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Sixty-five undergraduates participating in a wide range of psychological research experiments were interviewed in depth about their research experiences and their views on the process of informed consent. Overall, 32% of research experiences were characterized positively and 41% were characterized negatively. One major theme of the negative experiences was that experiments were perceived as too invasive, suggesting incomplete explication of negative aspects of research during the informed consent process. Informed consent experiences were viewed positively 80% of the time. However, most of the participants had a limited view of the purpose of informed consent: less than 20% viewed the process as a decision point. Results suggest a number of common pitfalls to standard informed consent practices that have not generally been recognized. Results are discussed in terms of both ethical and methodological implications. Suggestions for improving the informed consent process are also provided.  相似文献   

Persons today must devote significant effort to making and remaking personal commitments in a variety of contexts, both interpersonal and social in the larger sense. Therefore, it is important for pastors to acquire an understanding of the basic dynamics of the committing process. It is proposed that this process be viewed as a form of creativity involving four alternating phases, in which regression in the service of the ego allows deep and realistic commitments of self to be formed. Implications for pastoral care are suggested.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in understanding the manner by which spiritual experiences, religious beliefs and behaviours, and prosocial traits (e.g., empathy, altruism) are related. Research has recently focused on determining those psychological constructs (e.g., affective, behavioural, cognitive) that are common to these related constructs, although the specific relationships remain unclear. The current study evaluated relationships among spiritual experiences and affective and cognitive dimensions of empathy in 98 participants with heterogeneous health conditions. Results indicate that spirituality is significantly related to affective empathy, but not cognitive empathy. These findings suggest that individuals’ propensity to be both spiritual and empathetic is primarily related to a greater disposition towards emotional connection with others (i.e., whether with the divine or other people). Research and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Research suggests that doctors experience higher levels of stress and mental health problems than the general population. Doctors frequently experience difficulty seeking help, and also challenges during psychological treatment, due to role reversal and competing ideologies.

Focusing specifically on the under-researched area of doctors as patients in a psychological context, this paper explores the processes underlying role transition as well as the therapeutic relationship that follows.

Furthermore, therapeutic reactions and adaptions of practice to this dynamic is also explored. A qualitative approach was employed and seven psychological therapists who had worked extensively with doctors as their patients were interviewed.

Subsequent interview data were thematically analyzed.

Six themes were generated: fear and pressure; status and control; variation of ideologies; change in practice; temporal changes; and help seeking and support.

The main barrier to recovery for doctors is difficulty in accessing services owing to the high-levels of stigma and shame that may be experienced. This research identifies some of the adaptions made by psychological therapists within their practice when working with doctors as patients.  相似文献   

Three groups of 12 pigeons each were trained to discriminate between lights of 550 mμ (SD), correlated with 1-min variable-interval reinforcement and 570 mμ (SΔ), correlated with extinction. Group A was tested for wavelength generalization in extinction 1 min after meeting the discrimination criterion; Group B was tested 24 hr later; Group C was tested 24 hr later after a 3-min (reinforced) warm-up with the SD. The post-discrimination gradient of Group B was significantly flatter and showed significantly greater area shift than that of Groups A and C. The gradient of Group C was similar to that of Group A, indicating that the warm-up eliminated the effect of the delay period.  相似文献   

In a series of three studies, we examined the ways in which religion informs the individual experience and valuation of emotions. In Study 1, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and Jewish participants (N = 7231) in 49 nations reported the frequency with which they experienced nine discrete emotions. Results indicate group level differences in the frequency with which different emotions are experienced. Study 2 examined whether the patterns of emotional experiences found in Study 1 replicated in the valuation of those emotions by the adherents of those different religious traditions. Study 3 experimentally manipulated the salience of religious identity to examine the effect of religion on the current experience of emotions. Across the studies, findings provide evidence that religion (e.g., Christianity, Buddhism, etc) is related to the experience of, and beliefs about, emotional states. Implications for the study of happiness and positive psychology are discussed in light of the findings.  相似文献   

Mind-wandering refers to the occurrence of thoughts whose content is both decoupled from stimuli present in the current environment and unrelated to the task being carried out at the moment of their occurrence. The core of this phenomenon is therefore stimulus-independent and task-unrelated thoughts (SITUTs). In the present study, we designed a novel experience sampling method which permitted to isolate SITUTs from other kinds of distractions (i.e., irrelevant interoceptive/exteroceptive sensory perceptions and interfering thoughts related to the appraisal of the current task). In Experiment 1, we examined the impact of SITUTs on the performance of the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART; a Go/No-Go task). Analyses demonstrated that SITUTs impair SART performance to the same extent as irrelevant sensory perceptions. In Experiment 2, we further examined SITUTs in order to assess the possible functions of mind-wandering. We observed that the content of most of reported SITUTs refers to the anticipation and planning of future events. Furthermore, this “prospective bias” was increased when participants' attention had been oriented toward their personal goals before performing the SART. These data support the view that an important function of mind-wandering relates to the anticipation and planning of the future.  相似文献   

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