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向姝婷  赵锴  宁南 《心理科学进展》2020,28(11):1814-1835
在数字化经济迅速发展的时代, 领导者授权行为是一种激励员工的重要措施。然而, 以往关于领导者授权行为有效性的研究存在不一致发现。为了更深入地探讨领导者授权行为对员工的影响, 基于资源保存理论, 系统地构建了领导者授权行为对员工的“双刃剑”影响机制。具体而言, 第一, 基于资源视角, 将授权视为领导者为员工提供的资源, 深入分析领导者授权行为产生的“赋能”过程机制和“负担”过程机制, 并提出员工的调节定向是影响“双刃剑”机制的边界条件; 第二, 从动态角度看待领导者授权行为, 探讨领导者每日授权行为和领导者授权行为的日波动对员工的“双刃剑”影响机制; 第三, 从动态角度看待领导者授权行为所发生的组织情景。探讨相对动态的情景, 即工作事件, 对领导者授权行为“双刃剑”机制的影响。通过结合静态和动态的双重视角, 系统地探讨了领导者授权行为对员工的“双刃剑”影响机制, 具有一定的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

Motivated by computational analyses, we look at how teaching affects exploration and discovery. In Experiment 1, we investigated children’s exploratory play after an adult pedagogically demonstrated a function of a toy, after an interrupted pedagogical demonstration, after a naïve adult demonstrated the function, and at baseline. Preschoolers in the pedagogical condition focused almost exclusively on the target function; by contrast, children in the other conditions explored broadly. In Experiment 2, we show that children restrict their exploration both after direct instruction to themselves and after overhearing direct instruction given to another child; they do not show this constraint after observing direct instruction given to an adult or after observing a non-pedagogical intentional action. We discuss these findings as the result of rational inductive biases. In pedagogical contexts, a teacher’s failure to provide evidence for additional functions provides evidence for their absence; such contexts generalize from child to child (because children are likely to have comparable states of knowledge) but not from adult to child. Thus, pedagogy promotes efficient learning but at a cost: children are less likely to perform potentially irrelevant actions but also less likely to discover novel information.  相似文献   

佘卓霖  李全  杨百寅  杨斌 《心理学报》2021,53(9):1018-1031
随着行业竞争压力的加剧, 工作狂领导在职场中愈发普遍。然而对于工作狂领导在组织中的有效性, 无论是在实践界还是在学术界都尚存争议。鉴于此, 本研究基于社会信息加工理论, 分析工作狂领导对团队绩效的双刃剑作用机制。通过对某物业管理服务公司进行多时点、多来源的问卷调查, 研究结果表明:一方面, 工作狂领导会提升团队工作卷入, 促进团队绩效; 另一方面, 工作狂领导也会引发团队消极情绪, 损害团队绩效表现; 团队工作重要性能有效缓解工作狂领导对团队绩效的消极作用, 同时促进其积极作用。以上研究发现有助于辨证理解工作狂领导有效性, 为组织培育管理人才提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

Wachtel's article is as relevant today as it was over a quarter century ago, especially as public support for higher education has declined, and increased pressure to obtain external research funding is needed in order to support universities. Although Wachtel's observation that research and grant funding are more likely to be reinforced then theoretical inquiry, there is a serious question regarding whether theory can be effective in advancing the field of psychology and psychotherapy. Some of problems that typically have been associated with theory in our field are discussed, and the argument is made that theoretical inquiry be directed to the formulation of less abstract and more focal principles of human behavior and the therapy change process.  相似文献   

Rewarding top performers is of strategic importance to the sales organization. Top-performing salespeople not only contribute significantly to the success of their firm but may also motivate the skill development of peer salespeople. However, both academic research and anecdotal evidence suggest that top performer rewards can boomerang by damaging peer salespeople's morale and productivity, although the underlying mechanisms and boundary conditions remain unclear. Using a sample of salespeople and their managers from financial investment firms in Taiwan, the authors uncover both positive and negative effects of top-performer rewards. Specifically, it is found that when behavior control is employed, top-performer rewards are positively associated with perceived top-performer customer-relationship-building competence only when overall organizational justice is high. By contrast, when organizational justice is low and behavior control is employed, top-performer rewards give rise to perceived favoritism. Moreover, in large sales units, top-performer rewards are much less likely associated with perceived favoritism when organizational justice is high. It is through the perceived top-performer customer-relationship-building competence and perceived favoritism that top-performer rewards have a double-edged sword effect on fellow salespeople's selling skills, opportunism, and sales performance. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Managers play a pivotal role in the innovation process; yet, the mechanisms through which managers enhance or undermine innovation are not well understood. Drawing upon self-concordance theory, we argue that managers can augment employees' self-concordance—defined as the congruence of goals and actions with inner values and preferences—through transformational behavior and thereby contribute to innovation. However, transformational behavior is closely coupled to another form of influence, namely, process management, the attempt to directly manage innovation-related activities. This form of managerial influence reduces employees' self-concordance and thereby undermines innovation. We test our conceptual model in a sample of 188 innovation projects using a contextualized method that asked employees to assess their self-concordance and their managers' behavior during each project. Managers evaluated for each project the innovativeness of the outcome. Multilevel path-analysis provided support for our hypotheses. We discuss future research implications to disentangle innovation-facilitating and innovation-undermining facets of managerial influence.  相似文献   

目前普遍认为员工在职场中的真诚有助于该员工与同事建立良好的关系。本研究提出员工真诚对同事关系的影响很可能积极和消极并存, 其作用效果取决于员工与同事之间的共事时间。基于社会渗透理论并整合归因的文献, 本研究认为同事怀疑和同事信任是员工真诚影响同事关系的关键中介机制。为检验本研究理论模型假设, 采用轮询问卷法(round-robin survey)和实验法分别开展两个独立调研。结果发现:在共事时间较短的情况下, 员工真诚会引发同事怀疑降低同事信任, 减少人际帮助并增加人际排斥。在共事时间较长的情况下, 员工真诚则有助于打消同事怀疑增加同事信任, 增多人际帮助并减少人际排斥。通过引入共事时间作为调节变量, 本研究发现员工真诚对同事关系的影响由消极转化为积极需要经过足够长时间的共事才能实现。  相似文献   

虚拟团队因新兴技术驱动而成为组织管理的潮流, 尤其全球疫情的爆发使得远程办公备受关注。共享式领导是与虚拟团队高度匹配的领导模式, 但现今学界对虚拟团队共享式领导作用机制的研究比较匮乏, 且集中在正面效应和团队层次, 忽略了共享式领导可能存在的负面效应及对个体层次的影响。研究基于调适性结构理论, 提出虚拟团队共享式领导有助于团队及个体内部动机和效能感的提升, 同时也会加剧团队内社会惰化现象和关系冲突水平, 引发员工的工作负荷和工作焦虑感, 进而对团队绩效和个体绩效产生双刃剑效应, 同时, 团队虚拟性、任务复杂性和任务重要性在其中起到调节作用。研究模型系统打开了虚拟团队共享式领导的影响机制黑箱, 为组织如何在虚拟情境下领导团队、提升绩效提供借鉴。  相似文献   

职场内外部死亡提醒对员工绩效具有双刃效应已得到诸多研究的支持,但该现象背后的统一理论解释缺乏深入探讨。基于压力交互理论构建的模型指出,死亡提醒通过压力源认知评估与状态死亡意识的链式中介影响员工绩效。具体而言,员工对死亡提醒这一压力源的威胁性评估与挑战性评估分别影响其状态死亡焦虑与状态死亡反思,进而对任务绩效、组织公民行为和反生产行为产生双刃效应。最后,基于模型梳理了个体资源与情境资源等相关边界条件,并提出未来可探析死亡提醒双刃效应的过程机制、边界条件以及组织干预策略。  相似文献   

Understanding the social context of clinical ethics is vital for making ethical discourse central in professional practice and for preventing harm. In this paper, we present findings about clinical ethics from in-depth interviews and consultation with 7 members of a hospital social work department. Workers gave different accounts of ethical dilemmas and resources for ethical decision making than did their managers, whereas workers and managers agreed on core-guiding ethical principles and on ideal situations for ethical discourse. We discuss the research team's initial interpretations, the relevance of the extant ethics literature to organizational structures and dynamics, and alternative perspectives on clinical ethics.  相似文献   

Previous research has claimed that diversity erodes trust, even though the empirical evidence is mixed and restricted to ethnic neighborhood diversity. Against the backdrop of increasing diversity within the political sphere and concurrently declining political trust, we examined the impact of social diversity on trust in groups of political representatives. In two experiments (N1 = 109, N2 = 248) we tested how the diversity of political parties affected citizens’ trust in them. In line with predictions of the stereotype content model, diverse parties were perceived as warmer and less competent than non-diverse parties (Experiments 1–2). Additionally, party diversity was perceived as having more benefits, but also involving more threats (Experiment 2). Consequently, diversity had both positive (via warmth and benefits) and negative (via competence and threats) indirect effects on trust. These results help to untangle previously mixed, for the most part non-experimental, findings of the relationship between diversity and trust.  相似文献   

The current study examined the impact of two work-life benefits, work schedule flexibility, and dependent care assistance, on applicants' intentions to pursue jobs with potential employers. The study also explored whether anticipated organizational support would mediate the relationships between these two work-life benefits and job pursuit intentions. Results indicated that although work schedule flexibility, dependent care assistance, and salary were all related to job pursuit intentions, only schedule flexibility, and dependent care were related to anticipated organizational support. Findings also indicated that anticipated organizational support fully mediated the effects of work schedule flexibility and dependent care assistance on job pursuit intentions. Findings are discussed in terms of the importance of organizational support as a mediating mechanism through which work-life benefits influence more distal outcomes, and in terms of implications for organizational recruiting strategies.  相似文献   

Using a national sample of business professionals, the relationship between two measures of perceived organizational ethics and individuals' overall skepticism about women's employment were examined. After controlling for several demographic factors, analysis of responses from a 9% return suggested that persons working for companies believed to have strong ethical practices are less likely to have negative perceptions of women's employment.  相似文献   

In this paper we highlight the emergence of organizational ethics issues in health care as an important outcome of the changing structure of health care delivery. We emphasize three core themes related to business ethics and health care ethics: integrity, responsibility, and choice. These themes are brought together in a discussion of the process of Mission Discernment as it has been developed and implemented within an integrated health care system. Through this discussion we highlight how processes of institutional reflection, such as Mission Discernment, can help health care organizations, as well as corporations, make critical choices in turbulent environments that further the core mission and values and fulfill institutional responsibilities to a broad range of stakeholders.  相似文献   

We propose that a preference for favorable social feedback (i.e., self-enhancement) requires only that feedback be characterized as favorable or unfavorable but that a preference for self-confirming feedback (i.e., self-verification) is based on a more elaborate set of cognitive operations that requires both the characterization of feedback and a subsequent comparison of that feedback to a representation of self stored in memory. Study 1 set the stage for testing this hypothesis by showing that depriving people of processing resources interfered with their tendency to access their self-conceptions. In Studies 2 and 3, participants who were deprived of resources preferred the favorable, self-enhancing evaluator, whereas control participants displayed a preference for the self-verifying evaluator, even if that evaluator was relatively unfavorable.  相似文献   

This study examines two competing theoretical explanations for why work-life policies such as dependent care assistance and flexible schedules influence organizational attachment. The self-interest utility model posits that work-life policies influence organizational attachment because employee use of these policies facilitates attachment. The signaling model posits that these policies facilitate attachment indirectly through perceived organizational support. Regression analyses explored both models using a sample of 286 full time employees. Results supported both the signaling model and the self-interest utility model. For women, the availability of work-life benefits influenced organizational attachment irrespective of use, and these effects were mediated by support perceptions, consistent with the signaling model. In contrast, the self-interest model was also supported for men only. Specifically, the availability and use of flexible schedules interacted in predicting affective commitment among men such that flexible schedule availability was positively related to commitment only when use was high and negatively related to commitment when use was low. Dependent care assistance and schedule flexibility also interacted in predicting affective commitment, turnover intentions, and perceived organizational support, suggesting that the effect of policy implementation may depend on what other policies are already offered by the organization. Findings are discussed in terms of implications for theory and organizational practice.  相似文献   

论道教的法剑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道教的法剑 ,又称宝剑、神皆佩震灵之剑。” 世有黄金中国道教 2 0 0 2 /3长三尺六寸 ;洞真法师、大洞法师  一粒能延千载寿 ,慢夸人《能改斋漫录》卷十一《许旌阳作铁柱镇蛟》说 :“晋许真君为旌阳观志序》评价说 :“许君积功江汉曰 :‘吾升天之后 ,留太上所赐宝中国道教 2 0 0 2 / 3许逊以法剑驱邪 ,明张宇初《白鹤师升天于云台山 ,告示天地万神般。” 阁皂山灵宝派元始宗坛的传于京师 ,“数日启棺 ,惟有一剑一物之类出入之处 ,这就是所谓“水中国道教 2 0 0 2 /3道士万振 ,于龙朔元年 (661 )尸解道教以地户为天地之气初生 ,凡卷一百五…  相似文献   

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