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本文通过对肇学研究的历史回顾,并从观念史书写的宏观角度出发,分析了肇学研究中存在的"范式化"或"体系化"倾向,以及此种倾向的历史成因;同时,通过对《肇论》文本及僧肇思想的还原性分析,指出了目前肇学研究中的方法论缺陷。本文认为,肇学研究中的这种缺陷,是目前观念史书写中常犯的错误的投影,其解决的根本途径是回归"社科性"研究的基本方法,而"人文性"研究也应在此基础上展开。  相似文献   

彭启福 《哲学动态》2004,1(10):9-13
从20世纪90年代开始,马克思主义哲学与诠释学的关系问题就进入了我国哲学研究者的理论视野.俞吾金率先于1991年提出了马克思哲学是实践诠释学的见解,并在后来的一系列文章和著作中做了进一步阐发;其后,朱士群和潘德荣以及其他一些学者也先后提出了关于建构马克思主义诠释学的一些设想.应当承认,这方面的努力是卓有成效的:其一,它彰显了马克思哲学内在蕴涵的诠释学维度;其二,就实践观点在建构马克思主义诠释学中的核心地位达成了基本的共识.但无庸讳言,迄今为止马克思主义诠释学还远未完全建构起来,我们要走的路还很长.基于这种认识,笔者不揣浅陋,就建构马克思主义诠释学的若干问题略陈己见,与学界同仁共商.  相似文献   

现代圣经批评始于启蒙运动与唯理主义时期对《摩西五经》的质疑。之后,各种底本假说迭兴。威尔豪森的《以色列史导论》出版则标志着现代圣经批评学的确立。通过对圣经中崇拜地点、祭献、节期和祭司利未人做翔实的历史考察,威尔豪森令人信服地论证了《摩西五经》最后成书于流放后这一事实。威尔豪森之后,对威尔豪森的批评和质疑构成了现代圣经批评重要内容,但关于《摩西五经》何以成典,何以为经?仍然是一个悬而未决、争论不休的热点。从历史记忆、断裂与重构的角度重新对之考察,一些旷日持久的争论或将得到合理的解决。  相似文献   

刘玮 《学海》2008,8(2):122-130
作为当代政治思想史的重要人物,施特劳斯和斯金纳都力图用政治思想史的资源回应现实政治问题.斯金纳倡导在语境中理解政治思想,促进共和主义的当代复兴,施特劳斯则试图在政治哲学文本的历史解读中突显哲学的永恒问题.  相似文献   

Chateau-Smith  Carmela 《Topoi》2022,41(3):573-586
Topoi - Language and thought are intimately related: philosophers have long debated how a given language may condition the oral and written expression of thought. The language chosen to communicate...  相似文献   

Philosophers over the course of the last century, including Edmund Husserl, Chaim Perelman, and Jacques Derrida, have attempted to unravel the tangled relationship between the rational and the reasonable in order to understand how the history of thought progresses. Critical political theorists, including Michel Foucault and Ernesto Laclau have also investigated this issue from a range of perspectives, especially as it relates to the relationship between ideational limits and their transgression and the universal and the particular. This essay compares these perspectives to locate the rational dimensions of the reasonable, and to relate that “meta-reason” to the irrational and unreasonable aspects of identity formation and the unfolding of world history.  相似文献   

Barry Stroud 《Erkenntnis》2011,75(3):495-503
A brief discussion of the ways in which awareness of and sensitivity to the history of philosophy can contribute to epistemology even if epistemology is understood as a distinctively philosophical and not primarily historical enterprise.  相似文献   

Tom Rockmore 《Metaphilosophy》2000,31(1&2):184-199
Interpretation is construed, here, as synonymous with hermeneutics: understood as a source of knowledge – perhaps, after the apparently irremediable decline of epistemological foundationalism, the main modern epistemological strategy. In this sense, there is no difference in principle between epistemology and interpretation; the first is a form of the second.  相似文献   

今年是中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年。2005年8月26日,中国道教协会全体道职员工及北京白云观的道众参观了中国人民抗日战争纪念馆。面对中国人民抗日战争纪念馆内丰富详实的历史文物以及再现复原的战争场景,中国道教协会每一位参观者的心灵都受到了冲击和震撼  相似文献   

This paper argues that the identity of history as a discipline derives from its distinctive combination of intellectual assumptions, or categories. Many of these categories are shared with other fields of thought, including science, literature, and common sense, but in history are understood in a unique way. This paper first examines the general notion of categories of historical understanding, then scrutinises some of the specific categories suggested by classic authors on the philosophy of history such as Dilthey and Collingwood. More recent works by Goldstein, Oakeshott, Bevir, and Tucker are treated as contributions to the same discussion. It concludes that the various categories these writers have proposed are neither trivial nor incompatible and that when collated they do indeed compose a framework capable of characterising historical thought.
Luke O’SullivanEmail:

This article traces how a stock image of the Jew developed in the early modern Ukrainian historical narrative. According to this image, the Jew was a rapacious, deliberate, and, at times, even independent exploiter of the Ukrainian people who lorded over them controlling and openly mocking the one true Orthodox faith. Elements of this image were present in the seventeenth century, but it solidified only in the late eighteenth, in the wake of a renewal of the Uniate problem, the continuing relevance of the Polish question, and, following the partitions of Poland, the emergence of a Jewish question. Since the same stock image was also present in Ukrainian folk culture, the article examines briefly this genre and its relationship to the written tradition. Finally, the article gives a few indications on how this early modern image entered into modern Ukrainian historical memory. Although, by the beginning of the twentieth century, leading Ukrainian intellectuals had rejected such a stereotype, its embodiment in Ukrainian historical memory would prove difficult to modify. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The way we refer to things in the world is shaped by the immediate physical context as well as the discourse history. But what part of the discourse history is relevant to language use in the present? In four experiments, we combine the study of task-based conversation with measures of recognition memory to examine the role of physical contextual cues that shape what speakers perceive to be a part of the relevant discourse history. Our studies leverage the differentiation effect, a phenomenon in which speakers are more likely to use a modified expression to refer to an object (e.g., dotted sock) if they had previously described a similar object (e.g., striped sock) than when they had not described a similar object. Two physical cues—the background that framed the to-be-described pictures and the position of the pictures in the display—were manipulated to alter perceptions about the relevant discourse context. We measured the rate with which speakers modify referring expressions to differentiate current from past referents. Recognition memory measures following the conversation probed what was and was not remembered about past discourse referents and contexts. Analysis of modification rates indicated that these contextual grouping cues shaped perceptions about the relevant discourse context. The contextual cues did not affect memory for the referents, but the memory for past referents was better for speakers than for listeners. Our findings show that perceptions about the relevant discourse history are a key determinant of how language is used in the moment but also that conversational partners form asymmetric representations of the discourse history.  相似文献   

As to the future research on Marxian philosophy,it is vital for us to restart the exploration of its origins in the history of thought in a new way.There are two points for this.First,we should abandon the old research mode of making Marx's thought and the history of western thought in opposition to each other,and set to interpret the characters and contributions of Marxian theories in the genealogy of western thought.Second,we should change from the problem domain of metaphysics to that of political philos...  相似文献   

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