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A study of 85 heterosexual men, 85 heterosexual women, and 82 homosexual men was undertaken to examine the variables that influence intentions to engage in different sexual practices and actual sexual behavior. On the basis of Fishbein and Ajzen's (1975) theory of reasoned action, it was predicted that the strength of intentions would be related to whether behavior was in accord with intentions. Consistent with expectations, the strength of intention to engage in six different sexual practices (e. g., vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, oral sex) and the three strategies that modify the risk of HIV transmission (sex with an exclusive partner, sex wearing a condom, and looking for a new partner) predicted actual behavior. Second, it was proposed that attitudes toward one's sexual practices and norms would be related to intentions to engage in safe sex. To reflect differential levels in the safety of behavioral intentions, five safety intention groups were formed: (a) nonpenetrative sex, (b) penetrative sex in an exclusive relationship with a condom, (c) penetrative sex in an exclusive relationship without a condom, (d) penetrative sex in a nonexclusive relationship with a condom, and (e) penetrative sex in a nonexclusive relationship without a condom. Norms, rather than attitudes, distinguished the five safety intention groups. the groups intending to engage in safe sex (nonpenetrative sex or penetrative sex with a condom) perceived lower levels of social approval for their sexual practices than the noncondom groups. Additional analyses showed that past behavior had a stabilizing effect on the intention-behavior relationship, but only for the nonpenetrative and noncondom safety intention groups.  相似文献   


The attachment capacities of trauma survivors were hypothesized to be positively related to their recovery from traumatic event(s). Recovery from psychological trauma is conceptualized as consisting of multiple criteria, and proceeding through a series of stages. The safe attachment dimension of the Multidimensional Trauma Recovery and Resiliency (MTRR) scale was examined through factor analyses, resulting in four factors or subscales. One hundred and twenty-six participants were rated according to recovery status and on the MTRR scale by clinicians from various clinical settings. Recovery status was positively correlated with the overall Safe Attachment dimension and with each of the four separate subscales. Implications for psychotherapeutic goals are discussed.  相似文献   



Given the increased usage of mentoring programs in multi-cultural settings, including the Chinese workplace, the present study examined Chinese employees’ understanding of mentoring relationships and whether mentoring played a role in their occupational stress process.  相似文献   

This article is devoted to two interrelated semiotic aspects of the placevalue system: multiplicity of value and composition of values. Both aspects involve the basic characteristic of the placevalue system-the differentiation between face value and complete value. We explored whether a system that is intermediate between the written place-value system (multiplicity of value) and the base-10 manipulatives (no multiplicity of value) helps children understand the place-value system. The intermediate system that we designed, called FVCV (for face value and complete value), has a pseudomultiplicity of value. We report and discuss evidence that instruction and practice in the FVCV system helped children (a) to differentiate between the face value and the complete value of the digits in a multidigit place-value number representation and (b) to grasp that the complete values of the digits in a multidigit placevalue number representation add up to the total value.  相似文献   

Compulsive washing and contamination fears are among the most common symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Research suggests that exposure and response prevention (ERP) is effective for OCD. However, ERP is prone to dropouts and refusals, and a substantial proportion of clients therefore do not receive the care they need. A proposed solution involves the judicious use of safety behaviour to enhance the acceptability of exposure-based interventions. The current study aimed to test this proposed solution. Participants were 70 undergraduate students who completed two exposure exercises for contamination fear, one with safety behaviour and one without. Participants then rated the acceptability of the two exercises. Exposure with safety behaviour (ESB) was rated as significantly more acceptable than ERP. Furthermore, subjective fear ratings were lower and behavioural approach to a series of contaminants was greater in the ESB condition. Results demonstrated the acceptability-enhancing potential of safety behaviour in exposure, and are discussed in terms of both theoretical and practical aspects of safety behaviour, exposure, and evidence-based interventions for anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

This paper deals with children's understanding of the social-regulatory aspects of emotion. A total of 108 children between 6 and 12 years old responded to three vignettes describing social dilemmas. In each story one child (the expresser) displayed anger, sadness, or fear to their partner (the recipient), and children were asked about the expresser's goals as well as the effects of the emotion on recipients' actions and emotions. Anger expression was associated with children thinking that expressers feel dominant in interaction. When anger was expressed during interaction children thought that it elicited more anger and aggression from recipients. Sadness and fear elicited prosocial responses from recipients, including comfort, proximity, and goal reinstatement. The differentiation between anger, sadness, and fear was greater in older than in younger children. Results are discussed in terms of the differentiation between emotions, the development of individual differences in emotion expression, and emotion regulation.  相似文献   

It is predicted that the rapid acquisition of new genetic knowledge and related applications during the next decade will have significant implications for virtually all members of society. Currently, most people get exposed to information about genes and genetics only through stories publicized in the media. We sought to understand how individuals in the general population used and understood the concepts of “genetics” and “genes.” During in-depth one-on-one telephone interviews with adults in the United States, we asked questions exploring their basic understanding of these terms, as well as their belief as to the location of genes in the human body. A wide range of responses was received. Despite conversational familiarity with genetic terminology, many noted frustration or were hesitant when trying to answer these questions. In addition, some responses reflected a lack of understanding about basic genetic science that may have significant implications for broader public education measures in genetic literacy, genetic counseling, public health practices, and even routine health care.  相似文献   

Psychopathy is a form of personality disorder characterized by arrogance, self‐absorption, callousness, exploitation, and impulsivity that is also strongly associated with antisocial behavior. The present paper argues that psychopathy can and should be understood as a configuration of personality traits from a general model of personality functioning – the five‐factor model (FFM). In this paper, we demonstrate that previous theoretical conceptualizations of psychopathy and current empirical ones converge on a general FFM profile characterized by very low scores on agreeableness and conscientiousness and mixed relations to aspects of neuroticism and extraversion. Further, we articulate the advantages to understanding psychopathy in this way. The FFM provides an assay of extant inventories, explains the factor structure of various inventories, accounts for the epidemiology of psychopathy, and makes sense of the litany of putative psychopathic deficits. Perhaps most importantly, the FFM provides a connection to basic research in personality.  相似文献   

International statistics indicate that occupational, or work‐related driving, crashes are the most common cause of workplace injury, death, and absence from work. The majority of research examining unsafe driver behavior in the workplace has relied on general road safety questionnaires. However, past research has failed to consider the organisational context in the use of these questionnaires, and thus, there is ambiguity in the dimensions constituting occupational driving. Using a theoretical model developed by Hockey (1993, 1997 ), this article proposes and validates a new scale of occupational driver behavior. This scale incorporates four dimensions of driver behavior that are influenced by demanding workplace conditions: speeding, rule violation, inattention, and driving while tired. Following a content validation process, three samples of occupational drivers in Australia were used to assess the scale. Data from the first sample (n= 145) were used to reduce the number of scale items and provide an assessment of the factorial validity of the scale. Data from the second sample (n= 645) were then used to confirm the factor structure and psychometric properties of the scale including reliability and construct validity. Finally, data from the third sample (n= 248) were used to establish criterion validity. The results indicated that the scale is a reliable and valid measure of occupational driver behavior.  相似文献   

Psychological safety plays a vital role in helping people overcome barriers to learning and change in interpersonally challenging work environments. This article focuses on two such contexts—health care and education. The authors theorize differences in psychological safety based on work type, hierarchical status, and leadership effectiveness. Consistent with prior research, the authors employ cross-industry comparison to highlight distinctive features of different professions. The goal is to illuminate similarities and differences with implications for future psychological safety research. To do this, the authors review relevant literature and present analyses of large data samples in each industry to stimulate further research on psychological safety in both sectors, separately and together.  相似文献   

In this study we explore the educational impact of teaching high school students several models of the same phenomenon. In particular, we create different sets of models of static electricity (each set containing 1 model of particles and 1 model of aggregates of particles) that are connected in specific ways and measure the effects of these links on further learning of circuit behavior. Four groups were run through a 2-week curriculum on direct current electricity. One group received "coordinated" models that are connected together by their mechanisms and representations. Another group received "noncoordinated" models that do not connect via mechanisms and representations. The other two groups served as control groups for the Coordinated and Noncoordinated conditions. Contrary to the hypothesis that Coordinated models would be easier to learn and apply, posttest results show that students in the Noncoordinated condition outperformed those in their control group; meanwhile, the Coordinated group did not outperform its control group on these tests. An analysis of process data gathered while students were working through the curriculum suggests that students in the Noncoordinated group were actively combining the different models presented in that treatment condition. We conjecture that the effort of trying to achieve coherence among models may have led to a better understanding as measured by the posttests.  相似文献   

Optimism bias is the tendency to think that negative events are less likely to happen to oneself than to one's peers. Optimism bias concerning occupational health and safety (OHS) hazards was assessed in 105 postgraduate students and university employees. Significant levels of optimism bias were found for several events (e.g., suffering/causing injury). Though optimism bias was not related to perceived controllability, administration of OHS by management may explain why this observation differs from findings in other domains. While further study is required, the present study demonstrates that people tend to think hazardous events at work are less likely to happen to themselves compared to others doing the same job, which has important implications for management of safety at work.  相似文献   

Dellsén (2016) has recently argued for an understanding-based account of scientific progress, the noetic account, according to which science (or a particular scientific discipline) makes cognitive progress precisely when it increases our understanding of some aspect of the world. I contrast this account with Bird’s (2007, 2015); epistemic account, according to which such progress is made precisely when our knowledge of the world is increased or accumulated. In a recent paper, Park (2017) criticizes various aspects of my account and his arguments in favor of the noetic account as against Bird’s epistemic account. This paper responds to Park’s objections. An important upshot of the paper is that we should distinguish between episodes that constitute and promote scientific progress, and evaluate account of scientific progress in terms of how they classify different episodes with respect to these categories.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the recently developed Basic Scales for the SVIB would provide more generalizable and psychologically meaningful information than the regular SVIB Occupational Scales. Four groups of students were used, two entering contrasting four-year curricula (Science, N-282, vs Non-Science, N = 142) and two entering contrasting two-year curricula (Art, N = 45 vs Technical, N = 62). Basic and regular SVIB scale means were calculated for each group. Those scales with large (approximately one-half a standard deviation or more) and statistically significant differences were identified for both the four-year and the two-year group comparisons.  相似文献   

量变质变规律是唯物辩证法的基本规律之一,它表明任何事物都是一定的质和一定的量的统一体。对高密度脂蛋白(HDL)研究角度的变化(从关注其血清水平到关注其结构功能关系),反映出量变质变规律对医学研究的重要指导作用。以系统论的方法来认识HDL,并在实际工作中抓住主要矛盾,就能更有成效地开展对HDL生理病理功能的研究。  相似文献   

量变质变规律是唯物辩证法的基本规律之一,它表明任何事物都是一定的质和一定的量的统一体.对高密度脂蛋白(HDL)研究角度的变化(从关注其血清水平到关注其结构功能关系),反映出量变质变规律对医学研究的重要指导作用.以系统论的方法来认识HDL,并在实际工作中抓住主要矛盾,就能更有成效地开展对HDL生理病理功能的研究.  相似文献   

The current study examined the role of basic language skills for individual differences in preschoolers’ understanding of causal connections. Assessments of basic language skills, expressive vocabulary, phonological processing, and receptive language comprehension were examined in relation to the production of causal connections in a storytelling task, at two time periods. Similar to previous cross-sectional research, children's causal connections increased over six months. As hypothesized, expressive vocabulary and phonological processing predicted causal connections at Time 1. Six months later, only phonological processing predicted causal connections. Results provide new information regarding the significance of basic language skills for early narrative skills.  相似文献   

Research has identified moderating variables of the cognition–behaviour relationship in the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). These include intention certainty, affective–cognitive congruence of attitudes, attitudinal ambivalence, and past behaviour. It has not yet been systematically tested if these moderators apply in similar ways to the prediction of behaviour and behaviour change (when past behaviour is controlled). A sample of 1,418 university students completed measures of the direct predictors of the TPB (perceived behavioural control; PBC and intention), intention certainty, affective–cognitive congruence of attitudes, attitudinal ambivalence, and the Godin Leisure Time Physical Exercise Questionnaire at the beginning of the academic year and two months later. Data were analysed using moderated hierarchical linear regressions. Without controlling for baseline behaviour, intention certainty and affective–cognitive congruence moderated both the intention–behaviour and PBC–behaviour relationships and showed additional main effects. Attitudinal ambivalence did not contribute to the prediction. When past behaviour was controlled, the main effects were attenuated and only the intention certainty* PBC interaction remained significant. Predictors of behaviour do not necessarily predict behaviour change. The TPB-related moderators studied here weakly contributed to the prediction of behaviour change. Proposals for increasing the predictive power of TPB for behaviour change are discussed.  相似文献   

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