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Fifteen Ss in each of four age groups (5-, 10-, 16-, and 22–23-years old) received backward visual masking. Group effects occurred at longer ISIs indicating slower prerecognition processing for younger Ss. In a second experiment 19-, 35-, and 55-year-old Ss were administered backward visual masking under the identical procedures of Exp. 1. The oldest Ss performed significantly worse than 19- and 35-year-old Ss, which did not differ significantly from each other. The general methodological features of both studies, as well as the obtained relationships were discussed.  相似文献   

We report a series of experiments designed to demonstrate that the presentation of a sound can facilitate the identification of a concomitantly presented visual target letter in the backward masking paradigm. Two visual letters, serving as the target and its mask, were presented successively at various interstimulus intervals (ISIs). The results demonstrate that the crossmodal facilitation of participants' visual identification performance elicited by the presentation of a simultaneous sound occurs over a very narrow range of ISIs. This critical time-window lies just beyond the interval needed for participants to differentiate the target and mask as constituting two distinct perceptual events (Experiment 1) and can be dissociated from any facilitation elicited by making the visual target physically brighter (Experiment 2). When the sound is presented at the same time as the mask, a facilitatory, rather than an inhibitory effect on visual target identification performance is still observed (Experiment 3). We further demonstrate that the crossmodal facilitation of the visual target by the sound depends on the establishment of a reliable temporally coincident relationship between the two stimuli (Experiment 4); however, by contrast, spatial coincidence is not necessary (Experiment 5). We suggest that when visual and auditory stimuli are always presented synchronously, a better-consolidated object representation is likely to be constructed (than that resulting from unimodal visual stimulation).  相似文献   

Experiments using a backward visual masking technique are described, in which the second (mask) stimulus is itself masked by a third stimulus, thus rendering guessing strategies, about target/mask relationships, difficult for subjects. Word-word and word-non-word sequences are used for the first two stimuli and it is shown that when the second stimulus resembles the first, either physically or phonologically, the severity of masking of the first is reduced. However, the target is not better reported when the mask word is semantically related to it. Consideration is given to the levels at which interaction between target and mask might occur.  相似文献   

Object substitution masking (OSM) occurs when an initial display of a target and mask continues with the mask alone, creating a mismatch between the reentrant hypothesis, triggered by the initial display, and the ongoing low-level activity. We tested the proposition that the critical factor in OSM is not whether the mask remains in view after target offset, but whether the representation of the mask is sufficiently stronger than that of the target when the reentrant signal arrives. In Experiment 1, a variable interstimulus interval (ISI) was inserted between the initial display and the mask alone. The trailing mask was presumed to selectively boost the strength of the mask representation relative to that of the target. As predicted, OSM occurred at intermediate ISIs, at which the mask was presented before the arrival of the reentrant signal, creating a mismatch, but not at long ISIs, at which a comparison between the reentrant signal and the low-level activity had already been made. Experiment 2, conducted in dark-adapted viewing, ruled out the possibility that low-level inhibitory contour interactions (metacontrast masking) had played a significant role in Experiment 1. Metacontrast masking was further ruled out in Experiment 3, in which the masking contours were reduced to four small dots. We concluded that OSM does not depend on extended presentation of the mask alone, but on a mismatch between the reentrant signals and the ongoing activity at the lower level. The present results place constraints on estimates of the timing of reentrant signals involved in OSM.  相似文献   

The frequency resolving power of budgerigars and that of humans were compared on several nonsimultaneous masking procedures in which one pure tone is used to mask another. Similar patterns of frequency selectivity were found for all three masking procedures (forward, backward, and combined forward-backward) for both species. Budgerigars showed considerably greater frequency resolving power on all three procedures than humans. Budgerigars also showed differences in frequency resolving power across masking conditions, but human listeners did not. These results indicate that the budgerigar auditory system may be even more highly tuned than was previously thought and suggest fundamental differences between the mechanisms of frequency selectivity of bird and those of humans.  相似文献   

A combined forward-backward masking procedure was used to investigate the threshold of a 30-msec, 500-Hz signal as a function of masker frequency. The signal thresholds were obtained in two signal conditions, diotic (So) and dichotic (Sπ), and for two different temporal separations of the maskers. The maskers were 500 msec in duration and were presented at 75 dB SPL. The function relating masked signal threshold to masker frequency was used to describe frequency selectivity in the four conditions. There were no differences in frequency selectivity measured between the diotic and dichotic signal conditions and only a small difference measured between the two intermasker interval conditions. The Sπ conditions yielded lower thresholds than did the So conditions. The change in intermasker interval from 10 to 50 msec lowered the threshold maximally 18 dB for the So condition and 13 dB for the Sπ condition. The results indicate that in this tonal temporal masking procedure there are no differences between the diotic and dichotic critical bands.  相似文献   

Twelve subjects provided shape and orientation judgments for a set of projectively equivalent, variously rotated rectangles under three viewing conditions—monoptic, dichoptic, and binocular—with and without the presence of a pattern mask. In the absence of the mask, partial constancy was exhibited under the first two conditions and near perfect constancy under the binocular condition. Orientation was discriminated. Presence of the mask produced projective shape matching and diminished orientation discrimination. It is argued that the site of masking was postchiasmal, and the results are related to previous work with pattern masking of projectively equivalent ellipses.  相似文献   

Our present age is characterized by rapid processes of social transformation due to the rise of the systems sciences, computers and information technology. Part I of this paper distinguishes two perspectives for an interpretation of the ongoing evolution of our society as influenced by these newer developments in science and technology. From a structural perspective we argue that they have not created a society with entirely new structures, but just an expansion and intensification of the organizational‐technical systems which have typified the technological society since the Industrial Revolution. From a worldview perspective on our society we conclude that “systems rationalism” reinforces the prevailing technical worldview which fosters a progressive technical control and streamlining of society and human adaptation to its framework.  相似文献   

Informational masking is broadly defined as a degradation of auditory detection or discrimination of a signal embedded in a context of other similar sounds; it is not related to energetic masking caused by physical interactions between signal and masker. In this paper, we report a systematic release from informational masking of a target tone in a nine-tone rapid auditory sequence as the target is increasingly isolated in frequency or intensity from the remaining sequence components. Improved target-tone frequency difference limens as isolation increases are interpreted as a reflection of increasingly focused auditory attention. The change from diffuse to highly focused attention is gradual over the frequency and intensity ranges examined, with each 1-dB increment in target intensity relative to the remaining components producing performance improvements equivalent to those produced by a 2% increase in frequency isolation. The results are modeled as bands of attention in the frequency and intensity domains. For attention directed by frequency isolation, there is a strong correspondence with auditory filters predicted by the power spectrum model of masking. These data also support the existence of an attention band of intensity, with a bandwidth of about 5-7 dB at the moderate levels used in this experiment.  相似文献   

Information provided by a word activates various potential meanings. Comprehension involves the suppression of inappropriate meanings of ambiguous words in order to finetune the intended meaning of sentences. If older adults become less efficient at inhibiting contextually irrelevant information, then multiple meanings of ambiguous words would be activated regardless of contextual bias. An alternative to multiple access was that older adults activate only the most dominant meaning of ambiguous words. According to this reservation, support for an inhibition deficit would require evidence that older adults activated the multiple meanings of ambiguous words. The effects of aging on both activation and inhibition of different meanings of ambiguous words were studied using Faust et al. (1997) paradigms. Results showed that both activation and inhibition response latency differed for the dominant and subordinate target and that the dominant meaning for one subject was not the same for another one. The implication of these results is that studies of inhibition should take dominance meaning of ambiguous word for each subject into account.  相似文献   

The finding of longer reaction time prior to longer-lasting responses (e.g., Klapp, 1977a; Klapp, Wyatt. & Lingo, 1974) was not replicated by Kerr (1979) in a statistically powerful attempt. The present experiment confirms that this effect is not reliable when duration knowledge of results is similar to that used by Kerr, although a reliable long-short effect was obtained with other knowledge of results arrangements. This unexpected sensitivity to knowledge of results suggest that previous results from this paradigm must be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

By the end of the nineteenth century, psychology had become a mature scientific discipline unified around a common paradigm. Although the underlying unity of the field was recognized at the time, it has generally been obscured in later historical writings. In this article, the first "mentalist" paradigm of scientific psychology is examined. The mentalists shared a common definition of the field, two accepted modes of observation, and a common conception of the relationship between modes of observation and data thus observed. Rival schools advanced competing articulations of this shared paradigmatic structure.  相似文献   

橡胶手错觉是一种健康个体将非肉体的假手视为自己真实身体的一部分的体验, 这种错觉可以通过同时轻刷被试面前可见的橡胶手及其不可见的真手而产生.橡胶手错觉已成为一种研究身体拥有感的重要范式, 其产生机制可以分为“自下而上的认知匹配”与“自上而下的认知匹配”两种加工方式.前者涉及视觉与触觉刺激的同步性; 而后者涉及被试心中预存的身体意象与身体图式(包括真假手之间模态特征,位置空间的相似性).综合上述证据, 身体模型假说与个人边缘空间理论进一步为拥有感产生的复杂机制提供了整合两种加工方式的解释.橡胶手错觉范式已经被用于探索精神分裂症患者等特殊被试病理分析,错觉产生和心理特质之间的关系, 以及神经外科和术后恢复上.未来的研究应该更加重视范式本身的拓展, 应用虚拟现实技术来提高身体模态的仿真效果, 利用橡胶手拥有感的易感性作为筛选与预测身体意象障碍疾病的指标.  相似文献   

Under some conditions a dark interval in the target eye may be concomitant with presentation of a dichoptic mask. Results show that this monoptic dark interval contributes to the over-all observed dichoptic masking effect.  相似文献   

Thresholds for letters were measured with and without a masking stimulus (presented either to the same eye as the letters or to the other eye) before and after exposure of smokers and nonsmokers to 500 ppm carbon monoxide (CO) in air for 1 hr. Identification of the unmasked letters was not degraded by CO but a number of thresholds of the masked letters were significantly affected among the smokers. The effects of the CO on binocular and interocular masking were similar. These results suggest that the first effects of CO toxicity are neither on the receptors nor central but on the transmission lines in between and that smokers are more susceptible than nonsmokers to short-term increases in the level of CO. The masking phenomenon, however, does not appear to be an unusually sensitive measure of CO toxicity.  相似文献   

Bachmann T  Luiga I  Põder E 《Perception》2005,34(2):131-137
The types of stimuli used as targets and masks considerably change the masking functions in a way that requires us to abandon any single mechanism of masking as the sole explanation of backward masking. In the first of two reports in which the problem of the mask-dependence of masking is addressed, we explore the role of the relative spatial positioning of targets and masks in order to differentiate between local interaction and attentional models. If single letters were masked by double-letter masks then the relative spatial arrangement of the letters, which was changed in order to vary the involvement of metacontrast-like processes, had an effect at shorter SOAs, but not at longer SOAs where strong masking still persisted. This poses difficulties for proposing local contour interaction as the main mechanism of masking. Similarly, crowding effects alone cannot explain the results. Backward masking also involves attention being directed to working-memory processing of the succeeding object while abandoning the preceding object.  相似文献   

Over many years, social psychologists have sought to understand what causes individuals to form themselves into groups. Initially, it was believed that groups were formed when people bonded around a common goal. Later, it was found that, when individuals were divided into groups on a random basis, this in itself was sufficient for them to feel part of a group and show a preference for their own group over others. Since the environment in cyberspace is different from that of the offline world, for example, there is no physical proximity between participants; it may be assumed that it would be difficult to achieve feelings of affiliation among potential or actual group members. This pioneer study seeks to discover which components are requisite to the creation of a group identity among individuals surfing the Internet. For this experiment, 24 people were divided into two Internet chat groups according to their intuitive preference in a decision-making task. It was found that group members perceived their own group performance as superior on a cognitive task as compared with that of the other group. These results demonstrate that for surfers, the Internet experience is very real and even a trivial allocation of people to a group is likely to create a situation of ingroup favoritism.  相似文献   

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