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Abstract.— Minor modifications of the usual serial anticipation procedure did not affect the well-known Serial Position Effect (SPE), while the errors, i.e. Intra-list-Intrusions (ILI) and Failure-TeRespond (FTR), showed deviations from the usual distributions. It was therefore concluded that the SPE should not be analysed in terms of different error types, ILI and FTR. Transfer-to-position measured by means of a number-syllable paired association (PA) task, and a free-recall test of the original serial anticipation list measured after the termination of the PA-task showed a skewed and a symmetrical trend respectively. It was suggested that response-learning accounted for the symmetrical component of the SPE while association-to-position, contrary to prevailing views, was responsible for the skewed component.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty-six Ss practiced two serial lists of identical length in haphazard alternation. At each position in a list, a maximum number of intruding responses arrived from the same position in the other list, and the frequency of intrusion from a non-identical position in the other list declined with increase of positional disparity in either direction. The reliability of this gradient-like phenomenon, which could not be verified by the method of trend analysis owing to insufficient data, is partially indicated by the occurrence of interlist intrusions at a significantly higher rate between identical than between non-identical positions. These results are interpreted as an evidence in support of the hypothesis that not only associations develop between the items of a rote series and their serial positions but also these associations generalize between positions in inverse proportion to the intervening distance.  相似文献   

Children's serial motor skill acquisition was studied within a neo-Piagetian framework. High and low M-processors performed on a curvilinear repositioning task. A primacy-recency effect was evidenced for both groups on the age-related task, while a recency effect occurred for only the high M-processors on the task one stage beyond the developmental processing capacity of the subjects. High M-processors were more accurate and less variable than low M-processors. Although low M-processors performed better on the more complex task than on the simpler one, their performance never exceeded that of the high M-processors. Implications of these results for future research were discussed.  相似文献   

Much research has been conducted aimed at the representations and mechanisms that enable learning of sequential structures. A central debate concerns the question whether item-item associations (i.e., in the sequence A-B-C-D, B comes after A) or associations of item and serial list position (i.e., B is the second item in the list) are used to represent serial order. Previously, we showed that in a variant of the implicit serial reaction time task, the sequence representation contains associations between serial position and item information (Schuck, Gaschler, Keisler, & Frensch, 2011). Here, we applied models and research methods from working memory research to implicit serial learning to replicate and extend our findings. The experiment involved three sessions of sequence learning. Results support the view that participants acquire knowledge about order structure (item-item associations) and about ordinal structure (serial position-item associations). Analyses suggest that only the simultaneous use of the two types of knowledge acquisition can explain learning-related performance increases. Additionally, our results indicate that serial list position information plays a role very early in learning and that inter-item associations increasingly control behavior in later stages.  相似文献   

The correlation between short-term retention of the outcome of the preceding response and overall learning proficiency was investigated for serial reversal learning. Pigeons were trained to asymptote on a serial reversal problem and then were presented a percentage reinforcement schedule where only some correct trials were rewarded. Nonrewarded correct trials were treated exactly as incorrect trials. The difference in error probability following the two types of correct trials was then used as a measure of short-term retention. When intertrial intervals (ITI) were short (6 sec), substantial differences occurred. When the ITI's were increased, the difference in accuracy declined regularly to no difference at an ITI of 60 sec. This demonstration of a short-term retention gradient, coupled with the finding that overall reversal learning was much better with the shorter ITI's, suggests that a primary mechanism of improvement in serial reversal learning is the acquisition of a conditional discrimination based on the outcome of the preceding response.  相似文献   

Digitized photographs of snowflakes were presented for a recognition test after retention intervals of varying durations. While overall accuracy and discrimination remained constant, as the retention interval increased, primacy increased from chance to reliably better than chance while recency decreased to chance levels. A variation of Murdock’s (1960) distinctiveness model accounted for the changing primacy and recency effects observed in both between- and within-subjects designs. The generality of the model was examined in two different paradigms: lexical access during sentence processing, and free recall in the continual distractor paradigm. In both cases, the model made accurate qualitative predictions for both latency and accuracy measures.  相似文献   

Our environment is richly structured, with objects producing correlated information within and across sensory modalities. A prominent challenge faced by our perceptual system is to learn such regularities. Here, we examined statistical learning and addressed learners’ ability to track transitional probabilities between elements in the auditory and visual modalities. Specifically, we investigated whether cross-modal information affects statistical learning within a single modality. Participants were familiarized with a statistically structured modality (e.g., either audition or vision) accompanied by different types of cues in a second modality (e.g., vision or audition). The results revealed that statistical learning within either modality is affected by cross-modal information, with learning being enhanced or reduced according to the type of cue provided in the second modality.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the outcome specificity of a learned predictiveness effect in human causal learning. Experiment 1 indicated that prior experience of a cue-outcome relation modulates learning about that cue with respect to a different outcome from the same affective class but not with respect to an outcome from a different affective class. Experiment 2 ruled out an interpretation of this effect in terms of context specificity. These results indicate that learned predictiveness effects in human causal learning index an associability that is specific to a particular class of outcomes. Moreover, they mirror demonstrations of the reinforcer specificity of analogous effects in animal conditioning, supporting the suggestion that, under some circumstances, human causal learning and animal conditioning reflect the operation of common associative mechanisms.  相似文献   

The proportion-of-the-total-duration rule (Kidd & Watson, 1992) states that the detectability of a change in a component of a tonal sequence can be predicted by the proportional duration of the changed component relative to the length of the sequence as a whole. A similar viewpoint relies on temporal distinctiveness to account for primacy, recency, and other serial position effects in memory (Murdock, 1960; Neath, 1993a, 1993b). Such distinctiveness models predict that an item will be remembered if it is more distinctive along some dimension relative to possible competitors. Three experiments explored the relation between distinctiveness and proportional duration by examining the effects of the proportion of the total duration of a tone in a sequence, serial position, and interstimulus interval (ISI) on the detection of a change in one component of a tonal sequence. Experiment 1 replicated the basic effect with relatively untrained subjects and a fixed frequency difference. Experiment 2 showed that distinctiveness holds for tonal sequences and a same/different task. Experiment 3 combined the two to show that proportional duration, ISI, and position of the changed tone all contribute to discrimination performance. The present research combines theories that have been proposed in the psychophysics and memory fields and suggests that a comprehensive principle based on relative distinctiveness may be able to account for both perceptual and memory effects.  相似文献   

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