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The medical humanities are often implemented in the undergraduate medicine curriculum through injection of discrete option courses as compensation for an overdose of science. The medical humanities may be reformulated as process and perspective, rather than content, where the curriculum is viewed as an aesthetic text and learning as aesthetic and ethical identity formation. This article suggests that a "humanities" perspective may be inherent to the life sciences required for study of medicine. The medical humanities emerge as a revelation of value inherent to an aesthetic medicine taught and learned imaginatively.  相似文献   

This report describes a study of the interests of students who graduated from different engineering specialties at the University of Maine. 90 graduates in each of 5 specialties were selected for study. The Strong Vocational Interest Blank was the measure of interests. Analysis of variance and Duncan's Multiple Range Test were the statistical procedures employed. The study shows that the interests of students in engineering differ statistically among the curriculum specialties. The study also reveals the nature of these differences. Some practical applications of the data are suggested.  相似文献   

医学人文运动与知识考古--中国人文医学的战略与策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
后现代理论影响和刺激了医学人文学,医学人文学学科意义与价值更加显明,医学需要人文学,人文学需要医学,医务人员迫切需要人文医学教育。经济发展、高新生命科学技术入驻世俗生活、医学模式转变、医疗改革与价值论哲学影响,这五大因素构成中国医学人文运动的背景;中国医学人文运动正在兴起。研究医学人文学的知识背景对制订人文医学战略与策略有重要意义。  相似文献   

The call for a narrative medicine has been touted as the cure-all for an increasingly mechanical medicine. It has been claimed that the humanities might create more empathic, reflective, professional and trustworthy doctors. In other words, we can once again humanise medicine through the addition of humanities. In this essay, I explore how the humanities, particularly narrative medicine, appeals to the metaphysical commitments of the medical institution in order to find its justification, and in so doing, perpetuates a dualism of humanity that would have humanism as the counterpoint to the biopsychosociologisms of our day.  相似文献   

当下,医学人文正滑向空壳化,如果它无法融入临床路径和制度,就难以根植于临床大夫的观念与行为,推动临床医学人文从自发走向自觉,对医学人文关怀的临床价值,推动医学人文关怀进入临床的观念和路径等方面存在认知误区.剖析了造成医学人文悬空的诸多职业惯性与制度设计缺陷,极力推介丽塔·卡蓉的"叙事医学"范式,重点介绍了"平行病历",希望以此为契机推动医学人文关怀真正贴近临床,融入现代诊疗制度.  相似文献   

论中医的科学精神和人文方法   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
近十几年来中医现代化研究成效不显,以及发生许许多多的争论和困惑的重要原因在于我们对中医的基本性质缺乏一种共识。说中医就是一门科学或者不是科学,是一门经验医学或者是哲学医都会使我们陷于一个难堪的困境。中医具有科学精神,但不具有西方意义上的科学方法,而是用具有中国特色的人文方法实现科学精神的经验知识体系。具有科学精神是一回事,怎样实现这种精神却是另一回事,前者是无国界的,后者却是可以文化多元的。  相似文献   

The authors agree that the multicultural counseling movement represents a powerful force with the potential of radically modifying the perspective of the entire counseling profession. To realize its full potential, however, much more research needs to be done within professional training programs to determine the types of instructional strategies that are most effective in terms of developing counselors who are sensitive and effective in working with persons from diverse cultural, racial, and ethnic backgrounds. This article reports on the results of a series of investigations designed to assess the impact of a comprehensive multicultural training model among different groups of graduate students. Implications for future research and training are also discussed. Los autores están de acuerdeo en que el Movimiento de Consejería Multicultural representa una fuerza con la potencia de modificar radicalmente la perspectiva de la profesión entera de consejería. Sin embargo, para cristalizar esta potencia, hay que hacer más investigaciones dentro de programas profesionales de entrenamiento para determinar los tipos de estrategiás instruccionales más eficaces con respecto a consejeros que trabajan sensiblemente y eficazmente con personas culturalmente, raciálmente, y étnicamente diversas. Este artículo presenta los resultados de una serie de investigaciones hechas para estimar el impacto de un modelo comprensivo de entrenamiento de consejería multicultural entre grupos diferentes de estudiantes graduados. También se discuten las implicaciones en las investigaciones y entrenamientos en el futuro.  相似文献   

微创体系中人文思想的探索   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
医学人文学是发展现代医学的一项重要内容.从微创医学体系中的人文思想、探索微创人文思想的意义、实现微创医学过程中的微创人文思想三个方面对建立在现代医学模式基础上的微创医学体系发展中的有关人文思想进行了系统的探索,以揭示微创医学体系中人文思想的意义和价值,同时强调其在医疗实践中的实际应用.  相似文献   

石小梅  何小荣 《法音》2020,(3):48-51
一、佛教七宝的译名佛教经典中常常提到七宝,而佛教七宝实际分为两大类:一类是七种王宝,一类是七种珍宝。七种王宝指转轮圣王拥有的七宝,通常是指轮宝、象宝、马宝、珠宝、玉女宝、主藏宝、典兵宝。七种珍宝指供养用的七宝,通常是指金、银、琥珀、珊瑚、砗磲、琉璃、玛瑙。佛家弟子常说的七宝是指供养用的七宝。七宝象征高尚、纯洁、坚毅、安详、富足、康健和圆满,又代表觉悟和智慧。用七宝供佛可获无量功德,但是不同经书里讲的七宝却略有不同。  相似文献   


叙事医学可以作为大学教学医院进行医学人文教育的重要手段。医学院可以进行细读训练,进入临床后,通过阅读和书写平行病历培养医学生的叙事能力。临床带教教师在医学人文教育中具有关键的示范作用,通过叙事性问诊、用叙事的方法与患者和家属建立关联,用叙事方法协助患者和家属做出临床决策,以及提供案例、点评升华其中的价值元素等叙事性带教方法,实现医学人文教育的言传身教, 这也是医学人文教育的重要组成部分。


医学的本质属性是社会性和人文性.医学的终极价值是医学人文价值,医学教育的本质要求必须做好医学生人文精神的培养.医学教育改革的重点是如何加强和改进医学人文教育.医学人才培养的重点是增强医学人文精神的培育与养成.从新的视角加强医学人文教育是当代医学教育工作者的历史使命和重要责任.  相似文献   

近年来,伴随着医学人文学科的发展,学界对医学人文和人文医学的研究也不断深入。医学人文和人文医学的内涵与定义也为学界广为关注和研究。将这两个关注度较高、且存在争议的词进行概念比较、分析差别,以明辨研究内容,建立医学和人文学科交叉研究的研究基础。在争辩医学人文与人文医学概念的过程中,更应当注意的是医学和人文的关系,并以之建立关于医学的人文价值评判,以医学人文为基础,探析医学和人文学科的交互融合,通过价值评判推进人文对医学的影响,实现人文真正的走进医学,走进临床。  相似文献   

This paper first distinguishes governance (collective, autonomous self-regulatory processes) from government (externally-imposed mandatory regulation); it proposes that the second of these is essentially incompatible with a conception of the medical humanities that involves imagination and vision on the part of medical practitioners. It next develops that conception of the medical humanities, as having three distinguishable aspects (all of them distinct from the separate phenomena popularly known as "arts-in-health"): first, an intellectual enquiry into the nature of clinical medicine; second, an important dimension of medical education; third, a resource for moral and aesthetic influences upon clinical practice, supporting "humane health care" as the moral inspirations behind organised medicine. Medical humanities sustains these three aspects through paying proper attention to the existential and subjective aspects of medicine. By encouraging authentic imagination among health care practitioners, medical humanities aligns well with both humane health care and governance in the sense of self-regulation. However, it can neither be achieved mechanistically nor well-measured through proxies such as patient satisfaction. Above all, it should not be allowed to supply, through inappropriate qualitative "targets," new forms of management tyranny.  相似文献   

杨丽霞  傅小兰 《心理科学》2001,24(4):465-467
现实世界中,信息是以各种各样的模态存在的。随着科学技术的发展,结合视、听、图不同形式而呈现的多模态(Multimode)信息逐渐成为信息加工的一种重要形式。多模态信息的认知加工也已成为认知心理学与工程心理学研究中的一个热点问题。本文概述了有关多模态信息加工过程中的促进效应、干扰效应及抑制机制的主要研究,并加以评论。  相似文献   

《医学与语言》是邱鸿钟教授集20余年心血完成的一部对“医学的历史、主体文本和临床的语言观”进行系统研究的学术专著,是一部具有一定理论深度和强烈实践精神的原创性论著.《医学与语言》开辟了医学人文研究的新领域;拓展了医学人文研究的新视野;提升了理论服务社会的新境界.  相似文献   

人文社会医学教学,应从各校的具体实际情况出发,注重"内涵"深化以及针对性和实效性.以"全景式"的"医学人文概论"为导论,辐射众多人文社会学科的领域;以专题讲座为载体,凸现医学教育"前后期"特征的连贯性和延续性;加强课堂教学与"服务社会、关爱他人"的实践相统一,努力培养素质全面、人格高尚的复合型医学人才.  相似文献   

One measure of the impact of genetic counseling and testing (GCT) is the extent to which it fosters behavioral change that is consistent with mutation status. We describe and illustrate how two different signal detection methods, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis and recursive partitioning, can be used in this context to evaluate the impact of GCT. We analyzed real screening behavior data obtained in the 12 months following GCT for Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colon Cancer (HNPCC) using these two different signal detection approaches. Each approach demonstrated that GCT had an impact on behavioral outcomes, and was effective in fostering behavioral outcomes appropriate to mutation status. The ROC approach demonstrated that GCT was effective because mutation positive and mutation negative individuals could be distinguished on the basis of the number of recommended screening behaviors. The recursive partitioning approach demonstrated that GCT was effective because there were generally high rates of adherence to screening guidelines among subjects. The recursive partitioning technique also identified four subgroups of subjects, each with distinct characteristics, for which tailored interventions could be developed to increase rates of adherence to screening guidelines. Signal detection methods are easily implemented and are useful techniques for evaluating the impact of GCT.  相似文献   

Family members who wish to have their older relatives live with them often encounter obstacles that make such an arrangement unworkable. Proponents of the Elder Cottage, and its variant, the Homecare Suite, suggest that many of these obstacles can be avoided with Elder Cottage use. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of Elder Cottages on a variety of resident and host outcomes. A nonequivalent comparison group design was used. Thirty-one treatment group residents and their hosts received Elder Cottages whereas 24 comparison group residents and their hosts remained on a waiting list. Results showed that residents using Elder Cottages reported significantly greater satisfaction with their housing, increased independence, more telephone contacts with friends and family, improved relationships with hosts, more accessible housing, and less formal service use than those in the comparison group. Similarly, hosts in the treatment group reported significantly greater satisfaction with the residents' housing and less stress in their caregiving roles than those in the comparison group. In addition, fewer Elder Cottage hosts than comparison group hosts engaged in caregiver-related driving. Answers to short-answer questions mirrored the quantitative findings. These results provide substantial optimism with respect to the Elder Cottage as a housing option for older adults, although interviews with housing specialists suggested that families will need financial and caregiving assistance for this option to be viable.  相似文献   

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