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Emerging adulthood has recently become one of the hottest topics in the field of adult development, yet the variabilities in the experience of emerging adulthood need further examination. The present study focused on two factors that contribute to the variations of emerging adulthood: first, the impact of personal perception about adulthood; and second, information about Korean college students' identity maturity, depression, anxiety, smartphone problems, and alcohol-related problems. Data from 211 Korean college students indicated that subjective perception of reaching adulthood was significantly related to identity maturity, depression, and anxiety, even after the impacts of chronological age and sex were controlled. Smartphone problems and alcohol-related problems were not associated with the perception of adulthood. These results suggest that the subjective interpretation of reaching adulthood might be more important than chronological age in terms of relationships with psychological well-being.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relative roles of identity structure (i.e., personal identity) and identity contents (i.e., religious identity and moral identity) in predicting emerging adults’ prosocial and antisocial behaviors. The sample included 9,495 college students. A variable-centered analysis (path analysis) used personal identity, religious identity, and moral identity as predictors of prosocial and antisocial behavior and tested interactions of personal identity with religious identity and moral identity. Moral identity was the strongest predictor of both behaviors, and religious identity and moral identity both interacted with personal identity in predicting antisocial behavior. A person-centered analysis (latent profile analysis) found three classes: integrated, moral identity–focused, and religious identity–focused, with integrated being most adaptive on both outcomes.  相似文献   

Dating aggression, whether it is physical or psychological, is a major social concern. The background-situational model is highly predictive of dating aggression, but it lacks consideration of biopsychosocial processes. Sleep was investigated as one such process. A sample of 108 university undergraduate women completed objective (actigraphy) and subjective measures of sleep quality as well as self-reports of dating and trait aggression. Indicators of sleep deprivation were associated with greater frequency of dating aggression perpetration. Associations were especially strong when trait aggression and victimization by the partner were higher. Contrary to hypotheses, alcohol consumption did not significantly moderate the relation between sleep and women’s aggression perpetration. Less sleep was associated with women’s more frequent aggression toward their partners, perhaps because sleep deprivation causes difficulties with emotion regulation.  相似文献   

Although research has indicated that cognitions and situational factors play a role in relationship satisfaction and aggression, few studies have investigated the association between intimate partner violence (IPV) and relationship values. We addressed this gap by measuring college students’ perpetration of and victimization by four types of IPV; namely, physical violence, sexual violence, threats, and psychological aggression over the past year. One-way ANOVAs and multiple regression analyses were used to measure the association between IPV and the endorsement of relationship values. The results suggest that past IPV perpetration and victimization correlated with the current endorsement of relationship values for males more than females. In general, male perpetrators rated relationship values such as security, investment, others’ approval, and daily conflict as less important than non-perpetrators. Although male victimization explained significant variance in security, investment, and others’ approval, the results were somewhat mixed as to whether victimization related to higher or lower ratings of relationship values, with the majority of the results suggesting an inverse correlation between relationship value endorsement and IPV experience. Future research can investigate mediating factors in the relationship between IPV and relationship value endorsement, as well as look at how IPV and relationship values influence decisions concerning relationship maintenance.  相似文献   

Although dating violence is widespread among young adult homeless populations, its risk factors are poorly understood by scholars. To address this gap, this study uses a social learning theory to examine the effects of abusive parenting and caretaker arrests on dating violence among 172 homeless young adults. Results from path analyses revealed that child physical abuse and caretaker arrests were positively associated with engaging in a greater number of school fights, which, in turn, was strongly and positively correlated with participating in more deviant subsistence strategies (e.g., stealing) since being on the street. Young people who participated in a greater number of delinquent acts were more likely to report higher levels of dating violence. Study results highlight the extent of social learning within the lives of homeless young adults, which is evident prior to their leaving home and while they are on the street.  相似文献   

The transition from late adolescence to emerging adulthood is a period of the life span that offers young people the possibility to consolidate their self‐certainty and prosociality. Both aspects are of core importance for increasing personal and societal well‐being. The purpose of this longitudinal study was twofold: (i) to examine patterns of change and stability in self‐concept clarity and prosociality; and (ii) to unravel over time associations between these constructs in the transition from late adolescence to emerging adulthood. In addressing both aims, we explored the moderating effects of gender. Participants were 244 Dutch emerging adults (46% male; mean age at T1 = 16.73 years) who completed six waves of data collection (mean age at T6 = 22.7 years). Findings highlighted that (i) self‐concept clarity developed nonlinearly, with an initial decline from T1 to T2 followed by an increase thereafter, while prosociality increased linearly over time and both self‐concept clarity and prosociality were characterized by high rank‐order consistency; (ii) self‐concept clarity and prosociality were positively related over time, with the effect of prosociality on self‐concept clarity being stronger than the reciprocal effect of self‐concept clarity on prosociality. Gender differences were detected in mean levels of self‐concept clarity and prosociality (male participants reported higher self‐concept clarity and lower prosociality than female participants) but not in their developmental pathways nor in their reciprocal associations. Copyright © 2016 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

The over-time relationship between differentiation of self and interpersonal and psychological well-being was examined in a sample of young adults in order to test the hypothesis that greater differentiation of self—that is, lower emotional reactivity, better capacity to take an “I” position in relationships, less emotional cutoff, and lower fusion with others—predicted greater interpersonal and psychological health. Results of hierarchical regression analyses confirmed that greater Time 1 differentiation of self predicted lower Time 2 psychological and interpersonal distress after controlling for Time 1 distress levels. Further, canonical correlation analyses revealed several significant patterned associations between aspects of differentiation of self and specific interpersonal problems. Implications for family interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

Researchers compared scores on a self-report measure of relational and social aggression using 2 groups, European American female university students (M = 20.23 years, SD = 3.88) from the mid-Atlantic region of the United States and Hispanic females from Puerto Rico (M = 19.34 years, SD = 1.26). Results indicate that cultural differences were evident in the use of relational and social aggression. The exclusively Hispanic Puerto Rican sample reported being more socially aggressive than the European American, mid-Atlantic sample. In contrast, the European American sample identified as being more relationally aggressive in their relationships than the Hispanic Puerto Rican sample. This distinction allows us to consider potential cultural differences in interpersonal relations in college-age females.  相似文献   

Life transitions can induce distress for emerging adults. This study compared a model of the attachment, social support, and well‐being of emerging adults in transition with a model of those not in transition (N = 378). The transition sample reported less life satisfaction and environmental mastery and higher attachment avoidance than the nontransition sample. The transition sample showed weaker mediating effects of social support, suggesting that attachment accounted for additional unique variance for this group. Counseling implications are provided.  相似文献   

目的探讨大学生社会支持、自尊与主观幸福感的关系。方法采用社会支持评定量表、自尊量表、总体幸福感量表对268名大学生进行测试。结果(1)社会支持越高,大学生的主观幸福感就越高,尤其是主观支持对主观幸福感的影响最大。同时大学生的自尊越高,主观幸福感越高。(2)自尊和主观支持对主观幸福感回归效应显著,且自尊对主观幸福感的预测力大于主观支持。(3)自尊对社会支持与主观幸福感的关系起了中介的影响。  相似文献   

The study cross-nationally examined to what degree parental psychological abuse (rejection, isolation, and emotional neglect) would be associated with control of adolescents' personal domain as opposed to prudential-conventional domain. Participants (ages 14–18) included 170 Americans, 125 Japanese from Akita Prefecture, and 320 from Tokyo. With all samples, abuse was linked to overcontrol. However, the link was domain specific, pertaining only to the personal domain (e.g., hairstyle) and not prudential (e.g., use of alcohol) or conventional (e.g., table manners) domains. Psychological abuse also predicted adolescents' desire of parental authority in different domains among cultures. U.S. adolescents, linked to abuse, desired more freedom within the overlap issues, whereas Akita adolescents desired greater parental authority for the personal. Tokyo adolescents' autonomous expression was in the middle between the U.S. and Akita samples. This study suggests control of the personal is a component of psychological abuse. Cultural effect on autonomous expression linked to abuse is discussed.  相似文献   

Past research has shown activation of aggressive cognitions in memory after media violence exposure, but has not examined priming effects of viewing relational aggression in the media. In the current study, 250 women viewed a video clip depicting physical aggression, relational aggression, or no aggression. Subsequent activation of physical and relational aggression cognitions was measured using an emotional Stroop task. Results indicated priming of relational aggression cognitions after viewing the relationally aggressive video clip, and activation of both physical and relational aggression cognitions after viewing the physically aggressive video clip. Results are discussed within the framework of the General Aggression Model.  相似文献   


A study of 1,142 older adolescents living in the central city of a large urban area found a complex set of relationships among exposure to community violence, psychological distress, gender, ethnicity, and educational status. Although males and school dropouts had higher levels of exposure and females had higher levels of psychological distress, the relationshipbetween exposure to community violence and psychological distress did not differ by gender, ethnicity or educational status. The findings are interpreted in terms of the theory of protective and vulnerability processes. The authors conclude that the relationship between exposure to community violence and psychological distress is robust.  相似文献   


Authors instructed two groups of male participants to respond to a web personal advertisement that had a photograph of either an attractive or unattractive woman. In the physically attractiveness condition, it was found that the message was longer and contained few spelling and grammatical mistakes than in the condition where the male's participant believe that the personal advertisement came from an unattractive woman. Two undergradutates females who were unaware of the experimental conditions judged that they had more probability to respond to the male's message in the physically attractiveness condition.  相似文献   

以76项实证研究(78个独立样本, 21,570名员工)为对象, 综合使用元分析、结构方程模型、优势分析方法, 采用智能职业生涯为分析框架, 以竞争流动与赞助流动、市场转型理论与社会资本“嵌入”观点为理论基础, 探讨了人力资本、社会资本和心理资本对职业成功的影响及内在机制。研究结果发现:(1)人力资本、社会资本和心理资本均能显著积极地预测主客观职业成功; (2)人力资本能更加积极地预测客观职业成功, 而心理资本则能更加积极地预测主观职业成功; (3)组织赞助部分中介人力资本、社会资本与职业成功之间的关系, 部分中介心理资本与主观职业成功之间的关系, 完全中介心理资本与客观职业成功之间的关系; (4)心理资本能更加积极地预测组织赞助。  相似文献   


This study examined the association between health status, stress, depression, satisfaction with the relationship with the religious community, alienation from significant persons, racial/cultural identity and “aging in place,” as measured by length of time in the same religious community, for a purposive sample of 72 African American nuns. Aging in place was significantly associated with perceptions of better health status, less stress and depression and greater satisfaction with relationships with the religious community. However, the study also found that the longer the nuns lived in their respective communities, the less racially/culturally identified they became. These findings underscore the need for finding ways to keep nuns in their religious communities as they age and to provide avenues of racial/cultural expression for African American nuns.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate personality expression and impression formation processes in online social networks (OSNs). We explore whether, when and why people accurately judge others' personalities (accuracy), successfully manage the impressions that others form of them (impression management) and accurately infer others' impressions of them (meta‐accuracy) at zero acquaintance. On the basis of targets' OSN profiles (N = 103), overall perceiver impressions were collected and compared with targets' self‐view, desired impression and meta‐perception. In addition, independent groups of thin‐slice perceivers based their personality impressions solely on one of four kinds of information within the OSN profiles (profile picture, interests field, group list and notice board), and more than 300 OSN cues (e.g. attractive person and number of friends) were coded. Results showed evidence of accuracy, impression management and meta‐accuracy, but their extent was moderated by the trait (e.g. Big Five and self‐esteem), the kind of information and the interplay of trait and information. Findings could be explained by cue expression and cue utilization processes (lens model analyses). Future prospects for studying personality impressions in online and offline environments are discussed. Copyright © 2013 European Association of Personality Psychology.  相似文献   

Understanding the social context of classrooms has been a central goal of research focused on the promotion of academic development. Building on the current literature on classroom social settings and guided by a risk and protection framework, this study examines the unique and combined contribution of individual relationships and quality of classroom interactions on behavioral engagement among low‐income Latino students in kindergarten to fifth grade (= 111). Findings indicate that individual relationships with teachers and peers and classroom quality, each independently predicted behavioral engagement. Moreover, high‐quality classrooms buffered the negative influence of students’ difficulties in individual relationships on behavioral engagement. Findings illuminate the need to consider multiple layers of social classroom relationships and interactions and suggest the potential benefit of targeting classroom quality as a mechanism for improving behavioral engagement in urban elementary schools.  相似文献   

This paper uses concepts from social networks and social exchange theories to describe the implementation of evidence-based practices in afterschool programs. The members of the LEGACY Together Afterschool Project team have been involved in conducting collaborative research to migrate a behavioral strategy that has been documented to reduce disruptive behaviors in classroom settings to a new setting—that of afterschool programs. We adapted the Paxis Institute’s version of the Good Behavior Game to afterschool settings which differ from in-school settings, including more fluid attendance, multiple age groupings, diverse activities that may take place simultaneously, and differences in staff training and experience (Barrish et al. in J Appl Behav Anal 2(2):119–124, 1969; Embry et al. in The Pax Good Behavior Game. Hazelden, Center City, 2003; Hynes et al. in J Child Serv 4(3):4–20, 2009; Kellam et al. in Drug Alcohol Depend 95:S5–S28, 2008; Tingstrom et al. in Behav Modif 30(2):225–253, 2006). This paper presents the experiences of the three adult groups involved in the implementation process who give first-person accounts of implementation: (1) university-based scientist-practitioners, (2) community partners who trained and provided technical assistance/coaching, and (3) an afterschool program administrator. We introduce here the AIMS model used to frame the implementation process conceptualized by this town–gown collaborative team. AIMS builds upon previous work in implementation science using four phases in which the three collaborators have overlapping roles: approach/engagement, implementation, monitoring, and sustainability. Within all four phases principles of Social Exchange Theory and Social Network Theory are highlighted.  相似文献   

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