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压力源及其与睡眠质量的现象学关系研究述评   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
压力源是引起压力反应的刺激或变化, 压力作用是睡眠质量下降的重要原因之一。就睡眠质量的影响而言, 近年来的研究报告主要集中于家庭、学习、工作、社会文化和疾病等5大传统压力维度。这些压力源与睡眠质量之间存在着复杂的双向的直接或间接的交互作用关系, 并因作用时间、作用强度的不同而发生不同的变化, 还因中介调节因素的相互作用而体现出复杂的个体差异。  相似文献   

在应对的交互作用模式、压力缓冲与压力易损性假说基础上提出一个有调节的中介模型,探讨应对方式在青少年压力性生活事件与主观幸福感之间的中介效应,以及情绪智力的调节效应。被试为1670名青少年,研究工具包括青少年生活事件量表、特质应对方式问卷、情绪智力量表和主观幸福感问卷。结果显示:(1)应对方式在压力性生活事件与主观幸福感之间起部分中介作用。(2)情绪智力在压力性生活事件对应对方式的影响中起调节作用:在低压力性生活事件下,高情绪智力的青少年应对方式较好,在高压力性生活事件下,不论情绪智力如何,应对方式都不好,情绪智力是压力易损因子。  相似文献   

研究对优生、差生与其父母围绕数学问题解决而展开的沟通过程进行观察,并采用量表法测量其感受到的认知和情绪压力,以考察两变量之间的关系及优、差生在两者得分上的差异。结果发现:(1)优生无论在沟通行为次数上,还是在沟通行为类型上都表现出一些积极特征;(2)优生的二级认知压力显著高于差生,一级认知压力和情绪压力显著低于差生;(3)督促、指责等消极沟通行为都与一级认知压力和情绪压力存在正相关,而积极沟通行为,如方法指导等则与一级认知压力、情绪压力呈显著负相关;一级认知压力与正确提议比例之间存在显著负相关。  相似文献   

对581名硕士生进行问卷调查,探索压力知觉、状态-特质焦虑、完美主义和睡眠质量之间的关系及作用机制。结果表明:(1)压力知觉可通过状态焦虑间接影响睡眠质量,但以直接影响为主。(2)特质焦虑通过压力知觉和状态焦虑间接影响睡眠质量。(3)非适应性完美主义可直接影响睡眠质量,适应性完美主义对睡眠质量没有直接影响,两者均通过特质焦虑、压力知觉和状态焦虑形成链状中介间接影响睡眠质量。  相似文献   

压力是影响肿瘤发生、发展的心理因素之一.面对压力,人们可以产生积极的应对反应,也可以产生消极的应对反应.压力应对是个体面对外部环境挑战时作出的适应性反应.近期有关研究表明,压力通过神经系统启动瀑布式级联反应,神经内分泌介质修饰肿瘤微环境以及压力相关的心理因素触发一系列的信息处理通路,影响肿瘤的发生、发展和预后.理解压力应对在肿瘤演进中的作用和机制,有利于设计合理的干预措施治疗肿瘤.  相似文献   

采用大学生压力量表、反刍思维量表、青少年心理韧性量表和匹兹堡睡眠指数量表调查684位大学生(被试平均年龄为20.26岁;SD = 1.08),探讨反刍思维和心理韧性在压力和睡眠质量之间的链式中介作用。结果表明:(1)压力对睡眠质量有显著的负向预测作用;(2)压力可通过反刍思维和心理韧性的独立中介作用及反刍思维和心理韧性的链式中介作用间接预测睡眠质量。本研究揭示了压力和睡眠质量的关系及作用机制,深化了大学生压力对睡眠质量影响的研究。  相似文献   

本研究采用创伤暴露程度问卷、儿童创伤后应激障碍症状量表、应对方式问卷和儿童行为问题核查表对汶川地震30个月后844名小学生进行调查,探讨汶川地震后小学生的创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)、积极认知与睡眠问题之间的关系。结果表明,PTSD对睡眠问题具有正向预测作用,积极认知对睡眠问题的预测作用不显著。调节效应的检验结果发现,积极认知调节着PTSD及其回避性症状对睡眠问题的影响,具体表现为PTSD及其回避性症状对睡眠问题的预测作用随着积极认知水平的增加而降低,但是积极认知分别在PTSD的闯入性症状和警觉性增高症状与睡眠问题的关系之间不起调节作用。  相似文献   

睡眠不足会对人的认知、情感和人际交互产生诸多影响。这种影响在社会情绪层面表现为个体情绪共情和认知共情的减少,易激惹性与愤怒情绪的增加;在社会行为层面则表现为亲社会行为的减少和攻击行为的增加。在睡眠不足状态下,情绪系统和认知系统功能连接的减弱可能是这些变化的潜在机制。未来应结合生态效度较高的睡眠操作手段,系统考察睡眠不足如何导致各种高级社会情绪的改变,以及这些社会情绪的变化如何导致社会行为的变化。  相似文献   

压力和应对的研究是跨文化心理学研究的一个重要组成部分,其研究对于理解东西方的文化差异有着重要意义.文章从文化视野中的压力和应对的理论模型及集体主义和个体主义这对文化模式出发,探讨了在环境系统、个体系统、暂时条件、认知评价和应对技能等方面存在的文化差异,最后指出压力和应对的跨文化研究应注意的问题.  相似文献   

研究目的:分析地方院校大学生情绪管理与压力应对方式的关系。研究方法:采用《情绪调节效能感量表》和应付方式问卷,随机抽取480名在校大学生进行施测。研究结果:(1)地方院校大学生的情绪调节效能感总体处于中等偏上水平;(2)在面对压力时,大学生更倾向于采用问题解决、求助的积极应对方式,而很少采用自责、幻想这样的消极应对方式;(3)地方大学生情绪调节效能感与压力应对方式存在显著的相关关系,情绪调节效能感较高的大学生倾向于选择积极的压力应对方式,而情绪调节效能感较低的大学生倾向于选择消极的压力应对方式。  相似文献   

青少年地震应激反应模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以亲历“5.12”地震的四川青川、绵竹327名青少年为被试,考察了青少年在地震情境下的应激反应,探讨了应激源与认知评价、应对方式、应激反应的关系,检验了认知评价、应对方式在应激源与应激反应间的中介作用。结果表明:青少年在地震后出现一些显著的生理反应(胸闷、食欲不佳、头晕)、心理反应(悲伤、易惹、恐惧、注意力减退)以及社会功能的退缩,且存在显著的性别差异;变量各维度间的相关分析表明,除混合型应对方式与应激源的物质丧失之间相关不显著外,其它变量各维度间均存在不同程度的相关;中介效应分析表明,认知评价、应对方式在应激源与应激反应间存在中介作用,且认知评价的中介效应大于应对方式的中介效应,而认知评价又可以通过应对方式影响应激反应。  相似文献   

This study examined the link between cognitive coping strategies, type of abuse, and posttraumatic stress symptomatology. In a sample of 294 undergraduate women, several key findings emerged: (a) reported use of cognitive coping strategies significantly differed based on the type of abuse; (b) some differences in posttraumatic stress symptomatology emerged based on the type of abuse; (c) once the cognitive coping strategies were accounted for, the type of abuse was no longer associated with posttraumatic stress symptomatology. These findings suggest that peritraumatic dissociation, punishment, and social control significantly mediated the relationship between the type of abuse and posttraumatic stress symptomatology. This is important information for interventionists striving to help their clients maximize already-occurring adaptive strategies (e.g., social control).  相似文献   

Background: Social support can serve as a protective factor against the negative impacts of stressors and may thereby promote well-being. As well, exogenous administration of oxytocin has been tied to diminished stress responses and might also enhance the effects of social support.

Methods/Results: In the current study, conducted among female undergraduate students (N?=?67), higher depressive symptoms were related to lower endorsements of problem-focused coping in response to a psychosocial stressor comprising the Trier Social Stress test (TSST). However, the relation between depressive symptoms and problem-focused coping was absent among participants who had a close female friend present serving as social support prior to the stressor experience. Additionally, endogenous plasma oxytocin levels were related to certain coping strategies being favored (e.g., problem-solving, humor, cognitive distraction, self-blame and support seeking) in response to the psychosocial stressor. However, the strength of these relations varied as a function of whether individuals had social support present or not.

Conclusion: These findings confirm the positive impact of social support in attenuating the relation between depressive symptoms and specific coping methods. The results of this study are consistent with view that oxytocin levels are accompanied by particular stress responses, possibly through the promotion of coping methods endorsed.  相似文献   

Theoretical models suggest a positive relationship between sleep quality and individuals' ability to regulate emotion. However, few studies have empirically tested this hypothesised link using standardised laboratory measures of emotion-regulation ability. The present research examined the relationship between sleep quality and the ability to implement a type of emotion regulation that has particularly important implications for psychological health: cognitive reappraisal (cognitively reframing an emotional event so as to dampen its impact). To do so, 156 participants (86 male) reported on their past week's sleep quality. Their ability to implement cognitive reappraisal (CRA) was then measured with a standardised laboratory challenge. Participants with poorer self-reported sleep quality exhibited lower CRA, even after controlling for fourteen potential key confounds (e.g., age, negative affect, mood disorder symptoms, stress). This finding is consistent with the idea that poorer sleep quality impairs individuals' ability to engage in the crucial task of regulating negative emotions.  相似文献   

Coping style and social support may represent mechanisms to explain the relationship between Type D personality and ill-health. This study investigated whether Type D is associated with physical symptoms and perceived stress in a non-cardiac population, and if these relationships are mediated by coping and social support. In a cross-sectional study, 304 participants (110 males, mean age 22.1 years) completed measures of Type D, physical symptoms, coping, perceived stress and social support. Results showed that Type D, the interaction of negative affectivity and social inhibition (NA?×?SI), was positively correlated with physical symptoms, perceived stress, and avoidant coping, and negatively correlated with social support, problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping. A series of bootstrapped multiple mediator tests showed that social support and avoidant coping fully mediated the relationship between Type D and physical symptoms. Furthermore, social support and emotion-focused coping partially mediated the relationship between Type D and perceived stress. These findings demonstrate for the first time that Type D personality is associated with physical symptoms in a non-cardiac population. Social support and coping style represent mechanisms that can, in part, explain the relationship between Type D and physical symptoms, and Type D and perceived stress.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that the stress-sleep relationship is mediated by pre-sleep arousal (PSA) and that cognitive arousal has a stronger mediating effect than somatic arousal; however, this has not been directly tested. Using multilevel moderated mediation, we compared the effects of cognitive arousal and somatic arousal within the stress-sleep relationship. We also assessed whether two forms of repetitive negative thought—rumination and worry—are similarly involved in the stress-sleep relationship. Data was collected from 178 participants across the United States via an online platform. Participants completed baseline self-report surveys examining rumination tendencies and worry tendencies. Over the course of 2 weeks, participants completed daily questionnaires assessing daily stress, PSA, and sleep quality. Results indicated that indirect effects from stress to sleep quality via PSA were statistically significant at low and high levels of rumination and worry, and people at high levels of rumination and worry had stronger relationships between stress and PSA. Across all models, cognitive arousal consistently accounted for more of the variance in the stress-sleep relationship as compared to somatic arousal. Implications for the cognitive behavioral treatment of insomnia are discussed.  相似文献   


This article examined adolescents' reports of how they cope with a specific social stressor: authority conflict with parents. This situation was presented to 626 adolescents as part of a larger study on coping with stress. Students were requested to report on the intensity of the stress experienced, intensity of emotions, emotion regulation, perceived availability of social support, goal framing, and coping strategies used. Coping strategies split up factor-analytically into two coping patterns, namely fighting the stressor and coming to terms with the stressor. The relations between these two coping modes and various aspects of the students' mental representation of the stressor were examined. It was predicted that the way students frame the coping goal would affect their choice of coping strategies. Direct effects of coping strategy, emotion regulation and social support on intensity of stress were tested as well as moderating effects of the type of coping mode used on the relationship between emotion regulation and experienced stress. It is suggested that some youngsters consider an authority conflict with their parents as a normal aspect of daily functioning, whereas other view it as a developmental challenge.  相似文献   

任曦  王妍  胡翔  杨娟 《心理学报》2019,51(4):497-506
高互依自我构念个体以社会角色来定义自己, 更看重自己的社会关系; 社会评价威胁是诱发个体社会心理应激反应的重要情境因素, 然而高互依自我构念个体在心理性应激情境中是否会表现出更高的应激反应, 以及社会支持是否会缓解高互依自我构念个体的急性心理应激反应还不可知。本研究以特里尔社会应激测试为范式, 以主观应激报告、心率和唾液皮质醇作为应激指标, 使用自我构念问卷测量个体互依自我构念水平, 将健康大学生被试随机分配到自我支持启动组和社会支持启动组。结果发现, 互依自我构念水平正向预测个体在应激情境中的皮质醇水平增加量; 同时, 相比于自我支持启动, 高互依自我构念的个体在经历社会支持后有更低的唾液皮质醇变化量。研究结果提示, 社会支持对高互依自我构念个体的急性心理应激反应起到了良好的缓解作用。  相似文献   

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