions subsequent difficulties and challenges in treatment are underlined.  相似文献   

The growing influence of ego-psychology, self psychology, object relations theory, and interpersonal concepts on the psychoanalytic psychotherapy of patients with personality disorders is reflected in a preference of relational therapeutic strategies and in a controversial discussion of interpretative techniques. It is shown that interpretative strategies are of invaluable importance in many patients with personality disorders. However, modifications of technique necessary for this group of patients should be considered. Especially, transference interpretation in the here and now can be of great use even in the treatment of patients with severe personality disorders. It is of outstanding relevance for the therapist to understand the interactional message a patients infers from his interpretation and to take into account the patient's reaction to the interpretation.  相似文献   

States of anxiety are very common problems in patients with severe personality disorders. All phenomena of anxiety can be observed. In this connection a continuum of the severity of impairment of structural personality organisation can be postulated. In many cases proper anxiety disorders exist as comorbid disorders. Anxiety is esteemed to be the central affective problem of borderline patients. In spite of these relations, states of anxiety in patients with personality disorders are often underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed. For the treatment of neurotic anxiety disorders (for example panic disorders), there exist disorder-specific therapy manuals that proceed from behavioural as well as psychodynamic perspectives. Nevertheless, for the treatment of anxiety states in personality disordered patients, the techniques that focus heavily on symptomatology appear often contraindicated. In our opinion, treatment of these typically severe anxieties must be contained within a therapeutic framework, which essentially takes into account the personality organisation of this group of patients. Such treatment makes special demands on the therapist for working with transference and countertransference processes. From a disorder-specific psychodynamic perspective recommendations are given for psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Somatoforme Störungen sind für das Gesundheitssystem sowohl wegen ihrer hohen Prävalenz und auch wegen der intensiven Inanspruchnahme medizinischer Leistungen von großer Bedeutung. Auch bei psychotherapeutischen Interventionen muss dies berücksichtigt werden, da eine Normalisierung des Inanspruchnahmeverhaltens ein zentrales Behandlungsziel sein sollte. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden Häufigkeit ambulanter Arztbesuche und Variablen des Inanspruchnahmeverhaltens untersucht. Insgesamt wurden 295 Allgemeinarztpatienten mit mindestens zwei organisch nicht hinreichend begründbaren Beschwerden in die Studie aufgenommen. Psychische Störungen und die Inanspruchnahme des Versorgungssystems wurden mit einem strukturierten Interview erhoben; daneben wurden zahlreiche Fragebögen eingesetzt. Die Mehrheit (82%) der untersuchten Patienten erfüllte die Kriterien von mindestens einer somatoformen Störung. Die Anzahl der Arztbesuche in den letzten 6 Monaten belief sich im Mittel auf 15 Kontakte. Sie korrelierten mit der Anzahl somatoformer Symptome, dem Alter, Gesundheitsängsten, genereller Angst und Depressivität. Die Regressionsanalyse bestätigt nur die Symptomanzahl und das Alter als signifikante Prädiktoren des Inanspruchnahmeverhaltens. Implikationen für die Therapie dieser Patientengruppe unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Hausarztes werden diskutiert.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Studie wurde die Häufigkeit somatoformer Symptome in einer dermatologischen Universitätsambulanz untersucht. An der Studie nahmen n=195 Patienten teil, die Screeningfragen zu somatoformen, dermatologischen und depressiven Symptomen ausfüllten. Zusätzlich wurde eine dermatologische Beurteilung der Symptome hinsichtlich der Ätiologie erfasst. Danach wiesen 26,2% der Patienten Hinweise auf eine somatoforme Störung auf; am häufigsten waren somatoforme Schmerzstörung (16,9%) und körperdysmorphe Störung (15,4%). Unter den spezifischen dermatologischen Symptomen wurde Juckreiz besonders häufig (10,3%) als somatoform klassifiziert. Der Anteil von Patienten mit erhöhten depressiven Beschwerden lag bei 17,3%. Die Ergebnisse sprechen für eine erhöhte Prävalenz somatoformer Störungen bei dermatologischen Patienten. Die Identifizierung und psychotherapeutische Versorgung dieser Patientengruppe sollte in der dermatologischen Routineversorgung mehr Beachtung finden.  相似文献   

Angstst?rungen z?hlen zu den h?ufigsten psychischen St?rungen in der Allgemeinbev?lkerung. Die Lebenszeitpr?valenz liegt insgesamt bei 24,9 Prozent, und somit z?hlen sie zusammen mit den affektiven St?rungen zu den h?ufigsten Erkrankungen auf dem Gebiet der Psychiatrie und stellen auch in vielen anderen medizinischen Disziplinen, z. B. der inneren Medizin, einen klinisch bedeutsamen Faktor dar.  相似文献   

Comorbidity between severe personality disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder is a frequent clinical problem. Severe personality disorders are characterized by an impaired regulation of emotions, a low mentalization capacity and deficits in personality integration. For severe personality disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder, a variety of evidence-based treatment approaches of psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral origin are available. However, a closer inspection of these treatment concepts shows that they do not sufficiently take the respective comorbid condition into account. No single concept is able to cover all problem areas presented by patients with this comorbidity. Therefore, an attempt is made to present an integrative psychodynamically oriented therapy concept for traumatized patients with personality disorders which contains elements from psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral and other concepts. The phase structure of the concept clarifies the sequence hierarchy of the therapeutic interventions. The content of the five phases are: (1) safety, holding and strengthening of coping capacities, (2) emotion regulation and self-care, (3) mentalization and development of stable representations, (4) gentle trauma processing and (5) conflict-oriented psychotherapy and treatment of maladaptive relationship patterns.  相似文献   

Anxiety disorders belong to the most frequent mental disorders in childhood and adolescence. They cause severe impairment, show poor long-term outcome and they are often not recognized as a mental disorder. For a reliable and valid diagnosis and treatment outcome evaluation a multi-informant approach is essential including information from the child and the parents. Methods of choice are structured clinical interviews and questionnaires filled out by the child and the parents. Meta-analyses showed that only cognitive-behavioral treatment can be considered as a sufficiently evidence-based treatment. No differences in outcome were found between individual and group treatments or child and family focused treatments. Medication treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) showed short-term efficacy. Major evidence-based interventions are psycho-education, exposure techniques and cognitive restructuring strategies.  相似文献   

The ICD-10 diagnostic category of dissociative disorders encompasses very different clinical pictures. The so called dissociative disorders of consciousness are characterized by functional disturbances to the psychic domains of consciousness, identity, autobiographic memory and experience of self and the world. The core features of conversion disorders are functional alterations in the sensorimotor systems. The phenomenological heterogeneity is reflected by prevalence rates ranging from very rare to 30% in clinical populations. Traumatic experiences play a crucial role in the etiology and pathogenesis of these disorders. High rates of comorbid disorders, a tendency to a chronic course and a somatic illness concept in patients with conversion disorders complicate the psychotherapeutic approach. Depending on the therapeutic goals, both psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral treatment forms are suitable.  相似文献   

Video recording is currently part of in- and out-patient therapy programs for parents with infants. The observation and analysis of video sequences allow the patient to gain an extraordinary insight with respect to its own experience and behaviour. Video Microanalytical Therapy (VMT) looks for the mother’s positive qualities in her relationship to the child and employs these qualities in order to support successful interactions. VMT is well-suited to the treatment of mothers with postpartal affective or psychotic disorders, because the typical cognitive distortions and reduced perception shown by these mothers can be avoided to a large extent through the use of pictures. In this study, a video microanalytical therapy concept will be presented, that was developed for the treatment of postpartally disordered mothers at the Psychiatric Centre Nordbaden in Wiesloch, Germany.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Epidemiologische Daten bezüglich dissoziativer Auffälligkeiten werden vorgestellt. Diagnostizierbare dissoziative Störungen werden im Bereich des pathologischen Pols eines Kontinuums dissoziativer Phänomene eingeordnet. Ausgehend von der allen dissoziativen Störungen gemeinsamen Kernsymptomatik der strukturierten Separation mentaler Prozesse aus der ganzheitlichen Wahrnehmung wird ein universelles Ätiologiemodell dieser Erkrankungen dargestellt. Es basiert im Wesentlichen auf neueren Erkenntnissen der Neurobiologie und Gedächtnisforschung und bezieht sich auf die Traumatisierung als zentralem pathologenetischem Agens. Hiervon ausgehend, wird ein 2-phasiges Therapiemodell vorgestellt. Als Ziel wird ein Aussetzen bzw. eine Reduktion der dissoziativen Symptome über eine Integration der traumatischen Erfahrungen angestrebt. Die beschriebenen therapeutischen Vorgehensweisen sind grundsätzlich bei allen traumatisch bedingten dissoziativen Störungen anwendbar. Auf Konversionssymptome sowie die dissoziative Identitätsstörung wird als Sonderfälle separat eingegangen.Der Text basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Vortrag, den die Autorin am 24.10.2003 auf dem 5. Wissenschaftlichen Kongress der Deutschen Ärztlichen Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie in Bad Pyrmont gehalten hat.  相似文献   

The present single case study is aimed to investigate neuro-physiological correlates of checking and ordering compulsions in a 40 years old patient suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) by means of the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) method. After the presentation of the psychogenesis and psychodynamic of the OCD case, the cardinal symptom, a compulsive reading disturbance, is described in detail. Based on the symptom analysis eight different texts, hierarchically arranged by their degrees of difficulty were composed and presented to the patient for reading during fMRI. The results of the fMRI during symptom provocation display significant increase of activation in fronto-thalamic-cortical neural circuits with the occurence of compulsive reading disturbances compared with unproblematic texts and with the reading of a control subject. The findings are discussed in relation to the neurobiologic literature as well as to an object-psychological model of the OCD.  相似文献   

Hausmann  Armand  Dehning  Julia 《Psychopraxis》2018,21(3):133-137
psychopraxis. neuropraxis - Die Behandlung psychiatrischer Erkrankungen mit Lithium bei älteren Patienten ist phasenprophylaktisch so wirksam wie in der Allgemeinbevölkerung und besitzt...  相似文献   

Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa lead to several serious physical problems. One possible consequence is acid-related dental erosion. Dental erosion can be identified early and is caused by exogenic (selection of food) and / or endogenic (gastric acid) factors. That is why dentists play an important role in the early identification of eating disorders as well as in the prevention and therapy of dental erosion. They should be important collaborators of psychotherapists. We review characteristic damages to the teeth that are seen in eating disorders as well as preventive and therapeutic interventions. Psychotherapists should be informed about dental problems and preventive strategies to educate their patients.  相似文献   

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