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两种取向的自我效能感评估概述   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
李凌 《心理科学》2001,24(5):618-619
自我效能感的测量和评估是自我效能感研究中的一个关键问题。它不仅反映了研究者对自我效能感意义和结构的理解,也为进一步确定自我效能感同其它关联因素(如成就表现)间的关系奠定基础。现有研究对自我效能感的评估主要有两种取向,一种是以Bandura为代表的领域特殊性自我效能感测量,另一种则从一般个性水平上考察自我效能感。本文拟就这两种主要评估取向及有关问题作一概述,为相关研究中自我效能感测量工具的编制和选用提供参考。  相似文献   

自尊对自我确认倾向的影响:来自认知判断的证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过改编后的“整体自尊问卷”和“交谈自尊问卷”筛选出整体自尊和交谈自尊高低不同的四组被试,采用认知判断指标测量被试的自我确认倾向,通过模拟现实人际互动情境,在评价人对被试的交谈表现提供不同评价(肯定或否定)及表达不同交友态度(接受或排斥)的条件下,考察了整体自尊与特殊自尊对人际互动过程中自我确认倾向的影响。研究结果表明,与一致性需求的满足有关的特殊自尊调节着自我确认倾向,而与社交需求的满足有关的整体自尊对自我确认倾向的影响在整体上不具普遍性。  相似文献   

自我是近年来国内外研究较热的课题之一。该从我国研究较多的自我意识、自我概念、自尊、自我效能感、自我评价等方面较详尽地阐述了近年来我国自我研究的现状,并作了简评。  相似文献   

自尊是个体对自己总体的情感性评价。自尊有助于促进个体的心理健康,帮助个体应对威胁,具有重要的适应价值。近年来随着社会认知神经科学的兴起,关于自尊的认知神经机制的研究日益增多,主要涉及三个方面:1)自尊与大脑的结构(如海马体积、前扣带回等区域的灰质体积)和功能(静息态下的默认网络活动以及脑区之间的功能联结性)存在一定的关联;2)自尊调节大脑对威胁的反应,与高自尊个体相比,低自尊个体面对威胁时产生更强的防御性反应,自尊通过影响个体面对威胁时的大脑活动帮助个体更好地应对威胁;3)自我评价过程涉及大脑前额叶、眶额叶、扣带回等多个脑区,自尊调节个体在自我评价过程中的大脑活动。总之,自尊作为个体重要的人格特质,与大脑的结构、功能以及活动状态等都具有一定的关系;这些发现在一定程度上揭示了自尊的神经机制,加深了对自尊及其功能的理解。  相似文献   

自尊概念辨析   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
自尊是个人对自我价值和自我能力的情感体验,属于自我系统中的情感成分,具有一定的评价意义。它与其相近概念,如自尊需要、自我效能、自我价值、自我概念等都有着本质的区别和联系。该文就自尊的概念及其与相关概念的区别与联系进行了尝试性探讨,以期抛砖引玉,更好地认识自尊这一人格变量。  相似文献   

教师自我效能感及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵丽 《社会心理研究》2001,(3):33-35,23
本文阐述了教师自我效能感的概念及结构特点,并从外部环境和教师个人两个方面分析了影响教师自我效能感的因素。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查与情境实验相结合的方式,探讨高中生自尊对自我妨碍的影响。结果发现:(1)高中生自尊对行为式自我妨碍有显著影响,低自尊者更倾向于采用行为式自我妨碍;(2)评价情境对高中生行为式自我妨碍有显著影响,社会评价情境下,高中生更倾向于出现行为式自我妨碍;(3)高中生自尊和评价情境在行为式自我妨碍上有显著交互作用,高自尊者在自我评价情境中的行为式自我妨碍最少;(4)高中生均倾向于采用自陈式自我妨碍。  相似文献   

胡琳丽  蔡晨 《心理科学》2012,35(3):701-705
研究目的:本研究的目的是在中国文化背景下,考察想象不同的重要他人对于个体自我评价转移的影响,并探讨自尊在其中的调节作用。考虑到大学生年龄相当,拥有相似的角色经验,故本研究选用了大二女生作为被试。研究选择了三类重要他人:父母、同性朋友、异性朋友(包括男朋友),由于每一类重要他人所对应的关系自我各不相同,所以研究编制了针对不同重要他人的自我评价特质词表,作为因变量测量的工具。 过程与方法:本研究设计了两个实验,实验中将用到录音机。实验一为单因素实验设计,在三个实验室同时展开,各个实验室的想象重要他人分别为父母、同性朋友、异性朋友。主试告知参与者,本实验将进行一项大学女生的想象力测试,首先聆听一段描写风景的散文录音,进行想象练习。然后请她们在头脑中想象一位指定的重要他人,比如想象重要他人的形象、语言、行为等特征,尽可能详细生动。想象结束,首先请被试回忆并填写刚才想象的主要内容。然后告诉被试,另一个课题组正在搜集有关“当代大学生自我形象”的资料,请她们帮忙填写《自我评价特质词表》,对自己的一些特质进行评价。最后,主试向参与者致谢并进行了解释。实验二的想象重要他人为同性朋友和男朋友,实验过程与实验一基本一致,在自我评价测量中采用了专门针对“同性朋友”和“男朋友”的量表,并在想象完成后填写自尊量表。 结果与结论:本研究所有统计检验的显著性水平在a<0.05的水平上进行。研究探讨了中国文化背景下大学女生的关系自我评价特质,发现其与西方文化背景下的关系自我评价特质显著不同。证明了想象重要他人影响个体自我评价的维度,并会产生自我评价转移的现象,没有发现自尊变量的调节作用。  相似文献   

班杜拉的自我效能理论一直是当代心理学的热点话题。作为社交情境中的特殊自我效能感,社会自我效能感是能够影响个人人际互动质量的重要心理因素之一,因此也逐渐开始受到研究者的关注。通过对国内外理论文章与实证研究的分析发现,社会自我效能感与社交自尊、社交果敢性、社交信心等相关概念有所不同,是指个体对自己社交能力的主观信念;其内涵在不同文化自我或情境的视角下可能存在差异,具有多元结构的可能性。社会自我效能感与个人特质、情绪、态度及行为等变量相关,并能够显著预测抑郁、社交焦虑、生活满意度、社会适应等变量。此外,社会自我效能感也在外向、性别角色、依恋、目标定向、网络人际交往的影响机制中起到中介作用,且能够对压力和不公平感所造成的消极影响具有一定的缓冲作用。然而有关研究仍存在诸多问题与不足,未来研究应该关注社会自我效能感内涵与结构的确定、测量工具的开发,并加强对其影响因素与影响效应的探索、系统模型的构建和跨文化研究的扩展。  相似文献   

职业自我效能感是影响个体职业发展的重要心理因素。在开放式问卷调查和文献研究的基础上,初步建构了农民工职业自我效能感的结构。对155人样本数据的探索性因素分析和对146人样本数据的验证性因素分析的结果支持了农民工的职业自我效能感包括职业胜任自我效能感、职业关系自我效能感、职业学习与发展自我效能感、职业问题解决自我效能感四个因素的建构。对农民工职业自我效能感问卷的信度与效度的检验显示,问卷的信度与效度能够达到心理测量的基本要求,可以作为农民工职业自我效能感的测量工具。  相似文献   

核心自我评价概念的提出及其验证性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜卫  张厚粲  朱小姝 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1057-1060
自尊、控制源、一般自我效能和神经质四种人格特质都是关于个体对自我评价的概念,Judge等人认为在四种人格特质下有一个更深层次的结构,他们将其命名为核心自我评价(core self-evaluation)。本研究通过对400名企业职工的调查,结果表明有一个单一因素可以解释四种人格特质间的相关。并以大五人格和关系绩效为效标做增益效度的检验,结果表明在控制了核心自我评价对外部效标的解释后,单个特质的增益效度很低。研究结果证明了核心自我评价概念在中国文化背景下的存在。  相似文献   

Despite its long-standing and widespread use, disagreement remains regarding the structure of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). In particular, concern remains regarding the degree to which the scale assesses self-esteem as a unidimensional or multidimensional (positive and negative self-esteem) construct. Using a sample of 3,862 high school students in the United Kingdom, 4 models were tested: (a) a unidimensional model, (b) a correlated 2-factor model in which the 2 latent variables are represented by positive and negative self-esteem, (c) a hierarchical model, and (d) a bifactor model. The totality of results including item loadings, goodness-of-fit indexes, reliability estimates, and correlations with self-efficacy measures all supported the bifactor model, suggesting that the 2 hypothesized factors are better understood as “grouping” factors rather than as representative of latent constructs. Accordingly, this study supports the unidimensionality of the RSES and the scoring of all 10 items to produce a global self-esteem score.  相似文献   

In this experiment we demonstrate that low self-evaluation individuals experience more schadenfreude following an unfavorable performance of a contestant on a TV show after receiving negative feedback on a self-relevant task, as compared with those who received positive feedback. Moreover, we show that high self-evaluation individuals do not differ in their experience of schadenfreude as a function of feedback. These findings corroborate our argument that in a “double whammy” condition (i.e., low self-evaluation and induced self-threat), individuals will be more motivated to restore their self-worth and, consequently, experience more pleasure at the misfortunes of others.  相似文献   

Three studies on occupational self-efficacy are presented. In the first study, a scale of occupational self-efficacy is developed and set in relation to several personality constructs (general self-efficacy, self-esteem, internal control beliefs, and neuroticism). The correlations found are in the expected direction and of the expected size. In a second and third study, results on the relation to task demands, leader-member exchange (that is quality of exchange between a leader and his/her subordinates), job satisfaction, and to commitment (third study) are reported and were all found to be positive and significant. In addition, occupational selfefficacy can be shown to have some incremental validity in predicting job satisfaction beyond core self-evaluation constructs. In general, occupational selfefficacy can be recommended as a reliable, one-dimensional construct. Its relations to personality constructs and organizational variables show acceptable construct and criterion validity. Implications for practical use of the instrument are discussed.  相似文献   

王婷  高博  刘君  孙鉴  甘怡群 《应用心理学》2009,15(2):148-154
目的:探讨在中国文化背景下公司内技术部门人员核心自我评价是否包括集体自尊的维度及其与工作投入、工作倦怠的关系。方法:在人力资源部门人员的指导下,301名公司技术部门人员填写了工作倦怠量表(MBI—GS)、工作投入量表(UWES)、经典核心自我评价4个分量表、集体自尊量表以及核心自我评价集成量表(CSES),并以密封信封方式提交。结果:(1)集体自尊对核心自我评价的载荷为0.68,是核心自我评价的重要因素。(2)加入集体自尊维度的核心自我评价对工作投入和工作倦怠路径系数分别达到了0.79和-0.54。(3)采用集成核心自我评价量表测量也支持了这一结果,对工作投入和工作倦怠各维度的回归系数均达到了显著水平。结论:集体自尊是中国文化背景下技术部人员的核心自我评价重要成分,且加入集体自尊维度的核心自我评价对工作投入和工作倦怠均有较好的预测作用。  相似文献   

Problem: The aim of this article was to demonstrate the influence of “Core Self-Evaluations” (CSEs) on the perception which drivers have of the occurrence of a “traffic accident”, in particular the evaluation of its likelihood, of the personal control exercised and its undesirability (attitude). More generally, this article introduces the concept of CSE in the field of driver psychology and discusses its relevance. Method: 201 French drivers replied to a questionnaire measuring CSEs, the perceived likelihood of having an accident, attitude and perceived personal control. Results and discussion: The more positively drivers evaluated themselves, the more they judged that they were in control and that accidents were unlikely. Drivers with a negative self-evaluation had an attitude more negative than drivers with positive CSEs solely when they judged the accident as unlikely. This positive correlation between attitude and perceived likelihood for drivers with negative CSEs could be viewed as the result of “wishful thinking” or “rationalisation” modes of reasoning. For these drivers a positive relationship was also observed between driving experience and perceived personal control, the latter thus cancelling out the effect of CSEs. This result suggest that with experience self-evaluation as a driver becomes positive and compensates for the effect of a negative general self-evaluation on perceived personal control and perceived likelihood. Practical implications: Using and adapting the Experience-Based Analysis technique for each group of drivers (positive or negative CSEs) is recommended, as well as implementing interventions that triggers drivers’ awareness of CSEs influence and that promote their self-regulating skills.  相似文献   

为探究高中生自尊的影响因素,本研究以来自18所学校的4776名高中生为研究对象,以自尊的价值—能力理论为依据,采用问卷法探讨价值因素(学校联结)和能力因素(学业能力)对高中生自尊的影响,并基于生态系统学视角构建多层线性模型。结果表明:(1)班级层面学校联结对个体自尊具有显著正向预测作用;(2)个体学业能力在学校联结与自尊之间具有中介作用;(3)个体学业能力对个体自尊的正向预测作用受到班级学业能力的调节,在高学业能力的班级条件下,个体学业能力对自尊水平的预测作用更强。  相似文献   

该研究采用家族主义认识量表、领悟社会支持量表、自我效能感量表和自尊表对288名大学生被试进行研究,以揭示家族主义、领悟社会支持、自我效能感和自尊之间的关系。结果发现:家族主义与领悟社会支持、生活满意度、自尊之间存在显著正相关;通过回归分析发现,领悟社会支持与自我效能感对家族主义与自尊起到中介作用。  相似文献   

Globally the rates of breastfeeding duration are extremely low and postnatal mental health issues are common. As a result, it is important to examine the emotions that underlie these matters. Across two studies (one correlational study N = 160 and one experimental study N = 118), we examined participants’ experiences of shame and guilt when feeding their baby, and the relationship between these emotions with breastfeeding behaviors and internalized stigma. We also examined the psychosocial factors that predict internalized stigma, and whether shame and guilt mediate these relationships. We focused on three factors that have been shown to be associated with internalized stigma in other domains: self-esteem and social support (Study 1), as well as self-efficacy (Study 2). Multiple regression revealed that experienced guilt uniquely predicted a shorter duration of exclusive breastfeeding (Study 1). Higher self-efficacy (Study 2), self-esteem, and perceived social support (Study 1) predicted lower internalized stigma of feeding choice. We found that shame was a mediator for the self-esteem and internalized stigma relationship (Study 1), while guilt was a mediator for the self-efficacy and internalized stigma relationship (Study 2). Our findings highlight the importance of experienced shame and guilt in mothers’ infant feeding experiences. The current results can inform future research and the design of interventions to improve breastfeeding rates and reduce feelings of stigma.  相似文献   

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