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This study developed and evaluated a program for teaching a verbal problem-solving strategy to mildly mentally handicapped adults. Six general areas were targeted for training: Community Awareness, Authority Figures, Peer Issues, Stating One's Rights, Emergencies and Injuries, and Safety. The program features response-specific feedback, modeling, self-monitoring, positive reinforcement, response practice, self-correction, and individualized performance criterion levels. The experimental group (N = 3) received baseline, training, probes, and pre/posttraining generalization assessments, whereas the control group (N = 3) received only the pre/posttraining assessments. The generalization and probe assessments contained situations that were both similar and dissimilar to the training situations. The three month posttraining results revealed that the experimental subjects' problem-solving skills had generalized to both types of situations, whereas the control group showed little overall change. Furthermore, the experimental group's three month scores were comparable to those of a group of nonhandicapped individuals. Issues related to these results and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

A multiple baseline across subjects design was used to evaluate generalization effects of a peer-tutoring procedure to teach social skills for individuals with developmental disabilities. Three residents with poor social skills living in community-based group homes served as participants in this study. Generalization data were collected during four conditions: (i) baseline (ii) social-skills training by therapist (iii) social-skills training by peer-tutor, and (iv) follow-up. Results demonstrated that participants did not generalize trained social skills to untrained settings (i.e., living room of a group home and community bowling alley) until the first participant was trained as a peer-tutor to train two other participants. These results were maintained 6 months after training was withdrawn. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pedestrian-skills training procedures were compared using 30 mentally retarded institutionalized adults. Ten subjects were randomly assigned to a no-treatment control group and ten subjects were assigned to each of two modes of pedestrian-skills training. The training methods included a form of individualized classroom training consisting of the practice of correct behavior using movable figures on a scale model of an intersection, vs independence training which emphasized self-evaluation of performance, social reinforcement, sign recognition and the utilization of a mock-up of an intersection on the hospital grounds. Data were taken on sign recognition, verbal and performance based responses to classroom training of pedestrian skills, performance of skills at an intersection on the hospital grounds, and performance of pedestrian skills in the community. Independence training proved to be significantly more effective than no treatment or classroom training. In addition, classroom training proved to be significantly more effective than no treatment at all.  相似文献   

Three reliably measured components of conversation-questioning, providing positive feedback, and proportion of time spent talking-were identified and validated as to their social importance. The social validity of the three conversational behaviors was established with five female university students and five female junior-high students. Each was videotaped in conversations with previously unknown adults. The conversational ability of each girl was evaluated by a group of 13 adult judges who viewed each tape and rated each conversant "poor" to "excellent" on a seven-point rating scale. The average ratings of the girls correlated at r = 0.85 with the specified behavioral measures. These procedures were replicated with additional subjects and judges and yielded a correlation of r = 0.84. The high correlations between ratings and the objective measures suggested that the specified conversational behaviors were socially important aspects of conversational ability. Employing a multiple-baseline design across the behaviors of asking questions and providing positive feedback, an attempt was made to train four girls who used these behaviors minimally to engage in the behaviors in conversations with adults. Adult judges were again employed to rate randomly selected samples of the girls' skills in pre- and posttraining conversations. The average ratings of the girls before training were lower than both the university girls and the junior high-school girls. After training, the girls' conversational abilities were rated substantially higher than those of their junior high-school peers. These rating data validated the benefits of the training and the social importance of the behavioral components of questions and feedback in conversation. The authors suggest that it may be necessary for traditional behavior analysis measurement systems to be supplemented by social-validation procedures in order to establish the relationship between "objectively" measured behaviors and complex classes of behavior of interest to society.  相似文献   

A group of pigeons was trained in a Skinner box to peck for VI reinforcement when the key was illuminated by a monochromatic light of 540 or 580 mμ but were non-reinforced for responding to 560 mμ. Two control groups, differing in amount of training, received only the two positive stimuli. At the completion of training all Ss received generalization tests under extinction. Both control groups produced bi-modal generalization gradients with the peaks of responding at the S+ values. The post-discrimination gradient revealed peaks displaced from the S+ values in the direction away from the S−, low responding and increased steepness in the region of S− and a general elevation of the gradient.  相似文献   

This meta-analytic study examined the relative effectiveness of three methods of social skills training with socially isolated children: coaching, interpersonal cognitive problem solving, and modelling. An exhaustive search of the published literature in the area produced a total of 43 studies that met stringent criteria for inclusion in the subsequent analysis. Social skills training produced significant improvements in children's levels of social interaction, sociometric status and cognitive problem solving abilities. No training technique produced a significantly greater improvement than either of the others. Isolated children showed larger increases in their levels of social interaction and sociometric status than non-isolate children. Multi-modal training programmes were recommended to capitalize on the independent therapeutic effects which derive from a number of different social skills training techniques.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the relationships of the socialisation process with the Big-Five personality traits, empathy, parent-rearing styles and social values. The main aim was to detect which variables predict better socialisation outcomes. A socialisation battery for adolescents (BAS-3), the Big-Five Questionnaire (BFQ), Bryant’s Index of Empathy (IECA), the Egna Minnen av Barndoms Uppfostran-My memories of upbringing (EMBU) and a Social Values Inventory (SVI) were applied to 832 Spanish adolescents. Also, 134 parent couples agreed to fill out the version of the socialisation battery for adolescents’ parents (BAS-2). Results show that personality dispositions, parent-rearing styles and social values were related to socialisation reported by children. Patterns of relationships showed that different variables account for different socialisation outcomes. However, when these variables were related to the socialisation outcomes reported by parents, relationships were considerably lower. The implications of the present study are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide developmental data on two connected naïve inheritance concepts and to explore the coherence of children's naïve biology knowledge. Two tasks examined children and adolescents’ (4, 7, 10, and 14 years) conceptions of phenotypic resemblance across kin (in physical characteristics, disabilities, and personality traits). The first task required participants to predict and explain feature outcomes in both an offspring and a sibling, in a modified version of the phenotypic similarity task. In the second task, participants offered explanations for instances of parent‐offspring dissimilarity and grandparent‐offspring resemblance (phenotypic difference task). The inclusion of two tasks and a broad age range revealed significant age trends between 4 and 10 years in naïve inheritance concepts. However, there was little consistency in children's inheritance explanations within or across tasks. The findings are discussed with reference to debates concerning the development and structure of naïve biology concepts.  相似文献   

This study explored the efficacy of an encounter group counsellor training protocol to prepare pre-service industrial-organisational (I-O) psychologists as workplace counsellors. The participants included 48 master’s degree students enrolled for I-O professional education at a South African university over the span of two years (female = 59%, aged 23 to 30 years, white = 79% and Afrikaans speaking = 70%). They were engaged in an encounter group training process as part of their professional preparation. Qualitative impressions on the students’ experiences impacting on their intra-and interpersonal awareness were gathered after the training using a structured observation design. The data were thematically analysed and the findings indicated the participants portrayed a higher sense of inter-and intrapersonal awareness following the encounter group training. Encounter group experiences might be of added value in the training of future I-O psychologists for interpersonal awareness.  相似文献   

Four handicapped children were taught four positive social-emotional behaviors: smiling, sharing, positive physical contacting, and verbal complimenting, using instructions, modelling, and praise. Rates of these behaviors were shown to increase in four trained subjects using a within-subject multiple-baseline experimental design. The generality of the behavior change was investigated by integrating three untrained subjects with the trained subjects in a setting free of adult-imposed contingencies and through a series of follow-up observations. Three trained subjects evidenced collateral increases in the generalization setting on at least one other behavior when training in smiling was conducted. One trained subject showed generalization session increases for each behavior when training was conducted to increase that behavior. All three untrained subjects demonstrated increased rates of smiling and sharing when interventions were conducted to increase those behaviors with the trained subjects. There was no appreciable generalization of verbal complimenting by either the trained or the untrained subjects. Both trained and untrained subjects generally maintained their increased rates of smiling, sharing, and positive physical contacting across four weeks of follow-up observations.  相似文献   

S A Waksman 《Adolescence》1984,19(74):277-282
A controlled evaluation of an assertion training package for adolescent students is described. Adolescents who received the treatment were compared to adolescents who received a placebo-counseling program. Although there were no significant differences between the groups prior to the program, the students who received the assertion training treatment significantly improved their ratings on the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale both at termination and at a one-month follow-up. No effects were found on a locus of control scale or an anxiety scale for either program.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to construct and revalidate the Crowding Experience Scale and to investigate its predictive validity. Factor analysis results suggest that perceived crowding is comprised of four components, labelled as spaciousness, positive relationships, negative relationships, and uncontrolled disturbance. The factor-derived perceived crowding subscales showed unique relationships with the outcome variables related to health, well-being, and residential satisfaction. The results provide some indication that perceived crowding mediates the relationship between objective crowding and the dependent measures. The implications of the project are discussed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A controlled, clinical trial investigation of short-term psychoanalytically oriented group psychotherapy (STG) was conducted which included eight psychotherapy groups led by experienced therapists. Patient psychological mindedness (PM) was investigated as a selection criterion and prognostic variable. Seventy-nine psychiatric outpatients experiencing prolonged or delayed grief reactions were matched for level of PM and then randomly assigned to STG or a wait list. There was repeated measurement of several areas and sources of outcome. Results indicated a strong main effect for STG but not for PM on outcome, and minimal evidence for an interaction effect. Benefits were maintained at six-month follow-up. Psychological mindedness emerged as highly predictive of attrition. A clinical discussion is presented wherein the efficacy of STG is considered as reflecting a good patient-treatment match.  相似文献   

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