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在现实生活中, 有效的情绪识别往往依赖于不同通道间的信息整合(如, 面孔、声音)。本文梳理相关研究认为, 面孔表情和声音情绪信息在早期知觉阶段即产生交互作用, 且初级感知觉皮层负责两者信息的编码; 而在晚期决策阶段, 杏仁核、颞叶等高级脑区完成对情绪信息内容的认知评估整合; 此外, 神经振荡活动在多个频段上的功能耦合促进了跨通道情绪信息整合。未来研究需要进一步探究两者整合是否与情绪冲突有关, 以及不一致的情绪信息在整合中是否有优势, 探明不同频段的神经振荡如何促进面孔表情和声音情绪信息整合, 以便更深入地了解面孔表情和声音情绪信息整合的神经动力学基础。  相似文献   

康冠兰  罗霄骁 《心理科学》2020,(5):1072-1078
多通道信息交互是指来自某个感觉通道的信息与另一感觉通道的信息相互作用、相互影响的一系列加工过程。主要包括两个方面:一是不同感觉通道的输入如何整合;二是跨通道信息的冲突控制。本文综述了视听跨通道信息整合与冲突控制的行为心理机制和神经机制,探讨了注意对视听信息整合与冲突控制的影响。未来需探究视听跨通道信息加工的脑网络机制,考察特殊群体的跨通道整合和冲突控制以帮助揭示其认知和社会功能障碍的机制。  相似文献   

大脑可以对来自不同感觉通道的信息进行处理与整合。与单一感觉通道相比, 个体对同时呈现在不同感觉通道的目标信号的响应会更快。对于这种现象的一种主要理论解释是共同激活模型, 该模型认为来自不同通道的刺激在特定的脑区汇聚整合, 比如顶叶内沟、颞上沟和前额叶皮层区域。整合后的信号强度更大, 可以更快地触发反应, 但是信号的整合发生在认知加工的哪一阶段目前尚未有明确结论。当个体对出现在不同感觉通道之间的任务转换进行加工时, 产生与感觉通道相关的任务转换的损失小于跨感觉通道转换损失与任务转换损失的总和, 这为与感觉通道相关的转换代价来源于任务设置的惯性和干扰提供了证据。而在单通道和多通道之间发生转换时, 跨通道转换代价会减小甚至消失, 这是由于同时发生的多感觉整合抵消了一部分损失, 这种现象支持了共同激活模型理论。然而, 多感觉信号整合对任务转换的神经加工过程产生怎样的影响并不清楚, 在未来的研究中可以把多感觉整合范式同经典的任务转换范式结合改进, 进而确定跨通道转换的加工机制和多感觉信号整合的发生阶段。  相似文献   

本研究分别在时间和情绪认知维度上考察预先准备效应对情绪视听整合的影响。时间辨别任务(实验1)发现视觉引导显著慢于听觉引导,并且整合效应量为负值。情绪辨别任务(实验2)发现整合效应量为正值;在负性情绪整合中,听觉引导显著大于视觉引导;在正性情绪整合中,视觉引导显著大于听觉引导。研究表明,情绪视听整合基于情绪认知加工,而时间辨别会抑制整合;此外,跨通道预先准备效应和情绪预先准备效应都与引导通道有关。  相似文献   

McGurk效应(麦格克效应)是典型的视听整合现象, 该效应受到刺激的物理特征、注意分配、个体视听信息依赖程度、视听整合能力、语言文化差异的影响。引发McGurk效应的关键视觉信息主要来自说话者的嘴部区域。产生McGurk效应的认知过程包含早期的视听整合(与颞上皮层有关)以及晚期的视听不一致冲突(与额下皮层有关)。未来研究应关注面孔社会信息对McGurk效应的影响, McGurk效应中单通道信息加工与视听整合的关系, 结合计算模型探讨其认知神经机制等。  相似文献   

摘 要 面孔情绪识别过程中的多感觉通道效应指参与刺激加工的各个通道对面孔表情认知的综合影响。研究者们通过行为实验、事件相关电位以及脑成像技术等对该过程中的多个获取信息的通道进行研究,肢体表情、情绪性声音、特定气味能系统地影响面孔表情的情绪识别。一系列的研究对多通道效应的作用时间、潜在作用机制、相关激活脑区进行了探索。未来的研究可以整合脑网络的技术,并结合其他学科的新技术以更细致具体地考察这些通道下信息的物理属性所起的作用。 关键词 面孔表情 多通道效应 面孔情绪识别 肢体表情 情绪性声音 嗅觉信号  相似文献   

面孔、语音情绪信息的整合加工是社会交往的重要技能, 近年来逐渐引起心理学、神经科学研究的关注。当前研究较为系统地考察了双通道情绪信息整合加工的行为表现和影响因素, 也很好地回答了“何时整合”与“在哪里整合”两个认知神经科学关注的问题, 但对“面孔、语音情绪信息能否整合为一致情绪客体?双通道情绪信息在大脑中如何整合为一?”两个关键问题都还缺乏系统研究。因此, 本项目拟系统操纵面孔、语音刺激的情绪凸显度和任务要求, 引入动态面孔-语音刺激以增加外部效度, 综合运用行为和电生理技术, 从多角度挖掘数据, 特别是引入神经振荡(时频、相干)分析, 系统考察动态性面孔和语音情绪信息是否能整合成一致情绪客体, 并在神经振荡层面探明双通道情绪信息整合的机制。  相似文献   

通常人们接收到来自不同感觉通道的信息时, 首先在大脑中各个分离的区域单独进行加工处理, 而后在多感官区进行整合。前人关于言语感知中视听整合加工的神经成像研究认为, 视觉和听觉信息能够相互影响; 两者进行整合的关键区域是人脑左后侧的颞上沟, 其整合效应受时间和空间因素的限制。未来的研究应致力于建立更加合理的实验范式和数据分析方法来探讨整合加工的脑区机制, 把多感官整合研究进一步延伸到更加复杂的领域。  相似文献   

20世纪, 许多心理学家从“厄运与苦难”视角研究人晚年遭遇的身体、认知和情绪衰老, 但是近年的理论与实证研究从“老化悖论”——老年人情绪加工的积极效应——视角挑战这一“定论”。积极效应指老年人认知加工过程中比年轻人更偏好正性而非负性材料的现象。第二代社会情绪选择理论包括积极效应理论、认知控制假说和强弱整合模型3个关于认知和情绪功能年龄差异的理论模型, 特别强调了认知控制在老年人积极情绪加工中的潜在作用, 而自动化加工与控制性加工的区分则取决于注意资源配置。因此, 认知控制在老年人对积极情绪的注意加工中起重要作用。此外, 注意偏向的时间进程也是影响老年人情绪注意中积极效应的关键因素。最后, 综合以往研究构建出认知控制对老年人积极效应发生作用的注意阶段模型。未来研究可从中国老年人情绪注意加工模式、不同认知控制子成分的作用机制、提高研究生态学效度和注意的治疗品质几个方面继续探索。  相似文献   

触觉是个体探知外部世界的重要感觉通道, 其情绪功能在维系社会联结、促进人际沟通等方面具有重要作用。触觉的情绪功能一方面表现为通过触觉动作本身直接传递情绪信息, 另一方面则是通过增强注意和锐化社会评价的方式促进个体对跨通道情绪信息的加工。神经生理学研究发现, 触觉情绪信息由无髓鞘C纤维介导, 经脊髓丘脑束通路投射于岛叶(头面部触觉情绪信息的传导路径尚不明确), 并在杏仁核、内侧前额叶、后颞上沟等“社会脑”网络的核心区域被精细加工。未来还应对触觉情绪的人际依赖性、文化独特性、操作标准化, 及其在神经水平上与感觉-辨识系统间的关联性与独立性做深入探究。  相似文献   

外源性注意与多感觉整合的交互关系是一个复杂且具有争议的研究领域, 一直以来备受研究者们关注。为了解释两者间的交互作用机制, 本文基于已有研究成果从两方面综述了外源性注意与多感觉整合的交互关系:(1)外源性注意可以通过自下而上的方式调节多感觉整合, 包括空间不确定性、感知觉敏感度和感觉通道间信号强度差异三种理论假说; (2)多感觉整合可以调节外源性注意。一方面, 来自多感觉通道的刺激能够以自下而上的方式自动整合, 整合后的多感觉通道刺激比单通道刺激具有更大的凸显性从而有效地吸引注意。另一方面, 整合后的多感觉通道刺激能够作为多感觉信号模板存储于大脑之中, 从而在任务中实现自上而下地调节注意捕获。  相似文献   

An important question in neuroscience is which multisensory information, presented outside of awareness, can influence the nature and speed of conscious access to our percepts. Recently, proprioceptive feedback of the hand was reported to lead to faster awareness of congruent hand images in a breaking continuous flash suppression (b-CFS) paradigm. Moreover, a vast literature suggests that spontaneous facial mimicry can improve emotion recognition, even without awareness of the stimulus face. However, integration of visual and proprioceptive information about the face to date has not been tested with CFS. The modulation of visual awareness of emotional faces by facial proprioception was investigated across three separate experiments. Face proprioception was induced with voluntary facial expressions or with spontaneous facial mimicry. Frequentist statistical analyses were complemented with Bayesian statistics. No evidence of multisensory integration was found, suggesting that proprioception does not modulate access to visual awareness of emotional faces in a CFS paradigm.  相似文献   

统计最优化理论认为, 在多感觉信息整合的过程中, 大脑是以加权平均的方式将多个感觉通道的信息整合为统一的感觉信息, 通道信息的利用权重根据各通道信息的可靠性来确定。近期的几个行为研究结果则显示, 有关通道估计可靠性的先验知识同样能够影响通道信息在整合过程中的利用权重。然而, 这些研究结果不能确定先验知识对多感觉信息整合的影响是发生在认知加工的感知觉阶段还是决策阶段。当前研究致力于对此问题进行探讨。实验通过赋予两种颜色字母不同的视、听一致概率(高概率、低概率), 测量并分析被试在各概率水平下对视听一致刺激的反应时。实验数据显示不同的视听一致概率能够调制对视听一致刺激的反应时。该结果揭示通道估计可靠性先验知识在早期的知觉加工阶段影响多感觉信息整合。  相似文献   

The study investigates cross-modal simultaneous processing of emotional tone of voice and emotional facial expression by event-related potentials (ERPs), using a wide range of different emotions (happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, and disgust). Auditory emotional stimuli (a neutral word pronounced in an affective tone) and visual patterns (emotional facial expressions) were matched in congruous (the same emotion in face and voice) and incongruous (different emotions) pairs. Subjects (N=31) were required to watch and listen to the stimuli in order to comprehend them. Repeated measures ANOVAs showed a positive ERP deflection (P2), more posterior distributed. This P2 effect may represent a marker of cross-modal integration, modulated as a function of congruous/incongruous condition. Indeed, it shows an ampler peak in response to congruous stimuli than incongruous ones. It is suggested P2 can be a cognitive marker of multisensory processing, independently from the emotional content.  相似文献   

To study how perceptual asymmetries in the recognition of emotion reflect developmental changes in processing affective information, a fused rhyming dichotic word test with positive, negative, and neutral stimuli was administered to adults and children. Results suggested that the hemisphere in which affective information is initially processed affects the strength of perceptual asymmetry and that children's perceptual processing of emotional information is constrained by limited computational resources. Another experiment ruled out effects of volitional shifting of attention to emotional stimuli. These data further confirm that emotional processing involves integration of neural systems across brain regions, including distributed systems that support arousal and recognition. General developmental factors, such as processing capacity, contribute to the coordination of multiple systems responsible for processing emotional information.  相似文献   

Both emotional words and words focused by information structure can capture attention. This study examined the interplay between emotional salience and information structure in modulating attentional resources in the service of integrating emotional words into sentence context. Event-related potentials (ERPs) to affectively negative, neutral, and positive words, which were either focused or nonfocused in questionanswer pairs, were evaluated during sentence comprehension. The results revealed an early negative effect (90–200 ms), a P2 effect, as well as an effect in the N400 time window, for both emotional salience and information structure. Moreover, an interaction between emotional salience and information structure occurred within the N400 time window over right posterior electrodes, showing that information structure influences the semantic integration only for neutral words, but not for emotional words. This might reflect the fact that the linguistic salience of emotional words can override the effect of information structure on the integration of words into context. The interaction provides evidence for attention–emotion interactions at a later stage of processing. In addition, the absence of interaction in the early time window suggests that the processing of emotional information is highly automatic and independent of context. The results suggest independent attention capture systems of emotional salience and information structure at the early stage but an interaction between them at a later stage, during the semantic integration of words.  相似文献   

The relevance of emotional perception in interpersonal relationships and social cognition has been well documented. Although brain diseases might impair emotional processing, studies concerning emotional recognition in patients with brain tumours are relatively rare. The aim of this study was to explore emotional recognition in patients with gliomas in three conditions (visual, auditory and crossmodal) and to analyse how tumour-related variables (notably, tumour localisation) and patient-related variables influence emotion recognition. Twenty six patients with gliomas and 26 matched healthy controls were instructed to identify 5 basic emotions and a neutral expression, which were displayed through visual, auditory and crossmodal stimuli. Relative to the controls, recognition was weakly impaired in the patient group under both visual and auditory conditions, but the performances were comparable in the crossmodal condition. Additional analyses using the ‘race model’ suggest differences in multisensory emotional integration abilities across the groups, which were potentially correlated with the executive disorders observed in the patients. These observations support the view of compensatory mechanisms in the case of gliomas that might preserve the quality of life and help maintain the normal social and professional lives often observed in these patients.  相似文献   

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