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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between sex-role orientation and the coronary-prone behavior pattern [Type A]. Ninety-six males and eighty-four females were administered the Bem Sex Role Inventory and the student version of the Jenkins Activity Survey. The results showed that, irrespective of sex, Type A subjects were significantly more instrumental (masculine) and less expressive (feminine) than Type B subjects. Consistent with previous research females were found to be more expressive than males; however, the sole predictor of instrumentality was A/B classification. The potential significance of these findings for refining predictions of coronary artery and heart disease is discussed and recommendations for future research are offered.Portions of this paper were presented at the Third Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Chicago, March 1982.  相似文献   

The current study focused on sex differences in same- and cross-sex supportive relationships. Subjects, 249 female and 103 male volunteers, completed a questionnaire designed to assess the nature and quality of supportive relationships. Four dimensions of relationships were examined: the relative frequency and patterning of interactions, closeness, diversity of interactions, and interpersonal perception. A 2×2 multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was conducted with sex of subject as a randomized factor and sex of supporter as a repeated factor. Sixteen dependent variables measured the relationship dimensions. Results of the MANOVA suggested that there are differences between women and men in the qualities of their same- and cross-sex supportive relationships. In same-sex relationships, women have more contact when under stress; are closer; more satisfied with initiation, balance, and closeness; and perceive themselves as knowing the other and being known by the other more than do men. Women initiate more in cross-sex relationships, and want to give more than men do. Men describe cross-sex relationships as closer than women do. Both women and men want more frequent contact, closer relationships, and want to give more in cross-sex relationships than in same-sex ones. These and further results, and implications of the findings are discussed.Portions of this paper were presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 1986.  相似文献   

Does sex typing influence one's direct perception of gender from physical body cues? To answer this question, a study was conducted in which 47 female and 39 male subjects, after filling out the Bem Sex Role Inventory, viewed 24 body outlines varying in waist and shoulder width. Subjects were asked to indicate whether each body was female or male, or whether they were uncertain about its gender. Subjects also selected what they judged to be the most attractive and most typical female and male bodies from among the 24 body outlines. Finally, the actual shoulder, waist, and hip widths of 66 subjects were measured as a normative comparison to subjects' judgments of “typical” and “attractive” body proportions. Analyses indicated that sex-typed subjects used the “uncertain” rating less than did non-sex-typed subjects, and that males used that rating less than females did. Thus, sex-typed subjects and males showed a stronger tendency to classify stimuli by gender. Sex-typed subjects also tended to nominate more physically divergent male and female bodies as attractive than did non-sex-typed subjects; however, there were no effects of assessed masculinity or femininity on nominations of typical male and female bodies. In addition, the data provide evidence that subjects judged there to be greater physical differences between the sexes than actually exist. The results are discussed in terms of recent research on gender schemas and prototypes in person perception.  相似文献   

Fifty subjects (29 fearless and 21 fearful) were tested in a potentially acrophobia-inducing situation, and their avoidance behavior and self-reported fear were noted. Subjects also completed various scales intended to measure their fearfulness and thoughts in hypothetical height-phobic, social-phobic and nonphobic situations. Interviews conducted immediately after the behavioral test, evaluated their thinking, fearfulness and tactics designed to deal with any fear they experienced. Analyses indicated that catastrophic thinking is more evident than irrational thinking in height situations and that such thinking was the best predictor of behavior among the measures used. The results are discussed in terms of their relevance for cognitive views of acrophobia and in terms of their relevance for treatment.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships among commonly used measures of sex typing. A sample of 101 children, three to five years of age, were each seen on three occasions and administered six different measures of sex typing. The results showed that relations among the various measures of sex typing were quite modest for girls and only moderate for boys. Gender constancy scores did not mediate the relationships among measures for either girls or boys. The results are interpreted as supporting a multidimensional view of children's sex typing and as urging caution in generalizing results based on single measures of sex typing.  相似文献   

Extinction of Sidman avoidance behavior   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Extinction of Sidman avoidance behavior by eliminating the noxious stimulus was studied in Sprague-Dawley rats with bar-pressing as the response. Each of three subjects was trained and extinguished on each of the following schedules in a different order: nondiscriminated, response-shock interval = 20 sec, shock-shock interval = 5 sec; nondiscriminated, response-shock interval = 40 sec, shock-shock interval = 5 sec; discriminated, response-white noise interval = 15 sec, noise-shock interval = 5 sec, shock-shock interval = 5 sec. Less than one 4-hr session was required for extinction for all procedures. When a warning stimulus was present, resistance to extinction increased. Subjects did not, however, respond to avoid the signal. Only small differences in extinction were found after training on different schedules with no warning signal.  相似文献   

Stimulus control of avoidance behavior   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The introduction of a warning signal preceding shocks greatly increased the effectiveness of avoidance responding. Periods of “warm-up” at the beginning of the session were eliminated, and the number of shocks received by the subjects was greatly reduced. With response-shock interval constant, response rate increased as the interval between the response and the onset of the warning signal was shortened. The response tended to occur shortly after the onset of the warning signal regardless of the duration of these “safe” periods. A greatly elevated response rate was maintained even when the duration of the safe period was reduced to 0.3 sec. Thus, the pre-shock signal obtained nearly exclusive control of the responding and overrode the usual “temporal discrimination” of the response-shock interval.  相似文献   

Sex differences in play behavior across the early elementary school years as well as the relation between sex-typed play and peer acceptance were examined. It was hypothesized that children who were more sex-typed in their play behaviors would be more accepted by their peers. The participants included 86 grade two children and 81 grade four children. Popularity was assessed using a rating scale sociometric measure. Sex-typed behaviors were measured by observing the children at free play. Results indicated significant age and gender differences in children's play behavior. Specifically, boys engaged in more aggressive and rough and tumble play as well as more functional, solitary-dramatic and exploratory play and tended to be involved more in group play, whereas girls produced more parallel and constructive play as well as more peer conversations. In grade 4, these differences were maximized such that boys produced more games-with-rules and girls exhibited more parallel-constructive activity. Second, results indicated that sociometric ratings and observed degree of sex-typing were not significantly related except in the case of fourth grade males. At the fourth grade level, a positive relation was observed between boys' acceptance by male peers and “masculine” or male-preferred play behavior as well as between boys' acceptance by female peers and “feminine” or female-preferred play.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 examined the performance of 10 pigeons, 5 with bilateral medial archistriatal lesions and 5 sham-operated controls, in the acquisition and maintnenance of a discrete-press avoidance response. The archistriatal subjects had longer response latencies and never attained the level of performance achieved by the controls. In Experiment 2 eight pigeons learned a treadle-press response to avoid or escape shock on a signaled free-operant schedule. After 17 daily sessions four subjects received bilateral lesions in the medial archistriatum, and four received control lesions in the neostriatum. After recovery from surgery, all subjects were returned to the experimental procedure. Avoidance of those subjects with archistriatal lesions was impaired relative to the postoperative level while that of the control group was unchanged. These results are interpreted in the light of earlier experiments showing reduced escape and avoidance behavior both in order avian species and in mammals with lesions in the amygdala, to which the archistriatum is considered homologous.  相似文献   

Methylphenidate and stimulus control of avoidance behavior   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The introduction of a warning signal that preceded a scheduled shock modified the temporal distribution of free-operant avoidance responses. With response-shock and shock-shock intervals held constant, response rates increased only slightly when the response-signal interval was reduced. The result is consistent with Sidman's (1955) findings under different conditions, but at variance with Ulrich, Holz, and Azrin's (1964) findings under similar conditions. Methylphenidate in graded doses increased response rates, modifying frequency distributions of interresponse times. Drug treatment may have disrupted a "temporal discrimination" formed within the signal-shock interval. More simply, methylphenidate influenced response rates by increasing short response latencies after signal onset; this effect was more prominent than the drug's tendency to increase the frequency of pre-signal responses. When signal-onset preceded shock by 2 sec, individual differences in performance were marked; methylphenidate suppressed responding in one rat as a function of increasing dose levels to a greater degree than in a second animal, but both subjects received more shocks than under control conditions.  相似文献   

Bilateral electrolytic lesions in the periamygdaloid piriform cortex of female albino rats produced marked disruptive effects on the acquisition of active avoidance responses in a 1-way as well as a 2-way test situation, significantly impaired passive avoidance behavior, and inhibited feeding in a novel environment. Lesions in each of the 6 major subdivisions of the amygdala (cortical, medial, central, intercalated, lateral, and basolateral nuclei) consistently produced facilitatory effects on active avoidance behavior in 1-way as 2-way situations. Passive avoidance behavior was impaired in animals with lesions in the central, intercalated, and basolateral nuclei. Damage to the anterior amygdaloid area or the the nuclei of the lateral olfactory tract did not reliably affect active or passive avoidance behavior.  相似文献   

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