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The adult human brain quickly adapts to regular temporal sequences, and emits a sequence of novelty responses when these regularities are violated. These novelty responses have been interpreted as error signals that reflect the difference between the incoming signal and predictions generated at multiple cortical levels. Do infants already possess such a hierarchy of violation-detection mechanisms? Using high-density recordings of event-related potentials during an auditory local–global violation paradigm, we show that three-month-old infants process novelty in temporal sequences at two distinct levels. Violations of local expectancies, such as perceiving a deviant vowel “a” after repeated presentation of another vowel i-i-i, elicited an early auditory mismatch response. Conversely, violations of global expectancies, such as hearing the rare sequence a-a-a-a instead of the frequent sequence a-a-a-i, modulated this early mismatch response and led to a late frontal negative slow wave, whose cortical sources included the left inferior frontal region. These results suggest that the infant brain already possesses two dissociable systems for temporal sequence learning.  相似文献   

Three-month old infants learned to kick to produce movement in an overhead crib mobile on a conjugate reinforcement (FRI) schedule. All infants were trained in the presence of one of two distinctive crib bumpers. In Experiment 1, infants receiving cued-recall tests in the presence of the original training bumper remembered the conditioned association 1 week later, but those tested in the presence of a different bumper did not. Two weeks later, neither training group evidenced retention of the contingency. In Experiment 2, infants who received a 3-min exposure (“a reactivation treatment”) to the original training bumper 24 h prior to the 2-week retention test exhibited excellent long-term retention, whereas those exposed to a different bumper as a reminder did not, irrepective of whether it was identical to the test bumper or not. These findings demonstrate that the context alone, even though it was never exclusively paired with reinforcement, can act as a retrieval cue.  相似文献   

Thirty-two 3-month-old infants participated in two experiments showing color videotapes of facial stimuli in a paired comparison format. In Experiment 1, the experimenter, serving as the stimulus, looked either directly at the infant or averted his gaze to the side; the face was presented either still or in motion. Eye contact opportunity had no effect while motion of the head was an effective attractor of visual fixation. In Experiment 2, the amount of available eye contact opportunity was parametrically varied by occluding the eyes with different patterns of blinking, each at the same rate. The no-motion 100% eye contact available condition received less attention than the three blinking stimuli, which were all equally attended to, though they varied with respect to the amount of eye contact opportunity they afforded. The contrast in effect of eye contact availability and rather subtle stimulus motion would imply that 3-month-old infants are comparatively insensitive to being the object of another's visual regard.  相似文献   

Discrimination of polysyllabic sequences by one- to four-month-old infants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The goal of this research was to ascertain the effects of suprasegmental parameters (fundamental frequency, amplitude, and duration) on discrimination of polysyllabic sequences by 1- to 4-month-old infants. A high-amplitude sucking procedure, with synthesized female speech, was used. Results indicate that young infants can discriminate the three-syllable sequences [marana] versus [malana] when suprasegmental characteristics typical of infant-directed speech emphasize the middle syllable. However, infants failed to demonstrate discrimination when adult-directed suprasegmentals were used and in several other experimental conditions in which prosodic parameters were manipulated. The pattern of results obtained in the six experiments suggests that the exaggerated suprasegmentals of infant-directed speech may function as a perceptual catalyst, facilitating discrimination by focusing the infant's attention on a distinctive syllable within polysyllabic sequences.  相似文献   

Since previous data suggested that the magnitude of orienting evidenced by cardiac deceleration increased over the first 16 weeks of life, 6- and 16-week-old infants were compared on various characteristics of orienting: habituation, dishabituation, and magnitude of deceleration to stimulus offset as well as to stimulus onset. Neither the change in stimulus following habituation trials nor the stimulus offset produced a large enough response to confidently evaluate age differences suggested by the data. Stimulus onset elicited a pronounced deceleration which for the two age groups was of equivalent magnitude on initial trials and declined similarly with stimulus repetition. It was suggested that similarity of the two age groups on these parameters was due to control of state within a narrow alert range, and that, in general, younger infants are less likely than older infants to show orienting when conditions for orienting are marginal.  相似文献   

Thirty adult subjects completed an Operant Music Listening Recorder (OMLR) task with two unfamiliar and two familiar music channels (one “popular” and one “classical” in each case), then rated the music on each channel on seven-point scales for liking, quality, and familiarity. The two familiar music channels received significantly higher ratings than the two unfamiliar channels on all three rating scales, and there were no significant main effects or interactions involving musical style. The predictions (a) that subjects would spend more time listening to the familiar channels on the OMLR task, and (b) that measures of listening time would display higher correlations with ratings of liking than with those of quality both received weak support from the direction of the results, but neither was confirmed by statistical significance tests. The results are discussed in terms of the fragmentation between the affective and evaluative components of attitudes toward music.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have provided clues about the ontogeny of lateralization of auditory processing in humans, but most have employed specific subtypes of stimuli and/or have assessed responses in discrete temporal windows. The present study used near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to establish changes in hemodynamic activity in the neocortex of preverbal infants (aged 4–11 months) while they were exposed to two distinct types of complex auditory stimuli (full sentences and musical phrases). Measurements were taken from bilateral temporal regions, including both anterior and posterior superior temporal gyri. When the infant sample was treated as a homogenous group, no significant effects emerged for stimulus type. However, when infants’ hemodynamic responses were categorized according to their overall changes in volume, two very clear neurophysiological patterns emerged. A high-responder group showed a pattern of early and increasing activation, primarily in the left hemisphere, similar to that observed in comparable studies with adults. In contrast, a low-responder group showed a pattern of gradual decreases in activation over time. Although age did track with responder type, no significant differences between these groups emerged for stimulus type, suggesting that the high- versus low-responder characterization generalizes across classes of auditory stimuli. These results highlight a new way to conceptualize the variable cortical blood flow patterns that are frequently observed across infants and stimuli, with hemodynamic response volumes potentially serving as an early indicator of developmental changes in auditory-processing sensitivity.  相似文献   

Social control has the potential to encourage engagement in a healthy lifestyle, but its effectiveness may depend on the nature of the influence attempt. Participants (N = 282) described a situation in which someone attempted to influence their health-related behavior. Experiencing positive social control was associated with a greater tendency to change the behavior and less ignoring/doing nothing, whereas negative social control was associated with a lesser tendency to change the behavior and more hiding of unhealthy behavior. These associations could be accounted for by affective responses to the social control attempts. Results emphasize the need to better understand the regulatory influence of relationships on health behavior and the conditions under which social control is most likely to have health-promoting effects.  相似文献   

In the present study, skin conductance responses (SCRs) were measured postdecision and prefeedback in a go/no-go (GNG) task in which participants used response feedback to learn when to respond or not to respond to numeric stimuli. Like somatic markers in gambling tasks and somatic reactions to error monitoring in choice reaction time tasks, SCR patterns distinguished between correct and incorrect trials over time. These somatic reactions were disrupted by a reversal of GNG contingencies, and they were facilitated by pretraining of the stimulus—response mappings. In all cases, however, the somatic reactions appeared to be a product of competent decision making rather than a contributor to performance. Differential somatic responses to good and bad choices appear to be a robust and fairly general phenomenon, but researchers should be cautious in assuming that the somatic responses contribute to performance.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, lactating guinea pigs 3 days postpartum exhibited an elevation of plasma levels of cortisol when their litters were taken from the home cage and placed out of auditory range for 30 min. If pups were left within auditory range during the period of separation, or if the litter was disturbed but not removed, no increase in plasma cortisol levels was observed. In Experiment 2, 11/12- and 18/19-day-old guinea pig pups placed alone in a novel environment for 30 min displayed levels of plasma cortisol and vocalizations that were greater than those of pups tested in the same environment but with their mother. Pups tested with littermates but not with their mother exhibited plasma cortisol levels that were as great as those of pups tested alone. Pups tested with littermates vocalized much less than pups tested alone but more than pups tested with their mother. These results indicate that brief mother-infant separation can activate the pituitary-adrenal system in mother as well as infant guinea pigs and they provide further evidence for the existence of a reciprocal mother-infant attachment in this species.  相似文献   

Seventy, 6-9-month-old infants were videotaped during six interactions: mother sings assigned song, "stranger" sings assigned song, mother sings song of choice, mother reads book, mother plays with toy, and mother and infant listen to recorded music. Infant-directed (ID) singing conditions elicited moderately positive cognitive behavior, low levels of positive physical behavior and minimal amounts of vocal behaviors, mostly negative. Across all conditions, cognitive scores remained positive at low to moderate levels. Physical responses were most positive during book and toy, most negative during recorded music, and differed by gender, especially during ID singing. Vocally, infants responded positively to toy, and 8-month-old infants vocalized more than younger infants, particularly during ID singing conditions. ID singing appears just as effective as book reading or toy play in sustaining infant attention and far more effective than listening to recorded music, while interactions involving objects may provide opportunity for shared attention.  相似文献   

Dogs were required to press a response panel either to avoid shock or obtain food. During a one-hour interval immediatelypreceding performance on the avoidance task, blood pressure increased while heart rate decreased. In contrast, both blood pressure and heart rate increased during the one-hour interval immediatelypreceding performance on the food task. During both the shock-avoidance and food performancesper se, however, elevations in heart rate and blood pressure were observed, though the avoidance task produced less consistent heart rate changes. These effects were observed (1) with different individual dogs on each of the two training procedures, and (2) with the same dogs exposed successively to both aversive and appetitive behavioral conditioning.  相似文献   

This study of 31 infants in neonatal intensive care and their parents examined the relationship involving infant characteristics (medical and behavioral), parent characteristics (personality and situational variables), and the development of parental attachment. As expected, infants who were more visually competent had mothers who were more attentive. Contrary to expectation, greater prematurity was related to greater parental involvement. There were important differences in maternal and paternal responses, with mothers using more denial to cope with the medical crisis. Parents who relied heavily on denial were found to have impaired attachment.This study is based on a M. A. thesis submitted to Michigan State University by the first author under the direction of the second author. The authors are grateful for the support and assistance of Thomas Helmrath, M. D., Elizabeth Seagull, Ph.D., Dess Johnson, M.S. W., and the staff of the Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at E. W. Sparrow Hospital.  相似文献   

To define the molecular pathways modulating adrenal and behavioral responses to stress, we have generated mice with inactivation of hypothalamic neuropeptides and signaling pathways. Studies in mice deficient in corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) have revealed the essential role for CRH in adrenal glucocorticoid production in response to many physiological and psychological stressors. Immune system activation in CRH-deficient mice provides a unique exception to the necessity for CRH in stimulating adrenal glucocorticoid production. By analyzing mice deficient in interleukin-6 (IL-6) and CRH, we find that restoration of glucocorticoid output with inflammation is largely mediated by dysregulated IL-6 production. Current studies focus on identifying cellular and gene targets by which glucocorticoids regulate immune system function. In contrast to impaired adrenocortical responses to stress, CRH-deficient mice exhibit normal behavioral responses to stress. To determine signaling pathways that may contribute to the behavioral responses to stress, we have generated and analyzed mice deficient in adenylyl cyclase type 8 (AC8). AC8 deficient mice have intact adrenocortical responses to stress, but an inability to undergo stress-induced alterations in behavior.  相似文献   

Many people aim to change their lifestyle, but have trouble acting on their intentions. Behavioral economic incentives and related emotions can support commitment to personal health goals, but the related emotions remain unexplored. In a regret lottery, winners who do not attain their health goals do not get their prize but receive feedback on what their forgone earnings would have been. This counterfactual feedback should provoke anticipated regret and increase commitment to health goals. We explored which emotions were actually expected upon missing out on a prize due to unsuccessful weight loss and which incentive-characteristics influence their likelihood and intensity. Participants reported their expected emotional response after missing out on a prize in one of 12 randomly presented incentive-scenarios, which varied in incentive type, incentive size and deadline distance. Participants primarily reported feeling disappointment, followed by regret. Regret was expected most when losing a lottery prize (vs. a fixed incentive) and intensified with prize size. Multiple features of the participant and the lottery incentive increase the occurrence and intensity of regret. As such, our findings can be helpful in designing behavioral economic incentives that leverage emotions to support health behavior change.  相似文献   

Smoking cessation failures are frequently thought to reflect poor top-down regulatory control over behavior. Previous studies have suggested that smoking cues occupy limited working memory resources, an effect that may contribute to difficulty achieving abstinence. Few studies have evaluated the effects of cognitive load on the ability to actively maintain information in the face of distracting smoking cues. For the present study, we adapted an fMRI probed recall task under low and high cognitive load with three distractor conditions: control, neutral images, or smoking-related images. Consistent with a limited-resource model of cue reactivity, we predicted that the performance of daily smokers (n = 17) would be most impaired when high load was paired with smoking distractors. The results demonstrated a main effect of load, with decreased accuracy under high, as compared to low, cognitive load. Surprisingly, an interaction revealed that the effect of load was weakest in the smoking cue distractor condition. Along with this behavioral effect, we observed significantly greater activation of the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG) in the low-load condition than in the high-load condition for trials containing smoking cue distractors. Furthermore, load-related changes in rIFG activation partially mediated the effects of load on task accuracy in the smoking-cue distractor condition. These findings are discussed in the context of prevailing cognitive and cue reactivity theories. These results suggest that high cognitive load does not necessarily make smokers more susceptible to interference from smoking-related stimuli, and that elevated load may even have a buffering effect in the presence of smoking cues under certain conditions.  相似文献   

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