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The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of the Training and Support Programme among parents of children with ataxia. A total of 39 parents expressed an interest in the TSP, 27 (mean age 41; range 25-58) returned baseline questionnaires and completed the study. Twenty-four children (mean age 12.5 years, SD=12.4) received the TSP. Data were collected by self-administered questionnaires mailed to parents immediately before attending the TSP and at 4-month follow-up. Interviews were conducted with 10 parents immediately following TSP completion. Comparisons over time revealed significant decreases in parental anxious mood (p=.011), depressed mood (p=.046) and perceived stress (p=.020) and significant improvements in generalized self-efficacy (p=.010), satisfaction with life (p=.045) and parental health status (p=.020). Parents reported improvements in children's mobility, "jumping legs", sleep patterns, energy and activity levels, relaxation, and happiness (e.g., more smiles). Parents felt closer to their children and one parent had become "more accepting" of their child's ataxia. Results indicate that the TSP may enhance the psychosocial well-being of parents of children with ataxia although a randomized controlled trial would be necessary to determine whether the changes reported here are in fact due to attending the TSP.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: People with autism or Asperger Syndrome (AS) show altered patterns of brain activity during visual search and emotion recognition tasks. Autism and AS are genetic conditions and parents may show the 'broader autism phenotype.' AIMS: (1) To test if parents of children with AS show atypical brain activity during a visual search and an empathy task; (2) to test for sex differences during these tasks at the neural level; (3) to test if parents of children with autism are hyper-masculinized, as might be predicted by the 'extreme male brain' theory. METHOD: We used fMRI during a visual search task (the Embedded Figures Test (EFT)) and an emotion recognition test (the 'Reading the Mind in the Eyes' (or Eyes) test). SAMPLE: Twelve parents of children with AS, vs. 12 sex-matched controls. DESIGN: Factorial analysis was used to map main effects of sex, group (parents vs. controls), and sexxgroup interaction on brain function. An ordinal ANOVA also tested for regions of brain activity where females>males>fathers=mothers, to test for parental hyper-masculinization. RESULTS ON EFT TASK: Female controls showed more activity in extrastriate cortex than male controls, and both mothers and fathers showed even less activity in this area than sex-matched controls. There were no differences in group activation between mothers and fathers of children with AS. The ordinal ANOVA identified two specific regions in visual cortex (right and left, respectively) that showed the pattern Females>Males>Fathers=Mothers, both in BA 19. RESULTS ON EYES TASK: Male controls showed more activity in the left inferior frontal gyrus than female controls, and both mothers and fathers showed even more activity in this area compared to sex-matched controls. Female controls showed greater bilateral inferior frontal activation than males. This was not seen when comparing mothers to males, or mothers to fathers. The ordinal ANOVA identified two specific regions that showed the pattern Females>Males>Mothers=Fathers: left medial temporal gyrus (BA 21) and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (BA 44). CONCLUSIONS: Parents of children with AS show atypical brain function during both visual search and emotion recognition, in the direction of hyper-masculinization of the brain. Because of the small sample size, and lack of age-matching between parents and controls, such results constitute a pilot study that needs replicating with larger samples.  相似文献   

This study based on in-depth interviews of 25 parents of violent children and a control group of 25 parents of nonviolent children concerned the parents' personalities. Parents were between 22 and 48 years of age and were from middle and lower middle socioeconomic backgrounds. Differences in classification by the nonblinded interviewers of parents into the two groups on six behavior characteristics were significant on chi2 tests. Some recommendations are made for further research.  相似文献   

The administration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was taught to a group of 12 adults. The Tennessee Self-concept Scale Form-C and the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior Scale (FIRO-B) were administered before and after their training. A control group of 12 was administered both scales twice with one day between administrations. Analysis indicated both groups showed significant differences between the pre- and posttest administrations on expressed affection on the FIRO-B. However, participants in a brief CPR course did not score significantly differently from a control group on these measures, as expected.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that a tendency towards abstract, general and decontextualized processing is a cognitive distortion that causally contributes to symptoms of depression. This hypothesis predicts that training dysphoric individuals to become more concrete and specific in their thinking would reduce depressive symptoms. To test this prediction, participants with stable dysphoria (scoring ≥ 14 on BDI-II at 2 consecutive weekly assessments) were randomly allocated in an additive design either to an active intervention control consisting of relaxation training or relaxation training plus concreteness training. Concreteness training involved repeated mental exercises designed to encourage more concrete and specific thinking about emotional events. Both interventions involved a training session and then repeated daily use of compact disc recordings for 7 days. Relaxation training plus concreteness training resulted in significantly greater decreases in depressive symptoms and marginally significantly greater decreases in state rumination than relaxation training alone. These findings suggest the potential value of concreteness training as a guided self-help intervention for mild-to-moderate depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

The performance of 80 preschool children on a reversal problem was studied as a function of amount of training and type of training procedure used during acquisition and reversal. In the extinction phase of reversal learning, subjects given a correction procedure during the reversal problem made fewer perseverative errors than subjects given noncorrection. In the reversal midplateau phase of reversal learning, overtraining facilitated reversal learning for subjects receiving noncorrection during the acquistion problem, but not for subjects receiving correction. A shift in training procedure between acquisition and reversal increased the number of subjects who reached criterion immediately after perseveration. Since these results are difficult to explain in terms of traditional learning theories, an alternative response-switching strategy explanation was proposed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to investigate the conversational breakdowns, repairs, and resolution strategies in a conversation between a young dysfluent female child and her mother. Analysis of the conversation revealed five types of breakdowns, four repair types, and two resolution strategies. The majority of dysfluent moments occured in one particular type of breakdown, where the child elaborated on a comment, thereby departing from the parent's tightly formatted agenda that pervaded the interaction. This may have been an attempt of the child to gain control over the situation. This pragmatic analysis demonstrates a potentially useful way of defining the nature of interaction in which stuttering may occur. Therapeutic implications based on this type of pragmatic analysis are given.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the user satisfaction of the EyeToy for the training of the upper limb in children with cerebral palsy (CP). User satisfaction was measured in 12 children with CP, using a postexperience questionnaire, primarily based on a presence questionnaire. In general, children with CP were satisfied with and motivated by the EyeToy training. In addition, a first evaluation study was performed to determine the effect of this training method on the upper limb function. Ten children with CP were randomly assigned to the intervention (mean age 11 years, 9 months; SD 2,3) and the control group (mean age 12 years, 3 months; SD 3,2). After a treatment period of 6 weeks, the intervention group completed a user satisfaction questionnaire. Functional outcome was measured using the Melbourne Assessment scores. Percentage scores of the Melbourne Assessment of 7 of the 10 children were the same or changed only 1% to 2% from baseline to followup. However, in the experimental group, two children improved more, 9% and 13% respectively. In conclusion, it can be said that the EyeToy is a motivational training tool for the training of children with CP and has the potential to improve upper extremity function.  相似文献   

Two different theoretical accounts of a presuppositional effect in sentence interpretation were considered. One is a semantic account based on componential analysis. The other is a pragmatic account based on relevance theory which does not call for lexical decomposition. The two theoretical points of view were tested against each other by making use of a well-known riddle, studied by Noordman (1979), whose standard form is: “You are my son, but I am not your father. Who am I?” In the first experiment, a manipulation based on the replacement of a lexical unit with a paraphrastic expression that did not contain the critical semantic component failed to enhance performance, whereas in the second experiment, a manipulation of contextual information leaving the lexical unit unaltered was successful in modifying performance. Both results conform to the predictions of relevance theory, but are at variance with the predictions of the componential theory.  相似文献   

Two behavior modification groups for parents of problem children between the ages of two and ten were conducted along the lines of the Responsive Teaching Model. The two groups met for 10 and 8 weeks, respectively, with six families represented in each group. In Responsive Parenting (RP), parents are taught to observe and measure their children's problematic behavior. Subsequently, each parent develops a home project designed to modify this behavior; 11 of the 12 parents developed a successful home project. In addition, the attendance was approximately 90% and the completion of weekly assignments was close to 100%. Paper-and-pencil measures revealed that the parents were very satisfied with the parent-training group and rated their children as improved on a bipolar adjective checklist. These results are discussed with regard to implications for the delivery of mental health services for children. Future research directions are delineated.  相似文献   

Parents of 44 hyperactive children were assigned to either a behavior modification group (PAT), a communications group (PET), or a delayed-treatment control group. Parents in the treatment groups participated in 9-week training workshops. Parents and their children were assessed before and after the workshops on measures that included ratings of hyperactivity and severity of problems, a daily checklist of problem occurrence, parental attitudes, and direct observations in a laboratory situation. Both treatment methods were more effective than a no-treatment control condition in reducing hyperactivity ratings, problem severity ratings, and daily problem occurrence. Additionally, parents receiving behavior modification training rated their children as more improved than did PET parents, were more willing to recommend the program to a friend, felt the program was more applicable to them, and were less likely to drop out of the program. Nine-month follow-up assessments indicated that treatment parents continued to view their children's behavior more positively than did control group parents. Results are discussed with respect to the implications that an educational approach to teaching child management can be an effective means of reducing behavioral problems in children, that methods differing in theoretical background and actual skills taught may result in similar outcomes, and that a "psychological," as opposed to a medical, approach to the treatment of hyperactive children can have considerable merit.  相似文献   

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