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中国传统经济伦理及其现代变革论纲   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
要建设社会主义市场经济体系,必须对传统经济伦理进行根本的变革:(1)变革“重公轻私”的产权伦理;(2)变革“不患贫而患不均”的分配伦理;(3)变革通行于熟人社会的“诚信”道德;(4)变革“家庭主义”。但由于存在着制度变迁的路径依赖,因而“传统经济伦理”的现代变革将是一个相当困难的过程。  相似文献   

"次道德"现象的伦理反思   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文试图从“次道德”这一社会现象出发,指出“次道德”是一个“伪概念”,其实质是违法犯罪;之后对“次道德”现象进行了深刻的伦理反思:“次道德”问题的出现,既反映了中国人精神道德陷入了危机,又彰显了当代中国人的道德底线不断崩溃;最后探寻了对这一问题的解决途径。  相似文献   

中西方文明都建构了以家庭和国家为基本结构的伦理世界,西方“country”文明中伦理世界的命运是“悲怆情愫”,中华“国家”文明的文化条件和伦理精神是“家国情怀”。家国情怀不只是家庭精神,也不只是爱国主义,而是身家国天下一体贯通的伦理情怀。“国家”文明创生的家国公正的伦理智慧有日常智慧和“非常”智慧。日常智慧贯穿于人的生活与生命的全程,并通过各种民族节日呈现;“非常”智慧是调节家庭与国家矛盾冲突的伦理智慧,逻辑与历史地展开为两种传统形态,即以“国”为重心的“精忠报国”,以“家”为重心的“亲亲相隐”。家国伦理公正的课题与中华现代文明的百年进程相伴随,从中国革命到改革开放,呈现“伦理建构—伦理革命—伦理解放”的否定之否定的辩证进程。现代中华文明依然是“国家”文明,但已经具有新形态,也面临新挑战,必须以伦理公正实现“国家”文明的创造性转化与创新性发展,为人类文明新形态的建构做出新的“中华”贡献。  相似文献   

“伦理”话语及其传统是“活着的”传统文化,是中国现代社会的“文化传统”,其深刻影响着中国式现代化。“伦理”话语及其传统的核心范式在于“伦理地思考”,在考察“伦理”话语与中国式现代化的关系中,必然走向“伦理地看待”中国式现代化,其要义包含了三维结构:从“实体性”出发的“伦”意识,“在一起”的“理”智慧,以及居“伦”由“理”的伦理情怀。值此之故,中国式现代化完成了从“伦”出发而辩证复归于“伦理实体”的精神之旅,成为弥合“分裂的世界”的重要精神力量,以“伦理”为标识区别于其他现代化形态。  相似文献   

“看不见的手”与经济伦理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在亚当·斯密的伦理学和经济学思想中 ,“看不见的手”是一个重要的概念 ,作为一种市场力量 ,“看不见的手”不仅推动社会经济的发展 ,而且还有调节私利与公益关系的伦理功能。但是 ,现实的市场是不完全市场 ,“看不见的手”不能解决市场经济运作过程中的所有社会伦理问题 ,必须认识到它自身存在的伦理缺陷。分析“看不见的手”的伦理功能和伦理缺陷 ,对经济伦理的研究和发展具有重要的启发意义。  相似文献   

林理玲 《现代哲学》2001,(4):126-128
我国儒道的传统思想与西方工业革命时期以人为中心的生态价值观不同,因为中国是一个传统的农业国,在西方高速发展工业文明时期,我国仍然是以农桑为主的农业经济,这时“靠天吃饭”的思想,还深深地根植于人们的心中,为此“人与自然界的和谐”的生态伦理思想成了当时社会主流的思想,而“天人合一”是这一思想的主要代表。  相似文献   

为何全球伦理不是普遍伦理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
翟振明  冯平 《世界哲学》2003,(3):106-110
“全球伦理”这一概念已得到世界上各种不同学术团体的广泛关注,这在很大程度上可被看成是神学家孔汉思(Hans Kung)提出《全球宗教伦理宣言》导致的一个结果。但是,“全球伦理”不等于“普遍伦理”——西方哲学家对于地理概念意义上的“全球”性与道德哲学家自古以来试图通过实践理性所要建立的伦理之“普遍”性之间的区别是很清楚的。然而,中国有些伦理学界人士却表现出将这两个截然不同的概念混为一谈的倾向。本文将要阐明的是,“全球”概念  相似文献   

孔子思想与“全球伦理”问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孔子时代是一个存在着严重“道德危机”的时代 ,我们今天的人类社会 ,文化道德问题更多、更复杂。孔子思想对于建立“全球伦理”可以提供极其有意义的资源 ,如 ,“己所不欲 ,勿施于人”是可以为不同文化传统的民族和国家所共同接受的伦理准则 ;“和而不同”应是寻求“全球伦理”的原则 ,等等  相似文献   

出世与入世之间——论道教伦理之要义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宗教伦理思想和道德学说既是宗教神学理论的一个重要组成部分,又是宗教修行实践的指导,是宗教信徒日常生活中的行为规范和原则。因此宗教伦理思想比起宗教的其他神学理论,在教徒中有着更广泛和深入的影响,对教徒的精神和社会生活具有不可替代的作用。道教伦理是以道教信仰为基础的人伦准则和社会行为规范。道教以其“仙道贵生”的生命伦理、“尊道贵德”的社会伦理、“敬神感通”的神学伦理以及“道法自然”与“知和曰常”的生态伦理,涵盖了人与个体(自我)生命、人与人、人与神、人与自然等多重道德关系,以其特有的方式,传递着社会系统的思…  相似文献   

肖雁 《管子学刊》2002,(4):31-35
“德”在荀子思想体系中不仅是一个反映人类社会行为规范的伦理范畴,而且还是一个统摄宇宙自然和人类社会规律的哲学范畴。荀子还在其思想体系中阐发了其系统的德治思想,因而“德”在荀子思想中还是一个重要的政治学范畴。系统考辨“德”在荀子思想体系中的三层含义。对于全面把握荀子思想体系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The literature has suggested that there are two separate types of primary dysmenorrhea with different physiological bases and different reported symptomatology. The purpose of this study was to construct a questionnaire based on suggestions from Dalton's (1969) theory of congestive and spasmodic types of primary dysmenorrhea, to obtain test-retest reliabilities of items, and to factor analyze the instrument to empirically investigate the two-type theory. The first set of 51 items had mean test-retest reliabilities of 0.76 and yielded two clearly distinct factors in support of the two-type hypothesis. When items with factor loadings less than ±0.35 were discarded, 25 items remained. The mean test-retest reliabilities of these items was 0.78. Again, two clearly distinct factors emerged defining congestive and spasmodic dysmenorrhea consistent with the literature. The retained items from the first questionnaire and the items from the second questionnaire loaded on the same factors both times. It was concluded that two types of dysmenorrhea do, in fact, exist and that this study has provided a reliable means of differentiating them. From a therapeutic standpoint, accurate diagnosis of type may be a prerequisite for prescribing appropriate treatment.  相似文献   

The classical model of sexual orientation as a continuum is examined and hypotheses regarding the sequential patterning of sexual partner choices are considered. Data are reviewed which suggest that these patterns are often discontinuous: shifts from one orientation to the other are observed without a transitional period and bisexuality is rare as a lifestyle in which contacts with both male and female partners are regular, concurrent, ongoing activities. Catastrophe theory, a mathematical model of discontinuity, is explained with the simple example of aggression in dogs and then the simple cusp catastrophe is applied as a starting place for this topological reconceptualization of sexual orientation. Behavioral predictions and implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Relatively few procedures exist for developing heterosexual arousal in the treatment of sexual deviation (Barlow, 1973) although several recent studies suggest this is a necessary component of treatment (Feldman and MacCulloch, 1971; Bancroft, 1970; Barlow, 1974).In recent years, biofeedback techniques have been applied to many types of disorders (Blanchard and Young, 1974). Basic to biofeedback technology is the notion that providing a person with feedback (or immediate information) of a bioelectric response enables him to learn (gain) self-control of that response. These responses traditionally have been considered involuntary and include heart rate (Scott et al., 1973a). blood pressure (Benson et al., 1971), stomach acid pH (Welgan. 1972), and electroencephalographic activity (Sterman, 1972), In the present experiments, biofeedback and its attendant technology was applied to the problem of generating heterosexual arousal in homosexual males.Frequently, in biofeedback research, reinforcement has been used in addition to feedback in attempting to teach self-control of a response. In fact, an alternate way of conceptualizing and describing the biofeedback research is in terms of operant conditioning (e.g., Weiss and Engel, 1971: Scott et al., 1973b). In one sense, however, feedback and reinforcement are inextricably confounded: the delivery or non-delivery of a reinforcer provides the S with information about the rightness or wrongness of his response and hence, binary feedback about it. Likewise, if feedback or knowledge of whether the response has reached a criterion level or not is effective in leading to a change in the response, then feedback functions as a reinforcer. Reinforcement, however, may be viewed as providing both information about the response (feedback) plus an incentive to change it in the desired direction in addition to any incentive provided by successful performance of a task. Thus, if one provides Ss with a separate, functionally defined reinforcer in such a way that no additional information about the response is conveyed, it becomes possible to detect additive effects of reinforcement over feedback effects. Such was the second purpose of this study.Several recent analogue experiments with volunteers have reported success in modifying erections through feedback and/or reinforcement. Price (1973) found that heterosexual volunteers who received analogue visual feedback as well as binary feedback, provided by a colored light once the needle had passed a pre-set criterion, showed a shorter latency to peak erection and maintained criterion erection longer than a control group receiving no feedback. Both groups were listening to erotic audio tapes. Rosen (1973) demonstrated significant suppression of tumescence in a group of heterosexual volunteers provided with response contingent signal lights. A group receiving non-contingent feedback did not show this effect. In a technical paper, Laws and Pawlowski (1973) have suggested audio feedback of tumescence as a treatment for deficits in sexual arousal.In the clinic, Harbison, Quinn and McAllister (1970), in an uncontrolled case study, reported increasing heterosexual responsiveness in homosexuals through reinforcement of erection. In one of their homosexual patients they were able, over a long series of trials, to increase erection to a heterosexual stimulus (female slide) through rewarding progressively larger responses with sips of iced lime after the patient was water deprived. In addition to the reinforcement, this S was given feedback, of sorts, in that a light was flashed for each successful trial. A second homosexual patient was similarly rewarded for maintaining progressively longer and clearer fantasies of heterosexual behavior. Since other treatments were also applied and no experimental analysis was performed, it is not possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure.In the present experiment the separate effects of feedback and reinforcement to increase heterosexual arousal in homosexuals was experimentally evaluated using single case experimental design methodology (Barlow and Hersen, 1973). Since each experiment was somewhat different in design and purpose, each will be described separately.  相似文献   

Research suggests that a conscious desire for external illness gain can have internal unconscious effects, in that subjective symptoms can be heightened by external reward. This mechanism can be explained on the basis of Freud’s later work, in which he mentions two types of resistance, which resemble each other — the need to be punished and the need to be ill. The concept of the need to be ill can explain why in modern society, with its established systems of support, regulations, and procedures that are conducive to illness behavior, patients who consciously strive for external gain can experience strengthening feelings of being ill and even deterioration without being aware of this process.  相似文献   

The experiments in this article pertain to factors relevant to rape. The first experiment examined the ability of four groups to discriminate between appropriate and inappropriate sexual cues. Rapists detected such cues as well as did either Normals or Non-rapist Inmates, in all but the most assaultive rape tape. Normal subjects who had consumed alcohol prior to testing, detected inappropriate cues earlier in the tapes than did all other subjects. The second experiment addressed the ability of subjects to inhibit sexual arousal when instructed to do so. Rapists and Non-rapists were shown to be equally capable of inhibiting arousal in response to both mutually-consenting and rape cues. These findings negate theories suggesting that rapists differ from other men in that they are unable to exert control over their arousal, and that they have difficulty in identifying inappropriate cues to arousal.  相似文献   

Past research on the personality structure of affect suggests that hedonic level and emotional intensity are two separate major dimensions. The present study employed a multitrait-multimethod approach to verify this finding. Seventy-four University of Illinois students completed daily mood reports and self-report questionnaires, and their parents completed a questionnaire about them. Both hedonic level and intensity measures were used. The convergent validities (monotrait-multimethod correlations) were all significant and tended to be highest for emotional intensity. The multitrait-monomethod coefficients were nonsignificant, as were the correlations based on different measures of different traits. The data were interpreted as supporting the distinction between hedonic level and affect intensity, as well as supporting the validity of the measures.  相似文献   

A structural aspect of personal memories was examined in four studies. In some memories, one has the perspective of an observer, seeing oneself “from the outside.” In other memories, one sees the scene from one's own perspective; the field of view in such memories corresponds to that of the original situation. The existence of “observer” and “field” memories was confirmed in Study 1, using a recall questionnaire. In Study 2, the similarity structure of a specified set of eight to-be-recalled situations was established: the significant dimensions were “emotionality” and “self-awareness.” Study 3 related these dimensions to the observer-field distinction; situations involving a high degree of emotion and selfawareness were most likely to be recalled with an observer perspective. Recall set was varied in Study 4: a focus on feelings (as opposed to objective circumstances) produced relatively more field memories. Studies 3 and 4 also showed that events reported as more recent tend to be recalled in the field mode. Thus a qualitative characteristic of personal memories—the perspective from which they are experienced—is apparently related to characteristics of the original event, to the individual's purpose in recalling that event, and to the reported recall interval.  相似文献   

Early accounts of intentional forgetting relied exclusively on mechanisms that operate at encoding. The results of more recent experiments indicate that memory-retrieval inhibition also is involved, thus linking waking intentional forgetting with hypnotic amnesia. The present Experiment 1 was designed to provide further support for the retrieval-inhibition hypothesis by testing four alternative explanations for some of the recent results. Experiment 2 examined the role of word affect in both intentional forgetting and unintentional forgetting to evaluate theoretical interpretations of the retrieval mechanisms thought to be involved. Unintentional forgetting of negative words was consistent with a repression-like interpretation, whereas intentional forgetting of negative words appeared to be limited by sensitization. Personality correlates of the recall results were identified and were found to be in support of these interpretations.  相似文献   

Starting with a prototypical model of Newtonian mechanics, a sequence of dynamic models with increasing structural complexity is presented. The implicated smooth variation along a dimension of structural complexity yields dynamic models which display organismic properties such as stagewise development and emergent self-organization. Consequently, it is concluded that dynamic models of development are inherently neutral with respect to the mechanism-organicism controversy. Accordingly, a unitary research program is proposed in which these dynamic models serve as building blocks for the construction of a coherent explanatory system of development.  相似文献   

Women reporting menstrual discomfort were diagnosed by the Menstrual Symptom Questionnaire as suffering from either spasmodic or congestive dysmenorrhea. Six groups were constructed to form a (congestive vs. spasmodic) × 3 (behavior therapy therapy vs. pseudotreatment vs. waiting list) factorial design. The behavior therapy groups received relaxation combined with premenstrual imagery, and the pseudo-treatment groups engaged in open discussion of personal problems of dysmenorrhea. The Symptom Severity Scale was administered prior to and following treatment as an index of the degree to which menstrual symptoms were experienced. The major finding of clinical significance was that the behavior therapy treatment procedure was highly effective in reducing the reported symptomatology of women suffering from spasmodic dysmenorrhea whereas this approach was not effective in reducing the symptomatology of women suffering from congestive dysmenorrhea. The results are discussed in terms of the need to differentiate type of dysmenorrhea before proceeding with the treatment program herein described.  相似文献   

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