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Reviews findings on the relationships between locus of control and anxiety and examines these relationships for three types of anxiety measures; general trait anxiety, situation specific trait anxiety, and state anxiety. In general, findings support the existence of meaningful relationships between greater externality and higher levels of both general trait anxiety and test anxiety. It was suggested that the relation between locus of control and state anxiety is a function of the situational context in which state anxiety is measured.  相似文献   

The validity of the assumptions about the color red in the Lüscher color theory were examined by correlating preference for red to locus of control and sex. Undergraduates (100 men and 100 women) who scored < or = 8 or > or = 16 on the Rotter Internal-External Locus of Control Scale were administered the short form of the Lüscher Color Test. Consistent with the assumptions by Lüscher about the color red, the analysis of variance showed that Internal scorers preferred red significantly more than External scorers, but no sex difference was found.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships among generalized expectancy for internal or external control, situational expectancy of control over aversive stimuli, trait anxiety level, and state anxiety reactivity. Seventy-two male subjects, selected from the upper and lower halves of the distributions of scores from the I-E and STAI A-Trait Scales, were randomly assigned to one of three conditions of expectancy of control over electric shock. Repeated measures of state anxiety were taken at three points in the experiment, and subjects were asked to rate the degree of control they expected to have in avoiding shocks. Results, based upon analyses of variance, were interpreted as strongly supportive of the use of the interactionist model in understanding the manner in which personality trait and situational variables interact in the determination of subject expectancies of control and anxiety reactivity.  相似文献   

The relationship between symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome and anxiety was assessed for 68 women. The syndrome as measured by a modified version of the Moos Menstrual Distress Questionnaire, was correlated significantly with trait anxiety, as measured by Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Trait anxiety was correlated with all three subtypes from the questionnaire: behavioral, psychological, and physical, most strongly for the psychological subtype. These findings suggest a role for stress-management training in the treatment of the premenstrual syndrome.  相似文献   

Aerobic forms of exercise have been suggested as one approach to reducing the costly effects of excessive or chronic stress, yet the results of some studies related to this assumption have been mixed. The purpose of this study was to estimate the correlation between emotional states and fitness level among 8 women and 9 men who were recreational cyclists. Fitness was determined by cycle ergometric testing (VO2 max). Psychometric measures included the short version of the Beck Depression Inventory, the internal portion of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale, Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and the Self-control Questionnaire. Significant correlations were observed between fitness and the depression scores, internal locus of control, and self-control measures. These results tend to support previous findings regarding the possible link between physical fitness and improved emotionality.  相似文献   

Four different patterns of biased ratings of facial expressions of emotions have been found in socially anxious participants: higher negative ratings of (1) negative, (2) neutral, and (3) positive facial expressions than nonanxious controls. As a fourth pattern, some studies have found no group differences in ratings of facial expressions of emotion. However, these studies usually employed valence and arousal ratings that arguably may be less able to reflect processing of social information. We examined the relationship between social anxiety and face ratings for perceived trustworthiness given that trustworthiness is an inherently socially relevant construct. Improving on earlier analytical strategies, we evaluated the four previously found result patterns using a Bayesian approach. Ninety-eight undergraduates rated 198 face stimuli on perceived trustworthiness. Subsequently, participants completed social anxiety questionnaires to assess the severity of social fears. Bayesian modeling indicated that the probability that social anxiety did not influence judgments of trustworthiness had at least three times more empirical support in our sample than assuming any kind of negative interpretation bias in social anxiety. We concluded that the deviant interpretation of facial trustworthiness is not a relevant aspect in social anxiety.  相似文献   

In a study of 38 pediatric cancer patients, standardized measures of health locus of control achieved only modest to unsatisfactory reliability. Correlations between health locus of control and measures of self-concept and anxiety were low. Some of the items from the scales, however, were significantly related to the patients' feelings of well-being, positive self-concept, and reduced levels of anxiety. An examination of these item correlations and information from a qualitative interview suggest that hopefulness may be more salient for pediatric cancer patients than locus of control. Further research on children's health locus of control should distinguish between clinical and healthy populations.  相似文献   

This study tested factors related to collective action in East Asian and Western countries. Although the social identity model of collective action (SIMCA) could explain which factors relate to collective action in Western countries, previous studies have found that some of the SIMCA variables did not predict collective action in non‐Western countries. We hypothesised that the internal locus of control would be positively related to collective action even in East Asian countries because previous studies have demonstrated that the former can positively influence proactive behaviour when factors inhibiting such behaviours exist. We analysed the 2010 World Values Survey data from seven countries (three East Asian and four Western countries). The results demonstrated that the internal locus of control was positively related to collective action more so among East Asians (Koreans, specifically those with low political interests, the Taiwanese, and Japanese people with lower income) than among Westerners. These results suggest that the internal locus of control is a key individual difference that predicts collective action in the presence of factors that inhibit such participation (e.g., cultural values, low political interest, and low income).  相似文献   

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