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It is proposed that the direct analgesic effect of morphine becomes attenuated over the course of successive administrations of the narcotic by a conditioned, compensatory, hyperalgesic response elicited by the administration procedure, the net result being analgesic tolerance. Using the "hot plate" analgesia assessment situation with rats, this conditioning view of tolerance is supported by several findings: (a) It is necessary to have reliable environmental cues predicting the systemic effects of morphine if tolerance is to be observed, (b) a hyperalgesic conditioned response may be observed in morphine-tolerant subjects when drug administration cues are followed by a placebo, and (c) merely by repeatedly presenting environmental cues previously associated with morphine (but now presented with a placebo), morphine tolerance can be extinguished.  相似文献   

Three Pavlovian conditioning experiments with human participants are reported, which investigated whether common or separate stimulus representations are involved in solving nonlinear discrimination tasks in different response systems. In our experiments we made use of a negative transfer effect between positive and negative patterning. Experiment 1 specified the conditions under which such a negative transfer effect occurs in human eyelid conditioning. Experiments 2 and 3 investigated whether a similar effect also occurs if two response systems- the eyelid and the skin conductance response system- are trained with trials of both types being randomly interleaved. The presence or absence of a negative transfer effect indicates whether or not the stimulus representations involved in the two conditioning processes overlap. The findings are discussed within the framework of a neuropsychological model of hippocampal function. The results suggest that the representations are distinct and thus support the idea of acquired equivalence and distinctiveness of stimulus representations.  相似文献   

Zener card representations were presented visually for 15 sec. every 30 sec. for a total of 40 trials per session over 17 sessions to a single subject who displayed temporal lobe lability. During the 15 sec. before the presentation of one of the symbols (target) either a specific 4-Hz magnetic field pattern or a 1-Hz or 7-Hz magnetic field was presented bilaterally at the level of the temporal lobes. Field strengths were in the order of milligauss (about 1000X background values). The subject was required to anticipate the next symbol for each trial. Only when the 4-Hz field preceded the target symbol did the subject's accuracy of guessing remain systematically above (50%) chance (20%) over the sessions. These results suggest that exogenous magnetic fields may become discriminative stimuli through temporal association. Evidence of habituation was also obtained.  相似文献   

Contextual similarity between learning and test phase has been shown to be beneficial for memory retrieval. Negative priming is known to be caused by multiple processes; one of which is episodic retrieval. Therefore, the contextual similarity of prime and probe presentations should influence the size of the negative priming effect. This has been shown for the visual modality. In Experiment 1, an auditory four-alternative forced choice reaction time task was used to test the influence of prime-probe contextual similarity on negative priming and the processes underlying the modulation by context. The negative priming effect was larger when the auditory context was repeated than when it was changed from prime to probe. The modulation by context was exclusively caused by an increase in prime response retrieval errors in ignored repetition trials with context repetition, whereas repeating only the context but not the prime distractor did not lead to an increase in prime response retrieval. This exact pattern of results was replicated in Experiment 2. The findings suggest that contextual information is integrated with prime distractor and response information. Retrieval of the previous episode, including prime distractor, prime response, and context (event file), can be triggered when the former prime distractor is repeated, whereas a context cue alone does not retrieve the event file. This suggests an event file structure that is more complicated than its usually assumed binary structure.  相似文献   

Latency of a fixed ratio (FR) 3 escape response in rats was found to be a U-shaped function of the interval between training and injection of the anticholinesterase drug physostigmine, for intervals from 30 min. to 5 days between training and injection. An increase in FR 3 escape latency was found at 28 days. FR 1 escape groups produced a latency curve of a shape similar to that of the FR 3 group. These data confirm the results of earlier experiments using a different training procedure, and a different response measure. These results are consistent with the theory that the physiological correlate of rat memory lies in synaptic change.  相似文献   

Direct tests of One-Stage and Two-Stage theories of discrimination learning and concept identification by means of shift experiments yield ambiguous results due to interpretational problems. These difficulties can be avoided by analysing the original acquisition data. A test of the theories is suggested for concept identification experiments which is based on an analysis of the dependence between appropriately constructed response subsequences. Predictions for the theoretical alternatives are derived from a generalized all-or-none model. Results from a concept identification study with adult subjects reject One-Stage theories and support Two-Stage theories.  相似文献   

This article considers the role of the hippocampus in memory function. A central thesis is that work with rats, monkeys, and humans--which has sometimes seemed to proceed independently in 3 separate literatures--is now largely in agreement about the function of the hippocampus and related structures. A biological perspective is presented, which proposes multiple memory systems with different functions and distinct anatomical organizations. The hippocampus (together with anatomically related structures) is essential for a specific kind of memory, here termed declarative memory (similar terms include explicit and relational). Declarative memory is contrasted with a heterogeneous collection of nondeclarative (implicit) memory abilities that do not require the hippocampus (skills and habits, simple conditioning, and the phenomenon of priming). The hippocampus is needed temporarily to bind together distributed sites in neocortex that together represent a whole memory.  相似文献   

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics - The Publisher regrets that two erroneous values were introduced by the typesetter when performing proof corrections.  相似文献   

To assess the role of the prelimbic (PL) and infralimbic (IL) cortices in mediating strategy switching, rats were trained in a new automated task in a Y-maze allowing a careful analysis of rats' behavior. In this situation, rats can only use two egocentric (Right, Left) and two visual (Light, Dark) strategies. In the first experiment, rats with PL, IL, or PL/IL lesions were compared with sham-operated rats when trained to reach a criterion of 10 consecutive correct responses with a light strategy before being trained with a response strategy (rule shifting), and finally with the reversed response strategy (reversal). In the second experiment, sham-operated and PL-lesioned rats had their first two strategy switches in the reverse order, which was followed by a second rule shifting and reversal. The results indicate that lesions did not affect initial acquisition, but impaired the first rule shifting and reversal. Thorough analyses of rats' performance indicate that lesioned rats were still able to demonstrate some behavioral flexibility but have difficulties in solving response conflicts, which in turn may affect behavioral flexibility. Both areas were differentially involved in the resolution of response conflict, with the IL involved in the choice of strategy previously known to be nonvalid, and the PL in the selection and maintenance of that strategy.  相似文献   

Several toxic agents were compared in order to test the effect of various types of illness in producing learned taste aversions. After a 10-min sucrose drinking trial, groups of rats were injected intraperitoneally with lithium chloride or with a strong, near lethal dose of a rodenticide. Strong sucrose aversions were acquired by groups injected with lithium chloride, copper sulfate, sodium fluoroacetate, or red squill, and very weak or no aversions were learned by groups injected with thallium, warfarin cyanide, or strychnine. The results were discussed in terms of onset of symptoms, duration of symptoms, and kinds of physiological effects necessary to produce aversions. It was concluded that the effects of different drugs may be mediated by different physiological systems learned taste aversions.  相似文献   

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