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In this study, we analyzed mothers' speech and play behavior with their 6-, 9-, and 14-month-old sons and daughters. Thirty-six infant–mother dyads participated in a 10-min free-play session with gender-neutral toys. No sex differences were found in the infants' behavior, but sex differences were found in mothers' verbal behavior and level of engagement. Mothers of daughters made more interpretations and engaged in more conversation with their daughters, whereas mothers of sons made more comments and attentionals, which were typified by instructions rather than conversation. Furthermore, mothers interacted more with their daughters than with their sons across all ages. Overall, these results demonstrate that mothers transmit different messages to their male and female infants, both through language and interaction, which may contribute to infants' gender role development.  相似文献   

The efficiency of infants' actions was observed as they picked up and used food-laden spoons that varied in orientation. Two interventions were designed to facilitate efficient action beyond when infants were presented with one spoon in alternating orientations: one spoon was presented in the same orientation for several consecutive trials to help the child use feedback from the previous trial, and two spoons were presented in different orientations to emphasize the effect of the spoon's orientation on performance. These interventions were given separately, and combined, to groups of 9- and 12-month-old infants. Performance was facilitated among 12-month-olds when one spoon was presented several times in the same orientation. The short-term facilitation of performance was limited both by developmental factors and by the type of intervention introduced.  相似文献   


Infants acquiring their native language are adept at discovering grammatical patterns. However, it remains unknown whether these learning abilities are limited to language, or available more generally for sequenced input. The current study is a conceptual replication of a prior language study, and was designed to ask whether infants can track phrase structure-like patterns from nonlinguistic auditory materials (sequences of computer alert sounds). One group of 12-month-olds was familiarized with an artificial grammar including predictive dependencies between sounds concatenated into strings, simulating the basic structure of phrases in natural languages. A second group of infants was familiarized with a grammar that lacked predictive dependencies. All infants were tested on the same set of familiar strings vs. novel (grammar-inconsistent) strings. Only infants exposed to the materials containing predictive dependencies showed successful discrimination between the test sentences, replicating the results from linguistic materials, and suggesting that predictive dependencies facilitate learning from nonlinguistic input.  相似文献   

The authors explored whether 5- to 6-month-old infants were sensitive to perceptual information and how they used perception as a recognition cue to search for a hidden object. In addition, the authors categorized and examined infant grasp by developmental effectiveness to determine any impact on infant search behaviors. In a within-participants design, 20 infants were presented with a toy in 2 occluder conditions. The toy was hidden under either a thick, camouflaging cloth or a thin, semitransparent cloth. The data revealed significant effects of perceptual sensitivity, age, and motor sophistication on search tasks. The results suggest that motor competence might be a limiting factor in infants' abilities to link motoric responses to notions about an object.  相似文献   

Abstract-Simple delay classical eyeblink conditioning, using a tone conditioned stimulus (CS) and airpuff unconditioned stimulus (US), was studied in cross-sectional samples of 4- and 5-month-old healthy, full-term infants. Infants received two identical training sessions, 1 week apart. At both ages, infants experiencing paired tones and air-puffs demonstrated successful conditioning over two sessions, relative to control subjects who had unpaired training. Conditioning was not evident, however, during the first session. Two additional groups of 5-month-olds received varied experiences during Session 1, either unpaired presentations of the CS and US or no stimulus exposure, fol-lowed by paired conditioning during Session 2. Results from these groups suggest that the higher level of conditioning observed following two sessions of paired conditioning was not the result of familiarity with the testing environment or the stimuli involved but, rather, the result of retention of associative learning not expressed during the first conditioning session.  相似文献   

Through the exploration of their own capacities and the selection of adaptive responses, infants learn new motor solutions. Using a conjugate reinforcement mobile procedure, previous researchers have repeatedly shown that infants increase their leg kick frequency to control a mobile that is connected to their ankles. That traditional experimental design allows multiple motor solutions to the task and therefore provides limited information about the infants' capacity to explore and select specific motor solutions. The author designed a new experimental procedure to study infants' capacity to discover and adopt specific motor solutions. The new, constraining mobile reinforcement procedure requires a specific motor response and therefore the development of a more finely tuned perception—action map than has previously been experimentally demonstrated. To gain reinforcement from the mobile, infants had to produce a coordinated hip and knee extension within the same leg. The results from the 13 infant participants showed that they were capable of increasing their frequency of coordinated movements to make the mobile move. Those results suggest that infants at the age of 89–106 days are sensitive to intralimb coordination task requirements and are capable of mapping their own limb dynamics to the environmental information.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - The present study examined two procedures for teaching simple discrimination to six toddlers aged 10- to 20-months. A pair of toys was displayed in the windows of an...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Previous research has demonstrated that organizational principles become functional over different time courses of development: Lightness similarity is available at 3 months of age, but form similarity is not readily in evidence until 6 months of age. We investigated whether organization would transfer across principles and whether perceptual scaffolding can occur from an already functional principle to a not-yet-operational principle. Six- to 7-month-old infants (Experiment 1) and 3- to 4-month-old infants (Experiment 2) who were familiarized with arrays of elements organized by lightness similarity displayed a subsequent visual preference for a novel organization defined by form similarity. Results with the older infants demonstrate transfer in perceptual grouping: The organization defined by one grouping principle can direct a visual preference for a novel organization defined by a different grouping principle. Findings with the younger infants suggest that learning based on an already functional organizational process enables an organizational process that is not yet functional through perceptual scaffolding.  相似文献   

The relation between progress in the control of posture (i.e., the achievement of self-sitting posture) and the developmental transition from two-handed to one-handed engagement in infant reaching was investigated. Two groups of 5- to 8-month-old infants, who were either able or yet unable to sit on their own, were videotaped while they reached for objects in four different posture conditions that provided varying amounts of body support. Videotapes of infant reaches were microanalyzed to determine the relative engagement of both hands during reaches. Results demonstrate the interaction between postural development and the morphology of infant reaching. Nonsitting infants displayed symmetrical and synergistic engagement of both arms and hands while reaching in all but the seated posture condition. Sitting infants, by contrast, showed asymmetrical and lateralized (one-handed) reaches in all posture conditions. Results also show that, aside from posture, the perceived spatial arrangement of the object display is a determinant of infant reaching. Combined, these results are discussed as evidence for the interaction between postural and perceptual development in the control of early eye-hand coordination.  相似文献   


From a perceptual learning perspective, infants use social information (like gaze direction) in a similar way as other information in our physical environment (like object movements) to specify action possibilities. In the current study, we assumed that infants are able to learn an affordance upon observing an adult failing to act out that affordance, without appreciating object-directed intentions, or, communicative intent towards the infant. Using a variation of the Re-enactment procedure, we found that when the attention of infants (N = 46, Mage = 20 months) was drawn towards the eyes of the person before she acted out the failed attempt, either by ostensive cues or non-ostensive cues, infants achieved more affordances than when their attention was not directed towards the eyes. As directing the attention of infants to the eyes of another person frequently results in gaze following, this suggests that infants use the gaze direction of another person in order to learn what affordance that other person is trying to realize. In addition, the results of a spatiotemporal analysis on the eye-movements of infants suggest that the gaze and the object movements of the person facilitate learning by directing the attention of infants towards important object-directed actions on crucial moments during the failed attempt demonstrations. These results are discussed in terms of perceptual attunement and affordance learning.  相似文献   

We examined the responsivity of unmarried African American fathers to bids from their 3-month-old infants during the Lausanne Trilogue Play (LTP), and the responses of mothers subsequent to father-baby exchanges. Twenty mother-father-infant triads (75% noncoresidential) with parents between the ages of 14 and 53 took part in the investigation. All fathers and the majority of mothers were African American with reported incomes at least 200% below the U.S. poverty line. All participants had previously completed a prenatal intervention study examining formation of coparenting alliances across their transitions to parenthood and were observed while playing together in videotaped LTP sessions at 3-months postpartum. We microanalyzed infants’ gaze orientation toward their fathers and the sequence of parent behaviors after babies’ bids to fathers. Father responses to bids from the infant were characterized as withdrawal, nonwithdrawal but failure to adapt behavior he had been showing prior to the baby’s bid, or affective and/or behavioral adjustment in response to the baby’s bid. Maternal reactions to the father-baby exchange were coded as either reinforcing, opposing, or neutral. Analyses revealed that fathers showed substantial evidence of intuitive parenting and matching behavior, and mothers overwhelmingly supported, rather than interfered with or disrupted, baby-father exchanges. Results are discussed in contradistinction to deceptive commonplace depictions of African American families that focus largely on deficits rather than strengths, and recommendations for family research and practice are offered.  相似文献   

From about 7 months of age onward, infants start to reliably fixate the goal of an observed action, such as a grasp, before the action is complete. The available research has identified a variety of factors that influence such goal-anticipatory gaze shifts, including the experience with the shown action events and familiarity with the observed agents. However, the underlying cognitive processes are still heavily debated. We propose that our minds (i) tend to structure sensorimotor dynamics into probabilistic, generative event-predictive, and event boundary predictive models, and, meanwhile, (ii) choose actions with the objective to minimize predicted uncertainty. We implement this proposition by means of event-predictive learning and active inference. The implemented learning mechanism induces an inductive, event-predictive bias, thus developing schematic encodings of experienced events and event boundaries. The implemented active inference principle chooses actions by aiming at minimizing expected future uncertainty. We train our system on multiple object-manipulation events. As a result, the generation of goal-anticipatory gaze shifts emerges while learning about object manipulations: the model starts fixating the inferred goal already at the start of an observed event after having sampled some experience with possible events and when a familiar agent (i.e., a hand) is involved. Meanwhile, the model keeps reactively tracking an unfamiliar agent (i.e., a mechanical claw) that is performing the same movement. We qualitatively compare these modeling results to behavioral data of infants and conclude that event-predictive learning combined with active inference may be critical for eliciting goal-anticipatory gaze behavior in infants.  相似文献   

Language acquisition is a process embedded in social routines. Despite considerable attention in research to its social nature, little is known about developmental differences in the relative priority of certain social cues over others during early word learning. Employing an eye-tracking paradigm, we presented 14-month-old infants, 24-month-old infants, and adults with movies in which an actor repeatedly gazed at one and pointed to the other of two objects while presenting them with a novel word. The results show that the 14-month-old infants pay more attention to a model's eye gaze when learning to map a novel word to a referent, whereas 24-month-old infants and adults rely more on pointing cues. Our results provide evidence for a developmental change in the relative priority of pointing versus eye-gazing cues in language acquisition.  相似文献   

A great number of the recent studies on infant operant learning use the mobile conjugate reinforcement paradigm with 2- and 3-month-old infants. This paradigm has proved to be adequate for the study of learning and the transfer of learning. However, difficulties linked to the high attrition rates of subjects, and the variability in performance are frequently observed in studies using other paradigms or in studies with older infants (4–5-month-olds). The problems noted in a group of studies seem to be related to important methodological issues such as the brevity of the learning sessions, the choice of dependent measures, and the management of variability in performance. The use of single-subject designs and the use of variables encountered in infants' daily learning experiences may be the solution to some of the problems.  相似文献   

有关婴幼儿词语习得的研究主要有三种理论假设:联想学习理论、制约限制理论和社会语用理论.本文将从以下四个方面着重介绍社会语用理论的相关研究:婴幼儿词语习得过程涉及哪些社会性认知加工过程,社会语用理论如何应对来自前两种理论的质疑和挑战,社会性认知加工过程的相对权重如何以及自闲症儿童词语习得存在怎样的社会性认知加工障碍.相关研究结果表明社会性认知加工过程在婴幼儿词语习得中具有基础性作用.最后对今后在该领域的研究中需要进一步深入探讨的问题提出了一些思考.  相似文献   

Trial-by-trial strategy assessments and a microgenetic design were used to examine 4- and 5-year-olds' learning of rules for solving balance scale problems. The design allowed us to examine simultaneously the contribution to rule learning of distal variables (qualities and knowledge with which children enter the learning situation) and proximal variables (processes that they execute during learning). Developmental differences in learning arose through two distal variables that were correlated with age—initial rule use and initial encoding-helping older children to execute several proximal processes—noticing the potential explanatory role of a key variable, formulating a more advanced rule, and generalizing and maintaining the rule. Joint consideration of distal and proximal influences seems likely to be generally useful for understanding learning and development.  相似文献   

对儿童言语记录个案的分析表明:儿童在11—14个月期间开始获得词。此时儿童所获得的词,主要是与儿童日常生活或动作相联系的名词和动词,其次是象声词。这些词语87.5%来源于成人的言语教授和儿童相应的模仿学习。 成人的言语教授和儿童相应的模仿学习总是由成人结合情景进行的,具有很高的选择性。儿童对成人言语的学习并不是简单地模仿,而是有一定的主动性和创造性,这在一定程度上规定着成人言语教授的作用。由此可见,儿童言语的获得是在人类特有的大脑以及言语器官发育的基础上,在与人们交际过程中,经过成人的言语教授,并经儿童有选择的模仿学习和概括而成的。  相似文献   

内隐学习研究领域的一个重要问题是内隐学习获得的知识究竟是什么,即内隐学习获得的知识究竟是底层的抽象规则还是表面的特征.研究以汉语声调的远距离水平映射这一远距离规则为材料,通过对表面特征和底层规则之间的分离操作,在控制组块和重复结构等表面特征的条件下,探讨声调远距离规则的习得和迁移,结果发现被试能够内隐地习得和迁移汉语平仄声调的水平映射规则,证实了内隐学习确实能够获得底层的抽象规则,为内隐学习的抽象性问题提供了新的证据.  相似文献   

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