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Children were trained on a visual discrimination by stimulus shaping, stimulus fading, or trial-and-error. Those who did not acquire the conditional discrimination received a second, different training. More children initially trained by stimulus shaping acquired the conditional discrimination than did those initially trained with stimulus fading or trial-and-error. After a history of fading or trial-and-error training, children were less likely to acquire the conditional discrimination even after the more successful procedure of shaping was later used.  相似文献   

A fully automated training apparatus, using thermoregulation as performance incentive, was constructed to train baby chicks on visual discrimination and reversal problems. In the base condition, the S is bathed in cold air in a small training cubicle. Two stimuli are back-projected onto two display windows according to a pseudorandom balanced schedule. A peck at the positive stimulus gives convective as well as radiant heat reward with adjustable temperature and duration. A peck at the negative stimulus merely advances the program to the next trial. Permanent printout records give trial-to-trial information on response choice and latency. Performance data of 64 Ss are reported.  相似文献   

The effect of training on an observer's ability to detect the misalignment of three points, a hyperacuity, and to resolve a six-line grating was studied in a transfer-of-training design with observers (4 in each of two experiments) who were experienced in making psychophysical judgments of other visual stimuli. The transfer-of-training design enabled us to look for any training-based improvement. Long periods of training produced no statistically significant improvement in performance under any condition. There were small practice-based improvements, but the primary patterns indicated threshold fluctuation rather than improvement. We interpret the results to indicate that the neural mechanisms underlying three-point alignment and grating discrimination, like those for gap bisection (Klein & Levi, 1985), are not malleable to any significant extent.  相似文献   

Recent reports have suggested that lesions of the superior colliculus may impair the orienting or scanning movements of the head that are thought to serve a key function in visual discrimination. In the present investigation computer-video “actograms” were used to quantify the head movements of freely moving hamsters performing a simultaneous visual discrimination. Hamsters with collicular lesions did not differ from the controls in their head movement spectra, but there was a significant reduction in the incidence of the pauses in locomotion during which these movements are made. Intact animals showed slower and irregular progression interspersed with pauses during which they made scanning movements, whereas collicular hamsters made straighter runs. Although the rate of learning of lesioned hamsters was not impaired, our data strongly suggest that they used different orienting and learning strategies. When tested for the effects of novel stimuli, unrelated to the task, normal hamsters reacted strongly with active exploratory scanning movements, but collicular animals did not, although qualitative changes in their behaviour suggested that the novel stimuli were not being ignored.  相似文献   

This essay provides guidelines for designing a doctoral program in behavior analysis. First, we propose a general accomplishment for all behavior analytic doctoral students: that they be able to solve problems concerning individual behavior within a range of environments. Second, in order to achieve this goal, we propose that students be trained in conceptual and experimental analysis of behavior, the application of behavioral principles and the administration of behavioral programs. This training should include class work, but it should emphasize the immersion of students in a variety of environments in which they are required to use behavior analytic strategies. Third, we provide an example of a hypothetical graduate program that involves the proposed training. Finally, an evaluation plan is suggested for determining whether a training program is in fact producing students who are generalized problem-solvers. At each step, we justify our point of view from a perspective that combines principles from behavior analysis and educational systems design.  相似文献   

The effect of training on an observer’s ability to detect the misalignment of three points, a hypes-acuity, and to resolve a six-line grating was studied in a transfer-of-training design with observers (4 in each of two experiments) who were experienced in making psychophysical judgments of other visual stimuli. The transfer-of-training design enabled us to look for any training-based improvement. Long periods of training produced no statistically significant improvement in performance under any condition. There were small practice-based improvements, but the primary patterns indicated threshold fluctuation rather than improvement. We interpret the results to indicate that the neural mechanisms underlying three-point alignment and grating discrimination, like those for gap bisection (Klein & Levi, 1985), are not malleable to any significant extent.  相似文献   

Effects of up-down visual inversion on motor skills   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The movement of a hand or fingers and locomotion of the body by a subject wearing prisms which inverted his visual world were investigated. A subject wore frame-spectacles (without prisms) for the first two days and then wore up-down inverting spectacles (with prisms) for the next four days, followed by wearing the former frame-spectacles again for one day. Measurements were made of skill on star-drawing, pegboard tests, and on zigzag-walking and walking up and down stairs. There were no differences on the five measures during acquisition for the four tasks, which suggests smooth progress of prism-adaptation by this man.  相似文献   

Thirty pigeons were given variable interval training to peck a 555-nm. light and then were tested for wavelength generalization. The subjects were later assigned to 1 of 3 groups, matched for both relative generalization slope and response rate. One group then received successive discrimination training between the 555-nm. stimulus (S+) and a vertical white line on a 555-nm. background (S minus); another group experienced the same S+ but a vertical white line on a black background as S minus. A third group received a comparable amount of single stimulus training with the 555-nm. value. On a second wavelength generalization test, the first group yielded greater sharpening of generalization than the second group, whereas the third group showed no change from Test 1. These results indicate that the sharpening of generalization gradients by discrimination training is directly related to the similarity of the discrimination training stimuli.  相似文献   

To learn more about the mechanism (or mechanisms) involved with postresponse stimulus processing during discrimination learning, a series of studies was conducted with monkeys to determine why the combined relevant and irrelevant stimuli impair learning more than irrelevant stimuli appearing alone. It was found that: (a) the greater size and complexity of the combination of stimuli were not responsible for the greater deficit, while the presence of the relevant stimuli (SD and SΔ) within the stimulus combination apparently was; (b) the more similar the postresponse irrelevant stimuli were to the relevant stimuli the greater the deficit that resulted; and (c) monkeys that had earlier learned to discriminate the relevant and irrelevant features of a combination showed no learning impairment when this same stimulus combination was later presented after the response during a new learning problem. These results were interpreted as evidence that: (1) processes associated with learning a discrimination problem do not end with the execution of a choice response; (2) postresponse stimuli produce greater impairment in discrimination learning when they are distorted versions of the relevant stimuli; and (3) the impairment resulting from postresponse irrelevant stimuli occurs primarily when this misinformation is processed and misperceived as being relevant to learning the discrimination problem.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the efficacy of cognitive-behavioural skills training, patterned after stress-inoculation training, as a preventive intervention for the attenuation of acute clinical pain during a noxious X-ray procedure—the knee arthrogram. Thirty-six adult male outpatients were randomly assigned to one of three groups: Skills Training. Attention-Placebo, and No-Treatment Control. An experimental pain test was administered before and after the interventions, as a generalization measure. Arthrogram pain was assessed by three dependent measures: patient's ratings, radiologist's ratings and videotape ratings completed by two‘blind’ raters. The results failed to support the efficacy of skills training for the attenuation of acute clinical pain, or its generalization to the experimental pain test. Although Skills Training subjects reported using significantly more coping strategies during the arthrogram. many subjects in the two control groups also reported using their own spontaneous strategies. Equivocal data were obtained on the role of ‘self-efficacy’ expectancies in mediating pain behaviour and experience. Experimental pain threshold but not pain tolerance was significantly related to acute clinical pain experienced during the arthrogram.  相似文献   

Two-year-old children received intradimensional discrimination training at initially distant points on a circle-ellipse continuum. This training often did not produce stimulus control by circle-ellipse differences smaller than the original training values. The lack of control did not reflect capacity limitations, however. Good control was established when the children were given further training at nearer points on the continuum. The data confirm results of earlier research on stimulus generalization, extending them to a developing human subject population.  相似文献   

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