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The aim of the present study was to explore the religiosity associations with the self-rating scales of happiness, mental health, physical health, anxiety, and depression. A sample (N?=?6,339) of Muslim Kuwaiti adolescents was recruited. Their ages ranged from 15 to 18. They responded to four self-rating scales to assess religiosity, happiness, mental health, and physical health, as well as the Kuwait University Anxiety Scale, and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale. Boys had higher mean scores on happiness, mental health, and physical health than did girls, whereas girls had higher mean scores on religiosity, anxiety, and depression. All the correlations were significant in both sexes. They were positive between each of the self-rating scales of religiosity, happiness, mental health, and physical health, and negative between these four rating scales and both anxiety and depression. A high-loaded and bipolar factor was disclosed and labelled “Religiosity and well-being vs. psychopathology.” In the stepwise regression, the main predictor of religiosity was happiness in both sexes.  相似文献   

William Grassie 《Zygon》2008,43(1):127-158
In this essay I examine the new sciences of religion, spanning the traditional fields such as the psychology, sociology, and anthropology of religion to new fields such as the economics, neurosciences, epidemiology, and evolutionary psychology of religion. The purpose is to welcome these approaches but also delineate some of their philosophical and theological limitations. I argue for pluralistic methodologies in the scientific study of religious and spiritual phenomena. I argue that religious persons and institutions should welcome these investigations, because science affects only interpretative strategies and does not present a fundamental challenge to core religious commitments. Indeed, the new sciences of religion can help religions in becoming more effective and wholesome. I am critical of confusing the scientific study of religion with scientism and trace this ideological project back to August Comte. In the end I deconstruct the metaphoric boundary that places religion on the inside as the object and science as the subject on the outside looking in.  相似文献   

by Young Bin Moon 《Zygon》2010,45(1):105-126
With an aim to develop a public theology for an age of information media (or media theology), this article proposes a new God-concept: God is a communicative system sui generis that autopoietically processes meaning/information in the supratemporal realm via perfect divine media ad intra (Word/Spirit). For this task, Niklas Luhmann's systems theory is critically appropriated in dialogue with theology. First, my working postmetaphysical/epistemological stance is articulated as realistic operational constructivism and functionalism. Second, a series of arguments are advanced to substantiate the thesis: (1) God is an observing system sui generis ; (2) self-referential communication is divine operation; (3) unsurpassable complexity is divine mystery; (4) supratemporal autopoiesis of meaning is divine processing; (5) agape is the symbolic medium of divine communication. Third, this communicative model of God is developed into a trinitarian theology, with a claim that this model offers a viable alternative beyond the standard (psychic, social, process) models. Finally, some implications of this model are explored for constructive theology (conceiving creation as divine mediatization) and for science-and-religion in terms of derivative models: (1) God as a living system sui generis and (2) God as a meaning system sui generis .  相似文献   

Abstract: The analysis here is an attempt to show how the current epistemological theory of response‐dependence (R‐D) may be relevant to understanding putative ontological claims of the empirical social sciences. To this end I argue that the constitutive features of human response, central to R‐D theory, can be made explicit for social science. I conclude that for the empirical social sciences the implication of combining R‐D and certain forms of statistical analyses leads to the possibility of an events‐based ontology.  相似文献   

刺激属性对内隐社会知觉的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
周爱保  陈晓云 《心理科学》1998,21(3):234-237
本文通过选择不同词性(消极词、积极词和中性词)的双字词64个,主要对“刺激属性”变量进行了实验操作;采用“意识过滤”技术和速示辨认测验对内隐社会知觉的特点进行了考察;结果发现,实验材料的笔划数和被试的性别对内隐社会知觉没有影响,刺激的特性和刺激的启动作用对内除社会知觉有显著的影响;同时还证明速示辨认测验不受意识的“污染”,将速示辨认作为内臆测验的方法是比较“纯净的”。  相似文献   

何贵兵  张平 《心理学报》2004,36(1):37-43
以往社会决策图式理论没有考虑决策群体中成员的地位、成员的价值取向和专长知识分布等决策者影响力因素对群体决策整合过程的影响。本文在考虑上述诸因素影响的前提下构建了决策者影响力函数,通过投资决策模拟实验,综合使用决策影响力函数和个体偏好分布来预测群体决策的结果。研究表明综合运用决策者影响力函数和修改后的社会决策图式理论比传统的理论能更准确和有效的预测群体决策。  相似文献   

Kalevi Kull and colleagues recently proposed eight theses as a conceptual basis for the field of biosemiotics. We use these theses as a framework for discussing important current areas of debate in biosemiotics with particular reference to the articles collected in this issue of Zygon.  相似文献   

Ralph Wendell Burhoe 《Zygon》2005,40(4):983-986
Abstract. This brief piece summarizes the author's lifelong personal credo, particularly his attempt to translate traditional religious wisdom into modern scientific concepts. Contemporary science reveals to us the vast system of natural processes that has brought the universe, our planet, and our species into existence. This natural system is in fact a "more-than-human 'Lord of History,'" corresponding to traditional ideas of God. This Lord of History not only has created us but also sustains us—not just externally but also our interior psychic and spiritual nature. We are challenged to discern the requirements that this system of natural processes places upon us; if we conform to these requirements, we shall be blessed, and we will be enabled as co-creators of our future evolution.  相似文献   

采用词汇判断法,考察双字多义词各意义间的联系程度对词汇判断时间的影响,同时考察,意义间联系程度不同的多义词与单义词的词汇判断时间的关系。实验结果表明:汉语中双字多义词意义间联系程度的高低没有对多义词词汇判断的时间产生影响。在低频词的条件下,双字多义词,不管其意义间联系程度的高低,词汇判断的时间都快于单义词的判断时间,这表明汉语词汇识别中,存在低频多义词的识别优势效应。  相似文献   

品牌形象系统的因素结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
焦璇  吕建红  陈毅文 《心理学报》2004,36(3):359-364
采用问卷法以446名大学生为被试,运用探索性因素分析探讨了不同产品类别(牙膏、运动鞋和随身听)的品牌形象的构成因素,然后以整体分配法确定了各因素的权重。结果表明:(1)品牌形象是由若干因素构成的有组织、有序的系统,这些因素分别属于功能成分和意义成分。(2)不同产品类别的品牌形象构成有共性,也有个性。(3)低外显产品的功能成分比高外显产品的功能成分重要。  相似文献   

Robert A. Segal 《Zygon》2015,50(3):757-771
The history of the modern study of myth can be divided into two main categories: that which sees myth as the primitive counterpart to natural science, itself considered overwhelmingly modern, and that which sees myth as almost anything but the primitive counterpart to natural science. The first category constitutes the nineteenth‐century approach to myth. The second category constitutes the twentieth‐century approach. Tylor and Frazer epitomize the nineteenth‐century view. Malinowski, Eliade, Bultmann, Jonas, Camus, Freud, and Jung epitomize the twentieth‐century approach. The question for the twenty‐first century is whether myth can be brought back to the physical world, but in a way compatible with science. The case of the myth of Gaia will be considered as a possible way of doing so.  相似文献   

The problem of pessimism is the secular analogue to the evidential problem of evil facing traditional theism. The traditional theist must argue two things: that the evidence shows that this is on balance a good world and that it is the best possible world. Though the secular optimist who advocates any form of secular moral theory need not argue that the current and future world will likely be the best possible world, she nonetheless must argue that were there a clean solution to the problem of current and future suffering in which all sentient life could be instantly and painlessly eliminated, we would have reasons not to employ the clean solution because the future promises to bring on balance a good world in which the evil of human and animal suffering is outweighed by whatever is good in the world. Pessimism is the view that the evidence argues against secular optimism. It is argued here that it is anything but clear that secular optimism is warranted when viewed from an impersonal point of view. The problem is then evaluated from the personal point of view in which a form of personal optimism is defended even in the face of impersonal pessimism.  相似文献   

从归因理论的角度探讨我国大学生的社会性评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
林钟敏 《心理学报》1993,26(2):45-53
本文采用归因理论研究方法测试我国大学生对五种生理病症和五种心理、行为引起的疾患或缺陷的责任归因、情感反应和帮助行为的关系,借以探讨我国大学生对疾患者的社会评价的特点和研究方法。研究结果表明这是一种可用于研究社会性评价的方法。同时,这项研究也体现了我国大学生对某些社会性评价的特点。  相似文献   

社会信息归类过程中刻板印象的内隐效应   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
王沛 《心理学报》2002,34(3):81-85
采用信号检测论和间接测量方法探讨社会信息归类过程中的刻板印象内隐效应。实验结果表明 :⑴范畴启动可以自动激活有关的刻板印象内容 ,说明在很大程度上刻板印象是归类过程的一种必然结果与产物 ;⑵那些在内容上与范畴启动所导致自动的刻板印象激活及其相关内容一致、不一致或相反的建构分别易于出现同化与对比效应 ;⑶在个体水平上 ,通过意识性抑制在短期内很难压制刻板印象的自动激活 ,这表明刻板印象加工在很大程度上涉及到内隐过程  相似文献   

William Grey 《Zygon》1987,22(4):479-496
Abstract. The last century has witnessed a succession of revolutionary transformations in the discipline of biology. However, the rapid expansion of our understanding of life and its nature has had curiously little impact on the way that questions about life and its significance have been discussed by philosophers. This paper explores the answers that biology provides to central questions about our existence, and it examines why the substitution of causal explanations for teleological ones appears natural and satisfying in the case of physical theory but meets widespread resistance in the case of biology.  相似文献   

城市老年人社会支持利用度研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
老年人社会支持利用度反映其应对负性生活事件的自我保护意识的一方面.诸多因素制约着老年人运用社会所提供的客观支持的自觉程度。本文采用《社会支持利用度问卷》对上海市社区老人进行了调查研究,结果表明:(1)文化程度、年龄、健康状况是影响城市老年人社会支持利用度的重要因素.文化程度较高、相对低年龄以及健康状况较好的老人其自觉运用社会支持的程度较高。(2)主动寻求社会支持反映一种积极应对方式。  相似文献   

需要的系统观与自我社会价值实现说   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周冠生 《心理学报》1995,28(3):274-280
自我实现是马斯洛需要理论的一个关键概念。此文探究了弗洛伊德的精神分析说、阿德勒的社会情感说及马斯洛的自我实现的需要说,建议用系统理论研究需要问题,并进一步提出需要的自我社会价值实现说。  相似文献   

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